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Sister's Secret
Sister's Secret
Sister's Secret
Ebook54 pages45 minutes

Sister's Secret

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

With Sister’s Secret, the adventures of Thorn Maestro continue. Sister’ Secret is all out erotic action. The action starts on the first page and continues right through up to the last page, where the reader will finally get a chance to breathe again.

This is another Thorn Maestro book that you will read in one sitting. Such a lot of things happens in this book, that you can read it again and again and every time you will find something you missed the last time. Download it now and let the blasphemy begin...

Release dateFeb 1, 2017
Sister's Secret


Bakerman started out writing stories by the dozens while still in high school. . Being an avid reader of thrillers and horror, nl. James Hadley Chase, Don Pendleton, Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy, Konsalik, Stephen King, etc... He wrote hundreds of short stories in the form of thrillers, horror, romance...and the he tried something new. He was especially fascinated by erotic stories. The kind of writing which made erotica possible was new to him and he experimented. A proper erotic story is basically a porn movie without pictures, but beautiful and thoughtful and insightful. Not easy to write, but he experimented, until it felt right. He gave his first effort to his harshest critics - his schoolmates. It was good when he saw smiles appearing on their faces, eyes blinking to make sure they are really seeing what they are seeing, as they read. They didn't criticize or make any comments, but they wanted more. This was a good sign. With his other stories, they just read a bit and then put it down and never asked for more. But now they wanted more and more and more. And they always wanted to take it home, to go read it there. "Where it's quieter." They would say. But he knew why. And he felt good.

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    Sister's Secret - Bakerman

    Sister’s Secret

    Copyright © 2017 Bakerman

    Published by Bakerman at Smashwords


    This book contains very strong and realistic sexual content.

    Do not read if you are offended by such material.

    This story and all its characters are make believe and not based on real people or real events.

    Do not try this at home.

    All characters depicted in this erotic story are 18 years and older.

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    Copyright © 2017 Bakerman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN:  9781370995165

    Title: Sister’s Secret

    Author: Bakerman 

    Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Sister’s Secret

    Other books in the Series


    Thorn Maestro developed a fetish for older women after having had an affair with a woman who was much older than him. She was Corinne Grunfeld. Their love affair ended in an ugly disaster. (Corinne 2: True Colors). After he was finally rid of Corinne, he discovered his newly acquired fetish.

    Girls his own age simply bored him now. It was only women much older than him; woman ready for the old-age home, which really interested him in a sexual manner. No matter what he tried, he still had the fetish. And this was a fetish which needed some gratification.

    Gratification in a huge way.

    With this fetish as his starting point, he committed the ultimate sin and started making love to his own mother (Mother and Me). His mother was a sixty-year old woman and satisfied his fetish in all ways. Yes, he was now committing incest, which is the breaking of the ultimate taboo.

    He just had to find a way to convince his mother to sleep with her own son. Once that was done, the show was on the road.

    But one of his mother’s requirements was that no one should ever know what they were doing. That was an easy one, because Thorn himself wanted no one to know what he and his mother were doing in the dark hours of the night.

    But, as always, secrets don’t stay secret for very long…

    His older sister had a sleep over at their place and soon he and his mother’s whole dirty secret was out in the open.

    He knows that if his sister brings his illicit affair with his mother out in the open, there would be hell to pay and his comfortable life would be over.

    Thorn now has to take out

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