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Vampires, Sex And Lovers: Vampire Lust, #1
Vampires, Sex And Lovers: Vampire Lust, #1
Vampires, Sex And Lovers: Vampire Lust, #1
Ebook174 pages2 hours

Vampires, Sex And Lovers: Vampire Lust, #1

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Thomas Staedler is sitting outside the Sylvania Pleasure Complex, in Las Vegas around dusk. The temptations of this pinnacle of sexual satisfaction splashed all across its front on giant screens showing everything from escorts, live porn shows and other entertainments. He has six months back-pay in his pocket and a discount card to the place given him by his pal Lester before he left Mars base. Six months of sexual abstinence gnawing at his mind, driving through his muscular body, but he hesitates.
Approached by the amazingly beautiful Vampiress Starlight he gets talking and is soon drawn up to her room for a night of wild sexual pleasure, only to find a new temptress sharing his bed the next morning.. At a loose end he accepts a mission from the Sylvania Pleasure Corporation to escort stunning wild card Vampiress Josephine on a secret mission to the Sylvania headquarters in Savannah and it doesn't take long for things to start to go wrong. So begins a sex-filled crazy road adventure that will not only change his life forever but will also bring into his life gorgeously attractive blonde showgirl Ice as well and new feelings that he never thought to ever find for the three amazing women that continually seduce him.
This book set in the later part of the 21st century has mystery, intrigue and surprises galore and, of course, loads of hot wild sex scenes, after all Vampires don't drink blood any more they hunger for sex instead and the reason for the trip? You'll have to read the book for the huge surprise that awaits him and the rest of humanity.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateJan 21, 2017
Vampires, Sex And Lovers: Vampire Lust, #1

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Book preview

    Vampires, Sex And Lovers - Charlie B.

    This story, though set in the future (2075 AD) is not pure Sci-Fi. There are a lot of Vampire books published that are set in the past or present but in writing this ebook it was my wish to make the characters more human and this is a great way to do it.

    I have also added a romantic element to this story although like all romances it does take time to develop as the story moves on. It’s a theme I hope to continue and which I hope you find more entertaining and if I can bring the odd tear to your eye, or surge of excitement as you move through this ebook I feel that it’s a good thing. I hope you enjoy my story.

    Charlie B.


    Thomas Staedler stands before the big complex, flipping a plastic card end over end between his fingers. the twenty-seven-year-old Space Jockey regards the big opulent illuminated Pleasure Palace in front of him with interest, the gilded card promising a 10% discount. He’d got it from his co-pilot, Lester?

    Thomas my boy, this is the real deal, the hottest, horniest women you will ever stick your dick into. I mean it. These women are the wildest, most accommodating chicks in the damn galaxy; well on Earth anyhow, my lad.

    And what’s the catch? There has to be an angle for you to push this place so hard?

    No catch Thomas; well there is something, just a little thing, nothing really.

    Oh yeah, so fess up mister. I’ve heard that tone before from you?

    Well they might want a little drop of your blood, just a tiny sample.

    What for checking out STI’s and the like?

    Erm, no not quite. They, …, well, they’re Vampiren.

    Oh, just a little blood? You want me to go into one of those places? I know times have changed, like no Count Dracula or holy water and stuff. I know their accepted now, but it’s not really my style; paying for sex?

    Well, it’s up to you. It’s not like they infect people any more or drain your blood away. Believe me, those women are gorgeous; so hot and sexy, and when they see that big cock you’re so blessed with, they will really go wild for you my boy. They will make you feel like a king, I guarantee it. Anyways, what else are you going to do with all that back pay?

    So here he is, all six-foot plus of him. Hard, chiselled body, slicked back, long dark hair, slim hips, casing the place as he flips the discount card that Lester had given him, between his fingers.

    He stares up at the tall, plastiglass tower; twenty-five floors, most all of them devoted to sexual pleasure. Holding the promise of delights that will blow his mind, displayed in huge, holographic murals. It is part hotel, part casino, part sex show, and up there on the highest floor, the secret rooms where men and women go for sex romps. The promised land of avaricious debauchery.

    Fuck it, he mutters to himself. If I pass up on this I’ll never know, will I? What’s a little blood? It ain’t like I’m going to miss it. Yet, still he decides to sit awhile, to see who goes in, and who comes out.

    The moon is rising. He knows that Vampires don’t shy away from the sun any more although they aren’t entirely at ease in it; nor do they sleep in earth-filled coffins, not since they’d become accepted business people who now owned some of the biggest pleasure franchises in the world, and here in Los Vegas is their Mecca, their playground, their nerve-centre in the United States.

    His attention is drawn to an eye-catching woman who’s just left the building. She’s sensually dressed in a red and silver, full length, tight-fitting, flip-colour dress. The neckline enhances her slender figure, her breasts that bulge over the top of the garment are full and jiggly; not obscenely so, just enough cleavage to show off their mouth-watering shape. Her long legs clad in plexiglass heels, her lush, blonde hair with thick bangs falls to below her shoulders and most intriguingly; she wears a Florentine-style mask. The woman hesitates for a moment, looks his way, smiles as she runs her tongue over her perfect teeth and then bites her lower lip suggestively, as if considering him as a potential lover rather than dinner, and then she purposefully strides his way. He watches her approach, his pulse racing, his body coming out in a sweat. Surely, she isn’t going too….? She is.

    Hi, can I sit here, do you mind?

    Does he mind? This wonderful, mysterious, creature wants to share his seat? How can he mind?

    No…., yes, please help yourself. I’ll move along.

    Thanks. I’m Starlight. Were you thinking of going in?

    I’m Thomas. Why do you ask? he replies, trying to work out how she really looks behind the decorative mask.

    Well your flipping that discount card around like you can’t decide one way or the other. She pauses for a moment, a whisper of a smile crossing the lower part of her face as she stares into his eyes through the eye-holes. He feels his pulse rise, he is getting horny, his prick is stirring in his pants, rising like a cobra waiting to strike. He can’t help himself, nor does he want too. This is one fascinating woman and he knows already that he wants her.

    Oh sorry, Your feeling it. It’s the pheromones. They have that effect on guys. I’ll try to suppress them, she grins.


    Yes, we Vampies are naturally imbued with them, although I understand that ordinary men and women can be implanted with the ability to produce them at will too now. It’s an enhancement to heighten sexual attraction. There is that better?

    Starlight. I’ve just come back from six-months on Mars station. I haven’t sat this close to a woman in all that time. There are only androids for company up there and I don’t bother with those any more since I once had a bad experience with one. Honey, pheromones or not, you are doing things to me right now that are driving me crazy, but why the mask?

    Starlight runs her penetrating gaze over this tall, pale-skinned man. Takes in his clean-cut face, his well-built frame and piercing blue eyes and something inside her melts. She wants him, she is lusting for his body. She runs the tip of her tongue over her lips as she makes her decision.

    Well let’s just say that I’m interested to see if you care more about me as a woman than whether I’m attractive or not, she replies, with a hint of a smile.

    Ah, an intriguing question my lady, but does the promise equal the reality? If I’m not interested, then you will forever remain a mystery. If you’re beautiful yet scared, then that might add to the mystery, but then, you also might be the most desirable woman in the world, practised in the art of love and seduction and I might miss out on something that could be most amazing.

    Well that’s a pretty good conundrum. What do you think then Thomas? Will you take me or leave me, perhaps for me to also wonder what I might be missing?

    You won’t remove the mask?

    No, you must decide first. Do you feel lucky Thomas?

    He stares at the woman, her red-lipped mouth is certainly full and welcoming, her eyes twinkle, her nose is kinda cute. He does feel lucky and he chooses to tell her so.

    I think there’s much to discover beneath that mask and that dress. I think you are an amazingly beautiful person inside and that’s what matters most, he says, with measured words as he looks into her amber eyes.

    So, if I asked you to come up to my room, spend the night with me, you might say yes?

    Hey, hold on. I wasn’t looking for a paid lay, well not today anyhow.

    Did I say anything about a charge? If you’re not attracted to me, I can find someone else to entertain me tonight. You’re not the only …..

    Hey, I’m sorry, I thought ….

    You thought wrong then, but never mind. I do still like you. So, have you ever made .it with a Vampiress before?

    Might have, might not, he answers mysteriously.

    We make love like demon’s, you know. Once a Vamp gets started, you’ll wonder what you ever saw in a regular woman. You wanna screw? I’ll take you to heaven and hell Mister. Do you want some of this body, do you feel your cock rising? Hell, I’m fucking hot to fuck, do you want it or not?

    Thomas wants, he wants so bad that his thick, cock-length is now straining to free itself from his form-fitting trousers. It is stretching his briefs, struggling to break free. Yes, he definitely wants to get it on with this amazing woman who’s just wandered up and then offered herself to him. Now more than anything he’s ever desired, he needs to stick his cock in her, fuck her, make love to her until he is totally drained. Yes, he wants her, and she wants him.

    The pair walk into the Sylvania arm in arm; he pauses for a moment to take in the foyer, a long desk splits it in two, android receptionists smile at him, perfect replicant androids, not the third-rate ones he’s encountered on Mars-base. These are animated; they are amazingly attractive, polite and accommodating. He takes in the high walls draped in flowers and vines, the waterfalls pouring down them. This is pure unashamed luxury.

    So, what happened with your Android then, whispers the desirable woman, as they enter the lift?

    Oh, the damn thing broke down halfway through a fuck. They had to lift her off my cock; damned embarrassing, especially when the story starts circulating everywhere. No place to hide up there.

    Starlight giggles deliciously, then, as if affected herself by his aroma, she suddenly removes the mask and then turns to trap him against the side of the elevator. She hits a button to stop it at mid-floor, her head coming up, her mouth meshing with his, her hand searching for his cock, that’s still trapped in his trousers. Her fingers coax it harder still as her aura surrounds him in this enclosed space, to drive him into a frenzy of lust.

    He gasps, his body feels alive, every pore screaming for satisfaction as his hands close over the beautiful woman’s firm butt, and then he pulls her closer. He feels his imprisoned cock rub up against her stomach, her fingers scrabbling at his bulge, working intently as he groans. His mouth crushes against hers, his tongue slides into her mouth. She is truly a most attractive woman, her face strong yet full of desire. He is enchanted, bewitched and besotted all in one.

    Starlight breaks free for a moment, a little hiss of surprise as she runs her fingers over his rampant, yet still trapped prick, again.

    Baby, that is some tool your hiding in there? Damn, I haven’t had a cock this big in a while. I can hardly wait to get it out. It’s like eight, no, nine-inches long. Gods, I need it so bad, honey.

    Woman, if you keep doing that, I’m going to cream my pants. Oh fuck, kiss me again Starlight?

    No, in a minute. Come on, let’s get naked first. I want you to screw me to oblivion and in return I’ll take you for a ride you’ll never forget. Let’s go, I can’t wait for that big cock in my pussy; I feel like I’m on fire.

    She takes his hand, re-masks; steadies her breathlessness as she quickly tugs him along the red-carpeted corridor. He grabs her once again, his hands drawing her in close; she kisses him, her eyes closing as she drinks in his urgent desire for her ravishing body. How she wants this, wants to feel his torso up against her, his big cock thrusting deep, her teeth tasting him. Just a little nip, an infusion of the nectar so as to heighten her senses, and in return, …, in return, he will receive that injection of her desire, that short sharp stab of deliciously intoxicating venom that will heighten every sensation in his muscular body, to near unbearable levels.

    The exhilarated duo turn the corner and another ‘dream-doll’ stands outside a room. Her eyes alight upon the man, her

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