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A Love Letter To Shabbat
A Love Letter To Shabbat
A Love Letter To Shabbat
Ebook23 pages7 minutes

A Love Letter To Shabbat

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About this ebook

A poetry collection, A Love Letter To Shabbat is not well-suited for conventional use as a birkon ("song book"). A standard birkon structure presents poetic interpretations of blessing candles, blessing time and place, blessing children, blessing wine or bread, and blessing a bountiful meal. Unconventional? Yes. Traditional? Yes! The zemirot (songs) are each original pi'yutim (poems). The pi'yutim are intended to be sung. This birkon, however, does not provide chords. I think some of you may be able to suss out my melodic inspirations, for each zemir is based on an established folkish tune, but I also think you can sing my lyrics to your folkish (or even punkish) tunes. I'd love to hear what you come up with. Please respect my copyright, though – I obligate you to attribute the lyrics to Reb Arie or ha'qatan Reb Arie. The tune is yours, of course, assuming you didn't steal it from someone else, even if subconsciously.

PublisherArie Chark
Release dateJan 13, 2017
A Love Letter To Shabbat

Arie Chark

Regarded as a rabbi by some and a rascal by others, Reb Arie has come to understand that personal narratives are messy -- and nothing is messier than one's own honest autobiography, from which only valid spiritual experience can form.

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    Book preview

    A Love Letter To Shabbat - Arie Chark


    1. Shabbat

    2. Festivals

    3. First Songs

    4. The 54 Keys

    5. Food

    6. Reasons For Joy

    A Love Letter To Shabbat

    Original liturgical poetry by ha'qatan Reb Arie

    Based on Birkat Ha'Mazon and other traditional texts as interpreted by Siddur Qol Ha'Maqom

    Ebook Distribution via Smashwords

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