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Lucian's Soul
Lucian's Soul
Lucian's Soul
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Lucian's Soul

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Since the beginning of time, humanity has made one fatal mistake... Angels and demons are not who humans think they are.

For millennia it has been up to the king of the demons, Lucian, to save humans and shifters from the horrors the angels inflict upon the world and the innocents living within it.

He’s grown weary of the war and his passion for saving his charges has faded. But there is hope. It is said when the angels are close to achieving their goal, and Lucifer himself barely cares anymore, the tides will turn and love will cure all. Lucifer will find his one. His soul mate. A mate who will love him unconditionally, lending him strength and power more deadly than anyone could imagine. And now...that time has come.

PublisherHazel Gower
Release dateJan 23, 2017
Lucian's Soul

Hazel Gower

I'm a mother of four amazing children. I started writing down my story ideas in high school, and never really stopped. Writing, I have to say, is my salvation. After I've gotten all the kids in bed and have cleaned up, I sit at my computer or sometimes a notebook with a pencil and relax, write, and escape.I love to hear from any of my readers, so feel free to send me an email and like me on Facebook.

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    Book preview

    Lucian's Soul - Hazel Gower


    Lucian’s Soul

    Book One



    Copyright © 2016 Hazel Gower

    Message from the Author



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight



    Other Books by Hazel Gower

    Contact the Author

    About Hazel Gower

    Copyright © 2016 Hazel Gower

    Lucian’s Soul, by Hazel Gower

    All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author or publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, are coincidental.

    Cover by Jess Buffett Graphic Designs

    Message from the Author

    This book is set in Australia. In Australia the legal age to drink, vote, get married and so on is eighteen. The characters speak Australian English, so if you see the word ‘arse’ instead of ‘ass’ it is because that’s how we say it in Australia where the book is set. If you find a word you haven’t heard before, look it up or message me I’d be happy to talk to you.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my book.

    Hazel Gower


    This book is to my cheeky son, Hayden. You’re my perfect little devil and you make me laugh at least once a day. Mummy loves you.

    To my amazing fans, you’re support means the world to me, thank you.


    What you think is a demon is actually an angel. Humanity has mixed them up since the beginning of time.

    Angels are not what humans think they are. They are jealous and nasty creatures who care for no one but their own species.

    Demons, on the other hand, thrive on saving humans and shifters from the horrors they inflict on the world and themselves.

    The two species never get along, as demons fight to help humans and shifters while angels try to bring about their execution.

    Lucifer himself spends his time helping humans and shifters. He and his five brothers are gifted with immortality, but there is only so long one can walk the earth alone. The king of demons and his brothers’ hearts grow weary and their power and passion for saving the human and shifter races and the world they live in fades.

    They say when the angels are close to achieving their goal and Lucifer barely cares anymore, the tides will turn and love will cure all. Lucifer will find his soul mate. The mate will unconditionally love him, and not only will she give him new life, but she will make him stronger, deadlier, and more powerful than anyone could imagine.

    Chapter One

    Tessa pressed the elevator button and waited as it went to the top floor. She had twenty minutes to drop the assessment sheet at the CEO’s desk, then get her bag and run to the bus stop to get the bus, otherwise she’d have to wait another hour for a bus to her neighborhood. It was eight o’clock and she’d been at work since a quarter to nine, and had been awake since seven this morning. Right now she was tired and hungry. She thanked God it was Friday and she had two days off. She intended to spend those days relaxing and sleeping.

    On days like this, when it was so cold she was surprised it wasn’t cold enough to snow, Tessa would give anything to afford a car. She wished she could relive her teenage years. She had apologized to her parents for running off with her ex-boyfriend six years ago. They had forgiven her and even paid for her secretary courses as she couldn’t get a loan because she was in so much debt. Ben had deserted her as soon as the creditors came knocking at the door. No one knew where he was, and Tessa was now stuck paying for all the things they’d bought. Tessa sold everything and came crawling back to her parents at twenty with a massive amount of debt and shame.

    Tessa had worked two jobs for a year to pay off as much debt as she could. She cut down to one job when her parents paid for the secretary course. She worked hard and got the best grades, so her parents also paid for little side courses to better her chances at a good job. Tessa was grateful to her parents, and she promised, once she finished paying off her first lot of debts she would pay her parents back.

    Four months ago, Tessa joined Devils, Inc. as a secretary for one of the higher bosses. It was supposed to be a dream job. The pay was high and it had been advertised as a nine to five. That had been a lie. Tessa found out why the pay was so high—because her boss Greg was a grade A arsehole who fobbed his work off onto her. Tessa couldn’t afford to lose her job or quit. This job was helping her pay her debts a lot quicker.

    The company was part of the Fortune 500. The owner and CEO of Devil’s, Inc.—Lucian Samson, bad boy billionaire—was known for turning any venture he was a part of into a success. Tessa knew if she could last two years and pay off her debts, she would be able to get a job anywhere. All she would have to say was she had worked at Devil’s, Inc. and left on good terms.

    Tessa glanced at her watch and groaned. She had less than fifteen minutes to place the file on Lucian Samson’s desk, then get back to her bag and leave for the bus stop. She hurried along the corridor toward the big office doors in sight.

    Almost running to the door, she gripped the assessment tighter and barged through the big doors, thinking no one else would be here at this time. Tessa paused and gasped at the sight before her. Lucian Samson stood naked with three women fawning over him. A redhead sucked his cock and two blondes were moaning and kissing his sculptured body.

    At her gasp, Lucian’s glowing blue eyes shot from the redhead to stare at her. A wicked grin came over his face before he sniffed the air and growled. In an instant, his whole demeanor changed. His relaxed stance turned rigid and his cheeky grin vanished, replaced by a serious one.

    Oh, God, she needed to get out of here. Backing up, she muttered, I’m so sorry. I…well…um… I… didn’t see anything. Tessa was terrified as she swore Lucian grew from his already impressive six-foot something to seven or eight. His jet-black hair lengthened and seemed to grow, his skin turned a dark shade of red, and his eyes went from blue to black.

    Mate. My mate. Come to me now. Lucian’s voice was deep and it sent a shiver of pleasure straight through her. What the hell was wrong with her? The guy in front of her was scary, not something to get turned on by. Crap, Tessa needed to get out of here, like now.

    Backing out of the room, she slammed the door shut and ran for the elevator. The door opened and she pressed her work floor so she could get her bag and get the hell out of there.

    Sighing in relief when the door closed, the elevator went down and as soon as the doors opened on her work floor she ran to her desk, dropped the assessment she’d been gripping like a lifeline, then gathered her bag. She took a couple of deep, calming breaths, giggling as she remembered what she thought she saw. Tessa needed sleep. She was so tired she was seeing things. Tessa hoped she wasn’t fired for her rude behavior. Looking around her, she checked everything was turned off before she went back to the elevator

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