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Defeating Disease
Defeating Disease
Defeating Disease
Ebook256 pages3 hours

Defeating Disease

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This book talks about human health in terms that are easy to understand. It discusses human health from a nutritional point of view, and talks in detail about why the things that we consume have such a huge impact on our well-being.
It explains in layman’s terms how we develop disease in our body, and lets us know what we have to do to get rid of any disease that we may have. It covers a variety of important health topics, and looks at the concept of health from a new perspective.
This new perspective discusses human health from an “Electrical Compatibility” point of view. The more we learn about health and the human body, the more obvious it becomes that all aspects of nature are designed to be compatible, and to work in harmony. Read this book to find out more about this harmony, and find out how this new perspective in health can benefit you. Find out how you can achieve the high level of health that you deserve.

Release dateFeb 17, 2017
Defeating Disease

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    Defeating Disease - E.R. Harder NHC, IRD




    E.R. (Ron) Harder, nhc, ird

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    The Process Of Digestion

    Chapter Two

    Our Food Supply

    Chapter Three

    Modern Medicine

    Chapter Four

    Our Health Care System

    Chapter Five

    Taking Care of Your Teeth

    Chapter Six


    Chapter Seven


    Chapter Eight

    The Cost of Health Care

    Chapter Nine

    The Start of Disease

    Chapter Ten

    Free Radicals

    Chapter Eleven

    Your PH Level

    Chapter Twelve


    Chapter Thirteen

    The Benefits Of Exercise

    Chapter Fourteen

    The Workers Within Us

    Chapter Fifteen

    The Road To Good Health

    Chapter Sixteen

    Nutritional Supplements

    Chapter Seventeen

    Defeating Disease

    About The Author




    This book is not intended as medical advice. All opinions are strictly the opinion of the author and do not constitute medical advice. Consult your health care provider for any questions you may have concerning your health.

    Neither the author, publisher, retailer, or anyone else involved with the writing, printing, or distribution of this book shall have any liability, or be responsible to anyone, for any loss, injury, or damage caused by any information contained herein.


    The development of disease in the human body has always been a mystery. Nobody has ever really explained how disease gets started, where it comes from, or why it strikes certain people and seems to leave others alone. In this book we will take a look at these questions, and come up with some very simple answers that will surprise you.

    Many people today are searching for viable treatment alternatives to the many diseases that are rampant in our society. Conventional treatments for most diseases consist of either toxic chemicals, or surgery. The only conventional forms of treatment available today for cancer for example are Chemotherapy and Radiation, but as we all know, these deadly forms of treatment are often more harmful to your body than the disease they are trying to cure.

    The purpose of this book is to provide an alternative solution in the treatment of disease in our body. It will take us through some of the reasons why we have so much disease in our society, and it will offer an alternative method by which these diseases can be defeated.

    Defeating disease in our body is not that difficult. All that is required is for us to get back in tune with Mother Nature, and follow a few simple steps that will help us to defeat any disease that we may have.

    When I say not that difficult, I mean that the concept is not that difficult. The difficult part is in changing our lifestyle from doing those things that have caused us to become ill, to doing those things that will help us to defeat disease, and ensure a high level of health for ourselves, and for those that we love.

    This book starts with a discussion of digestion, how our intestines work, and why the operation of our intestines has so much to do with our overall health.

    The first chapters of this book provide us with an understanding of WHY we develop disease, the following chapters tell us HOW disease develops, and the last few chapters tell us how we can dramatically improve our overall health, and give us the SOLUTION that can help us to defeat any disease that we may have.

    Please note that this book was written in layman’s language. There are no medical terms that are difficult to pronounce, and impossible to understand. It was written so that the general public could grasp the concept of good health from their own perspective.

    Thank you for allowing me to share with you the information in this book. I sincerely hope that you will find this information useful, and that you will follow the suggestions in this book, so that you can help your body to defeat any disease that you may have, without taking toxic chemicals called medicine, without being subjected to radiation, and without having to undergo Surgery.

    Chapter One

    The Process Of Digestion

    Digestion is one of the most important functions in our body, and one that most of us take for granted. It is an electrical process, and in order to explain it so that it can be properly understood we have to look at it from an electrical point of view.

    Absolutely everything in our entire universe is constructed of atoms (electrons, protons, and neutrons). This includes every element of nature; the wood in our trees, our water, our air, the food we eat, and the entire structure of the human body.

    The molecular structure of the things that we consume have to be compatible with the electrical structure of our body in order for us to receive any nutritional value from them.

    If what we eat is not electrically compatible with the matrix of the human body, our body will not receive it as a nutrient, but will receive it as a toxin. In other words, it will not nourish us, it will poison us.

    Electrical Configuration

    We are very closely tied to the elements that surround us. We are made from the same components that are found in nature. To emphasize that we should take a look and see what those components are.

    Our body is constructed of the following: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen make up roughly 96% of the body’s mass; and calcium, chlorine, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur make up 3.9% of the balance. Trace elements make up 0.1% of our mass.

    These are the same elements that we find in nature, and each of these has its own electrical matrix. The food that we eat has to be compatible with these electrical matrixes in order for us to receive any value from it.

    If we change the molecular configuration of our food, we will change the way it interacts with our body. By changing the molecular configuration of any substance, we change the number of electrons in this substance, and thereby change its ability to combine with other substances.

    Our universe depends on the interaction between all the different parts. It is held together by the electrical cohesion between all these parts, and it functions because of the compatibility between these same parts.

    All of this cohesion can be looked at as electrical energy, and it can be said that all electrical energy is interrelated. In other words, everything is electrical energy, and electrical energy is in everything. This electrical energy becomes very important when we look at this process called digestion.

    Our food is made up of electrical components, or molecules of different matter. Some of these particles of food will be electrically compatible with our bodies, and some will not. The parts of our food that are compatible will nourish our bodies, and the parts that are not compatible will not nourish us.

    When we look at the process of food intake and waste elimination we can see that only a small fraction of the actual food we eat ever gets anywhere near the cells of our body, and the food that does find its way to our cells does so by following a very complicated sequence of events. Most of our food goes through our digestive tract and ends up as waste material that is eventually eliminated.

    Gastrointestinal Functions

    Here is how the process of digestion works. We have some food in front of us that we are about to consume. Before we ever put this food into our mouth, our senses tell us what that food is, and our body prepares itself to digest it. It takes different enzymes and gastric juices to digest different foods, and when our senses tell us what is coming, our body prepares the digestive tract for what we are about to eat.

    When we put food into our mouth and chew it, we break it up into very small particles to allow the gastric juices and enzymes to begin their work of digestion. The more we chew our food the better this digestive process will be.

    When we swallow our food, an action called peristalsis (wavelike contractions of the muscles in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract) propels food through our esophagus and transports it to the stomach. In the stomach our food is mixed with enzymes and other digestive juices. Enzymes break down the carbohydrate, lipid, and protein molecules into smaller segments so that they can be absorbed through the lining of our intestines and used by our cells.

    Several minutes after food enters the stomach, gentle, rippling movements called mixing waves pass over the stomach. These occur about every 20 seconds. These waves churn up our food, mix it with gastric juices and enzymes, and reduce it to a thin liquid called chyme.

    Every time these mixing waves pass over our stomach, a small portion of this chyme is pushed out of our stomach and enters the very first region of the small intestine.

    Our small intestine is about 1 inch in diameter, about 21 feet long, and is divided into three segments. The first segment is the duodenum, the second segment is the jejunum, and the third segment is the ileum.

    The duodenum, about 10 inches long, absorbs mostly proteins and minerals. The jejunum, about 8 feet long, absorbs mostly carbohydrates, proteins and water-soluble vitamins. The ileum, about 12 feet long, absorbs mostly bile salts, cholesterol, fat, and fat-soluble vitamins.


    About 90% of all the nutrients that are absorbed into our body are absorbed by the small intestine. The majority of the water the body needs is also absorbed by the small intestine.

    All this absorption is made possible by something on the inner wall of our small intestine called villi. Villi are 1-mm high, finger-like projections on the inside lining of the small intestine, and because there are thousands of these they vastly increase the surface area available for absorption and digestion.

    The actual process of absorbing and digesting our food is very interesting, and it works like this. The enzymes and other digestive juices have been busy breaking down our food into very tiny microscopic molecules that we can now absorb.

    If the enzymes and digestive juices have done their job properly, the microscopic molecules of nutrients released from our food will be electrically attracted to the field of energy surrounding our small intestine.

    This field of energy is very much the same as the field of energy surrounding an electromagnet, except that the magnetic/electrical field of energy surrounding the intestinal lining occurs on a much smaller scale.

    This field of energy will draw the microscopic molecules of nutrients through the porous intestinal lining and deposit them into the venules surrounding the small intestine.

    These venules are actually very tiny veins, and when the molecules of nutrients are deposited into these venules, the nutrients are effectively released into the blood stream.

    At this point these tiny food particles would correctly be named complex protein molecules, and as you can see, this process of absorbing nutrients through the lining of the small intestine is 100% electrical.

    Your body will attempt to absorb the highest quality complex protein molecules that it can, but if high quality molecules are not available, your body will absorb the highest quality that it can find.

    Here is how this selection process works. Your body will seek out protein molecules that are electrically compatible with your matrix, and when it finds these, they will be absorbed. If your body cannot find protein molecules that are electrically compatible with your matrix, it will absorb the most compatible protein molecules available.

    To look at that another way, our body will attempt to absorb the highest quality nutrition it can from the food that we give it, but if the energy field surrounding these complex protein molecules is not as compatible with the energy field surrounding our intestinal lining as it should be, what we then absorb will not be high quality nutrition that our body can use, but will be a lower quality nutrition that will not really nourish us.

    These complex protein molecules have now been carried through our veins, and have been pumped through our heart and into the veins and arteries of our lungs. In our lungs the blood picks up oxygen, and from there the complex protein molecules and the oxygen are passed into our arteries, and are now on their way to the capillaries of our body.

    Capillaries are the tiny little blood vessels at the very ends of our arteries, and it is at this point that our protein molecules will be made available to the cells of our body. (See chapter 13, figure 6.)

    Your protein molecules get to your cells as follows. The blood that is being pumped into your capillaries is made up of plasma and red blood cells, and it is the plasma portion of the blood that carries the oxygen and nutrients. As your capillaries become very small they wind their way between the cells of your body.

    The capillary walls at this point are very thin, and this allows the plasma portion of your blood to be electrically drawn through these walls and enter into the region between your cells, carrying the oxygen and nutrients with it. This is accomplished by the same magnetic/electrical process that carried the molecules of nutrients through the small intestinal lining, which we discussed previously.

    When the plasma enters the region between your cells it becomes known as interstitial fluid. Your interstitial fluid surrounds every cell in your body and very soon a protein molecule within this interstitial fluid will pass by one of your cells.

    This little molecule is of opposite polarity to that of your cell, and when the molecule and the cell meet, the complex protein molecule will be electrically drawn into the cell, and the spent energy from the cell will be released back into the interstitial fluid.

    New energy has been released into the cell, and spent energy, which is now waste material, has been released from the cell back into the interstitial fluid. (We will see in a later chapter how this interstitial fluid develops into lymphatic fluid that carries these spent energy particles away.)

    Medically, this process of energy transfer from the interstitial fluid to your cell is called the sodium/potassium pump, and as you can see, this process is 100% electrical. If what you consume is not electrically compatible with your body, then the electrical energy transfer from your small intestinal lining to your blood stream, from your capillaries to your interstitial fluid, and from your interstitial fluid to your cells, becomes distorted.

    The greater this distortion, the less nutritional value you will receive from your food, and the more toxins and waste products you will build up within you.

    This is basically how the process of digestion in your body works. It is more complicated than this because the digestive process also includes other organs such as the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder, but the main thing we are interested in here is the actual process of how the protein that you consume gets to the cells of your body.

    The process described above should make it very clear just how important Electrically Compatible Nutrition is to your health and well-being. If you take a substance into your body that is not electrically compatible with your body’s matrix, your body will not recognize it as food, but will consider it to be a toxin.

    Chapter Two

    Our Food Supply

    When our forefathers first came to North America, they cut down small patches of trees and used the cleared land to grow their fruits, vegetables, and crops. The soil in which they grew these plants was full of natural bacteria, flora, and enzymes. For thousands of years Mother Nature had been putting nutrients back into the soil in the form of decayed vegetable and animal matter.

    This decayed matter (natural fertilizer) replenished the soil with nutrients that continued to grow nutritional food that the people of that day depended upon to feed their families. This cycle of life and decay had been in existence for thousands of years, producing very rich soil

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