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The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: From invites to thank you notes  - All you need to handle even the stickiest  situations with ease
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: From invites to thank you notes  - All you need to handle even the stickiest  situations with ease
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: From invites to thank you notes  - All you need to handle even the stickiest  situations with ease
Ebook263 pages2 hours

The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: From invites to thank you notes - All you need to handle even the stickiest situations with ease

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Stepfamilies. Children. Remarriages. They can create tricky wedding situations, affecting a bride’s decision-making and etiquette do’s and don’ts. This guide helps modern brides navigate every dilemma. This practical book offers the answers to brides most commonly asked etiquette questions, including:
  • “Can I ask my future in-laws to help pay for the reception?”
  • “How can I include stepparents in the wedding?”
  • “Do I have to invite dates for single guests?”
  • “How do I get my mother off my back when planning?”

In addition to these questions, you will find answers to more unique situations such as: “Can I have a child-free wedding?”, “How can I limit alcohol consumption?”, and “What am I supposed to do with my father’s third wife?” Leading you through dilemmas as you will encounter them in your planning, this book is easy to use and understand. From the simplest sticky situation to an all-out family fiasco, this is the go-to resource for everything etiquette.
Release dateNov 18, 2009
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: From invites to thank you notes  - All you need to handle even the stickiest  situations with ease

Holly Lefevre

An Adams Media author.

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    Book preview

    The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book - Holly Lefevre




    3rd Edition

    Dear Reader,

    Congratulations on your engagement! Now get ready to enter the wonderful whirlwind of wedding planning! Just wait—you’ll have visions of cakes and gowns and diamonds dancing in your head (no matter how much you try to stop them!).

           It really doesn’t matter how many weddings you have attended or how many times you have been a bridesmaid; it’s a very different story when you are the bride. The glory and the drama are all yours. Trivial details are not so trivial, a flower is not just a flower, and you now realize, yes, there are 100 shades of white— and you can tell the difference between them.

           As a wedding planner, I have seen too many brides dwell on the what-ifs and doubt their choices amidst the din of others’ opinions. For these brides, planning a wedding became a growing source of anxiety, and all the time and money spent planning a beautiful day didn’t buy them the experience of really enjoying it.

           The key is to keep it in perspective and remember that at the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to be married to the one you love.

    Happy planning!


    The EVERYTHING® Series

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    When you’re done reading, you can finally

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    PUBLISHER Karen Cooper



    COPY CHIEF Casey Ebert

    ACQUISITIONS EDITOR Katrina Schroeder

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    EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Hillary Thompson


    LAYOUT DESIGNERS Colleen Cunningham, Elisabeth Lariviere,

    Ashley Vierra, Denise Wallace

    Visit the entire Everything® series at






    3rd Edition

    From invites to thank-you notes—all you need

    to handle even the stickiest situations with ease

    Holly Lefevre


    Copyright © 2010, 2001, 1995 Simon and Schuster

    All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any

    form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are

    made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

    Published by

    Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

    ISBN 10: 1-60550-094-1

    ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-094-2

    eISBN: 978-1-60550-687-6

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

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    For Joe and Jules—

    I can’t wait to help plan your weddings!



    I would like to thank the following people whose encouragement, insight, and guidance made this book possible: Amberly Finarelli at Andrea Hurst Literary Management for bringing this project to me; Katrina Schroeder at Adams Media for her guidance and for answering all of my questions; Melissa Allen, director of catering and special events at the Ebell of Los Angeles, for her creativity and advice; Cynthia Adkins of A Legendary Affair; Patty Anderson; Christine Cudanes; Mary Sushinski of Occasions Bridal Consulting and Event Design; April Whitney of April Whitney Events; and, of course, my husband, Brett.


    1. Others may not know proper etiquette, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it.

    2. Be humble. You may be a bride now, but soon you will re-enter life as a mere mortal.

    3. Respect tradition, but give it your own personal spin.

    4. Mind your manners. Please and thank you will take you a long way.

    5. Your friends and family do not work for you but are happy to help you because they love you.

    6. Don’t assume anything. Ask questions and get the details in writing.

    7. Don’t keep guests waiting and don’t ask them to pay for anything.

    8. Treat your vendors kindly and they will do the same for you.

    9. Thank-you notes are a must. It is never wrong to express your thanks to your parents, your guests, and your vendors.

    10. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. When in doubt, trust yourself.



    1. THE Question

    The Proposal

    A Piece of the Rock

    Family Matters

    Announcing the Good News

    Let the Parties Begin!

    2. The Business of Being a Bride

    Finding the Right Info

    The Planning Path

    Working with the Pros

    Wedding Planners

    A Little Help, Please

    3. Foundations of Planning

    The Big Day

    The Guest List

    Guest Limitations

    The Perfect Place

    Destination Weddings

    Who Needs Guests?

    4. Money Matters

    Crunching the Numbers

    Who Pays for What

    Creative Financing

    Quick Cash Savers


    Hey, Big Tipper

    5. The Supporting Cast

    Selecting the Wedding Party

    Attendants’ Duties

    The Little Ones

    Attendant Dilemmas

    6. Playing Dress Up

    The When, What, and Why of Dress

    The Bride

    The Bridesmaids

    The Groom and His Men

    The Parents

    7. Spectacular Soirées

    Who Are All These People?

    The Bridal Shower

    Bridesmaids’ Teas

    The Bridal Registry

    Beyond China and Towels

    8. The Paper Trail

    Mark Your Calendars

    Invitations 101

    What (and What Not) to Say

    You Are Cordially Invited

    Please, Mr. Postman

    9. Getting to I Do

    Types of Ceremonies

    Rules and Rituals of Marriage

    The Officiant

    Licenses and Legalities

    Global Customs

    10. I Now Pronounce You

    Planning the Ceremony

    Get Me to the Church on Time

    Ceremony Seating

    The Processional

    The Recessional

    11. Greeting the Guests

    The Rehearsal

    The Rehearsal Dinner

    Transportation Conundrums

    A Warm Welcome

    The Party Begins . . .The Party Continues

    Thank You for Coming

    12. The Celebration

    Planning the Reception

    The Reception Venue

    Grilling the Caterer

    The Menu


    13. Places, Please

    The Seating Plan

    Places of Honor

    Modern Seating

    Not-So-Musical Chairs

    Seating the Kids

    Seating the Vendors

    14. Traditions

    Hello, Goodbye


    May I Have This Dance?

    Let Them Eat Cake

    Toss It!

    New Ways to Wed

    15. The Wedding Puzzle

    The Wedding-Day Itinerary

    Vendor Confirmation

    Picture Perfect

    Preparing for the Wedding Day

    16. The Best Laid Plans

    All Dressed Up and . . . Whoops!

    It’s a Bridal Emergency!

    Weather Watch

    Last-Minute Whoopsies

    Headaches and Heartbreaks

    Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off

    17. When the Party’s Over

    Countdown to Paradise

    Tipping While Traveling

    Gifts: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Thank You! Thank You!

    To Change or Not to Change

    Get It in Print

    18. Double Take

    Announcing the Engagement

    Planning the Event

    Tackling the Issues

    Reaffirmation and Renewals

    The Guest List


    Trying on gowns, tasting cakes, breaking open the bubbly—talk about the time of your life! Go ahead and enjoy. Dive into that stack of bridal magazines and hop on the web to surf every fantastic wedding website—but remember you will eventually have to come to terms with the realities of wedding planning.

    Planning a wedding can be a little overwhelming and slightly perplexing. Not only do you have a hundred different things to worry about, but your mother, future mother-in-law, and just about everyone you know is probably trying to tell you the right and wrong way to do things. Everyone, it seems, is an expert on weddings. So what’s a well-meaning bride to do? If you’ve never planned a wedding, how can you be expected to know what is and isn’t proper? Even if you have planned a wedding before, the definition of proper may be quite different than it was the first time.

    Armed with the right information, you have the opportunity to take control of your wedding and the challenges that come with it. You can steer clear of the faux pas that have plagued so many brides. You can avoid the trap of doing things just because you think it is expected or because you think it must be okay if someone else did it. There’s no need to rely on maybes and what-ifs when the dos and don’ts of proper wedding etiquette are at your fingertips.

    How do you determine what is proper? The basic principle of etiquette can be summed up simply as the idea of not offending, embarrassing, or upsetting others. While many questions of etiquette are simply a matter of common sense, other situations can be dealt with through consideration, communication, and a little kindness.

    Marrying the complexities of wedding planning with the graciousness of etiquette is where The Everything Il_9781605500942_0013_001 Wedding Etiquette Book comes in. This book will tell you how to solve contemporary etiquette dilemmas through practical advice while answering some of the most commonly asked wedding etiquette questions. Most importantly, this book recognizes that the world is an ever-changing place and that there are no hard and fast rules of etiquette anymore—what’s right for one bride may not be right for another. Many questions, especially those dealing with today’s complicated family dynamics, have no single correct answer; solutions to these types of dilemmas depend upon the particulars of each situation.

    Throughout The Everything Il_9781605500942_0013_001 Wedding Etiquette Book, the different aspects of planning and etiquette will be addressed with modern advice and answers that make sense in today’s world. This guide also pays attention to traditional etiquette so that even your grandmother will be happy. While it is designed to relieve some of the stress associated with wedding planning, it will also give you advice and insights on how to plan a fabulous wedding. Within these pages you will find the answers to any type of etiquette dilemma you and your fiancé may face. Keep this book handy and you’ll have the proper tools for dealing with any challenges that may come your way.

    Congratulations, good luck, and enjoy!


    THE Question

    Will you marry me? Did you have any idea how quickly your life would be transformed when you were asked THE question? Visions of cakes, dresses, and champagne flutes are dancing in your head—a true sign that you are now a bride-to-be! Soon after announcing your wonderful news, you are setting a date, registering for gifts, and attending your engagement party. It is a whirlwind of activity, and quite possibly one of the most fun and fabulous times of your life.

    The Proposal

    An inspired proposal makes a great lifelong memory and begins your amazing wedding adventure. When it comes to asking for a hand in marriage, getting down on bended knee is so yesterday. Popping the question is a creative endeavor; airplane banners, billboards, radio dedications, webcasts, television commercials, and even scavenger hunts are the new norm. However, traditionalists need not be intimidated. Heartfelt words, poems, and love letters never go out of style.

    Who Should Ask?

    My boyfriend has hinted that he wants to get married, and he’s even been ring shopping, but he still has not proposed. Can I propose to him? You can certainly propose to him. Just be prepared; if he is a traditionalist, it may take him some time to adjust to the role reversal. Ultimately you know your fiancé well enough to anticipate his reaction, and if you are comfortable and confident with popping the question yourself, go for it! However, if you think he has been ring shopping, he may already have some plans in the works, so your patience may pay off.

    Permission, Please

    My fiancé and I agreed to get married before talking it over with my parents. Will they be upset that he didn’t consult them before proposing? In this day and age it is highly unusual for parents to frown on a man’s failure to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage. However, you know your parents better than anyone else, and if they are the traditional type, you may have some explaining to do. Generally if your parents are informed of the engagement promptly after the proposal, there should be no hard feelings.

    A Piece of the Rock

    Oh, the ring! You have dreamed about it, looked for it, and waited for it. It is amazing how such a little thing can have such a huge impact on your life. Just like all the other facets of a wedding, with the ring come myriad questions, ideas, and expectations. You must research the options to make an informed decision about this important purchase.

    The Engagement Ring

    How do I go about making sure that I get the ring I want without appearing as if the ring is the most important part of the engagement? Many men put a great deal of effort into the quest for an engagement ring, so your best bet is to discuss the matter openly with your fiancé, making him aware of your concerns. Explain how important it is that you find a good ring, since it will be your most treasured possession. No doubt, he’ll quickly realize that your emphasis on this major purchase is well warranted.

    9781605500942_0003_001 Alert

    An engagement ring is a major investment and a valuable piece of jewelry. In order to protect this investment from any sort of loss, be sure to contact your homeowners or renters insurance company and have the ring added to your policy right away.

    How much should an engagement ring cost? There is the modern myth that the cost of a ring should equal two months’ salary. The truth is some couples have an open-ended budget for the ring and others are just happy to have any ring. What is important is what the ring means to you and to your fiancé, not its price tag. An engagement ring

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