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Ebook58 pages42 minutes


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About this ebook

Dave, spurning her given name of “Davina”, has records to set straight. Okay, so she is a boring IT nerd, but she’s had more lovers than Don Juan. Angry at being the low point in a three-girl triangle, she’s ready to strike back.

Starting with losing her virginity as an eighteen-year-old, now she bares all.

PublisherLimey Lady
Release dateFeb 14, 2017

Limey Lady

Here's a confession for you: I'm not sure if "Limey Lady" is a pseudonym or my alter ego. Back in 2016, when she came into being, she was definitely a nom de plume. Now, however, I am not so sure.As background, I have always written stories but, up to 2009, writing took a backseat, way behind the demands of my family and career. Then a life-changing medical condition . . . well, it changed everything for and about me. Suddenly I had/have time to spare. Suddenly I was/am churning out tale after tale.I was born in York but brought up in West Yorkshire, in part of the Aire Valley often described as "Bronte Country". I must say, though, that although most of my stories are set locally, they have little in common with the fine works of Charlotte, Emily and Anne. So far my output can be divided into two: long stories featuring ne'er-do-wells, guns and some violence . . . and shorter stories featuring "liberated" women who rarely do what they're supposed to do.Limey Lady was created to be the author of the short stuff. But the longer novels all include feisty, uncooperative females - much like her characters - so I'm going to put her name to both as I publish on Smashwords.Watch this space . . .

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    Book preview

    Davina - Limey Lady


    By LimeyLady

    Copyright Mark C Woolridge (writing as LimeyLady), 2017

    Distributed by Smashwords

    All characters and events in this publication,

    other than those clearly in the public domain,

    are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons,

    living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One - Teenage Kicks

    Chapter Two - Sara

    Chapter Three - Street Sex

    Chapter Four - The First Date

    Chapter Five - Girlfriends

    Chapter Six - Alone at Last

    Chapter Seven - In Bed at Last

    Chapter Eight - Happy Awakenings

    Author’s Note

    Other Books by LimeyLady


    I can’t believe I’ve finally started writing this. I’ve been putting it off for months. But some stories need to be told, right? Sometimes the truth must out.

    I’m sorry if that opening sounds a bit pompous. I’ve been referred to in stories before, you see, and I don’t particularly like the way I’ve come across. Okay, I’m a boring IT nerd, I accept that, but I can’t possibly be as bland as I’ve been portrayed. I do have some sort of a life.

    And I’ve had loads of girlfriends; loads and loads. Sex-wise I haven’t been bland at all.

    Being completely honest, sex-wise I’ve been quite naughty.

    So here we are; this is my attempt at both setting the record straight and making me seem a bit more interesting. Be warned: it is going to include a lot of confessions, mostly of the bedroom variety. In fact it’s going to be a whole string of bedroom confessions, some of them slightly embarrassing.

    But hey, why should I let a little embarrassment get in the way of a good story?

    To kick off with I’ll tell you a few things about me. I’m twenty-six, a lesbian, currently single and proud owner of my own gold star. According to my birth certificate I’m Davina but I’m known to most folk as Dave. The exceptions are few and far between. My mother when I’m in her bad books (that’s quite often, tee-hee!), an aged aunt (from whom I have great expectations), and the IT administrator at work (who has a thing about nicknames).

    Thinking about it, it’s the only the administrator who causes me grief. I’m not really so often in mum’s bad books and I only ever see Aunt Maude at Christmas. On the other hand, having my work emails auto-signed for me as Davina means I have to have the call me Dave conversation more regularly than I’d want.

    Like with every flipping new contact I ever make!

    I’m going to rely on others to describe my appearance, starting with one of my three true loves, Mikki. Mikki readily admits that, for the first twenty-four hours of our acquaintance, she thought that I was a bloke. If I recall correctly, she said I was about five foot eight with very short, light brown hair. And that my body looked lean beneath my shapeless clothes.

    Not a promising start, you might think. Mikki then went on to tell the world that, still convinced I was a guy, she masturbated that first night, picturing me and imagining God only knows what. I honestly did not know how to feel about that when I first read it. And I wasn’t entirely reassured when she went on to say that the next night, by

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