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Laura's Double Trouble
Laura's Double Trouble
Laura's Double Trouble
Ebook37 pages36 minutes

Laura's Double Trouble

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Laura and Joan have meticulously planned their friend, Debbie's, bachelorette party and start the night off with a bang at a strip club full of big black men. They watch as Debbie is toyed with by a massive black man but before things get hot and heavy, they're asked to leave the private room. Laura can't help but feel the heat between her legs spread rapidly through her as she's led out by one of the muscular strippers named Hammer.

Before Hammer leaves Laura and her friends at a table, she grabs his attention and asks if she can get a private show. Hammer nods and takes her off to a darkened section of the strip club where Laura can hear moans beneath the heavy music filling the club. He takes her into a small little alcove covered by a curtain and starts the private showing.

As Laura excitedly interacts with Hammer and his big black member, Joan and another stripper stumble into the alcove. The two are stunned at first, but they're faced with double trouble as the two big black strippers give them an amazing show!

PublisherJenna Powers
Release dateDec 17, 2016
Laura's Double Trouble

Jenna Powers

Jenna Powers is a sultry executive assistant by day who lets her fantasies come true through erotica writing by night.

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    Book preview

    Laura's Double Trouble - Jenna Powers

    Laura’s Double Trouble

    The Bachelorette Party Part 2

    By Jenna Powers

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright Jenna Powers

    Discover other titles by Jenna Powers at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Laura grinned as she looked over at Shelly. It was their friend, Debbie's, bachelorette plan, and she, along with Shelly, Jen and Joan had quite the night planned for her. They were now standing in front of the run down male strip club, Johnson and Johnson's. Laura had actually been the one to find it and show it to Joan, who then convinced the others that this was the place to bring Debbie.

    Joan and Jen were carrying the various surprise gifts we had gotten for Debbie as we walked towards the run down building. Debbie also had no idea that this was a strip club; the girls had told her that it was a club. It was supposed to be Debbie's final crazy night out. The details were kept secret.

    The loud bass from the music inside resonated against the door and Shelly pulled the door open. Debbie peered in nervously and paused before looking at the others in astonishment.

    What is this place? Debbie asked.

    Laura gave Shelly another mischievous grin before looking at Debbie. Go on, the lucky bachelorette first, Laura said with a giggle. Shelly couldn't help but giggle herself as she kept the door open. Debbie walked into the club, just a few small steps before she paused and looked at the girls.

    Wait, did you all bring me to a strip club? She questioned, her hands on her hips.

    Not just any strip club! It's great! Come on! Laura replied as she grabbed Debbie's wrist and pulled her deeper into the confines of the dark, loud strip club.

    Debbie looked around cautiously, her eyes darting from one area to another. There were well built, male strippers inside cages with tribal gear on. Feathers, tassels, loincloths, and not much else was adorned on their chiseled frames.

    Good evening ladies! A large, well dressed black man in a deep blue suit greeted.

    We called a while back, a bachelorette party, not sure if you remember, Laura greeted back, trying to shout over the music.

    Ah yes! The lucky lady was... Debbie, wasn't it? The black man responded.

    He had an accent that

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