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Life Beyond Anxiety: How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!
Life Beyond Anxiety: How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!
Life Beyond Anxiety: How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!
Ebook82 pages53 minutes

Life Beyond Anxiety: How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!

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Life Beyond Anxiety

How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!

PublisherPaul Ryder
Release dateJan 18, 2017
Life Beyond Anxiety: How to move beyond anxiety and live the life you want!

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    Book preview

    Life Beyond Anxiety - Lifebeyondthemask

    Life Beyond Anxiety



    Hello and welcome. My name is Paul Ryder and it is my sincere aim that this book will offer you a whole range of tools and techniques that can support you on your journey to live the life you choose. Or, more importantly, to enjoy your journey without the grip of anxiety pulling you back when you least expect it or need it.


    Before we start the journey within this book, I would just like to share a bonus programme that you can access right now to further increase your learning


    Bonus Programme: - The 6 Steps of Developing Powerful Inner Strength


    C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\DPS_LBTM.png In this bonus I cover the essential foundations of confidence and resilience and how you can put them into practice today. If a house is to withstand the test of harsh weather one of the most vital areas to master is the foundation.

    In this programme you will hear time-tested techniques that have been used by generations of people who overcame their challenges by adopting a mindset of inner power.

    Download your programme HERE


    So who’s Paul Ryder?

    As a trainer in the health and well-being industry for nearly 20 years, I always like to share why I do what I do, as I believe it is extremely relevant to your progress with the training I offer.


    My path

    In 1995, I initially started my career as a personal fitness trainer running various health clubs, and for the last 10 years I have been coaching people in emotional development and trauma therapy, helping them to understand the inner workings of their mind. The purpose behind my work is to show people how they may have learned belief patterns that can stop them from living their life and, more importantly, how they can gain their power back.


    Although the above is an outline of my career, my career is not the real core of why I am so passionate about the mind!


    The real core of my passion is in the path that I walked. You can find a full description of my path in my main book Life Beyond the Mask – How to live a confident empowered life free from anxiety and conflict, but, in short, ‘understanding the mind’ is the very thing that helped me through the darkest times of my life. However, I am not sharing that to claim that life is hard or that life had it in for me. There were dark times, I fell down, I didn’t like it there, so I found a way to get back up to live the life I wanted.


    However, I wanted to share a little about my journey just in case you are facing a challenging time yourself, and I want you to know that I can relate. It can be hard when you feel it’s all too much or there is no way out, but trust me, there are always options and it is your responsibility to find them and take action on them.


    The bullying begins

    For me on my journey, the hardest times I ever experienced were through the bullying which I endured from roughly the age of 7 until about my mid-twenties. Anxiety ruled my life at that time and very often I felt terror even just leaving the house. I watched my world get smaller and smaller, but unfortunately, watched the depression and anxiety grow larger and larger. During this time there were many people I met, some of whom would enjoy joining in the bullying and some of whom would console me in the pity vote (which only made it worse). However, the real change happened when I met people who helped me figure out who I was and how to communicate with others without anxiety crushing me. The other people who helped me through those times were a gift I will always treasure and it is the core of all my work today.


    So, in a nutshell, I am sharing with you that I was at the bottom of the barrel in life and completely convinced that the world would have been better off without me, but then I turned it around and now I live a fulfilled life. So trust me when I tell you, no matter how hard life feels...there are always options to live life on your terms!


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