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The Virgin Orc's First Kiss
The Virgin Orc's First Kiss
The Virgin Orc's First Kiss
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The Virgin Orc's First Kiss

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After a harrowing escape from cruel slavers, the female Orc warrior Obsidian finds herself stranded on a remote tropical island. She forms a desperate alliance for survival with her two fellow escapees: Ishen, a young human apprentice mage, and Glaive, a former pleasure slave and an Orcess like herself.

Their relations are strained at first. But as they struggle to make a life for themselves in their isolation, the naive Obsidian becomes far more intimately involved with her fellow castaways than she ever thought possible.

A tale of one woman's very steamy sensual awakening in an exotic land filled with magic, danger, and excitement!

Takes place in the same fantasy world as the HOT GOBLIN GIRLS and FANTASY ENVOY EROTICA series.

Contains sexy shenanigans, explicit romantic naughtiness, and some violence. Adult Readers only!

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateFeb 5, 2017
The Virgin Orc's First Kiss

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    The Virgin Orc's First Kiss - Paul Lucas


    Paul Lucas

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    Copyright 2016 Paul Lucas

    Cover Illustration by Paul Lucas

    On The Cover: Glaive and Obsidian relaxing on the beach.

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    The forward cargo hold stank of raw timber, rotting creosote, and stale sweat. Not surprising for a slaver's ship, but Obsidian crinkled her flat nose at the foul odor just the same.

    The female Orc grunted as she once again pulled hard at her restraints, trying with all her might to find at least some give to them. But to no avail. She was bound tight to a solid ironwork table, which in turn was bolted to the deck. She was fully naked and bent over its length, her ankles spread and manacled to the thick table legs. Her neck and wrists were all locked down in thick metal collars to the table surface. Every time she tried to move, her sensitive nipples scraped across the cold metal.

    The purpose of the table was obvious, especially with a female captive. Forcibly bent over into a vulnerable position with no leverage, the captive could be readily used by whoever was present. She idly wondered at how many cruel tortures and humiliations other women had to suffer while strapped to this table as she was.

    Yet what really bothered her the most at the moment was the smarmy hand of the ship's captain feeling up her muscular green backside.

    "Look at them, slave. Captain Vinson drawled the last word to emphasize his prisoner's new status. He was tall as human men went, six foot even with a physique sculpted by a life on the sea. He boasted a thin beard and blond hair tied in a long pony tail. That is going to be you in just a few months."

    Obsidian did her best to avert her gaze, but it was difficult as she could barely move her head an inch. She was stuck fast, facing a trio of grunting, heaving bodies just a few feet away.

    Sandwiched between two of Vinson's human crewmen was another Orc woman like herself, maybe a few years younger than Obsidian's own twenty-six summers. Her name had been thrown about. Glaive. She was slightly chubby, with the emerald skin, pointed ears, flattened nose, and strong jaw typical of most Orcs. She leaned toward the short side for a female of her kind, topping a little over six feet.

    Glaive was being brutally rammed from both sides. A broad-shouldered sailor held tight onto her hips as he pistoned into her pussy from behind, his broad belly draped over her green buns. On the other end, the Orcess held onto the hips of another sailor in front of her, using the force of the male drilling her sex to drive her lips back and forth onto the member of the swarthy, bald-pated male plying her mouth.

    Captain Vinson chuckled. You enjoy that, don't you, Glaive?

    The plump female disengaged from the man in front of her just long enough to answer. Oh, yes, master! I love human cock!

    Good girl, the captain said.

    The slave went back to her task, purring at the praise while she once again swallowed the bald man's tool down to its root.

    Vinson raked his ragged nails lightly over Obsidian's exposed back just to get a reaction out of his stoic new prize, then returned again to rub at her generous buttocks.

    If you're going to rape me again, the bound Orcess growled, just do it already!

    Oh no, the human said jovially. I got that out of my system yesterday when we first captured you. Now I have to preserve your, ah, freshness for our buyer. He has a thing for breaking big muscular warrior women like yourself. Spends months making them over into cock-hungry sluts. If I or my men kept using you, there would be less of your spirit for him to crush. Why, the last lass we brought him was worth over three hundred gold Raeleni crowns. I'm hoping to get at least that much for you.

    I'll never...

    He swatted her rear stingingly to cut off her words. You don't think so? Look at Glaive.

    The bald sailor plying the blond Orc woman abruptly howled in orgasm, grabbing the slave's head and jamming his steely rod deep into her throat. The green-skinned female meekly allowed him to gush his filthy seed forcefully down her esophagus. She swallowed it all, spilling not a single drop, even whimpering eagerly in encouragement.

    She came from a proud warrior lineage, just like you. The Steelfists or some shit clan like that, Vinson said. After we bought her fresh from her capture she swore up to the heavens and down to the hells that she would never give in. She fought everything we did tooth and nail. At first, that is. But weeks then months then years dragged by, and our usual methods did their magic. Some torture, a whole lot of depravation and starvation, tiny bits of succor as she surrendered little by little. Now look at her. A pleasure slave of the first order, happy to do anything at all to satisfy her masters. The rest of her clan is the same way. What few that survived, that is.

    Obsidian snarled, And what did you do with my clan, bastard?

    He spread his hands. The Nightbloods? They're decimated, once and for all. And good riddance. Oh, I'm sure some cowering wretches managed to flee to the hills, but our allies caught you lot by surprise, didn't we? He seemed to grow bored of fondling her backside and took a swig from a nearby carafe of wine. The sack of the city of Zhaka will no doubt go down in song in the annals of that stupid war you lot have been fighting for the last generation. I'm just glad my crew joined in on the winning side. We got an amazing amount of booty. Your surviving clansmen have already been sold off to various buyers. But you, as a guard captain and daughter of subchief Nar the Ferocious, are the most valuable booty we got on hand thanks to my special buyer.

    Vinson hooked his thumb at the human prisoner bound in shackles spread-eagled against the far wall. Beside him, that is. He'll bring in at least a few thousand crowns in ransom. The male captive was as naked as Obsidian was. He was blindfolded, with mouth and jaw held tight in a grated iron muzzle, for reasons unclear. From what Obsidian had overheard, he was the son of some important wizard.

    The broad-bellied male grinding into Glaive's rear cried out and emptied his boiling seed into her turgid quim. As soon as he finished and pulled out, Captain Vinson called Glaive over. Tend me, slave.

    Yes master! Glaive quickly shuffled up to him and dropped to her knees, unmindful of the whitish seed freely dribbling down her tick green thighs. She carefully fishing out Vinson's genitals from his trousers. She dipped low to kiss over his plump balls, then ran her long, agile tongue over his rapidly-hardening shaft.

    Obsidian's cheeks burned in humiliation, doing her best to avoid looking at the member that had violated her less than a day before. Yet Vinson maneuvered himself and the slave closer, so that Glaive's cocksucking were mere inches from Obsidian's face.

    Like the sailor that had used the orifice before him, Vinson pumped savagely into her mouth. Glaive acted like she was sucking on the sweetest candy. Vinson began to get close to his climax after only a few minutes--no surprise to Obsidian that a male like him had no real stamina-- then abruptly pulled out. The slave looked up at him, a bit confused.

    Don't swallow, he commanded. Make sure I shoot on her. He glanced meaningfully at Obsidian.

    For the first time, there was hesitation in Glaive's expression, as she momentarily sucked on her lip as she glanced at her fellow Orcess. It lasted less than a heartbeat, though, Y-yes, master, she said meekly, working over his exposed dick with skilled fingers and protruding tongue.

    A dozen seconds later Vinson grumbled and swore as his fleshy pole twitched violently. A long rope of sticky white semen spurted out, tracing a long line of heated slime across Obsidian's cheek. Another painted more cum onto her nose, and then on the small tusks protruding from her bottom lip. The rest just dribbled out his tip, which Glaive eagerly lapped up.

    You... you bastard... Obsidian hissed out, her entire face turning crimson in angry humiliation. Her fists balled tightly, wishing more than anything that she could wrap her fingers around his throat and squeeze the life from him.

    Don't give me that, the captain said as he dismissed his men and his slave as he adjusted his clothing back to normal. He reached back and rudely rubbed his finger along her exposed, upturned slit. Just as I thought. More than a little wet. Just as much a slut as any woman.

    Obsidian spat away the semen dribbling over her lips, yelling, Just because my body reacts a certain way does not mean I want what you think!

    Vinson snorted. What you want doesn't matter any more, does it? He gave her one last painful spank, then turned to leave.


    Vinson assigned a guard to watch the prisoners at all times. The small lower-deck chamber was partitioned off with a padlocked door, obviously meant to hold valuable cargo separate

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