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How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy
How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy
How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy
Ebook18 pages8 minutes

How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy

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About this ebook

No one knows the feeling of having twins unless they’ve had twins! I have two sets of twins, eleven and seven years old. I have never known the feeling of doing one thing at a time when it comes down to changing diapers, fixing bottles, and giving bubble baths! Being told that you’re expecting twins is a day that will always remain in your memory, even when they’re grown. Having twins is a blessing, certainly. However, there is no guide on how to effectively take care of two babies at one time and remain healthy while being a mommy of twins. You were probably just told that you were having twins and that was it, right? Well, here’s the deal: Being a mother of twins is not hard as long as you are able to find “your normal”. Your normal will never be someone else’s normal again because you have two kids to take care of at one time who share the same birthday, feeding time, bath time, and sleep time. Being a mother is rewarding alone, but being a twin mommy is a reward that makes you a strong woman.

PublisherCandida Akins
Release dateJan 20, 2017
How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy

Candida Akins

Candida Akins is a social services worker, freelance writer, and indie author from Madison, Florida. The "To-Do-Guide" for mothers of twins titled, "Ways To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy”, was the first novel series that was self-published by Candida. She is dedicated to making an impact worldwide through creative art and illustrations by speaking nationally, writing and blogging. She graduated from Saint Leo University with a bachelor's degree in Human Services accompanied by a minor degree in Psychology (Magna cum lade). Candida’s mission is to empower women and strengthen families through her personal experiences as a mother of two sets of twins, a heart disease survivor, and a survivor of domestic violence.

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    How To Be A Healthy Twin Mommy - Candida Akins


    No one knows the feeling of having twins unless they’ve had twins! I have two sets of twins, eleven and seven years old. I have never known the feeling of doing one thing at a time when it comes down to changing diapers, fixing bottles, and giving bubble baths! Being told that you’re expecting twins is a day that will always remain in your memory, even when they’re grown. Having twins is a blessing, certainly. However, there is no guide on how to effectively take care of two babies at one time and remain healthy while being a mommy of twins. You were probably just told

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