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The Victorian Boss
The Victorian Boss
The Victorian Boss
Ebook54 pages36 minutes

The Victorian Boss

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About this ebook

This story is loosely based upon a previously published story in the Big Bad Bosses trilogy called The Hamilton Men.
Fantasy LLC, an exclusive organization where only a lucky few get to live out their wildest sexual dreams and let their inhibitions run free.
It’s not for the faint of heart and money or fame can’t buy you a way in.
An anonymous panel of philanthropists decides who will be the lucky recipient of the month. Application forms and essays are judged on their creativity and how turned on they get by what the applicant wishes for.
Winners are everyday people, bored housewives, teachers, doctors, virgins, and people just like Mathilda Wellington who was lucky enough to be picked as this month’s recipient...
Mathilda works in a library and her favorite area that houses the Victorian erotica. When she dares to write to Fantasy LLC describing how she’d like to be transported to Victorian England and be a maid in the home of a sexy British man, she has no idea that she’s going to live each minute as if it’s really happening.
Can time travel really happen...Mathilda’s about to find out...

Release dateFeb 16, 2017
The Victorian Boss

Vanessa Devereaux

Vanessa Devereaux is the bestselling author of erotic romances and erotica including Cater to Me, The Rake, Who's the Boss, and The Pleasure Room. She's also pens three ongoing series, Perfect Pairing, Big Sky County and Kalispell Shifters.

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    Book preview

    The Victorian Boss - Vanessa Devereaux

    The Victorian Boss

    Fantasy LLC

    Vanessa Devereaux

    Published by Coldstream Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Vanessa Devereaux

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

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    Chapter 1

    Fantasy LLC, an exclusive organization where only a lucky few get to live out their wildest sexual dreams and let their inhibitions run free.

    It’s not for the faint of heart and money or fame can’t buy you a way in.

    An anonymous panel of philanthropists decides who will be the lucky recipient of the month. Application forms and essays are judged on their creativity and how turned on they get by what the applicant wishes for.

    Winners are everyday people, bored housewives, teachers, doctors, virgins, and people just like Mathilda Wellington who was lucky enough to be picked as this month’s recipient…

    The ride to work is crowded and hot. Another commuter’s backpack smacks me in the face as the train bounces on the tracks. There’s barely enough room for me to turn the pages of my book. Yes, I’m an old fashioned girl who still loves the feel of paper between her fingers. Old Victorian books are my favorite. There’s something very alpha male about a man from Victorian times.

    The train pulls into the station and this is my stop. I shove the book into my bag, stand and push my way through three rows of people to get to the door. I’m out on the platform and take a deep breath.

    It’s a ten minute walk until I get to work. It’s going to be another sweltering hot day. The sun’s out and I shield my eyes as I cross the road with the throng of commuters.

    The library doesn’t open for another two hours but I always like to get there early, grab a coffee, and sit and read for a bit. It’s the main reason I took the job in the first place.

    I scan my card in the machine by the employees’ entrance and go inside. It’s an older building and the air conditioning isn’t that great. I make my way to the stairs that leads to the floor where I work. I always take the stairs because the elevator’s questionable and breaks down at least once a week.

    When I arrive on the floor, Megan

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