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Dragon Legends 2: Dragon Queen
Dragon Legends 2: Dragon Queen
Dragon Legends 2: Dragon Queen
Ebook533 pages8 hours

Dragon Legends 2: Dragon Queen

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About this ebook

The journey continues as our companions embark upon an even greater adventure, and come face to face with the greatest threat of all.

Join us once again for a powerful, moving and emotional tale. You have met the Empress and the Dragon King. Now it's time to meet the Queen.

PublisherPaul Green
Release dateJan 28, 2017
Dragon Legends 2: Dragon Queen

Paul Green

Winner of the 1927 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Paul Green (1894-1981) taught philosophy and drama at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a native of Harnett County, North Carolina.

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    Book preview

    Dragon Legends 2 - Paul Green

    Dragon Legends Series • Book TWO


    paul green

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Notice

    Dragon Legends Series

    Reader Recommendation


    Cover Page

    From the Author


    ~ Reunions ~


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    ~ Memories ~


    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    ~ Dragon Queen ~

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Map Updated


    Notes to the reader ...

    Dragon Legends Series

    Helpful Contact Information

    About the Author . . .

    Copyright Notice

    ISBN-13: 978-1542737258

    ISBN-10: 1542737257

    Copyright 2017 Paul Green All Rights Reserved.

    First Printing: January 2017

    Second Printing: October 2019

    Revision A6

    Printed in the United States of America. No part of this work may be used or reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, tapping, Web distribution, information networks or information storage and retrieval systems, or in any manner whatsoever without the express written approval of the author, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review.

    For further information contact:

    United States laws and regulations are public domain and not subject to copyright. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, translation, or distribution of any part of this material without permission by the author is prohibited and against the law.

    Front Cover Artwork by Mindtuber

    Dragon Legends Series

    Part One

    Book 1: DRAGON KING

    Book 2: DRAGON QUEEN


    Book 4: DRAGON REIGN

    Reader Recommendation

    Due to the unique subject matter, this series will appeal to a very broad audience: teen to elderly, male and female alike.

    Although some parts may be considered to be too intense for pre-teen or younger readers. Ages 16 and up recommended.


    Thanks to all my reviewers. Your input has been invaluable.

    Special thanks to Nathan and Geraldine, you are the best!

    Thank you to my son Christopher for his help in designing the covers.

    And extra special thanks to the One who gave me the desire to write.

    From the author ...

    I encourage you to take the time to read this as you will learn some invaluable things about some new characters.

    First, a brief mention about the geography of our growing world as we continue our exploration of Thecia. There are four continents separated by ocean: The Eastern Continent (where Humans dwell and where Book One took place in the Imperial Valley). Then the Western Continent (the Katu home nation - I will get to the Katu in a moment). Both the Eastern and Western Continents have warmer climates, as opposed to the colder climates of the Northern and Southern Continents.

    The Southern Continent specifically is where the Barbarians dwell, and we will be getting a good introduction to them at the onset of our story. Barbarians are an actual race - a warrior race, which are Human-like in appearance but hardier, stronger, and typically a foot taller than the average Human. Even Barbarian women run a foot taller than the average Human female. Besides them being physically larger and stronger, appearance-wise they also bear a slight resemblance to Native American Indians, both in their features and their light reddish-brown skin color; only they are bigger and stronger. Of course as you might imagine, they also tend to be more aggressive and 'barbaric' in nature; though they are civilized and educated. This is pertinent because it will interest you, but be of no surprise to you, to learn that our giant seven and a half foot tall warrior friend Graz, is in fact - a Barbarian. Though even among the Barbarian clans, Graz is considered large and is highly revered; considered to be the epitome of the ultimate warrior. Even among the Barbarian nation, Graz is a legend.

    Now this of course could theoretically imply that his sister Anora and his tiny niece Keira also have Barbarian blood running through their veins; but as we will later learn in the story, Graz is Anora's step-brother, not blood brother. This little factoid should help shed some light on why he occasionally frowns on Keira's diminutive size. :) Though he loves Keira just the same.

    You have met and hopefully become attached to our four main characters from our first book Dragon King: Dimitrius, Keira, Raven and Graz. And rest assured we will continue developing their characters in this story; with Raven getting some focus on her current 'condition' and situation and backstory; and also shed more light on Graz's background as well. However in addition to our current friends whom you have already come to know and love, Book Two will bring to the table three additional new characters who are paramount to the story of the Dragon Queen. One is a Katu female (a cat person), one is a Barbarian female, and of course, Shyael; whom you have already briefly met at the end of Book One: Dragon King.

    You may recall I alluded to in my Forward from Book One, that we will be introduced to other new races as the series progresses. So far we have met Humans, Lunari and Draic'Kin (Dragons), and have only just now touched on Barbarians. Now it's time to introduce a brand new race and a very important character.

    For you cat lovers out there, among the other unique new races we will meet are the Katu'umano - the cat people. Yes, I know, it might seem a little weird, but give it a chance; you'll be surprised how much you will become attached. I will be honest, I do have an ulterior motive. One reason I am doing this is because in this story we will be dealing with the subject of racism; and this is my own unique way of addressing the subject.

    Besides their cat-like appearance, the Katu Nation is a beautiful, gracious and sophisticated feline race, whose homeland is on the dry and arid Western continent across the ocean; a land we have not yet visited. The Katu are highly developed; and are an extremely intelligent people, with strong intuitive skills and even stronger senses including a sixth sense. It is impossible to sneak up on them or take them by surprise. Katu are typically under five feet in height; they look to be mostly Human, with Human hair and a Human mouth and wear Human-like attire and clothing, and even jewelry. But also with some rather unique catlike features; such as a cat's nose, big bright eyes, pointed furry ears, and they are covered from head to foot with varying colorings of soft fur. Otherwise, even their furry faces look to be mostly Human.

    For reference, I've provided an example for you. Not an actual character, this is merely a sample of what a Katu female looks like. We will meet our actual main Katu character after we get further into the story:

    Now for two of our brand new main characters - and this is where things get really interesting.

    You have already been briefly introduced to Shyael - at the end of Book One in the Epilogue. If you recall, we left her in a brothel with a serious head injury, she has lost her memory and has no idea who she is: the Warrior Goddess. Shyael is of the beautiful angelic-like race known as the Lunari, and is the firstborn daughter of Asariel - aka. the White Dragon (whom I am still mourning as I write this). Asariel was a hundred thousand years old, and Shyael is her very first daughter. So yes, as you can imagine, she may appear to be young, but she is in fact, ancient. Though she doesn't think so, she is very attractive in her Human form; a form which she finds vulgar. But it is in her angelic Lunari form where she is indescribably beautiful. Shyael is definitely a main character in this story; though she will often be referred to as Caertayne - the name she chooses to go by while in her Human form. The picture that we have of her, is in her Human guise as Caertayne . .


    I highly recommend re-reading through Book One's end Epilogue once again to reacquaint yourself with Shyael's character and current situation, because there was a lot of crucial and important information given in there. I imagine you have already likely developed something of a guestimate regarding Shyael's character, because you got to know her mother Asariel in Dragon King. But I will tell you now, they are not all that much alike. Not the least of which is that Asariel was generally passive, whereas her daughter is ... well ... she's the Warrior Goddess. What does that mean, exactly? That is a major part of what our story is going to be about.

    Turning our attention now to our other very important new main character, we are about to be introduced to Iona. Iona is the person who penned the personal letter to Shyael, which Shyael found upon her person in her room in the brothel. I know many of you have wondered and speculated who Iona might be and who she is to Shyael. We will be meeting Iona at the very beginning of this story; and like the others, she too is another very unique and engaging character; quite possibly my favorite in this particular outing; just as Asariel had been my favorite in the last; but this time for very different reasons.

    I can't presume to know what you may have pictured in your mind (no, Iona is not a red-headed Irish Celt). But it may surprise you to learn that like Graz, Iona is also a Barbarian from the Southern Continent; albeit without Graz's heavy scarring (though she is no stranger to scars herself). She favors a large two-handed broadsword sheathed at her back; and trust me, she knows how to use it. Iona is a strong character - fearless, and hardened - she is a steely-eyed, six foot tall warrior with little compassion for others - save Shyael, of course.

    In regards to her personality, I am almost tempted to compare Iona to a female version of Clint Eastwood's infamous western characters, except that she is much less patient and far more deadly. She is quiet, but lethal; for Iona is not only dangerous but also cold-hearted. Our buddy Clint was warm compared to her; and he was patient until provoked. But Iona doesn't need to be provoked, you just need to rub her the wrong way. It's funny that I should compare her personality to Clint Eastwood, because even Iona's song on my updated Dragon Legends YouTube channel (which I listen to often while working on her character), has echoes of Clint's old spaghetti western theme music. Though if you are one who enjoys listening to the music I have provided, I would recommend waiting until after the opening Prologue in this story. Think of Iona's character introduction like a movie intro, followed by a movie's opening theme song with the opening credits. The song title is simply: Iona.

    But Iona is no cowboy, nor is she Clint Eastwood. Nor is she an amusing character, for she has no sense of humor. Rather, Iona is an extremely dangerous, hardened and seemingly heartless individual whom you don't dare cross or mess around with, else your life is forfeit; no questions asked. One might go so far as to label her a cold-blooded killer. Even just giving her the wrong look could be dangerous to your health. Iona does not bargain or negotiate, she does not give you warning; she just kills. If you say the wrong thing, beware. If she grows quiet and gives you her cold, hard, steely stare, know that you are mere seconds away from the other side of eternity. Even worse, she has no regrets or remorse; her conscious has been all but seared. Do you recall my mentioning Iona as a favorite character? Lol. Just more evidence how warped my brain is. Nevertheless, she is a very interesting character to say the least.

    Iona is in fact so strong and skilled and fearless, she wouldn't think twice about taking on even the giant legendary warrior Graz himself; and believe me, she is someone who can give Graz a run for his money. Yikes. Some interesting times ahead to be sure. And yes, we do have a picture of her. :)

    Unfortunately, Iona also happens to be very attractive; making our ruthless, emotionless, steely-eyed beauty an immutable danger to men especially, and untold countless men have already died at her hands. Now there is a reason why she is like that. And there is a reason why Shyael and Iona make excellent and compatible companions. And we will get to that in our story. I will tell you right up front, the characters of Iona and Shyael will be a central plot focus of Book Two: Dragon Queen - a powerful, moving and gripping tale that is sure to pull at your heartstrings as well as your nerves.

    As for where we are going plot-wise, these first three books are a trilogy; thus our story will be a continuation of where we left off. So fear not, we will soon meet our earlier friends again two weeks following the events of Book One: Dragon King; with Raven and Graz in the Grand Palace and Dimitrius and Keira now on their well-deserved 'honeymoon' at their favorite waterfalls area. Still no official wedding yet for the young couple, but they have at least scheduled it for when they return. Sure they might have it a little backwards, but hey - kids these days; what are ya gonna do?

    Like our first book, this will be a moving story that should affect you on many levels. Same warnings apply as last time: mild mature content ahead as we will be dealing with things I tend to shy away from in my other series. Trigger warnings: this time our story will be touching on some sensitive subjects such as suicide, euthanasia (the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease), and racism and even rape. But as I have said before in Book One, it is my full intention to deal with these subjects in a tasteful, sensitive and respectful manner.

    The subject of homosexuality will also come up; though as I have tried to make clear before, I am not trying to take any kind of a religious or political stance. From the very beginning of my books and my stories, my focus has always been about the people behind the issues, not the issues themselves. Because once again, the truth of the matter is, regardless of our beliefs, views or persuasions, there are real people behind all of these issues, with real hearts and genuine feelings, and people do matter. Like children caught between bickering parents in a divorce, it is tragic that amidst all the bickering, arguing and fighting on issues such as these, that the people themselves get tossed aside and forgotten. Even the Jesus of the Bible, aka. the Friend of Sinners, proclaimed that it is our job to love, not to judge. Hopefully you will be able to set aside any issues you may have and will come to know and love and appreciate these characters as much as I do.

    Further warning, the opening Prologue sequence is going to be a little difficult and uncomfortable; but it will explain a lot of things and help put some important things and events and characters into perspective moving forward.

    Things are also going to get emotional, as once more the feel train will have arrived at the station by the time we get halfway. If I haven't scared you off yet, then clearly you are a glutton for emotional punishment and are anxious to jump into it. You have learned about the Empress and the Dragon King. Now it's time to learn about the Queen.


    Two hundred years ago

    Southern Continent

    Spring had arrived, and the small mountainous village of Red Mountain Pass was experiencing its first and somewhat unexpected kiss of a warm sun. Home to the to the stalwart, vigorous and formidable Barbarians, the cold windy climate of the Southern Continent would be considered unwelcoming to most; but to those who inhabited the lands, they were well acclimated to their harsh environment and it suited them just fine. Even spring was normally cold in the south; but no one was complaining of an early surprise gift of warmth.

    One such man enjoying the blessed change in weather was Kell; forty years of age, a widower, and a former warrior soldier. Who, because of a serious war injury, was partially crippled in his left leg and was now living out his days as a small-time clothier and occasional armorer for the Barbarian townspeople of Red Mountain Pass. His wife had tragically died ten years earlier, leaving him alone to care for their two daughters - ages ten and twenty two. Kell happened to be the last of his family line. He had no other living family; all that remained were him and his two daughters.

    But such was the case for many of those who lived in Kell's village; most of the townspeople were older or retired, many of them injured or crippled veterans from battles of long ago past. It was almost like a retirement community. But there were some families living there also in the quiet and peaceful settlement.

    It was the middle of the day and Kell was hard at work in his shop, along with his faithful assistant, fulfilling several orders. Kell was skilled at his craft and was well regarded by the townspeople and never lacked for work. His assistant was his eldest 22-year-old unmarried daughter, who had been the one who had motivated him to start the family business years earlier following the death of his wife, and after his injury had forced him out of service with the Barbarian armed forces and into early retirement.

    Like most Barbarian men, Kell was just under seven feet tall and had a strong build. Like most Barbarian men, Kell had light reddish-brown skin and long dark hair. Neither Barbarian men nor women cut their hair; they all wore their hair long. And like most Barbarian women, his dark-haired eldest daughter stood tall and proud at six feet.

    Now the reason his eldest daughter remained unmarried at 22 years of age, was not because she wasn't attractive to men. The fact of the matter was, she was extremely attractive. She had a tall fine form; long rich black hair, and unusual but gorgeous golden-yellow eyes. Suffice it to say, her features were stunning. Most would agree that she was by far the most eligible Barbarian woman in the entire region. Rather, there were two reasons why she did not yet have a mate.

    The first reason being her loyal dedication to her father, whom she loved very much. Kell needed a skilled and faithful assistant to make a decent living as a clothier and armorer, and the two of them worked well as a team. She enjoyed working with her father, and her father enjoyed working with her. They had always been good together and she had always been the closest to her father. Her father had taught his firstborn the art of war since she was a child, and she had proven to be naturally skilled like most Barbarians. It had originally been her intention to follow in her father's footsteps and become a soldier herself; but fate had other plans for her. Due to her father's disability, she now worked at his side as a clothier and armorer.

    As for the second reason why she was still single? That was more simple - no one had ever measured up. To her, that is. For the beautiful, tall and proud Barbarian was extremely picky. No man she had ever met had measured up to her standards; though admittedly she had no idea what those standards might be. But whatever they were, no man had ever met those standards; no man had been found worthy.

    On this particular day, a short time earlier, she had left her father's workshop to return home in order to check in on her younger 10-year-old sister Aida, who was almost fully recovered from a bout with the flu. After making lunch for her little sister and ordering her to stay put at home and not be so antsy and that Aida needed to stop pouting and rest for one more day before resuming regular activity, she then left home and returned back to the workshop to rejoin her father, bringing him lunch, also.

    *** *** ***

    Sitting at his work table, Kell didn't look up as she entered, for he was busily sewing sections of brown wolf pelt onto heavier bear hide to form a heavy full-length protective fur coat - commonly called in Barbarian culture a 'war coat'. War coats were a common and frequent request for the popular Barbarian clothier/armorer.

    How is Aida? her father asked.

    Same as this morning. replied his daughter. I told her to stay as you ordered. She protested.

    Kell smiled as he worked. She wants out. Can't stand being cooped up; who can blame her?

    Aida is strong; she is recovered well enough.

    She is not recovered enough. Kell countered. One more day, as I said.

    His daughter set his lunch platter down next to him on his work table, and frowned as she crossed her arms at him. You do not give us enough credit.

    Kell stopped working and thought to himself for a moment, and then replied, I admit both you and your sister are strong. Neither of you need an old man around telling you what to do. Still ... I am not about to lose another woman in my life. I am not budging; one more day of rest cannot hurt. Better to be safe than sorry.

    His daughter smiled at him, and leaned over and kissed his cheek. More like an old woman. You act as a mother hen, Father. You are not losing either of us.

    Kell turned and looked up at her from his chair, and returned her smile with an appreciative twinkle accompanied with a slight glistening in his eyes. Iona ... my beloved daughter. No father has been more proud of you, or Aida, than I. I love you, Iona. I ... just want you to know that.

    Iona looked at him in surprise. And I love you, too. What is with all the sentimentality today? Has this warm spring sunshine baked your brain?

    Kell chuckled. Nay. It is good to say such things from time to time; to reinforce our affirmation for one another. Family should not take each other for granted, just because we are family.

    And now you begin to sound like Mother. she smirked. You have been a single parent too long; you are becoming confused and addled. I believe it is long past time for me to find you a wife to man you up and set you straight; else you may begin to wear dresses and bake pies. she teased.

    Hah! her father laughed. Says the woman who cannot find a husband. You are a beautiful girl, Iona; you capture the eye of every man you walk by. What excuse do you offer? And do not say you have not found the right man; that excuse is as old as the hills.

    I have not found the right man.

    Kell rolled his eyes. At this rate you will be an old maid before you find someone worthy of you. I grant you, you are worthy of the best; I will not argue that. But I am not getting any younger; I want grandchildren, Iona. Are you so critical, fussy and stubborn that I am going to have to wait for Aida to fulfill her responsibility to carry on the family line? Because at this rate...

    Just before Iona could retort, another voice exclaimed from the doorway behind them - the voice of a 10-year-old girl. Ewww! I do not want to make babies!

    Aida! Her father spun around in his chair and scowled at her. I specifically told you to remain home and rest! Why have you defied me? What are you doing here!?

    Iona smiled at her sister; who though she was only ten years of age, was five feet tall and already beginning to develop. Unlike Aida's dark-haired older sibling and father, her hair was light brown, the color of her mother's. Her eyes were also brown, as opposed to her elder sister's unusual but beautiful golden-yellow eyes. Even so, even at age ten, she was still pretty and would have no problem getting a man when she got older. Unless she ended up being very selective like her sister.

    I am not sick! Aida answered her father. I am bored.

    Go home. her father commanded. Now.

    But Father...

    Aida... he countered, We are not having this discussion. Do not make me say it twice.

    Then I will say it twice. I am not sick! I feel perfectly fine.

    Kell shook his head. You will not be declared healthy until I say you are healthy. Go home, Aida.

    Aida crossed her arms defiantly and retorted, Oh? How do you know if I am sick or not? Are you wearing my body? I am telling you, Father; I am not sick anymore; I am all better.

    Kell narrowed his eyes. Aida... he warned.

    To which Aida interrupted, Father, I swear; if you make me return home, I will not go home. I will stop at the mead hall and wench myself to every man there.


    Iona burst out laughing. And grinned in approval at her 10-ten-year-old sister. Good one, Aida. Works for me; your wenching income can help pay for the new shop expansion we are planning.

    Aida grinned back at her older sister.

    Kell scowled at both of his daughters. I do not find your jests humorous; neither of you two are the least bit amusing. Do as I say, Aida; you need your rest.

    Fine. said Aida. I will rest. By why does it have to be at home? she looked over at a padded bench near the door where customers sometimes sat while waiting. Can I not just rest here? What is the difference between sitting at home and sitting here; when all I am doing is sitting?

    Kell sighed and shook his head. You are as obstinate as your sister.

    Iona smiled.

    And Aida knew she had won the battle of wills.

    So be it. Kell sighed again. Sit over there, if you must. You can read something, or draw something, but do not touch anything else in my shop; I do not want you tempted to move around while you should be RESTING!

    Aida smiled. Thank you, Father. I will be as quiet as a mouse; do not mind me, I am not even here.

    Kell grunted.

    Iona leaned over and whispered, She is not here because she is at the mead hall.

    Kell's face darkened. Iona... he growled.

    What? Iona laughed. Why so grumpy? Mother would have thought it was funny.

    I know when I am outnumbered. You two need to stop ganging up on me; this is nothing short of parental abuse.

    Iona chuckled again, winked at her sister, then returned to work, helping her father make the war coat of wolf fur and bear hide for their well-paying customer.

    *** *** ***

    Two hours later...

    It was mid-afternoon now, and Aida had fallen asleep upon the padded bench, when suddenly they were startled to hear a loud commotion outside - the sounds of yelling and cursing and fighting was coming from right outside their shop.

    Then they heard the clash of swords. And someone outside yelled, HUMANS!!! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!!!

    Instantly both Iona and Kell bolted to their feet, and looked at each other nervously as they realized their quiet peaceful Barbarian village was being invaded by Humans. But being young and agile, and her father being slower due to his disability, Iona was the quickest to rush to the wall and grab her one-handed sword. Her father was right behind her and grabbed his large two-handed broadsword, and the two prepared to rush outside to join in the battle to defend their village from the invaders.

    But Aida was closest to the door, and before the others could react, she jumped up and fearlessly ran to open the door to look outside.

    AIDA STAY BACK!!! shouted her father.

    But it was too little, too late. Suddenly to their horror, as soon as Aida opened the door and looked out, the end of a large sword protruded from her middle back, having just pierced the chest of the ten-year-old girl from the front, instantly killing her.

    AIDA!!! both Kell and Iona screamed.

    As they rushed towards her and her assailant, their enemy wasted no time as he shoved her body off of his sword with his foot and then stepped into the doorway to meet his foes.

    Iona flew into him first.

    But as good a fighter as she was, having been trained by her father, the 22-year-old woman was no match for the seasoned battle-trained warrior, who happened to be the Human leader of the invasive ambush; and he quickly managed to disarm her by knocking her sword out of her hand. He then planted the heel of his boot hard in her stomach, effectively kicking her across the room.

    As Iona collapsed to the floor in pain, the invader charged her father. Who of course, being partially crippled, was no match.

    The fight was brief. Kell was quickly overpowered, and moments later, Iona screamed as the Human leader pierced her father's heart with his sword.

    Kell fell to the floor in the middle of his own workshop, dead.

    Leaving only Iona alive.

    Then ... three more armed Human invaders entered the shop. And the leader grinned at them, and nodded towards Iona, saying, Look what I found.

    The other three grinned back at him, and then back at Iona, licking their lips. One of them replied, Callum, the area is secure; we've ensured one else is left alive. Looks like you found some actual treasure in this otherwise godforsaken village of old decrepit Barbarians. Mind if we share in the spoils?

    Their commander named Callum replied, I found her first; she's mine.

    You better not kill her; she's too pretty to kill. said one of the men, eyeing her up and down. Besides, she looks hardy enough to satisfy an army; we get her after you.

    Callum nodded and began walking towards Iona. She is a wildcat, but I am going to tame her. After I am done with her, the entire rest of the company can have her, for all I care.

    The three men stood by with swords still drawn, and watched with great interest as he approached the beautiful Barbarian in the corner, lying on the ground, clutching her stomach and groaning in pain after being kicked so hard in the abdomen.

    Knowing his other men were nearby and that she was unarmed, he sheathed his sword, and spoke to Iona in a scathing tone, You Barbarians are not so tough; seems like your legendary reputation was only rumors. A mere twenty four of us just took out your entire village. This will make for a great outpost base in the near future.

    With her long wild hair covering her face, she looked up and spat at him. And said with hate-filled rage, You will die, pig; for what you have done.

    Callum smiled at her. Bold words for a woman in your position. Oh, I am going to enjoy taming you. He then turned back and grinned at his men. My first Barbarian. Now to see if the rumors of Barbarian women are true.

    His men chuckled.

    Just then, six more of his men entered the shop; reporting in to their commander. All clear., reported one of them.

    Then several more men entered after the six. Soon, the shop will filled with his entire company of twenty four Human warriors.

    And each and every one of the twenty four were extremely intrigued by the idea of having their first 'encounter' with a Barbarian woman.

    Callum looked down at Iona and grinned, Looks like we need more room, boys. Can't very well maneuver all of us in a corner. He then reached down and grabbed Iona by her right wrist, and began dragging her across the floor to the open middle of the workshop, kicking and screaming in fury - until he reached the spot where Iona's dead father lay. Callum then kicked her in the back of the head to shut her up. She didn't pass out, but the excruciating blow at least accomplished its purpose of silencing her protests.

    Then ... to Iona's further horror, Callum pulled her sideways - atop her father's body, and turned her over onto her stomach, positioning her perfectly for his lustful intentions while he began to strip her naked.

    Forced to lie on her stomach atop the dead body of her father, Callum took the Barbarian woman in front of all his twenty four men.

    And then, after he had finished, it was their turn.

    *** *** ***

    Four hours later...

    It was early evening.

    All of the Human invaders were gone. After conquering their first Barbarian village, and 'conquering' their first Barbarian woman, they had moved on towards the direction of the next town.

    No one remained alive in the village of Red Mountain Pass. Except for one.

    Alone in her father's shop, Iona sat quietly and naked upon the floor beside her father's body; not having moved from her position in hours. In the grim and deathly silence, she continued staring over at her sister's body nearby; and then back again at her father; trying to process everything that had happened.

    Iona's long rich black hair was now peppered with long thin streaks of white; for so horrific had been her ordeal of being raped by twenty four men over the dead body of her father, that she had at times literally sweat blood, and many hair follicles had died as a result of her trauma. But though many strands of her hair were now streaked white as permanent evidence of her horrendous and fearful ordeal, she was no longer afraid.

    Then ... another completely unexpected stranger entered the workshop.

    The strange visitor was a woman.

    A 'Human' female. A beautiful Human woman, with long grayish white hair. Though her 'Human' eyes were very unique in that they were a beautiful light shade of silver. She wore a long light gray leather coat that covered her from neck to ankle; and she had two sharp steel swords made of the rarest white steel, crisscrossed at her back. Though the twin white swords were extremely expensive and beautiful to look at, Iona suspected they were not just for show; the Human likely knew how to use them. Iona judged the Human female to be a Swordmaster.

    But Iona ignored her; assuming the beautiful and youthful-looking Human warrior was with the Human invaders.

    She was not.

    Sitting beside her dead father, Iona just continued staring across the room at her dead sister, and then back again to her father, pretending the woman wasn't there.

    After the Human woman took stock of the situation by looking around at the carnage in the room, and especially at the quiet naked Barbarian with black hair streaked with white and sitting beside a dead body, the woman then calmly and casually spoke to Iona, asking, Are you injured?

    Iona didn't reply.

    The stranger then said, Do not associate me with them; I am not with them; nor do I condone what they have done.

    Iona continued to ignore her.

    Studying Iona's nakedness, the stranger also noted that besides the blood and many bruises which were primarily from the neckline on down, Iona also had several bite marks upon her skin; in some very delicate places. And Shyael asked, The Humans ... bit you?

    To the surprise of the stranger, with her eyes focused upon her father's corpse, Iona replied in a cool controlled even tone, Like the animals that you are, yes. During their heated frenzy, a couple of them thought to even bite me with their teeth while they were satisfying themselves.

    Men can be savage beasts; when they hunger.

    This day I have had more than my fill of men; more than enough to last a lifetime. The next man I see, is a dead man.

    The stranger nodded in understanding. Something I can relate to. My name is Caertayne. May I ask yours?

    Iona finally looked up and answered Caertayne with a sneer of rage, "I do not answer to you, Human; I do

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