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The Pilot's Therapy: Prospector's Cove, #4
The Pilot's Therapy: Prospector's Cove, #4
The Pilot's Therapy: Prospector's Cove, #4
Ebook246 pages3 hours

The Pilot's Therapy: Prospector's Cove, #4

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The Pilot's Therapy

Chase Summersby is a 38 year old Pilot recently retired from the United States Air Force. On his last flight he is injured during a crash and told he would need at least four months of therapy to get his left knee back to normal. He wants to start a transport service in his cousin's home town in Texas and his mother offers to invest in his venture. However, she has one condition that he must meet. One in which he is determined to ignore.

Emma Whitman is a Physical Therapist and volunteers to go to the small town of Prospector's Cove to get away from her controlling uncle and the man she is supposed to marry. A marriage she never agreed upon and one she will run and hide from. She must marry before her 25th birthday or lose her trust fund and a valuable locket that had belonged to her mother.

When they first meet, Chase is obsessed with getting her in his bed and Emma becomes irritated at his constant flirting. When Chase finds out about the conditions of the trust he offers to marry her. Her only conditions are to make it a marriage of convenience and keep it short. Can they temper their desire and keep from falling in bed? Can Emma protect her heart? Can this be the therapy that this lonely pilot needs?

PublisherSandra Wells
Release dateFeb 27, 2017
The Pilot's Therapy: Prospector's Cove, #4

S. D. Wells

I am married with 3 grown children. I was raised in Dallas, Texas and have always loved to read and write. I have been married since April of 2001 to my best freind. I have experince loss of my own in my past. My eldest child died in 2006. I am a Christan and am strong in my faith. To me family is important as are freinds and God.

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    Book preview

    The Pilot's Therapy - S. D. Wells


    I want to first start off by thanking you as my readers and hope you enjoy the story.

    To JJ Ellis for help with the cover and her support.

    To Gina Chipman for all her help, advice and editing.

    To Dalene Dunkerley for her support and advice.

    To Jim Henderson for helping me understand the dynamics of planes and flying and to Linda Kay Sewell for introducing us.

    To my husband, Stephen Wells for his love and support through this experience. He is truly a blessing to have.

    I especially want to thank God for giving me the courage to go for this adventure and for giving the wisdom to write this book.


    November 07, 2012 10:37 am

    He sat with his siblings and aunt in the office of an attorney that, until yesterday, none of them had heard of. The man approached them after the funeral and told them it was urgent that they be in his office no later than 10:30. With his patience wearing thin Chase wondered what was taking so damn long.

    Ignoring the glares he got from his aunt and older brother he stood and began to pace. They all seemed on edge, all but his aunt. There was no doubt she knew what this was all about. The two sisters never had any secrets from one another.

    Mr. Murry will see you now, A pretty brunette mumbled. Chase smiled at her as she blushed. He’d make sure to get her number before leaving the office. As they made their way around the corner he winked at her and Ethan rewarded him with a slap upside his head.

    Cut it out. We’re here on mom’s behalf not to pick up chicks.Cole let out a snort as Anna laughed.

    As they entered a large conference room Chase kept one eye on his family and one on the secretary. She pulled some files from a nearby file cabinet and looked back at him before leaving the room. What he wanted to do was go after her and see if she would be willing to go out for drinks. Yeah he would be getting her number later.

    I do apologize for my tardiness. I had a last minute business call, the attorney said as he entered the room.

    It’s quite alright, Mr. Murry, Kat assured him. The attorney sat at the head of the table between Ethan and Kat as Chase rolled his eyes.

    Can we get this going? he barked out impatiently.

    Hush up, young man. Kat scolded Pardon my nephew’s behavior.

    It’s alright. As I told you yesterday I am Franklin Murry. Your mother and I have been friends for a good number of years. We met years ago at a bridge tournament.

    Why have we never heard of you? Ethan asked.

    I’m not sure. Your mother was very proud of you all but she had a few secrets that she took with her. And before any of you ask, no there was nothing going on between your mother and me or this procedure would be very unethical. Chase nodded but didn’t care. The man pulled out a few manila file folders. As you all know the condo is to be sold and the profit split between you four. Her furniture, clothes and other possessions are to be donated to various women’s shelters. Kat, he began as he handed her a folder, in there is a list of shelters and organizations she wants you to use. Also there are names of nieces, nephews and children that are to receive certain items, yourself included. Kat nodded as she wiped away a tear. The house is to go on the market no later than the week of Thanksgiving. It must be cleaned out completely by the time the realtor makes her run through. Anna, he said as he slid a folder across the table to her, in there is a list of cleaning services you're to use as well as the name of the realtor. Anna nodded but Chase could see the sadness in her eyes. She was the emotional one of the four of them and for that reason they were all a bit overprotective of her. Cole, as you know there are some things that are in need of repair. Here, he began as he handed over a folder to him, is a list of repairmen in the area. Interview them before making a decision. Cole just nodded.

    Oh Cole, can we just use Luke? He’s in town. I bet he can use the money, Anna insisted. Chase shot a look at Ethan who had a ‘what the hell’ look on his face. They’d have to find out about this Luke guy later.

    Oh that’s a wonderful idea. He’s very handy Kat added.

    Sure call him when we’re done here. I’m sorry for the interruption, Mr. Murry.

    Not a problem. Chase, your mother wants you to clean out the garage. Everything is to be sold. I have a list of places that will take the stuff off your hands. Chase took the folder and nodded before scanning the list. Taking out a white envelope Mr. Murry, looked at each of them before turning to face Ethan. Ethan, as the oldest she has left you with the responsibility of making sure everyone keeps the promises they made to her. She has written a letter and would like for you to read it out loud. Ethan nodded as he accepted the envelope and quickly opened it. He removed the letter and scanned it. Chase saw Ethan’s eyes turn dark in a matter of seconds and that had the hairs on the back of Chase’s neck standing up. Whatever Carol Summersby had put in the letter had his brother steaming. Ethan stood, cleared his throat and began to read aloud.


    My dearest family;

    Since you are reading this I have gone to be with God and my Joe. I won’t say not to mourn me because I know Anna is emotional and has probably cried a ton by now. But don’t mourn too long. I want to look down from heaven and see you all smiling.

    Kat, as I asked you before I need you to make sure they stick with their goals. You know what needs to be done and what I have asked of you.

    My dear children, each of you sat in my hospital room in June of 2012 and talked to me about your individual goals. You all promised that you would do them. I know Anna has begun fulfilling hers. Boys give her space and let her be a woman. She can never get married and have babies if you don’t let her live and make her own mistakes.

    Now a few years after your daddy passed away I opened a savings account for each of you and have deposited $50 every year on your birthday since. I also invested money into stocks and CD’s which I recently sold and divided the money between the four of you. Each account now holds an estimated amount of $66,753 and some change. My friend, Jackie Lawson, who works at the bank, will help with the distribution of the funds.

    The money is to be used only for the purpose of your business plans. You may invest in each other’s businesses but you may not turn it down or say no to signing what I call the commitment clause. If one of you refuses to sign, no one gets the money. For now let’s call the money an investment on my part. I would like to see each of you not only succeed but happily married with children. Ethan John and Chase Alexander get that look of your faces right this minute. You don’t have a choice. You have three years after the date you receive the money to marry and start a family. Otherwise, your investment turns into a loan and you must pay it back to the charity of my choosing. As I said if you want to give the money to one of your siblings that is fine but you will still be responsible for your own loan. And remember everyone signs the commitment clause or no one gets the money. You have two weeks to decide. Once the commitment clause is signed you will receive a check or wire transfer from Ms. Lawson 30 days after that. I love you all and I want you to be as happy as your daddy and me were

    Goodbye, my children. Love, Carol Anna Summersby

    Well that sucks! She knows damn well that Ethan and I are not marriage material. I’m not signing it!

    That’s a bit selfish isn’t, Chase. While you and Ethan have lived off the government for the last decade or so, Anna and I have struggled. Sure, we all have our inheritance from Grandma and Grandpa but Anna and I have used most of ours. We could use that money.

    Now who’s being selfish? I’m not signing....

    Shut up Chase. Cole’s right. We may not like it but for their sake we have to sign it.

    Hold on Ethan you missed something. Mr. Murry said.

    "I did not. Since it was addressed to me I don’t need to read it out loud.

    I have information...

    I don’t want it. That is a part of my life I’d soon forget. Let’s just sign the damn clause.

    Anna, Mr. Murry started as he faced her, you have not said anything. How do you feel about it?

    I’ll sign it and hope my nosy brothers will leave me alone long enough for me to find love and happiness.

    Don’t you worry about that, baby girl. Boys, you will not interfere in Anna’s life or you will lose a part of your investment. Do I make myself clear? Kat said sternly and all they could do was nod. He didn’t care what the others did, he would never touch a dime of the money. When Carla, the secretary, came in to notarize the document, Chase followed her with his eyes. One by one everyone signed the clause and when she stood next to him, he ran a finger up her leg. When she looked down at him, he winked at her. She dropped a piece of paper in his lap before turning to leave.

    Here are your bank statements, Mr. Murray said as he handed them each a black vinyl covered bank book Before you leave Chicago make an appointment with Ms. Lawson at the bank. You’ll all need to see her together so she can explain how the transfer works. Do any of you have any questions? They all shook their heads. Great, then we are done. Kat, if you can hang back I have something I need to discuss with you.

    Okay, you kids go on back to the house. I’ll catch a cab back. Lisa and Mark are ordering BBQ for lunch.

    We can wait for you if you want Aunt Kat. Cole offered.

    No, I have a feeling this will take a while. Go on. As they headed out he looked at the paper and smiled when he saw Carla’s number scribbled with a note that said she got off at five. On the way out he winked at her as he stuffed the paper in his pocket.

    They made their way to the car in silence. Once there it was Ethan who finally spoke. Cole, you had no clue about any of this?

    Not a one. Whenever I tried to discuss the Will with mom she always told me it was taken care of. I asked her once if she wanted me to talk to an attorney but she said he would contact us when the time came. And I am guessing that Aunt Kat knew about all this.

    Of course she did. She and mom had no secrets from each other. Chase sneered out. I’m just ticked off about the whole damn thing. I won’t touch the money because one, I won’t need it and two, I’m not getting married.

    As Cole started the car Ethan slapped Chase on the back of the head. What was that for?

    What the hell is wrong with you flirting with that poor girl while we were there on mom’s behalf? Do you think she would like that?

    You know Ethan, you stopped being the boss of me when I turned eighteen. Who and what I do is my business. I can’t help it if is chicks flirt with me wherever I go.

    You are an egotistical ass, Ethan bellowed.

    Why don’t we talk about the message mom left for you? The one you...

    It’s none of your business.

    My life is my own, too. Now kiss off. Chase ignored his brother the rest of the way home.


    God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His arms around you and whispered: Come to me By: Unknown Author


    May 27, 2013 ~ Travis Air Force Base ~ San Francisco, California

    At the ripe old age of thirty eight, Chase Summersby was at the crossroads of his life. After celebrating fifteen years in the Air Force he was tired. Tired of the bureaucratic crap, tried of the same old routine and ready for a change. Soon he would be leaving it all behind and heading to Texas to start a new chapter in his life. His siblings had already made the move and were doing his or her own thing. Ethan had started a horse ranch with their cousin Tyler. Cole was in Dallas and had opened his own financial firm. The man was a genius and in all honesty, Chase admired him more than he’d ever admit out loud. Then there was his baby sister. Chuckling, he recalled her yelling at him for calling her ‘baby’ more than once. Anna had been the first of them to start her business. It had been a rough start but she now had a successful bakery in the small town of Prospector’s Cove. It was said that people from other towns made their way to Carol’s Bakery to taste the goodies. It had been their mother who had helped make Anna’s dreams come true. Anna had named her store after the woman as a way to honor her. Though he had not seen it he was sure that it was spectacular.

    Turning off the water, Chase stepped out of the shower and dried off. As he wrapped the towel around his hips he sauntered toward the locker room. Today was Memorial Day and the base was putting on a grand air show for the surrounding communities. Chase had given a few tours and had his picture taken with a few kids in his plane as well as the F-22 Raptor. Though it was no longer in commission, the fighter plane was still used in air shows around the country. It was the show stopper and what most people came out to see. It was borrowed from a local museum. With it being his last show he had been selected to fly the craft and give the people what they wanted: a spectacular fly by with smoke that would come out as red, white and blue.

    He put on a pair of black boxer briefs and a clean white t-shirt before slipping on his pants. As he slid his arms in the blue uniform shirt he looked at the picture of he and his siblings with their mother. It had been the last picture she had allowed anyone to take of her. Sighing, he sat on a bench and put on a pair of black dress socks before sliding his feet into his shoes. Standing, he put on his tie just as a door opened and closed in the distance. Footsteps echoed and he knew his friend Tim Baker had come to let him know it was show time.

    I’m just about ready, Tim. Just let me comb my hair and...

    And what, Major? came a booming male voice.

    Smiling, he turned and saluted his commanding officer. Colonel, I was excepting Sergeant Baker.

    I think he will be along shortly. I wanted to have a word with you.

    Sir, yes sir. Again Chase saluted his commander.

    At ease son and take a seat. Swallowing, Chase complied as the man took the bench across from him. The Colonel looked around before looking him in the eye. I was notified of your request for retirement. Is this true or is someone playing a cruel joke on me?

    No sir, it’s true. Fifteen years is a long time. My brother just retired from the Marines himself.

    So I heard. Is this about your momma’s death?

    Partly but I want a new life, to start over and have my own business.

    What business are thinking of getting into?

    You see, sir, there is this town in Texas called Prospector’s Cove and it’s where my family lives. It’s where my parents were from. They have this airfield that needs repairs and a new owner. I have looked into some jet liners and I’m thinking of buying one.

    The older man just nodded.And do you have a girl back home that you want to be with?

    No sir! That’s something I’ll never have. Chase Summersby is not the marrying kind.

    Chuckling, the Colonel reached over and slapped him on the knee. Yep, keep telling yourself that. She is out there. A woman so beautiful that she takes your breath away. A woman who will make you look at yourself and question your whole way of thinking. It happens to the best of us, son, the Colonel stated as he pointed to the wedding ring on his left hand.

    Not me. I’ve been a bachelor too long and there is not a woman alive to make me lose my sanity. They both chuckled just as a

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