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A Cowboy's Passion
A Cowboy's Passion
A Cowboy's Passion
Ebook131 pages1 hour

A Cowboy's Passion

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About this ebook

Tess Van Pelt doesn’t have time to grieve the loss of her husband, not when the wolves are already at the door. Still, she has a lover that is willing to help save her. He introduces her to his cousin, Reece Bristol Smith.
As a lawyer, Reece can keep the debtors at bay. The problem or solution is he can’t keep his hands off Tess. With her deceased husband accused of murder and the major creditor making unreasonable demands, Reece has to secure Tess’s future in the best way he knows how.
Now, will Tess trust him and his cousin to keep her safe or will he need to teach her a few lessons in handing over control to him?

A Cowboy’s Passion is an erotic mystery that explores the passion of having multiple partners. MFM
Warning: Set up for future stories but has a conclusion.

This story is part of the Naked Bluff, Texas series -
In Too Deep
In Deep Water
More Than Ready
Deputy's Bride
A Cowboy’s Pleasure – John Bristol 1st appearance
The Country Doctor's Bride
A Cowboy's Passion (Tess and John's story)

PublisherAnita Philmar
Release dateJan 31, 2017
A Cowboy's Passion

Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.Influenced by sci-fi programs, she enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genres, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.Naughty or Nice?Read her book and decide.

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    Book preview

    A Cowboy's Passion - Anita Philmar

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Naked Bluff, Texas series

    Book 7

    Tess Van Pelt doesn’t have time to grieve the loss of her husband, not when the wolves are already at the door. Still, she has a lover that is willing to help save her. He introduces her to his cousin, Reece Bristol Smith.

    As a lawyer, Reece can keep the debtors at bay. The problem or solution is he can’t keep his hands off Tess. With her deceased husband accused of murder and the major creditor making unreasonable demands, Reece has to secure Tess’s future in the best way he knows how.

    Now, will Tess trust him and his cousin to keep her safe or will he need to teach her a few lessons in handing over control to him?

    A Cowboy’s Passion is a hot adult erotic mystery that explores the passion of having multiple partners. MFM

    Anita Philmar Other Books

    Naked Bluff, Texas series

    In Deep Water – Skinny-dipping to cool off in the Trinity River couldn’t cause any problems...could it?

    In Too Deep – The peace of the day is shattered when her best friend steps too far into the Trinity River.

    Duty’s Bride - Can Sadie have a new life or will her old one rear its ugly head?

    More Than Ready – Can a determined woman win her heart’s desire?

    A Cowboy’s Pleasure – does this cowboy want the job he’s being offered?

    The Country Doctor’s Bride – Run from a murder or marry a doctor, which one will she choose?

    Texas Passion – historical western before the series started.

    New Series with The Wild Rose Press

    The Warrior in Me

    Want to read another Anita Philmar book?

    Visit my website

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Naked Bluff, Texas series

    By Anita Philmar


    To Cowboys

    how we love you.

    For the Cover

    Special thanks to

    Fantasia Frog Design

    Published by:

    Text copyright © 2017 Anita Philmar

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright Jan. 2017

    by Anita Philmar

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Chapter One

    The jarring squeak of the door’s hinges shoved Tess Van Pelt from her titillating dreams. She shifted on the bed and figured her husband had returned from his morning trip downstairs. Normally, he woke early and went downstairs to work for a while, and then returned to bed around eight. The two of them enjoyed starting their days with some arousing fun.

    Excited by the thought, she listened for the musical chimes from the clock in the hall.

    Not hearing the soothing tones, her mind jumped to how Gab would never come back again. Instead, memories of his casket sitting at the front of the church sped through her thoughts. Whispered comments of his crime and the way he’d been shot by their resident Texas Deputy mingled with the faces attending his funeral.

    Tess, how are you feeling today? John Bristol Smith’s voice had her lifting her head.

    John. She searched through the shadows and found his solid form beside the bed. After what Gab did to you, there’s no reason for you to worry about me. He, uh, wanted you dead.

    A small smile touched John’s lips. He sat next to her. True, but that’s no reflection on you. Whether he was jealous of the relationship, which we’ve established, or he just needed someone to pin Tobias’ murder on, I’m not letting it come between us.

    She stared at his handsome face, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He’d been her rock, the only person to stand beside her after Gab’s death. She had initially hired John because she wanted to spice up hers and Gab’s sex life. Now, she saw him as so much more. I don’t know. You might need to bail while the gettin’s good. I have a lot of things to straighten out.

    Rolling away from him, she brushed the flannel sheet and thick, cotton quilts aside. The cold air greeting her naked body cleared her head and sharpened her thoughts. I have to contact all of Gab’s business associates and find a lawyer to handle the legal matters. That’s not counting how I need to talk to his employees. After everything is done, I’m not even sure if they’ll still have their jobs.

    The enormity of the tasks ahead caused her to pause. How would she ever get through this?

    John’s hand circled her bicep, and she turned.

    That’s why I came up here. I wanted to let you know my cousin is waiting for you downstairs. John slipped his fingers enticingly down her arm and captured her palm. Remember, I told you he is a lawyer. He can help you navigate the legalities regarding Gab’s estate.

    An earlier conversation with him fluttered through her memory. The light brush of fresh air coming in through the window caressed her exposed body and drew her attention to the warmth of his touch. Wanting to crawl back under the covers, she squeezed his hand and dropped her feet to the floor. A chill washed over her. I, uh, guess I don’t remember.

    She walked over to the chair in the corner by the bed’s metal headboard and scooped up a satin robe. Forcing her arms into the sleeves, she turned and finished tying the belt into a soft knot. What was his name again?

    Reece Bristol Smith. His mother and mine are sisters. He studied at the Cumberland Law School in Tennessee. He worked for a while for a business in Nashville, but is now offering his services to whoever wants to hire him. John rose and walked around the bed to stand in front of her. His hard whipcord body held an appealing strength. Her mouth watered and her nipples tightened with need. She fought the lure of melting into his embrace and escaping into the bliss of a mindless release.

    Only by tightening her grip on the ends of the belt did she manage to keep from reaching for him. Silently, she reminded herself he shouldn’t have to deal with her problems. Nor could she use him to feed her desire for sex.

    And how did you get him to agree to help me? She refused to fool herself into believing the man didn’t expect payment. Hell, with his credentials she’d be lucky if she had any money left after he sifted through the mounds of paperwork to find out what belonged to who. Gab had a number of silent partners. She figured they wouldn’t stay quiet for long. They’d want their cut and demand a portion of Gab’s estate to compensate for their investment dollars.

    John dropped his hand over her shoulders and drew her against his chest. He likes a challenge and has agreed to help you because I asked him too.

    He brushed a kiss onto her forehead. He also can’t resist a beautiful woman. I told him you are absolutely ravishing.

    Tess couldn’t hold back a small chuckle. I don’t know how you can say such a thing. I have bags under my eyes from crying. My clothes hang on me because I have no appetite. And worse of all, I’m the wife of a murderer. The last part had her vision blurring. How could I’ve—

    Stop, you had no way of knowing. John wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest. Now, why don’t you come downstairs with me? I’ll get you settled in the parlor with Reece and then head into the kitchen to get you some coffee.

    She leaned into him for a moment longer, wanting him to take her back to bed and make love to her. Forcing the seductive idea out of her head, she lifted her gaze to his.

    His lips twitched in amusement, and he cupped his hands around her face. You’re regretting your decision to have me sleep in the guest bedroom last night, aren’t you?

    She stiffened, surprised by how easily he’d read her thoughts. Their bond had grown stronger over the last few days, but she didn’t want to admit the truth to him. "I was thinking

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