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Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3
Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3
Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3
Ebook37 pages36 minutes

Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3

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What is Madoka's secret art? Can Julie satisfy the artist's unusual demands long enough to get her reward? Find out in books 2 and 3!

PublisherSa Yanagi
Release dateFeb 2, 2017
Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3

Sa Yanagi

Sa Yanagi is a longtime resident of Earth, inner Solar System, and enjoys eating, sleeping, and sex.

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    Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3 - Sa Yanagi

    Beauty In Restraint, Books 2 and 3


    Sa Yanagi

    Published by Sa Yanagi at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 and 2017 Sa Yanagi

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents:

    Beauty in Restraint, Book 2

    Section 2

    Section 3

    Beauty in Restraint, Book 3

    Section 2

    Section 3

    Section 4


    Beauty In Restraint, Book 2


    The autumn crimson of the maples burned in vivid contrast against the evergreens. The last rays of the sun painted the white walls of the house a golden pink. A gust of wind sent a shower of red leaves over the pretty girl in the red kimono.

    The first car arrived. A man wearing a Venetian ball mask came out of the passenger door, and the car drove off. The girl bowed and opened the door to the foyer, where the man removed his shoes. One by one more men arrived. All wore masks, some European in style, others of Japanese origin. When everyone was present, for a total of eleven, the girl ushered them inside the house to the main room. It was dark.

    Once their eyes had adjusted to the candle-lighted room, the men arranged themselves on the tatami to the right side of the wood floor. Eleven square cushions had been placed for them. The girl went to the tatami in the center of the wood square. Reflectors behind the candles directed the light to where she stood. She appeared to be somewhere in her twenties. Her kimono was kept in place by a wide black obi with a thin cord of braided red silk around the middle, and the sleeves hung to her knees. Her thick black hair fell over her shoulders. She had a rounded face with eyes that were dark and beautiful, a small rounded nose, and a gentle mouth. Her name was Miyu.

    Miyu untied the obi, and the sound of a bamboo flute came softly out of unseen speakers. The kimono came open to reveal another underneath in white. She removed the red layer and pulled open the white one to expose a body that contradicted itself: thin, but fleshy; small breasts that were firm, but soft; muscles subtly present under a supple belly. The space between her legs was shaved bare.

    When she let the white kimono fall to the floor, the fair tone of her skin became more obvious. The only clothing that remained was a pair of black socks that

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