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Transcendence: First Letter to Ka-tulong
Transcendence: First Letter to Ka-tulong
Transcendence: First Letter to Ka-tulong
Ebook16 pages8 minutes

Transcendence: First Letter to Ka-tulong

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A human agent's communique to the representative of a big-brother alien species which have been assisting human technological progress in the interest of sparking our own species spiritual transcendence. Written in the form of letters, in imitation of C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters," the protagonist expresses his myriad concerns regarding his role as the agent and agency of his (human) species' transcendence...

Release dateJan 20, 2017
Transcendence: First Letter to Ka-tulong

Roger Anthony Farinha

Writer and American social visionary. One must dream big, after all, mustn't one?

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