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Reformed party-girl Camilla Lind accepts Jared Richardson’s ring, but she won’t be pressured into setting a wedding date at Fleur de Lis. When Steven Sterling, the bane of her old life, shows up to convince her of his undying love, he’s not beneath blackmail to get her back. Camilla fears Jared will believe Steven’s lies because of her shameful past. Jared has no time to return to Wyoming. Historical restoration contractors are in demand after the hurricane, and work takes him away from Camilla for longer stretches of time. He’s concerned—someone is sending her flowers. When Steven threatens Jared, he fights back. But he won’t marry Camilla if the only reason she sets a date is to avoid Steven. Together they learn their love is as steadfast as the Wyoming sky is blue, and Mardi Gras is the perfect time for a wedding.
Release dateFeb 10, 2017

Linda Joyce


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    Camilla - Linda Joyce


    "A man knocked me to the floor, kicking me.

    I was threatened—ordered to leave Camilla, Jared added, lifting up his shirt and revealing bruises forming on his side. This craziness has to stop."

    But— Camilla argued.

    No buts. Jared folded his arms on his chest.

    Steven said to me that I hadn’t set a date. I think that’s why he’s kept on pressing. He didn’t believe I was serious, truly serious about Jared. I’ve made my intentions public. I think he’ll shrink away now.

    You set a date—to marry me—to convince an idiot to leave you alone? Jared faced her. A storm roiled in his eyes. She’d never witnessed anger like this from him before. So, I’m what…your excuse?

    No. It’s not like that, Camilla wailed.

    Praise for Linda Joyce

    Linda’s third book in her Fleur de Lis series, BAYOU BECKONS, starring Camilla and Jared received Best of 2015 in Contemporary Women’s Fiction by Authors on the Air Book Crew Reviewers.


    You’ll hear wedding bells as Linda Joyce delivers Southern delight in her Fleur de Lis romance series. Hurricanes and heartache and Happily Ever Afters guaranteed in Joyce’s traditional style.

    ~Marilyn Baron, author of Landlocked



    Linda Joyce

    Fleur de Lis Brides, Book 3

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


    COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Linda Joyce Clements

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Diana Carlile

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Mainstream Women’s Fiction Edition, 2017

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1381-8

    Fleur de Lis Brides, Book 3

    Published in the United States of America


    This book is dedicated to those who strive

    to make their lives better

    and love those around them unconditionally.


    Tired, dirty, and smelling like a sweaty construction worker, Camilla Lind parked at Fleur de Lis and dragged herself from the SUV. The space next to her was open. Jared hadn’t arrived home yet. Her heart sank. Work had become his mistress. How did she compete with that? It was one of the reasons she delayed setting a wedding date. They’d been tossed into turmoil…since they first met. Was true love enough to ensure a lasting marriage when these days they scarcely had a relationship?

    Dusk was falling, and a few stars twinkled in the September evening sky. She worked most days until there wasn’t enough light to see, and one more step was impossible. But it was a good tired. Her aching muscles complained. It was as though they shouted through a megaphone in her ears, but helping others gave her a sense of worth. With a weak wave of her hand, she motioned to Greta who waited at the top of the steps of the back gallery.

    I feel guilty coming home to a completed house and a nice bed. Camilla trudged up the stairs. When she reached the top, Greta pushed a cup of hot tea into her hands.

    So many people still need so much. We’ve passed the one year mark. I never thought recovery would take this long. Camilla sipped the warm beverage, hoping it would revive her enough to climb the stairs to a shower and her bed. Otherwise, she’d be zombified in the morning. She wondered if Jared would make it home before she zonked out for the night. Once asleep, there was no waking her. Their schedules didn’t permit much time for lovemaking, let alone romance.

    Your volunteering is a full-time job, Greta said. People are grateful for your time and expertise.

    I need to do something. I’m not needed here. I can’t find a job. I don’t want to go back to school. She shrugged. And Jared is so busy—I’m really missing him. As for our business, you and I have already perfected all the recipes for the café—whenever we do finally get it opened. Nothing else for me to do, but help others until then.

    She and Greta sat side by side in rocking chairs. Camilla took in the evening quiet only broken by the occasional squeak of a chair rocking. If she stayed another ten minutes, she’d be asleep.

    It’s very different around here, Greta said wistfully.

    Yeah, with the Old Aunts gone… Sometimes I still forget.

    I had hoped Branna would move back. I could care for baby Anaëlle while she helped Biloxi keep things straight with estate business.

    Everything’s changed, Greta. Camilla shook her head. So many things she’d taken for granted when she first left home with her head hung in shame were different. After working so hard to reform herself, to grow up and be a respectable and responsible adult, she had counted on coming home to the traditions and security that family and Fleur de Lis offered. But a monstrous storm changed everything.

    On the plus side, Jared had not returned to Wyoming like she thought he might. When he arrived and rescued her during Hurricane Katrina, and even for a while after that, she expected him to leave. But the timing of the storm helped him launch his construction business in a big way. His expertise in new construction and restoration, including antique elements of historic homes and buildings, had put his services in high demand. In the last few months, she went several days without seeing him while he traveled for work.

    Weary, she wanted a break from the constant battle of trying to make things right in the world. Taking Haley up on her invitation to come for a visit, to once again see the blue skies of Wyoming, grew daily in its appeal.

    "Mr. Sterling called for you again today. I took his number again. What’s going on, Camilla?"


    That’s a lie. Why is Branna’s ex-fiancé leaving messages for you?

    Next time he calls, please ask him to stop. There’s nothing here for him. No one wants anything to do with him.

    But why? No one’s ever told me what’s lurking in the shadows. Not you. Not Branna. I’m guessing your momma knows, but even she hasn’t confided in me. Greta sounded hurt to be excluded.

    Momma doesn’t know. Believe me on that, but you know how you can’t unring a bell? Well, I did something I can’t undo. I will regret it all my life. Let’s just say that Counselor Sterling had a hand in it. Now he needs to move on with his life. With that, I’m going to haul my body upstairs for a soak in the tub.

    I’ll call up to you when dinner is ready.

    "Don’t wait on me.

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