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Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America's Haunted Hot Spots
Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America's Haunted Hot Spots
Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America's Haunted Hot Spots
Ebook242 pages4 hours

Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America's Haunted Hot Spots

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

There are certain towns that we all associate with ghost stories and sightings. But creepy encounters happen everyday all throughout this country-in towns that you may never have heard of, to normal people, just like you!

With Ghostly Adventures, you can travel to these terrifying towns and share in the scare. Let ghost guru, Christopher Balzano, be your guide through the jaw-dropping true tales that happen all around the U.S., in places like:
  • the Boston hotel where old Mr. Parker returns to check on his guests
  • the lost village of Dudleytown, Connecticut, where all residents vanished without a trace
  • the Summerwind Mansion in northeast Wisconsin, whose secret compartment housed a man's corpse for years

Terrifying true tales and frightening facts come together to create hours of eerie entertainment that you can read on your own or out loud with friends. With Ghostly Adventures, you can stop just wondering about ghosts and get to know them yourself!

Christopher Balzano: is a teacher and folklorist. He has been investigating the unknown for twelve years and is currently running the Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads website. His writing has appeared in The Haunted Times, Mystery Magazine, as well as Unexplained Paranormal Magazine. His investigations have been covered by The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, The Standard Times, and Worchester Magazine. Balzano lives in Boston, MA.
Release dateJul 1, 2008
Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America's Haunted Hot Spots

Christopher Balzano

An Adams Media author.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review:I found this book to be interesting. It actually focused on some of the less known haunting out there instead of the usual high profile cases that have been written about over and over (ex: resurrection Mary and the rail road crossing that ghost children are said to push stalled cars over to safety). This book also goes into to some of the technical details of ghost hunting such as the various apparitions that can manifest and some of the tools of the trade. If you interested in the paranormal or want a better understanding of what all those people on TV are running around doing, this is a good place to start.My only real problem with this book is that the editing could have been a bit better as some of the sections just seemed out of context or left me scratching my head trying to figure out what they were talking about. Other than that there is a ton of web links to look up, a glossary of terms and a glossary of ghost hunting organizations across the country and a fold out map of places ghost hunters can visit. I would recommend this to any one who is looking for a good ghost story book and those who want to learn a little bit more about how the ghost hunters do their hunting. M.a.c

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Ghostly Adventures - Christopher Balzano






Christopher Balzano


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57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

Contains material adopted and abridged from The Everything® Ghost

Book by Jason Rich, Copyright © 2001 Simon and Schuster.

ISBN-10: 1-59869-679-3

ISBN-13: 978-1-59869-679-0

eISBN: 978-1-44051-558-3

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Part 1: Getting to Know Ghosts


Defining Life after Death

Communicating with Ghosts

Not Quite Ghosts—Poltergeists and Other Hauntings

They’re All Around You—Even in Your Dreams

What Does a Near-Death Experience Teach You?

Channelers and Psychics Help You Communicate

Do You Believe in Reincarnation?

The Dark Side


Finding the Ghosts Yourself

The Ghost Hunting Toolbox

Talking to the Dead

The Ouija Board Speaks

Pendulums and Automatic Writing

Electronic Voice Phenomena

New Technology, New Opportunities

Enlisting the Help of a Ghost Hunter


The Reconsideration of an Afterlife

The More Research the Better

The Internet: A Database of Fact and Misinformation

Ghost Hunting Groups Online

The Paranormal Media

Radio Buzzes with Ghost Talk

Ghosts in Print

Part 2: Chilling True Stories Come to Life


Talking to the Cheerleader (Flint, Michigan)

Guarding the House (Dallas, Texas)

The Obsession (Danville, Virginia)

The Unusual Tale of Federal Government (Boston, Massachusetts)


The Lady in White (Goffstown, New Hampshire)

The Night I Met Mary Gately (Dedham, Massachusetts)

The Red-Headed Hitchhiker of Route 44 (Rehoboth, Massachusetts)

Just Passing Through (Highland, New York)

Linda (Union City, New Jersey)

The Message (Middleton, New Jersey)

Whispers (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)


Faye (Salisbury, Maryland)

The Unwanted Playmate (Shreveport, Louisiana)

Sneaking in the Back Door (East Texas)

Dark Things in the Apartment (Dallas, Texas)

The Phantom Horse (Pharr, Texas)

The Ghost of the Traveling Pants (Holiday, Florida)

Florida’s Haunted Hotel (St. Petersburg, Florida)


Tag, You’re It (Salem, Oregon)

Uncle Webb’s Tools (Lakewood, Washington)

The Battle (Sacramento, California)

Great-Grandpa (Anaheim, California)

I’m Still with You (Los Angeles and San Diego, California)


Just Another Haunting (Cherry Valley, Illinois)

The Prank (Vandalia, Illinois)

The Passenger on the Bus (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Blue Men and Women in White (Battle Creek, Michigan)

The Scream on Tape (Denver, Colorado)

Jeff’s Song (Longmont, Colorado)







What makes someone an expert on the paranormal? It’s really the same thing that makes anyone an authority on anything; the only trouble is that paranormal experts specialize in something that hasn’t been proven. A doctor knows, with some certainty, how a treatment will help someone, and an architect knows a foundation built the right way will support the weight of a certain number of floors. A paranormal investigator, an authority on things that go bump in the night, can’t offer those kinds of guarantees. So an expert, the man to talk to about ghosts, is someone versed in the theories.

And the theories are out there. Although I have investigated the paranormal for more than fourteen years, I have maintained my Web site for only seven. When I first published it, I always referred to myself in the plural, although it was only me, in front of my computer, putting the pieces together. When I investigated a haunting, I looked to different people I trusted or who had certain skills. This has allowed me to work with many of the groups in New England and drift from one approach to another. The only thing I can say about this is that it has shown me there are no authorities. There are many groups out there doing good work, and no one comes from the same place on what a ghost is or how to make contact. But that is liberating.

A paranormal investigator, at his best, is open-minded. Show me what you do. Explain to me why you think it works. Does it make sense? Get enough ideas, and find the reasons behind them, and you too can become an expert. When I get a call about a haunting, and I get calls or e-mails every day, my mind runs through what I have experienced. But more importantly, I think of who might be the best person I know to tap for more information. Knowledge makes the expert, and knowing where to turn is the best way to gain that knowledge.

Think of reading this book as having a conversation with me about ghosts. I hope there is enough information here to give you some idea of what is out there. There is a bit of everything, but this book is far from all-inclusive. A sixth grader from Indiana recently emailed me and asked me how to get started in ghost hunting. He wanted to know how to do what I do. I told him not to buy one piece of equipment. Instead I suggested he hit the library and read all the information out there.

Read this book with an inquisitive mind. Question what I say, and challenge me on the point of view I offer you. This book is a resource, but hopefully it provides you with the tools to find the answers yourself. The only real way to know about the paranormal is to experience it enough, to read up on it enough, and to start piecing things together. My real wish is that this book gets you to start asking your own questions. There is something out there we don’t understand, and haven’t since the beginning of time, so maybe the traditional can’t answer it. Only fresh eyes can push this forward.

Just please remember to save a little awe in your heart and still get chills when the floors creak in the middle of the night.




The word ghost conjures up different images for different people. For every person who sees little Casper when he hears about ghosts, there is someone else who has touched the unknown side of the world—and been perplexed by it. Until recently, this confusion was matched only by the lack of information out there. They knew they had experienced something, and they knew there were places in their town everyone said were haunted, but what was it they had seen?

With so much unknown and so much undefined, trying to discover what might be haunting a house is like trying to weigh the human soul or find the color of love. This is made harder when there is so much misinformation out there for people to lean on. Contacting a ghost or talking to the dead is not easy. Although there are people whose job it is to help you do these things, you must start with the basics. Consider the who, what, where, and how of your situation and you’ll be off to a good start! If you’re lucky, you may get a clue from the other side, but don’t forget, ghosts are notoriously mysterious—the why might always remain unanswered.



Unless you have already had a firsthand paranormal experience or you believe you have seen or interacted with a ghost, spirit, apparition, or poltergeist, chances are what you are about to read in this book will seem rather bizarre and perhaps a bit scary. The information may also contradict your personal or religious beliefs.

In this chapter, you will receive a general introduction to paranormal activity relating to ghosts and hauntings. Later in the book you will read about professional ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, and people who have experienced paranormal activity. You will learn what to do if you believe you’ve seen a ghost or experienced paranormal activity yourself, and you will discover places throughout America and around the world where you can visit if you are interested in going on your own real-life paranormal investigation or ghost hunt.

While Hollywood specializes in films like Poltergeist, The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense, and Ghostbusters that typically portray ghosts as evil entities that go around scaring and killing people, the real-life paranormal experiences most people report are absolutely nothing like what you see in movies.

As your quest to further understand the paranormal begins, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the terms used by the experts to define and describe ghosts, haunts, and other paranormal activity.

Defining Life after Death

According to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition, a ghost is defined as:

1. the seat of life or intelligence

2. a disembodied soul; the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness

3. spirit, demon

4. a faint, shadowy trace

5. a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused by reflection

The definition is a bit limiting, and today so much of the paranormal world lies outside of these lines.

Depending on whom you ask, a ghost is defined in many different ways. To keep things simple, in this book the term ghost or entity is used to define a wide range of paranormal activity, whether it’s an apparition, poltergeist, floating orb of light, or a strange noise emanating from what’s believed to be a haunted house or location.

A ghost may in fact be proof of life after death. As you will read in this book, a ghost also can be the result of a strange electrical anomaly that causes what we believe to be paranormal activity but that is not necessarily associated with an entity returning to earth or one that’s unable to leave the living realm, for whatever reason, after its death.

The fact is, in today’s modern world where science attempts to answer all questions, even without absolute scientific proof, over half of the American and European populations believe in some form of life after death, which includes a belief in ghosts.

The Difference Between Ghosts and Apparitions

What is a ghost? The question seems easy to answer until you begin to look at the evidence people have gathered and the stories witnesses tell. Many people use the word ghost to explain the visual appearance of a human being or creature that has died and passed on to the other side. Paranormal experts generally explain this as a visual manifestation of a soul, spirit, life force, or life energy. An apparition, on the other hand, typically refers to the visual appearance of any spirit or unusual visual phenomenon that does not necessarily take on the shape of a human form or that does not show signs of intelligence or personality.

All too often, these terms are used interchangeably by nonexperts. In specific terms, however, all ghosts can be considered apparitions, but not all apparitions can be considered ghosts. To keep things interesting, people also use phantom, spook, phantasm, poltergeist, or vision to describe the visual appearance of a ghost or apparition. The term collective apparition is often used to describe an apparition that is seen simultaneously by multiple witnesses.

What Do the Experts Think?

According to one of the world’s leading paranormal investigators, Loyd Auerbach, and his Web site (www, apparitions, which are better known as ghosts, could be some form of the human mind (consciousness, personality, soul, spirit) that functions apart from the physical body. What is believed to be a ghost may be what survives the death of the body. Many reports indicate that apparitions act just like living humans. Some are even believed to have personality and emotions. Many eyewitnesses report that the ghosts they see also act and dress like the people they were when alive. If a woman who lived in eighteenth-century England chooses to return to our realm and be seen as a ghost, she is likely to appear dressed in clothing from eighteenth-century England, not in a modern outfit.

Classifications by Auerbach

Auerbach believes there are five categories of apparitions:

1. Apparitions of the dead are people who have been dead for more than twelve to forty-eight hours and who return to visit someone they knew when alive or return to a specific location that’s currently inhabited by someone they knew when alive.

2. Crisis apparitions are people who have recently died, usually less than twelve hours ago, and often appear with an important message to convey to someone they were close to.

3. Apparitions of the living, also referred to as bilocation, involve living people having out-of-body experiences.

4. Apparitions from another dimension or time are apparitions that visit us from somewhere else or from another time and appear to be as confused and frightened of their visit to our world of the living as the people who witness them.

5. Pseudo-apparitions refer to apparitions that actually haunt a location and may create poltergeist phenomena, which involve interactions with the physical environment. These apparitions, according to Auerbach’s Web site, do not typically show signs of personality or intelligence. Their actions or the sounds they create are replays of something that has already occurred, and those actions are repeated over and over.

What People See

Some ghosts are visible to the human eye and can take on a variety of different appearances, ranging from a floating cloud of smoke to the three-dimensional image of a human. In many cases, when someone sees a ghost, the ghost displays no intelligence and makes no attempt to interact with the witness(es). It just appears and then disappears, often at the same location over and over again. Some people believe these images have somehow imprinted or attached themselves to a specific location, sort of like a DVR or VCR makes a recording. The image somehow has the ability to keep replaying itself over and over again. This phenomenon is typically classified as an apparition and referred to as a residual haunting. These types of ghosts are the most common form of spirit, but also one of the most frustrating to deal with. They can only be removed from a house or haunted site by disturbing the energy of the location, because they have no living personality you can talk to and help to move on.

Communicating with Ghosts

Many people who report seeing ghosts swear that the entity they encountered communicated with them. Sometimes this communication occurs in a purely visual manner. However, there are also plenty of reports from people who have actually heard a ghost speak to them or who claim to have communicated with a ghost telepathically by exchanging thoughts, not audible words. Any ghost that communicates clearly shows signs of intelligence and often has a specific purpose for making itself known.

Some witnesses of paranormal activity don’t see or hear a ghost’s presence; instead, they feel it. In some occurrences, the temperature around the witness changes, often dropping dramatically, or an invisible presence is felt physically touching the witness. Some people hear strange noises or simply sense something around them that is not normal.

While some people claim to see or hear ghosts, others have experienced ghosts actually interacting with them or the environment. We will discuss

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