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The Amazons Rise Up
The Amazons Rise Up
The Amazons Rise Up
Ebook141 pages1 hour

The Amazons Rise Up

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After a series of bad events, several women with two cats come together to start a colony on Orcus without any men. Not all the women are heterosexual or even human.

Release dateFeb 20, 2017
The Amazons Rise Up

Ali Noel Vyain

I'm a strange and unusual writer/graphic designer who writes mainly in the urban fantasy/science fiction genres about people who come in different shapes, sizes and colors and may not all be heterosexual.

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    Book preview

    The Amazons Rise Up - Ali Noel Vyain

    Chapter 1 Della

    Della was having a good time with her latest conquest. He was handsome and buffed. He was so sure of himself. She liked him the moment she laid her eyes on him. So now they were on a date and things were going so well. They had a good dinner and a good chat. They were flirting more than talking.

    Then they went to his place. It was small, but quite comfortable. There were mirrors all around the main room. It didn’t take them long to make out and explore each others’ body. Really she was enjoying it and she knew he was as well.

    That was until he started to bite and claw her. She had to push him away. But he grabbed her. He pinned her down to restrain her on the bed and continued to get rough.

    She knew asking him to stop wouldn’t matter. Then she saw something familiar about him. He was shifting into a nonhuman animal form. She smiled at him when he turned into a wolf. He was still on top of her, but puzzled by her smile.

    He had no warning. She shifted into a tiger. The wolf jumped off just in time. Soon the two were fighting and the wolf couldn’t take all of her blows. He may have been larger, but in the end, it didn’t matter. She was determined to not let him hurt her.

    Soon it was all over. The wolf was dead. Della shifted back into human form and checked her body thoroughly. She had long red and black straight hair. Her skin was a light brown. Her eyes were brown with a yellow tint. She was slender, but still had some curves. She knew she would never look as good if she were to get fat, but she never cared. She never needed to wear a bra as her breasts were small, firm, and never sagged.

    She had always taken such good care of herself that she loved her body and she loved to share it with other people. But not when they were rough and uncaring. She regretted having to kill her latest lover, but he wanted to hurt her.

    She looked at his lifeless form and that’s when she got the idea. It was just an inkling in his apartment, but it wouldn’t go away. It nearly shouted at her.

    Go start a new colony in the solar system!

    She blinked. She looked around his apartment. Her clothes were all torn up. There was no way she would be able to wear them again. Then she saw a wardrobe. She walked over to it and opened it. Inside were more of his clothes, but also some items that were distinctly women’s apparel. She checked out the women’s clothes and tried them on.

    They fit perfectly. She admired herself in the mirrors and then wondered whose clothes they were. She thought she’d never know, but felt it was best to take her torn clothes with her and her purse. She stuffed her torn clothing into her purse and made sure she had everything that belonged to her.

    Next time she would be more careful about whom she decided to share her body with. Sometimes she had wondered what it would be like with another woman. At least she couldn’t get pregnant from a woman. She shook her head. For now the best thing she could do was to get out of here as soon as possible.

    Later she was in her tiny apartment cooking some food for herself. She had been home for days now and the police hadn’t knocked on her door. She still felt tense. At least she didn’t leave anything behind in his apartment. She kept checking the Internet for articles on his death.

    She found one, but the article didn’t say what caused his death. However, the police issued a statement that he had been accused by several women of rape. But somehow he was never convicted of any wrong doing. Della wasn’t sure what to think of that. None of the women who had accused him were mentioned elsewhere in the article.

    Ever since she had been home, she had been thinking about starting a new colony. It was becoming an obsession that haunted her in her dreams when she was sleeping. She wasn’t sure where in the solar system she wanted to go, but she was beginning to think that anywhere would be better than Earth. She was exotic looking, but many people had no idea she was a weretiger. It was a secret she had to keep or else she could be killed as her parents were.

    She sighed. What would she lose if she checked around the Internet to see if anyone else was interested in joining her? Probably nothing. But she didn’t think she wanted any men on this expedition. How about just a group of strong, independent women?

    She smiled at the thought. Perhaps she could call the band of women colonists Amazons. Never mind what height or shape or color they were as long as they could think and act independently and could be relied upon. Yes, that would work. She laughed. She knew the space military probably wouldn’t like it, but what could they do? Women could learn to fight just as well as men could.

    Soon she was sending out inquires with her new definition of what an Amazon was. She finished cooking and ate. She had no idea how long she would have to wait before she would get any responses.

    Chapter 2 Paula/Paul

    Paula was bored. She sighed as she checked the social media networks. Same old same. She rolled her eyes. People tended to bore her at times. Why couldn’t she meet someone interesting? She didn’t care for her job, but it did pay the bills. She set her tablet down on the table and stood up. She walked over to the window and looked outside.

    She had an average build and average height. She kept most of her hair shaved except for her bangs. She also wore baseball caps to the left side. She tended to wear jeans and T-shirts. Yet, everyone could see she was still a woman. Some people tended to call her Paul instead of Paula and she never cared.

    Perhaps she was lonely. There didn’t seem to be anything on Earth to keep her put. She was too young to have fought in the war between Earth and its colonies, but she remembered it. Now Earth and the colonies were working together, but still she knew there were people who weren’t happy it happened. Or they were unhappy with the results.

    Some people actually believed Earth should have won. She shook her head. She was tired of hearing it. What if she could help start a new colony somewhere in the solar system?

    Now that was an idea worth thinking about. It was new and different. It was exciting. It was more interesting than her current life on Earth. She had a small apartment to herself. She had a cat she adored. The cat was the most interesting person in her life. Right now he was asleep on top of the fridge. She turned to see him sleeping without a care in the world. She smiled. If she were to go to a colony, he would have to come with her.

    She walked back to the table and picked up the tablet. She did a search and found there was someone who wanted to start a new colony, and wondered if others wanted to come with her. Paula sat down and read a bit more. She wasted no time in sending an inquiry to a woman named Della.

    Paula looked at Della’s profile picture. Paula smiled. She was certainly a looker. She looked like she had the perfect body. And those eyes… Those eyes could stare right through you if you weren’t careful. Paula wondered how many hearts Della had broken in her time. Paula hadn’t broken any she was aware of.

    She checked the time. She set the tablet down on the table and grabbed her small bag. She walked out of the apartment and was soon on the street. It was noisy on the street and she had to look out for cars. She frowned. She didn’t like the attitudes of the drivers. They could be rude and didn’t seem to understand why anyone would want to walk anywhere.

    It took some time, but soon she reached her girlfriend’s apartment. It had been a year so far and things were great as far as Paula was concerned. She was slow and her girlfriend didn’t seem to mind. She smiled when pulled out her set of keys and unlocked the door. She opened the door and closed it as soon as she was inside.

    She looked around and didn’t see anyone inside. But she soon heard sounds which make her blood run cold. She looked towards the television. It was off. She looked at the windows. They were all closed. But the sounds were getting louder. They sounded like they were coming from the bedroom.

    Paula crept slowly and quietly to the bedroom. The door was wide open and there were two people in the bed together. Her eyes widen as she realized they were naked and what they were doing.

    That was when her girlfriend noticed her and her eyes widened. Oh, shit!

    What? What’s wrong? asked the person she was with.

    Oh, shit, we have to stop. She pushed the person off of her. She got off the bed and stood up. Look, Paula, I can explain.

    Paula stared at her.

    Who is she? The other person turned around. It was clear it was a male human.

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