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Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm
Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm
Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm
Ebook51 pages44 minutes

Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm

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Everything looked safe, felt safe to Albie Merani.

The planet Zaron is an unstable world, where continents continuously drift along to, forever rove nomadically move across land and sea in search of new places in which to reside. Zaron is a united planet people there are encouraged to live their dreams.

In early summer young scientist Albie Merani and his friends struggling to manage his Mag-Ve team Zaron’s leading handball game on steroids, Finds things have gone astray, assaulted by two eerie and mysterious men when he returns from an unexpected trip. Albie must locate his missing girlfriend but was she kidnapped or has something happened to her? All before a malevolent storm jeopardizes the safety and security of those, he loves..

PublisherG.R Townsley
Release dateMar 24, 2017
Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm

G.R Townsley

Geri R. Townsley is a Palmerston North based artistic writer. Who writes under the pen name of G.R Townsley and Rw Rivers. What I'm trying to do is bring my characters to life through my book ‘Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm’ a science fiction thriller.Being a permanent resident of Australia and a British citizen gives me access to Australia and all of Europe. At one time one, I worked in the movie industry, primarily based in Sydney Australia. This has meant my skills are still great even after being out of the industry for a while. Offered a three movie deal which lead to six movies, including:Giving Brian Brown a hand (please excuse the pun) with his movie 'Two Hands'. When Heath Ledger & myself had arrived a bit late at Avalon Beach in Sydney, Australia I rushed to the sea and scooped up a handful of salt water after drinking it. Heath said. "For the life of me, I've never seen anyone doing that before."If you want to know who came up with the idea of breaking open the safe in the movie "The Score," well it was me. We sealed the door with a product called Knead It (made by Selleys), Bob used a thermic lance to cut a hole in the middle of the safe, he filled it with water, and soon afterwards he inserted a detonator. Backing off with a remote his right hand, he then flicked a switch, whoosh the door blew off, and everyone on set was amazed!My attention has turned towards my new story: The Amulet of Terror. A thriller set in London United Kingdom:Young nineteen year old woman purchases an old encrusted object from a local trinket store. Unbeknown to her, Gorman the Magnificent a man of mystery created a talisman type of amulet, and not many people knew of him. After cleaning the object, it activates and rapidly attaches itself to her right wrist, unable to remove it.Gorman's talisman begins to sadistically enter anyone that's staying at her apartment complex. This soon causes them all to suffer from a connected sadistic nightmare. Is it a dream? She must learn to control talisman, before it manages to slaughter anyone in the vicinity.Well be dumping smashwords and have already closed all my Twitter account and will be dumping Facebook too soon.

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    Book preview

    Albie Merani and The Deadly Storm - G.R Townsley




    A New Sci-Fi Crime Thriller Story by G.R Townsley

    PUBLISHED by G.R Townsley

    Copyright © G.R Townsley 2017

    Book Edition License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


    The Planet Zaron

    Zaron is an unstable world, where continents continuously drift along to, forever rove nomadically move across land and sea in search of new places in which to reside.

    Zaron is a united planet, where people are all encouraged to live their dreams. Over three hundred years ago, people arrived mysteriously near Parvis Beach. Since then, English has spread wild around the continents to become Zaron’s dominant language, spoken by every man, woman, and child.

    If we are to accept the expansive legends of the region as truth, we must realize most have existed for centuries. A mystery has risen over the past few hundred years in regards to where the people who spoke English came from. Their arrival pinpointed a mysterious region located between Pikes Head, due south of Parvis Beach, Garion Point, the southernmost point of the Isle of Berge, and the continent of Marrion, a region resembling Antarctica on Earth.

    Zaron is almost a same as Earth, nearly in fact, its twin, you could say. It could be a parallel of Earth, located around two-hundred light-years away. Their technology had a slight advancement Earths – they are ahead in four key areas: bridge construction, magna-wave technology, electricity generation, and quantum physics. Zaron has developed sophisticated telescope technology, which uses a quantum-state an enhanced version of CCD (charged-couple-device) camera technology.

    Zaron’s education system is also similar to Earth, although there schools are located on one single campus sectionalized into three separate zones (such as Low– Middle – High). All people on Zaron are taught standard and quantum physics at the tender age of eight all the way up to adulthood. The normal leaving age is twenty, but children can leave school at seventeen with their parent’s permission.

    The main game played throughout Zaron is Mag-Ve, played in the air above a magnetic/ion wave field. There are six players per side and each player wears a special uniform with the ball attracted to each player’s gloves. There are two referees one on the playing field with another referee up in a booth acting as the video referee. The player must throw the ball through any of three-hoop goal posts. A goalie had to project each goal mouth from an attacking player.

    The three-hoop goal post scoring is ten points for the top hoop and three points for either of the side hoops. The team that wins the completion also wins a fifty thousand cash prize. The player with the most points wins a five thousand dollar cash prize.

    Albie Merani is the captain of his team -the Hamarchi Phoenix and their main competition are the Garni Dragons, a team based in Ganarchi, Zaron’s capital.

    The Zaron transport network utilized a high-speed Magnetic ionic-wave technology, where trains are propelled up to twelve-hundred kilometers per hour- the entire train network is covered by bridges and tunnels designed to link the central, eastern, northern,

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