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Criss Cross Love
Criss Cross Love
Criss Cross Love
Ebook149 pages2 hours

Criss Cross Love

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Sam's family and life appear picture-perfect and are the envy of the entire town. Her life starts on a downhill spiral after a traumatic event, and the hits don't stop there.

Sam soon finds herself in her first lesbian relationship, with Marissa. Marissa is everything opposite of the lifestyle Sam has always known. Sam’s relationship with Marissa lifts her spirits to new heights, and soon they meet a couple that will forever impact their relationship. Sam will pay the price for this newfound happiness, for it was only the calm before the storm.

Helen Horn, Skylar Ann, and Marie Jackson

PublisherHelen Horn
Release dateNov 11, 2016
Criss Cross Love

Helen Horn

Helen HornHelen Horn was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa. She is a mother of three and wife to an amazing, supportive husband who says Helen is “The best wife I’ve ever had!” He has only been married once. She would like to thank her husband for his help with the creation of the story line for Criss Cross.Helen holds an AA degree in Criminal Justice from Kaplan University and was awarded the “Commencement Speaker” position to represent her graduating class.Helen has completed training in “Financial Coaching and Case Management.” She has completed facilitation training in “Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage It” (CALM), “Batterers Education Program” (BEP), and “Moving On.” Helen enjoys empowering people and encouraging positive cognitive change.Helen enjoys spending time with her family and friends and loves to travel. She has also written and published a beginner’s guide to finance, titled “Hoarding Pennies.”Skylar AnnSkylar Ann was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa. She now resides in northern California. She is a proud mother of four children and a proud wife. She enjoys watching her children in sports activities and enjoys spending time with her husband and kids.Marie JacksonMarie Jackson, the proud mother of Helen and Skylar, was also born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa. She has earned an AA degree in the field of Accounting Specialist from Des Moines Area Community College.She met and married the love of her life. She loves to spend time with her family and treat them to her “self-proclaimed” culinary expertise.

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    Criss Cross Love - Helen Horn

    Criss Cross Love

    Helen Horn, Skylar Ann,

    and Marie Jackson

    Copyright © 2016 by Helen Horn, Skylar Ann, and Marie Jackson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, website, or broadcast.

    Smashwords Edition

    Table of Contents

    The Awakening

    Life After Death

    The New Kingdom


    New Life


    Adam and Eve


    About the Authors

    Chapter 1 The Awakening

    The high-pitched feedback coming through the loudspeaker transported me back to reality from my daydream. I’d gotten lost in deep thought gazing out the window as the warm sun danced on my face. I had closed my eyes to keep out the glare of the sun and soon found myself lost in a daydream about my boyfriend, Ryan.

    Ryan and I had collectively decided to skip the last two periods of school yesterday to hang out. We’d both started our first jobs and had been busy working, and I’d been in need of some real, live face-to-face time with him. But he had sent me a text yesterday morning that he had to work and would not be able to meet me as planned after school.

    I thought I heard my name through the feedback, but I couldn’t tell if she’d said, Sam, or Sarah. My Spanish teacher, Ms. Isabel, asked her to repeat it, and this time the nasally voice came through loud and clear over the intercom. Send Sam to the office! I rolled my eyes and pondered whether I was going to be suspended—Would I need my things?

    Ms. Isabel could see my conflict. It’s almost the end of the day, Sam. Just take your things. She gave me her beautiful smile and winked, Adios!

    I struggled with my ‘have a good weekend’ reply, ‘que tengas.’ My mind went blank and I grunted, Adios Señora. The class chuckled and Ms. Isabel gave me a disappointed look. I put my head down in shame and avoided eye contact with her. I hated when she gave me that look. Ms. Isabel had such faith in me and I was always letting her down. I gathered my belongings and walked towards the main office. On my way I asked myself why we skipped class yesterday. I knew we would get caught. Principal Evans always catches me; he always keeps a close eye on me, as requested by my grandmother. I was going to be grounded forever. I wondered what my answer would be when Principal Evans asked me why I was not in attendance again and gave me the look—his look was not a disappointing, loving look like Ms. Isabel’s, but more of a ‘your ass is grass’ look. I had promised him I wouldn’t skip again if he didn’t put me in detention the last time. So this time, detention or suspension would undeniably be my fate. But it was my fault, so I would have to put my big-girl panties on and take whatever consequence he was going to dish out to me today.

    On my short walk to the office, I attempted to justify my actions internally. It had been a while since we had been to the beach, and the shore was calling my name. I just wanted to feel him snuggled up against me under the sun, both of us lost in each other. I could be snobby and a little bit of a bitch at times, but Ryan made me soft. The drive to the beach was beautiful, and we listened to the playlist he had made for me with all my favorite songs. I sang every song that came on, out of tune. Ryan never minded; he just snickered every time I slaughtered a high note. We shared a joint, and soon I felt Ryan’s fingers making their way up my leg, under my skirt, and into my vagina, which was now wet and begging for more. I could smell the salt water in the air as we drove closer to our favorite spot. That smell never got old, and the first thing I did when I got out of the car was take a deep breath of it. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs to the max and then letting the air escape slowly through my nose; it was as if every ounce of stress was being released from my body. I took my sandals off and dug my toes into the warm sand. I loved the feeling of the gritty sand between my toes. Ryan's arms were full with towels, snacks, and a checkered blanket, but he still managed to hold my hand. Ready, babe? A smile stretched across his face, making me smile, and we tucked ourselves away under the pier. The sound of the waves hitting against the pier was so relaxing, it felt like we were floating. For a time, it was like we were the only two people on earth.

    We people-watched and giggled at the older gentleman in his swim speedo who’d obviously had too much to drink as he fell over and gave us an unpleasant crack view with a pinch of wrinkled balls peeping out the side. On the way back home we stopped for a quickie at his parents’ since they were still at work. Okay, skipping yesterday was so worth it, I reassured myself as I chuckled. I sent Ryan a quick text before I entered the office area. Hey babe heads up I just got called to the office. I stuck my phone in my purse and went into the main office.

    When I walked through the office, Shirley gave me the stank eye, but at least she did not speak. Hearing her voice over the intercom had been enough for one day. She hated me, and the feeling was mutual. Way too many times she had talked down to me or sassed me with her high-pitched, nasal voice.

    I had never understood why she hated me until last year when her daughter and I got into an argument at the mall. Her daughter had cut me in line, and when I asked her to excuse herself we got in a screaming match. Shirley must have got the bat signal because she came out of nowhere holding clothing ten times too small for her. She butted in two inches from my face and said, You are just like your stuck-up mother, and you are no better than us. You can’t just act like you have V.I.P privileges because you have some money! We are spending money here too.

    I was so caught off guard, and outnumbered by two high-pitched babbling bitches, that I flipped my hair and said I don’t need this crap. And out of pure spite, I said, "I don’t want to shop where the help shops anyways. I dropped my clothes on the counter and left. I could hear them yelling all the way out of the store.

    When I’d gotten home I told my mother what had happened, and that’s when she filled me in on their history. Shirley is still pissed off from losing Prom Queen to my mother and takes her wretchedness out on me. She got pregnant right out of high school and had to mother their child alone when his parents forced him off to college. He never came back for her or the child, but he and his parents send her a hefty chunk every month to keep her distance. So not only does Shirley hate my mother, her jaded jealousy of my mother's life seeps out through her pores in the form of misguided anger and revenge towards me and anyone else who crosses her path.

    The last time she got smart with me, I told her in front of the whole school during an assembly that her breath smelled like hot ass. I was not aware the microphone was on when I blurted it out, but I soon became aware when the whole auditorium broke out in laughter. After returning from suspension for that outburst, I decided it was in my best interest to keep my distance from her.

    Have a seat and Mr. Evans will be out in a minute, she said, and for once she didn’t have an attitude. Huh, strange. I’d thought she would take pleasure in knowing I was about to be suspended. Her mind must have been occupied with actual work today instead of whether or not her lip gloss was smudged. She always had to be in princess character, just in case her prince charming comes to rescue her. Any man who ever walks through the door, single or married, has her huge knockers waved in his face. She should just get a stamp across her tits that says ‘My vagina offers free parking, also available in the rear.’

    Soon Mr. Evans’ door opened and he called for me. He is not much taller than me, which makes him less intimidating at times, but he does have a big, booming voice. When I push him to his limit I often receive the gift of hearing it. I walked towards him, trying to give him big puppy eyes, but he avoided eye contact with me. Sam, your mother needs you to head home.

    I took the stupid look off my face and asked, Why?

    Oh, um… He appeared caught off guard. Um, your mom needs your car. Hers broke down or something.

    Oh, okay, I said and exited his office. Then I had a thought; better give him a heads up. I popped my head back through the door. Principal Evans?

    Yes, he replied.

    I know honesty is the best policy and I hope you take my confession into consideration. For the first time during our conversation, he looked up at me. I skipped class yesterday; please call my parents Monday.

    I quickly shut the door as fast as I could and skipped out into the hallway. It was Friday so I figured he would deal with me on Monday, possibly be less mad, and I would be free to be with Ryan and go to Tatum's party this weekend. My parents were going to be out of town all weekend for a wedding; I could go out with a bang! Which was good, considering that after my parents found out I was going to be grounded for a minimum of two weeks. I was just hoping he didn’t call my parents until Monday. But it was Friday and school would be out in ten minutes. I was sure he wanted to get his weekend started.

    I headed home in the blacked-out Range Rover my parents had given me for my sweet sixteen two years ago. Ranger (what I’d named the SUV) was bought brand new, and had custom rims and a pimped-out stereo. He was my baby and the envy of all my friends. I had turned eighteen in October and my parents had sent me and two of my friends on an all-inclusive trip to Mexico.

    I was set to graduate in a few months, but I was scared shitless that my parents wouldn’t do anything extravagant for my graduation. They knew how hard I’d worked. I’d always been an honor-roll student. I’d volunteered for community service and participated in extracurricular activities in school. Built my resume for college. My ultimate goal was to become a Fashion Designer and have my own line of clothing. I wanted my husband to be a doctor or a lawyer and for our kids to go to private school. I wanted the white-picket fence—for everything to be in place and perfect.

    Last month, out of the blue, my father told me I would now be responsible for paying for my own gas, cell phone, and insurance. I was sure it had to do with me learning responsibility, but he hadn’t prepare me for this. He hadn’t coaxed me into this. He’d just cut me off. No more allowance and a list of bills I was now responsible for. I’d thought he was joking, but soon realized he wasn’t when I’d gone downstairs that Friday morning after our conversation and my allowance wasn’t on the counter—and hadn’t been ever since. For as long as I could remember before that, my allowance had always been on the counter on Fridays, along with sticky notes from my father that read phrases like ‘I Love you,’ ‘Make good decisions,’ and ‘Don't spend it all in one place, duckling…’ His words of wisdom that, for the most part, I have tried hard

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