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Got Milk?: Tales of Horny Pregnant Babes, and Lovely Lactating Ladies
Got Milk?: Tales of Horny Pregnant Babes, and Lovely Lactating Ladies
Got Milk?: Tales of Horny Pregnant Babes, and Lovely Lactating Ladies
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Got Milk?: Tales of Horny Pregnant Babes, and Lovely Lactating Ladies

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About this ebook

Seven tales of pregnancy and lactation... from the trials and tribulations of submissive Hucow Amanda and slutty pregnant Pam with her craving for illicit sex, to kinky Joanna who likes to show strangers her lactating nipples and pregnant Amy with her secret admirer...... Milking Amanda, Milking Hucow Mandy, Cream, Grease, Insatiable, Pounding Pregnant Pam and Maternity Leave all in one edition!

Release dateJan 20, 2017
Got Milk?: Tales of Horny Pregnant Babes, and Lovely Lactating Ladies

Kelly Addams

*** SPECIAL OFFER ***For a limited time we are offering custom stories, written just for you. Live out your fantasies, no matter how kinky or taboo they may be. Get a 5000+ word story for only $200... delivered to you in just one week.For more info contact us on pmopublishing@gmail.comOr email me direct************************************************************************************************************************************* Are You Looking For A Special Story ***Did you ever want to see your kinky ideas turned into an erotic or taboo short story. Well if that's the case look no further. Just send me an outline of what you want to read and I will quote a reasonable price to create a naughty piece just for you... and remember, if I'm writing a private piece it can be as extreme, kinky and taboo as you want.So don't be shy, send me an email ( and lets chat about your fantasy.30 something married nymph with a very dirty mind!WARNING: You will find nothing vanilla in any of the taboo books that I write, I don't even like vanilla ice-cream!Taboo, taboo and more taboo, so be warned before sampling the products of my filthy mind.

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    Book preview

    Got Milk? - Kelly Addams

    Chapter 1

    Amanda stared through the window, verdant countryside rushed past as metal wheels hissed and bumped on metal tracks. The train cut through the very heart of England, and she had to agree with the words so skilfully written by William Blake, England's green and pleasant land, it hadn't changed much since he wrote the enduring words so long ago, and in her opinion it was still very green. In the rectangular fields edged by thorny hedges grazed the livestock, cattle mostly, dairy cattle. And Amanda gave her reflection in the glass a small smile, she still couldn't believe her good fortune... she had been selected, over all of the other hopeful applicants, he had viewed the photographs that she had sent, read her application... and chosen her.

    Now she sat on a train heading to a place that she had believed was just fantasy. She hadn't even dared to believe that there were others in the world like her, and for years she had tried to close her mind to the craving that had lived within her for so long.

    But then she had discovered the truth.

    Of course it had been the internet that had opened her eyes. And an accident. Amanda had been killing time, surfing the web. She hadn't been looking for anything specific, but on this fated occasion she had turned away from the more usual celebrity gossip and followed a link that took her to a forum that was discussing breeding. But not breeding puppies, or rabbits or livestock... it was a forum devoted to the organised breeding of women. Women as farmed animals, women without any say over their lives, women to be impregnated and then milked like cattle.

    I don't believe it! Stunned, Amanda delved deeper into the forum, she read the member discussions, she read the guest posts, she looked at the photographs. Some were ridiculous, busty girls dressed in skin tight latex suits, black and white dappled suits, their heavy breasts hanging through cut outs, and covering their faces, masks in the shape of horned cattle. But other photographs interested her more, she could see that the situations and scenarios were real. The women were naked, some on all fours, tits hanging, waiting to be milked, others in stalls of wood and steel tubes, hooked up to milking machines, their nipples elongated and dragged deep into transparent cups. Hurriedly Amanda clicked on a video link, she watched the farmer affixing the cups to a willing girls nipples, she watched the strong sucking action draw hard, she heard the girls gasp and groan... and then she gasped and groaned herself as the milk began to squirt. Amanda squeezed her own boobs, so full, so big... so ready for the same treatment.

    Of course she became a member of the site and dived into the discussions, within just days she was posting photographs of her massive boobs in the members section. She was admired by many and never tired of answering questions, she also asked many. Her curiosity was boundless and as each week passed she felt herself drawn deeper and deeper into the fantasy.

    But it's not a fantasy for some she reminded herself, for some girls it's a reality, a lifestyle. Some of these girls really are livestock, they are on farms, they are being bred, they are being milked! And as the images drifted into her mind, two fingers drifted into her wet pussy.

    Amanda took advice, and the medication suggested kick started her lactation, so it was with tears of pride in her eyes that she squeezed out the first watery drops of milk from her aching nipples.


    Amanda never pushed anyone in the forums, she was polite and respectful, she didn't like confrontation, and so it hurt her deep inside when a fellow member began to insult her in open chat, he began by accusing her of being a man masquerading as a woman. She flicked on her webcam quickly to dispel the fallacy, that was easy to prove... but then he questioned her commitment to the lifestyle. It wasn't something that she could prove on camera, she wanted to respond, to insist that she lived the role of Hucow, the name that she had accepted for herself, a Human Cow, she had even induced lactation, she was ready to be milked.

    But Bernie the Bumpkin cut in to the discussion, he was a site administrator and charged with ensuring that everyone in chat played nice. To say that the newcomer found himself torn to pieces would be an understatement. A few seconds later a private chat request had popped up on Amanda's screen. It was him, and she accepted his request with enthusiasm.

    I've been following you, in the forum. he began.

    Thanks for defending me. she replied.

    That guy's a jerk! a little yellow smiley face accompanied the reply, But tell me, how committed are you really?

    Total commitment! 101% Hucow here!

    Bernie the Bumpkin paused for a couple of minutes, she could see that he had begun typing, but he was clearly thinking before sending his next message.

    Have you seen my profile?

    Amanda flushed and shook her head, glad that he couldn't see her. Quickly she clicked on his link as she typed... Yes.

    His page opened and Amanda gasped, Bumpkin as in Country Bumpkin, she knew it meant slow and simple really, but it was just like someone urban choosing the name Sid the City Slicker, but none of that mattered as photograph after photograph opened on her screen. Similar images to those that had drawn her in at the beginning, women shackled, women in stalls, and women on milking machines, their breasts heavy and full, their milk flowing freely.

    I have a small dairy farm in Warwickshire, he continued, There I train Hucows, I only take two or three each year, some I keep, some I release when they are fully domesticated... I have one place remaining this year!

    Amanda swallowed hard and looked again at the girl in the stall, she was naked, on her hands and knees, she had suction cups dangling from her massive boobs, and she had a large rubber dildo connected to a mechanical arm deep in her pussy. She looked like she was in heaven... and Amanda wanted to join her more than anything else.

    Yes! she replied. Yes please, I am ready when you are.

    There is a contract, he added quickly, Legally binding, you commit to me and the farm for a whole year... during that time you have no rights, you are bovine not human, I have the right to milk you and sell the produce, I have the right to breed you with a suitable bull. You have no right to refuse. In return I will give you food and shelter, I will teach you respect and humility, I will train you to be the best Hucow that you can be. Do not doubt me Amanda, you will be treated as livestock if you decide to submit... so don't answer me yet, think on it for a few days.


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