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Practical Paleo for Busy People: Delicious Recipes for Your Slow Cooker that are Low-carb and Gluten-free!: Paleo Meals
Practical Paleo for Busy People: Delicious Recipes for Your Slow Cooker that are Low-carb and Gluten-free!: Paleo Meals
Practical Paleo for Busy People: Delicious Recipes for Your Slow Cooker that are Low-carb and Gluten-free!: Paleo Meals
Ebook134 pages46 minutes

Practical Paleo for Busy People: Delicious Recipes for Your Slow Cooker that are Low-carb and Gluten-free!: Paleo Meals

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Too many people think that the Paleo diet and lifestyle is too complicated, with too much work to be effective. They worry that they will not find foods to eat outside of the home and fret that they just do not have the time to cook the meals that the need.

Then there is another set of people- the ones who are absolutely mystified by the process of cooking. They shudder to think of the disasters that will befall them if they are forced into the kitchen for more than a light snack. Give these people a recipe with more than a few ingredients and they will probably panic.

But, cheer up! This book is the perfect answer to both types of people and for everybody else as well! Your slow cooker is about to become the perfect solution to your new Paleo lifestyle or a welcome addition to it if you are an old pro by now. Everything from fast and simple breakfasts to elegant dinners and even snacks and desserts is covered here and most will require no more than a few ingredients and a few minutes of hands on time. Your slow cooker will do the rest.

Nearly every recipe that is included here will be not only Paleo-friendly (which means it will be low carb) but gluten free as well so they can be used by people who are not even following a Paleo diet at all. Even better, these are recipes the entire family will enjoy so there will be no need to make separate dishes any more.

Let’s get ready to dig in!

PublisherGuava Books
Release dateFeb 8, 2017
Practical Paleo for Busy People: Delicious Recipes for Your Slow Cooker that are Low-carb and Gluten-free!: Paleo Meals

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    Practical Paleo for Busy People - Aimee Long

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    If you have never noticed, there are dozens of versions of the Paleo diet. The bookshelves are lined with books, guides and even a few instructional DVDs to help you get started. There are probably thousands of recipe books from experts, gurus and others and with all of these variations and possibilities there is one common factor: you need to learn to cook these meals at home. By yourself. That is fine if you are a cook of any experience but what if you are used to subsisting on fast food and frozen dinners? What if the extent of your kitchen knowledge starts and ends on the microwave keypad? What then?

    Braise this and broil that, the recipes say. Meanwhile, you are scratching your head and wondering what pan you would braise something in and groaning because you have been using the broiler for storage. Is this the time you get frustrated and give up? Do you chuck the new recipe book in the back of the closet and go out for drive thru again? Don’t do that to yourself!

    What if there was a way to get the delicious Paleo foods that you know are better and healthier for you than the grease laden and manufactured nonsense that you get from those little windows but without all of the frustrating work that is making you stressed out and a little nutty?

    What if you could have these dishes hot and waiting for you when you walk in the door after a hard day at work? Or, what if a tantalizing breakfast was ready for you when you stagger, bleary-eyed and half-awake to the kitchen?

    Grab your slow cooker, my Paleo friends and let’s see how that simple little appliance can completely change your life!

    Chapter One: Paleo in the Modern World

    In this chapter you will learn:

    •  The basic benefits of the Paleo diet

    •  The issues of gluten intolerance and how difficult it can be to avoid

    •  How an ancient diet translates into the modern world

    Getting Back to Basics

    Before we go any further, it is important to realize that there is no one specific Paleo diet. In fact, there are dozens of versions and while many of them are the same (lots of meat, no grains) there are subtle differences that might be appealing to you for one reason or another. It is important that you start with the diet that is right for you and that might mean reading through several books or websites until you find that perfect match. There are Paleo for the Athlete books, Paleo for the overweight, the underweight and even some that separate by gender.

    Don’t get too hung up on the labels, though. What you need to focus on is the foods. Paleo foods are different from standard fare for several reasons. First, you will be focusing on eating clean, unprocessed foods which is a great thing for your health right away. If you are looking for a single benefit to advocate this type of eating, this is the one. The standard American diet, (SAD for short) is just that: sad. It is filled with the wrong fats, too many processed and unnatural foods, too much salt and way too many preservatives and chemicals. Unless you are a laboratory experiment you do not need chemicals!

    There are more benefits as well. The Paleo diet is typically more nutritionally balanced especially when it comes to fats. Not too long ago the collective dieting world declared war on fat and it resulted in a major problem. Not only does cutting fat out completely fail in a spectacular fashion everyone ended up fatter and more miserable than before. And then science finally realized that we do need fat! Even better, we realized that there

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