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God Speaks to Me: Meditations from God's Heart to Yours
God Speaks to Me: Meditations from God's Heart to Yours
God Speaks to Me: Meditations from God's Heart to Yours
Ebook223 pages54 minutes

God Speaks to Me: Meditations from God's Heart to Yours

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Are you aware that God speaks to you? In fact, He is continually speaking to you--and to all of us. The problem is that we are usually not paying attention.

In this inspiring book, Dr. MaryAnn Diorio has recorded some of the words God spoke to her over a 10-year period of personal journaling. Although she originally thought the words were only for her, Dr. Diorio received instruction from the Lord to publish her journal for all those whose hearts would be open to hearing from God.

May you be blessed by this book. As you read it, may God speak His own personal words to you. To that end, the author has provided space on the pages of the book for you to record God's personal words to you.

Release dateFeb 14, 2017
God Speaks to Me: Meditations from God's Heart to Yours

MaryAnn Diorio

MaryAnn Diorio writes fiction from a small town in New Jersey where neighbors still make time to chat, kids still lick lollipops, and old married couples still hold hands. A Jersey girl at heart, MaryAnn loves Jersey diners, Jersey tomatoes, and the Jersey shore.

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    Book preview

    God Speaks to Me - MaryAnn Diorio

    Foreword by Dr. Mark Virkler

    Many years ago, I read a book similar to the book you are about to read by MaryAnn Diorio. In it, God was speaking for page after page. I so hungered to be able to hear God’s voice as the authors of that book did, and as MaryAnn does on the pages that follow, but I had no idea how to do that.

    Sure it was Scriptural. People from Genesis to Revelation heard God’s voice and saw visions, and Acts 2: 17 tells us that in the last days, sons and daughters would prophesy and young men would see visions and old men would dream dreams. Well, I lived in the last days and I couldn’t do any of those things. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice (John 10: 27). Well, I was His sheep, but I was not aware that I heard His voice. Yet I was sure that Jesus was not lying to me. So what was my problem?

    I finally discovered that I didn’t understand what His voice sounded like. It is experienced as spontaneous, flowing thoughts (John 7:37-39), and if I would fix my eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12: 1, 2) and ask Him to speak to me (James 4: 2), and tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures, I would be tuning to His voice and His vision.

    If I begin to write in faith when the flow beings (Rev. 1:9-11), then the flow continues, just as it has for MaryAnn, and just as it will for you if your try these 4 keys. The 4 keys are: stillness, vision, spontaneity and journaling. We have listed the 4 keys in expanded detail at the end of this book, and we also have a book, workbook, CDs and DVD package available to train you and your group to hear God’s voice just as MaryAnn does in the pages that follow. The training package is called 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and is available from

    Happy Journaling,

    Dr. Mark Virkler

    President – Christian Leadership University


    In the early part of the 21st century, I found myself hungering for more of God. I had been a Christian for over thirty years, yet I sensed there was still much more for me to learn and experience in my relationship with the Lord.

    While surfing the web for how to hear God’s voice, I came across Dr. Mark Virkler’s teaching on this very topic. Excited to have found this answer to prayer, I enrolled in Dr. Virkler’s course entitled How to Hear God’s Voice, one of many outstanding courses offered through Christian Leadership University. I learned so much from this amazing course that I enrolled in another one and then another one, until I had taken enough courses to earn the Doctor of Ministry degree in Christian Counseling.

    This book is a direct outgrowth of that first course I took on hearing God’s voice. For the past ten years, I have been recording what the Lord has been speaking to me. Until recently, I thought these words were just for me. So I kept private the personal journal in which I had written them, and I often re-read the journal to remind myself of what God had spoken into my life.

    Recently, however, I have had a growing sense that what the Lord spoke to me over the past ten years, He now wants the entire Body of Christ to hear. So, it is with deep humility and deep gratitude that I present to you, my fellow follower of Christ, these precious words from our Lord Himself. May they inspire you and encourage you as they have inspired and encouraged me. May they correct you and discipline you as they have corrected and disciplined me. Most of all, may they cause you to see more clearly into our Lord’s very heart and to fall more deeply in love with Him as you come to know Him more intimately than ever before.

    Your sister in Christ,

    MaryAnn Diorio

    Cherry Hill, New Jersey

    December 6, 2013


    This book is arranged in a devotional format. It includes 100 readings, with one reading assigned to each day. You may begin at the beginning

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