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Phoenix Resolution: Maggie Henning & The Realm, #5
Phoenix Resolution: Maggie Henning & The Realm, #5
Phoenix Resolution: Maggie Henning & The Realm, #5
Ebook523 pages5 hours

Phoenix Resolution: Maggie Henning & The Realm, #5

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About this ebook

The road has been a winding one. The perils faced seemed unbeatable. Yet Maggie Henning, with the vampire prince Luc beside her, had faced them.
She’d accepted who she was born to be. She’d learned to use her fires to protect those she cares for. She returned one prince only to learn he carried a curse upon him that nobody thought imaginable. She faced both Ossa and Ashe and won. But not all battles are without scars. 
Not all wins are victorious.
The Realm is ruled by a false king, subjecting its inhabitants to extreme cruelty. Both The Realm and Humankind are a sliver from destruction, and the only shield protecting both worlds rests in the hands of an army at the command of a vampire and a phoenix.
There will be reunions.
There will be bloodshed.
There will be good-byes.

Bravery is what one does when they’re expected to. 
Courage is doing it without thought of yourself. 

But what does one do when those lines are blurred?


Release dateDec 25, 2016
Phoenix Resolution: Maggie Henning & The Realm, #5

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    Book preview

    Phoenix Resolution - Lisa C. Morgan





    sadora had yet to grace me with her presence; no doubt hiding somewhere within the castle and licking her new wound. The ire she’d shown- her need for vengeance as she’d regarded the injury-

    frightened even me; and I had some power over her.

    I took the opportunity in the dark angel’s absence to breathe a little

    easier and strolled through the pre-dawn hours in the Garden of Sorrows.

    The roses had always bloomed here, for sorrow needed no sunlight and loss required no rain. For as long as I could recall, I’d been confident in the knowledge that no matter what was happening in the universe, I could walk about on these paths and find an ease provided to me by the petals.

    Yet now, they dimmed. The yellows were grimier in hue. The once

    vibrant red petals now browning and the stems bent over as if hanging apologetic heads. The leaves drooped and the scents had long since faded away; leaving nothing behind but the smell of ash and sulfur and death.

    But one thing had remained unchanged.

    The stone angel still stood above the fountain with her hands outstretched, always waiting to offer blood and provide the much needed sustenance to the vampires of Celine. Her hands had been stained copper from years of allowing the blessed fluid to flow over them and into the basin below for our consumption. Her solid eyes never shifted, always looking over my head and gazing to something in the distance that was yet still unseen by all but her. The intricately carved feathers that grew from her back looked heavy. I found myself, for only a moment, wanting to take the burden from her; to lift those wings and offer her a reprieve from that which she was charged with.

    I admired the angel for what she was- a gift to the vampires from the angels that lorded over us. Yet even a gift comes with a price at times.

    I’d watched the brave Phoenix enter my Throne Room. She’d been confident; draped in her white satin gown and accompanied by the elf that had forever ago allied himself with my brother and turned from his own people.

    She’d kept her head raised, her shoulders squared; not unlike the angel that stood above me.

    And like a weakened fool, I’d begged her.

    I’d begged her to stay with me; to by my beacon through darkness and to love me as she once had. I’d dared to touch her with what was left of my hand, and had wished the nerves and flesh remained to let me take in the softness of the skin that I craved.

    She’d touched me, too; but I’d felt nothing of her tender gesture. No sensation of warmth or cold, hard or soft, love or hate.

    "You know I won’t," she’d replied gently, even as tears trickled down her face. Tears that’d left me feeling perplexed and lost.

    And alone.

    So I’d said what needed to be said. If she’d not join me willingly, I would take her by force.

    But I hadn’t. Not then.

    I’d let her leave freely.

    She’d shown me her new found Angel Fire. Even after she’d severed Isadora’s hand from her wrist to leave a stumped appendage on the angel, I’d known with certainty that while her fire would be a feat to overcome, I would still have had a chance to cage the bird.

    And I’d let her leave. I’d given her away, allowing her to make an

    exodus from me and my kingdom and back into the arms of my brother, affording her only a simple warning.

    I will not show you this mercy again. The next time I see you, one of us will take our final breath.

    I sat on the edge of the dry fountain and plucked a dying rose from near my foot. I inhaled it, searching to find the comfort the once white petals could have provided and found nothing but decay and loss.

    And I remembered what she’d said before she’d turned from me.

    Then I hope I never see you again.

    I should have roared.

    I should have taken her arms in my grasp and pulled her to me.

    I should have ordered the guards to take her into custody, forcing her to the cells below, but I knew...

    A caged bird never sings.

    I want her for myself. Not for her power or her strength, though those were all the reasons I offered aloud to the dark angel who was my cohort.

    But in truth, I wanted nothing more than her eyes on mine. Those

    brilliant sapphires shining under a full moon, begging me to stay with her. Just as they had one night not so long ago. On that night, there had been no brother to stand in the way. There had only been lies and fire and death.

    And love.

    Love that had tried to hold me to her. Love that had begged for mercy, begged for me to stay.

    But I’d been weak.

    I’d let go.

    Yet now? Now I had returned. I was stronger now; braver now. I was ruler of this entire realm. I could give her the things she wanted, the things she needed to make her happy, but still...she chose to leave here.

    Then I hope I never see you again...

    I rose to my feet, anger seething inside me that I could have been so stupid to let her go. Yes, a caged bird doesn’t sing, but what use do I have for song? A bird’s colors will fade when kept behind bars, but what care do I have for vibrant colors when I would make the whole world black.

    ...Never see you again...

    Yes, you will see me again, Phoenix, I promised to myself as I crumpled the rose in my fist and then tossed it aside like yesterday’s garbage. I began to make my way back into the castle, my footfalls growing heavier the nearer I came to the archway.

    Willingly...foolishly...I’d allowed you to walk away from me; letting misplaced emotions weaken me as I’d let you leave my side...

    Passing through the arch, I paused at one of the tapestries that hung closest to the entrance. A woven depiction, a gift for my return from Shadow. A hand sewn portrayal of Maggie and I in a lover’s embrace to celebrate the great lengths she’d gone through to bring me back home.

    Back to her.

    Because she loved me.

    And I love her.

    I tore the tapestry from the wall, my fingers scraping into the thick stone with a high pitched shriek and leaving behind claw marks in their wake like a tiger tearing through prey. I ripped the tapestry to shreds and cast it to the floor.

    Loved her.

    And I’d been weak and let her go...

    It was a weakness I would not duplicate.




    Maggie? she managed to answer in a confused whimper.

    I fell to my knees on the worn carpet beside my friend and she shook as I reached for her.

    She was naked, her skin covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Without the heat turned on in the house I’d grown up in, I knew she must be freezing.

    Stephanie flinched away as if my touch caused her pain. A soft moan escaped her and she curled her body tighter, her hands wrapping around her middle. She turned her head away and lost consciousness.


    I turned to him, but didn’t need to say anything. The vampire bent close to my friend, scooping her against his chest and lifting her into his arms with a tender ease. She shivered, and I scanned the room quickly to find something we could use to cover her up. I noticed an old leather jacket on the back of the sofa was and grabbed it, carefully tucking it around my friend.

    Grab my arm. We’ll transport back into your room with her. Luc

    instructed, all thoughts of keeping the location and reality that I lived a secret gone from consideration in this circumstance. I did as he said and without waiting, we left behind the living room and reappeared in my bedroom at The Trust.

    Luc strode from my hand and laid Stephanie on the unkempt bed. I grabbed the comforter and covered her, sitting beside my friend. The bedroom door flung open and crashed against the wall, small pieces of plaster now airborne from the force. I jumped and faced the intruder in time to see Luc draw up short, his katanas in hand and poised to protect us.

    Hayden stood in the opening, his face pale as death and slack-jawed as he stared past the pair of us to the frail female we’d brought back with us. Luc began to attempt to explain who was there and what was happening, but the elf appeared deaf to his words. He crossed the distance in a few long strides, pushing Luc from his path as he made his way to Stephanie.

    Hayden was tender as he stroked the damp hair from her brow, his eyes set on my best friend; while at the same time, scanning with his free hand over her covered body to detect injuries. Steph’s eyes remained closed, but soft moans left her body when she exhaled.

    She sent me a text, I cried quietly, watching Stephanie’s stillness and biting back tears as I fell into Luc’s waiting arms.

    We found her lying on the floor. She was a dog-

    Hayden stopped me without taking his eyes from my friend.

    She’s a Were, not a dog.

    Is she going to be okay? Luc asked the elf, stepping behind me and letting his hand clasp my shoulder, unphased by the elf’s admission

    regarding Stephanie’s true nature. I put my own hand over his, seeking his strength as I listened.

    Hayden’s eyes focused on the rise and fall of Stephanie’s breathing, his hand remaining in the same position over her heart as he leaned in closer, like he was listening to the beating.

    "Three broken ribs... and her breaths are labored, but that is most

    likely due to the shock of her first shifting."

    I watched the elf’s hand move over my friend’s body as he continued his assessment.

    Her MCL is torn because nobody explained how this transition worked. Damn selfish shifters—

    Hayden? I asked, but he wasn’t listening to me.

    —and she’s perforated her eardrums—

    Doc? Luc attempted.

    What? Hayden finally turned from Steph to look at us. His blue eyes were like a hurricane over the ocean, angry waves that threatened destruction to anything in their way. His lips were in a thin line, and I could feel the danger that wafted off of him.

    You act as though you know her, Luc remarked. I glanced to him before focusing back at Hayden.

    Do I know her? Hayden repeated softly, turning his attention back to Stephanie as her exhale came in a staggered noise.

    Hayden, this is my best friend. Do you know Stephanie? I spoke with a shaking voice.

    Seeming to ignore me, he bent his head close and kissed her forehead gently.

    I love her.

    What are you talking about Hayden? How do you know Stephanie?

    It’s a long story, and best left for another time when I’m not trying to heal her, the elf shot over his shoulder in frustration.

    Luc, take your wife elsewhere so I can ease Stephanie’s pain.

    Ease her pain? I bolted and reached for Hayden’s shoulder, but stopped short.

    In a flash, the elf now stared down at me with storm-ridden eyes. It was a testament to Luc’s quick reflexes that he grabbed me in time as the elf’s concealed dagger now lay against my throat. I swallowed, even as a growl rose from Luc’s throat.

    Get your knife away from her, he warned coldly.

    Hayden blinked and seemed to realize what he’d done. Slowly, with my eyes never leaving his hand, Hayden lowered the knife to his side.

    Believe what you wish, he offered me. But there is no place in this world or any other where Stephanie is safer than at my side. I need to lessen the pain of her healing. Initially, it’ll be worse than the shift itself. If you care for your friend, Maggie, go with Lucian and leave this room now. Stephanie will be alright.

    Come on, Maggie. Doc will take good care of her, I promise, Luc whispered in my ear.

    As do I, or you may slaughter me mercilessly, the elf added.

    I glanced at Stephanie and then turned back to Hayden, shoving my finger into his chest.

    You better.

    Hayden bowed his head and I let Luc take my hand and draw me

    toward the door. Reluctantly, I left the room, watching as Luc closed the pair inside.

    She’ll be okay, Luc spoke as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

    A scream rent our embrace from the other side of the door and I tried to pull free, but Luc held me tightly. The world darkened and I felt the familiar nausea come over me. In a heartbeat, we’d transported from the hallway outside my bedroom to the library.

    That was a dirty trick, I spoke as Luc released me, stepping


    But worth it, he smirked.

    I guess that depends on who you ask, I complained.

    I followed Luc and sat on the small sofa, watching him pace to the

    buffet table and pour himself a drink. He took a deep swallow without facing me, and then poured another into the empty glass. I heard deep exhale before he spoke.

    Why would you take the risk and go to Celine to talk to Michel?

    Luc’s question pulled me from thoughts of what was happening

    upstairs and forced me to now address another topic I had wanted to ignore.

    This really isn’t the time, Luc. Steph—

    Will be just fine under Hayden’s care, he interrupted. This is the perfect time to talk about what you thought was so pressing that you’d risk your life to see Michel.

    I was hoping that maybe if I spoke to him—

    That he’d just change his mind? Luc turned on me, a tic in his jaw as he tried to keep a lid on his anger.

    Did you really think you could just stroll into the castle, bat your eyes, and everything would be ok?

    I looked away. I had to try, Luc

    No, you didn’t.

    I stood and closed the space between us. Yes, I did Luc. How many of our friends and family have to die before we go to extreme measures?

    Luc scoffed at my description. "Extreme measures? Maggie, that wasn’t extreme! It was attempted suicide!"

    Hayden was with me,

    And do you honestly believe that you and Hayden would have been enough if Michel had decided to kill you? I’ve fought beside Hayden more times than I can count. Surrounded by soldiers who had lifetimes of training, and still, I’ve seen us fail.

    Luc took my shoulders in his hands, Maggie, how could you be so stupid?

    I yanked from his touch and small flames erupted over my skin.

    Stupid, Luc? It’s stupid to try to negotiate a truce that could end this war without risking any more lives?

    It risked yours, and that’s the only one that concerns me, he replied flatly.

    To make sure I understand everything you’re saying, I sharp tongued back at him, my voice low, You can take your little swords and march out to fight with no regard to your own life, but to hell with me trying to make a peaceful plea?

    Yes, Maggie. That is exactly what I’m telling you.

    My flames shot higher as my insult grew. I was trying to determine what to say to the vampire, the correct mixture of cuss words and angry gestures to drive home my point that I wanted to be treated equal to him and not as a possession he needed to protect. My mind worked quicker than my mouth could repeat, ending up as an incoherent rant in my thoughts.

    If you slow down, I can cherry pick the appropriate reply, he offered with a smirk.

    That cleared it up.

    Knowing he was inside my thoughts, I opted to forgo speech and use sign language. My flames receding, I gingerly flipped him the middle finger before shoving him to the side and made my way to the fireplace.


    I reeled around and faced him, working hard to keep my fire in check. No Luc! You don’t get to decide for me! I’m not a helpless little bird that can’t fly. I don’t need a hero to run to my rescue, or some well-intentioned prince to lock me in a tower.

    Is that what you believe I’m trying to do?

    Yes! That’s exactly what it feels like. You want to protect me because you love me...I get that, I even appreciate that, but Luc- you can’t. This is my fight as much as yours.

    He stared at me for a second before approaching. Instead of walking around the sofa, Luc put one hand on the back and swung his legs over it, the motion graceful.

    Ever consider hurdles? I chided, unimpressed.

    Maggie, you have no idea what you’re up against—

    And you do? Has there been another point in Realm history where a vampire was changed into a revenant and then attacked the universe with an angel as his sidekick? Funny- I don’t recall reading about it. I guess my grandfather wasn’t a thorough as I’d thought.

    I turned away; swallowing the pit that rose in my throat at the mention of my grandfather. Thoughtlessly, I reached for the charm that was left behind in the ashes after the angels had claimed him for Shadow. I’d hung it on the necklace with the charm he’d given me after I’d first arrived at The Trust. The flat medallion was still warm to the touch from my fires, and I let my fingers slide over it, seeking comfort.

    Maggie, look at me? Luc asked, his words softened as his hand fell to my shoulder and gently urged me to face him. As usual when this vampire touched me, my body betrayed me and I turned to set my sights on his glimmering green eyes.

    He smiled, his thumb stroking my chin as he lifted it higher. I worry for you. Is that so terrible a thing? To fear that something could happen to you and I am nowhere near to save you?

    And that’s the problem, I answered honestly, taking his wrist in my hand and slowly removing it from my face.

    "I don’t want you saving me, Luc. I need to know that you trust me; that you won’t stand in front of me, questioning every move I make and fearing that I’ll shatter."

    You ask me to do the impossible, he admitted.

    It’s impossible for you to trust me?

    Luc folded his arms over his chest, his head held high. In this circumstance, you’ve made it abundantly clear that no; I can’t trust you where your own welfare is concerned.

    The room fell heavy in silence as we stared at each other. If Luc can’t trust me with my own life, how could he ever trust me with our child’s? Even as the thought crossed my mind, doom filled my chest.

    Was he listening to my thoughts? Oh Angels...tell me he wasn’t listening...

    I am now, he offered on cue. What don’t you want me to know?


    You’re lying, he assessed.

    Yeah...I am, but if you can’t trust me I guess it doesn’t matter what I say, you wouldn’t believe me anyway.

    I made my way toward the door, practically stomping my feet as I tried to leave the room.

    Luc transported and grabbed my wrist, blocking my escape.

    What aren’t you telling me, Maggie?

    It doesn’t matter! I yelled at him, refusing to mention the baby now, realizing that if he knew, there’d be no way he’d let me do anything more than lay in bed, probably expecting me to crotchet booties or something.


    I pulled in attempt to free my arm, but his hand held firm. Let go, Luc. Go have another drink or something, but let me go!

    Not until you tell me what you’re hiding! He raised his voice back in reply and chills rose over my arms at the absolute anger I could feel slithering just below his surface.

    It’s not important!

    It is to me!

    Hey! I heard Davis call from the doorway. I watched as he and

    Autumn walked into the room, coming to stand a few feet from us.

    Is this strictly a Lover’s Quarrel or can anyone insult Luc? the shifter teased.

    Luc released my arm and took a step to the side. In a grand gesture I knew he didn’t mean, he bowed and swept his hand to the side, keeping his focus on me, almost like he was daring me to keep arguing with him.

    My lady was just leaving.

    Yes, she was, I replied, not taking the bait. Without another word, I left the library, Autumn right behind me, hurriedly trying to keep pace.

    I let the door slam shut behind me and jogged down the porch steps, doing my best to tamp down the fires that threatened to escape with my frustration. I needed to distance myself from Luc and his chauvinistic opinions before I called on my fire and incinerated the pompous vampire.



    he air was freezing and snow was beginning to fall in giant flakes. I silently considered turn back around and go inside for a jacket, but I’d be damned if I would. I’d just deal with a case of pneumonia later.

    Maggie? Autumn called as she tried to catch up with me.

    I paused and waited for her. The witch had her hands tucked under her arms, her breath barely seen through the heavy snow.

    Where are you going?

    I have no idea. But I know if I stayed in that room with him one more minute, I was likely to kill him or worse, I admitted when she’d joined me.

    What’s worse than death? the witch asked, quirking her eyebrow.

    I don’t know, but I’ll find something.

    Autumn smiled. Come on, we’ll head to the barn. We’ll at least be out of the weather.

    There’s a barn here?

    Not exactly, she replied. Taking my hand in hers, we transported.

    When the world came back into focus, I found myself standing in the shadow of a large barn. It looked old, like about to fall down around us old, and I could smell animals- horses I thought- as well as fresh cut grass. The sun shone brightly, a stark contrast to the snow that had been falling on me seconds ago.

    Where are we? I asked, looking over the scenery.

    Come on This was my home outside of The Realm, the witch smiled, dropping my hand and heading toward the barn door.

    I followed, perusing the area as we walked. The grass was greener than I’d ever seen, and in the distance, I saw rolling hills so large they were partly hidden in the clouds. Birds sang easily from the trees that surrounded the perfectly flat expanse of land those hills surrounded.

    Autumn, it’s beautiful, I complimented.

    Thanks, she smiled over her shoulder and returned her focus to pushing the large door open. It was on some sort of sliding mechanism and as she forced it to the left, rusted wheels squeaked as they rolled for the first time in a long while.

    The sun shone in from behind us, illuminating the dust that floated

    lazily on the breeze we’d allowed to enter. I could smell leather and realized it was probably from one of the many saddles that sat on perches fastened to the barn wall, and hanging beside were matching bridles. Woolen blankets, coated with a layer of dust, were folded on a shelf beneath the riding equipment.

    The witch spoke, happiness in her voice as she must have been

    recalling a fond memory from her childhood. My mother loved horses. She used to tell me that there was nothing more freeing than trusting the animal you rode to carry you forward.

    The interior of the barn was wide plank boards with two rows of stalls that ran the length. I saw hay bales in the loft above, and a rickety ladder leaned against it to let whoever tended the barn to climb high and retrieve the hay as needed.

    A whinny cut through the silence and Autumn clapped her hands like a small child twice before she charged off in the direction of the sound.

    Autumn? I called, quickening my steps as I trailed her.

    The floor was covered with strands of hay that kicked up dust motes as she jogged to the stall at the end of the left row. The witch’s hair bounced side to side as she ran, paying no mind to where I was, seemingly lost in her excitement. I slowed when she pulled the stall door open and vanished inside.

    Autumn? I asked softer, rounding the stall and peeking inside.

    My witch friend stood petting the neck of the largest animal I’d ever seen. The giant beast looked like a horse, true enough, but it was huge. It stomped a hoof, and the floor beneath my feet shook. Nervously, I stepped backward.

    Autumn smiled, urging me to stay with her. Maggie, this is Carmine. She was my mother’s horse.

    Carmine was a well suited name for the coppery colored mare that towered over the witch. The mane, unlike the reddish color of the horse, hung long and was bleach white. The eyes were striking in their lack of color- as iridescent as pure silver as they stared down at me.

    Timidly, I raised my hand to touch Carmine, but pulled back when the horse snorted, its saliva spitting at me.

    Enough, Autumn smiled as she admonished the horse, while she continued to run her hands over the animal.

    This is Maggie. She’s my friend and you’ll be nice to her, got it?

    As if the horse understood what Autumn was telling her, its head

    shifted from nuzzling the witch and faced me. Slowly, Carmine’s head and front legs tipped forward.

    Is the horse...bowing to me? I asked, confused as I watched.

    Autumn chuckled. Of course she is. Carmine is trying to apologize to you.


    Autumn continued to smile but focused her attention back on the horse.

    I meant no dishonor, child of John and Muriel Henning.

    What? I questioned.

    "What what?" Autumn looked back at me.

    Did you say something to me Autumn?

    She laughed. Nope.

    I need no one to speak on my behalf, the voice replied. Carmine’s head rose and turned, letting one of her platinum eyes land on me. I am more than capable of speaking for myself.

    I shuffled backward, tripping over a rake.

    Autumn! Your horse!

    Hmmm? The witch continued, not bothering to look at me.

    Child of Hennings, the witchling cannot hear my words, for they have been saved these many years for you only.

    I wiggled my finger in my ear, as if I had trapped water inside them that was playing havoc on me. I glanced back to Carmine’s long face.

    "Can you hear me?" I thought.

    We are not the unintelligent animals you mortals would like to think us, Carmine’s voice answered.

    "Why can’t Autumn hear you?"

    Carmine snorted again. As I have already said Child of Hennings, my message has been saved these many years for you alone.

    Okay. Yes, I’d seen some mythical creatures running around in ball gowns while in Celine. I’d had sword fights with walking skeletons.

    Hell, I’m technically married to a vampire that was, at one time, working with powerful angels.

    Like a horse that could speak to my thoughts should surprise me?

    When one spends their life pretending to be deaf, is it any wonder to feel shocked when you finally hear?

    "What does that even mean?" I asked.

    All animals have the ability to speak. The key is whether or not anyone is listening, the great horse explained.

    Well, you have my attention, I spoke aloud, drawing Autumn’s focus.

    Maggie? You alright? She looked down to me. I had yet to stand up from where I’d tripped over the barn equipment.

    I lied through a smile, Yeah. I think I may just be over tired.

    The witch smiled easily as she took a brush from the wall shelf and began to comb over Carmine’s back.

    Child of Hennings, you have a destiny to attain. The worlds depend on you for survival.

    Old news, Pony, I mumbled under my breath in reply; immediately answered with a gruff whinny.

    Lean on him for help, for he shall be the one to bring Her to life.

    Bring who to life? Her? Her who?

    Carmine shuffled in the stall, dipping her head into a burlap sack and coming back with a mouthful of hay. Lazily, the horse chewed.

    "Her who?" I questioned again, but the horse who’d seen fit to offer me advice just a second ago had apparently decided alfalfa was now more important that ominous equestrian warnings.

    I stood and marched into the stall, my prior apprehension at the horse gone now. Carmine went on chewing as I shifted left and right in front of her, trying to make eye contact.

    Her who? I asked aloud.

    Maggie? Autumn asked curiously, pausing in her grooming of the horse.

    "Are you...talking to Carmine?"

    I folded my arms over my chest. Maybe.

    Do you expect her to answer? the witch queried slowly.

    "I repeat...maybe."

    Autumn set the flat brush back on the shelf, and after patting

    Carmine’s neck, looked to me.

    We should probably head back. Get you some rest. Maybe she’ll reply when you’re asleep? Send you an email? I mean, if Carmine can type with those big hooves—

    I glanced up at the horse, hay sticking out the side of her mouth as she continued to chew on her breakfast and not talk to me.

    Autumn gave Carmine a final pat before she stepped out of the stall, pulling the door closed behind her. The beast of a horse, still chewing, poked her head out of the opening in the stall, her silver eyes watching us depart.

    Carmine whinnied loudly one last time, and I’d swear it sounded like she said good luck.





    heard the door slam as I watched Autumn smile at Davis before she followed Maggie’s departure.

    I heard the entrance door close again.

    But still, my feet refused to budge in that general direction.

    "Seriously? Autumn is chasing after your woman instead of you?" the shifter questioned, cutting a swath through the tense silence left behind when the females left.

    I turned away and headed for the buffet table, opening the scotch and poured my third glass before I could answer him.

    I’m not chasing Maggie. She was stupid...reckless—

    You married her, Davis replied flatly.

    And what is that supposed to mean? I quizzed over the rim of my glass.

    Like attracts like. That’s all I’ll say.

    I growled softly, frustrated by Davis’s observation.

    But more bothered by the werewolf’s accuracy in said observation.

    He continued, his steps growing closer until he was standing beside me, Now I’ll be in the dog house with the witch because she went after Maggie instead of you.

    Davis grabbed a glass, looked over the decanters, reconsidered, and put the glass back down.

    The dog house, huh? I chuckled, draining my drink.

    Or as I like to think of it, home. He replied.

    I set my glass back on the table and faced the shifter. Canine humor, Davis? You should really stick to just letting me crack the jokes. It loses something when it comes from you.

    Davis put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He spoke, his voice lower and serious. "And Luc, if you aren’t careful, you’ll lose

    something, too."

    I studied him for a heartbeat before I exhaled heavily.

    She doesn’t get it, I admitted to him. Michel could have killed her if he wanted to, Davis. And I wasn’t there to protect her.

    I paced away from his hold and ended at Liam’s desk. The papers on it had been left by Maggie’s father as he’d searched for some way to help up fight Michel and his army of revenants. Liam’s prized quill and inkwell were still poised on the right corner, but the ink inside the small bottle was beginning to dry up. Soon enough, the only thing left behind would be a stained bottle and fond memories of a gentle man who did nothing to deserve the fate he’d been dealt.

    I’d been right there when Michel killed Maggie’s grandfather. I heard her scream and wiped her tears. I failed her then, I spoke softly, looking down at the crudely drawn map, indicating the particular spot before I faced the shifter once again.

    I failed her the night of the battle when Ossa fell...I failed to protect her that night. Count them Davis- that’s twice I’ve let her down. How many times do you think Destiny will let me escape without punishment?

    Without punishment? Davis chuckled sarcastically. Luc, I was there. I watched as you fought to find a way to bring Maggie back. We all watched as you thinned, grew frail, white knuckling onto life as you waited for her to return to you.

    And she would try to leave me so soon afterward? I asked him,

    tucking my hands into my pockets. Is that truly love, Davis?

    The shifter was silent, contemplating his next words. Finally, he strode to me. Toe to toe, the werewolf stared.

    And then he slapped me.


    Really Luc? Davis sneered, his hands now on his hips as I rubbed at the cheek he’d struck.

    "You expect her to just sit around and wait for you to rescue her? Do you honestly believe that Maggie is that girl? The one you can tie down and tame? Have you meant her? Luc- the chick can control fire, and you think she needs you?

    Have you considered, for just a second, that it’s the other way around?

    I growled, lowering my palm. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    "That maybe it’s you that needs to be saved and not the phoenix?"

    Davis’s words were like a wet blanket tossed over my anger. Me? I needed to be saved? Umm...nooo, I don’t think so. I opened my mouth to say as much to him, but Davis spoke first.

    "You thought you were cursed until her. You thought you didn’t

    deserve love until Maggie opened her heart to you. You dreamed of nothing more than glory until Maggie gave you a reason to aspire for so much more.

    "You were calculating, intelligent, looking for nothing and expecting even less...until her. Are you seeing a pattern here Vampire, or do I need to draw you a map?

    You aren’t Maggie’s hero, Luc. Maybe she’s yours.




    It was dusk when Autumn and I transported back to The Trust

    together. Stars were just beginning to make their appearance above us, and the nights were growing colder. The big house was quiet when we walked in. The characteristic noises that had once filled her rooms- of a laughing fae and of my grandfather trying to reign in the commotion- was all noticeably missing; replaced with a silence that was as profound as those damned trumpets in Celine.

    I knew I should eat, but I had no appetite for anything. Half of me wanted to find Luc and apologize. The other half wanted to bound upstairs and check on Stephanie.

    But all of me combined was too afraid to make a step in any direction.

    Davis walked out of the dining room, a slice of pizza dangling from his hand when he found us. The shifter smiled at us both before offering the witch the half eaten slice.

    I got you pizza, he smirked, cheese hanging from his lip.

    Autumn looked at what remained of the pepperoni pizza slice in his palm. Think you could spare an entire piece, or would that be too much to ask for?

    The werewolf mumbled, I could call and—

    It’s fine, she replied, smiling. The witch approached him and took a bite right out of his hand. This is perfect.

    My chest felt warm as I watched the pair. It was plain to anyone with a set of eyes how much they cared about each other. It has to be love if you don’t fight over the last slice of pizza, right?

    Autumn is gonna kill you for eating two entire pizzas— Luc was

    saying as he walked out behind Davis, not having realized we’d returned.

    Let’s go see about ordering another, I heard Autumn suggest to

    Davis, but it was a side thought as I stared at the vampire looking at me. The couple left the foyer, going back into the dining room and leaving Luc and I alone.

    He didn’t move toward me as our eyes remained locked on one another.

    Hey, he offered softly.


    Davis...he ordered pizza, but ate it all, Luc said, an apology in his voice.

    I’m not hungry, I answered.

    You should eat something.

    You should stop trying to tell me what to do, I replied, my words colder than I’d meant them to be.

    Luc and I stayed in our fixed positions across the foyer from each

    other. Not speaking. Not fighting. Not caving in to each other.

    It was Luc who finally broke our standoff. His movement was slow and deliberate as he approached me, his eyes still locked on mine.

    You’re right, Maggie. I should stop trying to tell you how to live.

    What? I replied, stunned and not expecting those words to pass his lips. I’d been preparing for a fight; to yell at him and demand to be treated like an equal. I even had an entire speech worked out in my mind that I was going to use.

    Big words and everything...

    If I am to really love you, Maggie, then I need to trust you.

    I stuttered, trying to force some kind of anger into my voice, and

    failing, Yeah do.

    He was right in front of me now. His eyes bounced between mine and I craned my neck to see him. There was no anger in his expression, no hint of whatever trick he was trying to play on my by saying all the things I wanted to hear.

    And I do love you, Maggie, he confessed, his hand threading into my hair and pulling me closer still.

    I love you more than anything else, and that’s why I’m so afraid. I’m afraid of losing you; of waking up one morning and knowing I won’t see your smile or be able to kiss your lips and tell you how very important you are to me. That’s torture for me; to spend even a second worried about you...worried that the last time I saw you was really the last time.

    And I love you, too, I whispered, all of my planned words

    evaporating under his touch. "But Luc, I

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