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A Stone's Throw
A Stone's Throw
A Stone's Throw
Ebook204 pages3 hours

A Stone's Throw

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About this ebook

Deep in the Scottish Highlands, one woman will feel the winds of change tear her life asunder. The person that emerges will be forced to overcome the world - or the world will be overcome by the forces of Hell.

PublisherColton Mckay
Release dateFeb 21, 2017
A Stone's Throw

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    Book preview

    A Stone's Throw - Colton Mckay


    A Stone’s Throw

    Colton Charles Mckay

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    Chapter 1

    Maeve was certain she was being followed. There was no evidence to support this, just a gut feeling. She maintained her brisk pace through the darkened village, so as not to alert her pursuer. Or pursuers, her frightened mind insisted on adding. Maeve held her bag closer. It held medicine for her mother, who had fallen ill with a high fever just that morning. Maeve’s father was off on a hunting trip, so it fell to her to go into town. Which is how she found herself in town after dark.

    She risked a glance backwards and walked right into someone.

    Looking up at the strange man, Maeve was stunned. She had never seen someone so big. He looked to be half again as tall as her. The stranger had a wild look about him: unkempt hair and a lot of it, ruffled and torn clothes, grimy skin, and his eyes, the dark green hue of the sky before a tornado, had a haunted look. There was something else about his eyes, but she couldn’t place it. Then she realized that she hadn’t apologized yet, occupied with staring at him like a ninny.

    The words came out in a rush. Oh, I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to bump you. I looked over my should—

    The man silenced her with a finger laid over her lips. Leaning close, he whispered, You’re being followed. Get behind me and duck into the alley.

    There was no mistaking the command in that deep voice. Maeve stepped around him, noticing for the first time the sword on his back. She pressed her back against the cold stone and peered around the corner. Only a moment passed before a trio of heavily muscled men wandered down the street. They looked like beggars, except for their eyes—their eyes told a different story. These men were hunters. Maeve held her breath as the trio approached her protector.

    Where is she? the lead man said, his voice rough.

    The strange man cocked his head to the side. Pardon me? I haven’t seen any women here. I’m starting to doubt this village even has any.

    Don’t play with me. We know she came this way.

    So you’ve been following a woman around after dark? Sounds shady, my friend.

    The lead man nodded his head slightly. The other two stepped to the sides, and the trio began advancing.

    Maeve heard her protector chuckle darkly to himself. His right hand snatched the blade from over his shoulder, the steel making a strange humming sound as he drew it. The sword caught the moonlight as it swept around and decapitated the man on his right. He reversed his grip and held the sword point down in front of him. The blood from the dead man’s throat gushed out and followed the sword, covering the steel and bubbling over the surface. At least until it seemed to sink into the sword. The steel returned to its original silver.

    The two remaining men fell back in horror and fled the scene. Maeve’s protector calmly watched them go. Satisfied they were gone, he turned back to her. They won’t be bothering you anymore, m’lady. He bowed his head slightly, turned on his heel and walked away.

    Maeve was stunned at it all and would have let him go. But there were those eyes. Wait. When he stopped, she carried on. Please escort me home. I’m afraid that I haven’t seen the last of those two.

    You have, but I will do as you ask. He stepped closer. Pushing his sword into the ground point first, he knelt. My name is Niall. You have my word that you will reach your home safely. Niall got to his feet and sheathed his sword. He clasped his hands behind his back and awaited her word.

    It took Meave a moment to figure out why he was just staring at her. She blushed deeply. It’s outside of town. My family lives on a farm south of here. As they started off, she immediately noticed that Niall was a step behind, trailing after her. It reminded her of a puppy that had followed her home one day. The poor thing had looked half starved, so she fed it. Hunter was the name her father gave the pup. Maeve shook her head. He’s not a dog, silly billy, she scolded herself.

    Could you walk beside me, please? It’s a bit weird to have you following me.

    Niall stepped forward.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome.

    Maeve glanced over and noticed that his eyes never stopped moving. You are very alert.

    Yes, he replied simply.

    You don’t talk much do you, Niall?


    Where did you come from?


    How did you get here?


    Why were you on that street back there?

    Waiting for you.

    Maeve looked over at him, surprised. How did you know I’d be there?

    I didn’t, but there wasn’t much else on that road.

    I don’t understand, Niall.

    I knew something was supposed to happen there.

    How did you know something was supposed to happen?

    Niall tapped a single finger against his forehead, between and above his eyes. He left it at that, as if that explained everything. Maeve threw up her hands.

    Niall looked at her, his eyes settling for the first time. You seem frustrated.

    You are confusing.

    And this upsets you? He looked genuinely puzzled.

    Buildings gave way to a darkened forest as they continued south. Maeve took a moment to think about it. I don’t like confusion. It makes me feel stupid.

    Niall let out a big laugh, his whole body shaking. She could only stare at him. Oh, this amuses you, does it?

    That you think yourself stupid? Yes, m’lady, it amuses me greatly.

    Maeve wasn’t quite sure if he was being serious. Then what he said sank in. Oh, I’m so sorry. My name is Maeve. She was blushing again. Thank you for the kind words, Niall.

    Truth. Was all he said and gave a small wave of his hand.

    It was a long moment before she spoke again. I’m no stranger to blood, living on a farm. But what you did back there, that was wrong. Not to mention scary.

    Niall shook his head. Those men intended to kill me, and I can only guess at what they intended for you. I defended myself. I also only took one life when I could have taken three. They were wrong to attack me.

    They hadn’t actually attacked you yet.

    Niall looked at her, staring into her eyes. You saw their eyes just as well as I did.

    She nodded. It was still scary, that sword of yours.

    Yes. He got distant, looking haunted.

    How did you come by it?

    He heaved a deep breath out. I refuse to lie to you. So I will not tell you my tale, not until I’m sure.

    Very well. Sure of what?

    You. His eyes went back to surveying the scenery.

    And what exactly does that mean? Maeve blurted out.

    Niall shook his head. I mean no offense, Maeve, but does it not seem odd how comfortable we are together? Almost as if we’ve met before.

    Hearing her name from his lips sent a small shudder through Maeve. Yes, I suppose it is a bit odd, but I feel safe with you. I wonder why that is.

    I am unsure.

    Maeve had her eyes on the forest, but something in his voice made her look over. But you have an idea, don’t you?

    Yes, and the way you read me just now supports it. Do you wish me to voice my thoughts? Maeve nodded and even though he was looking over his shoulder, away from her, he carried on. I once heard of a concept known as reincarnation. The idea was that when a person died, and their energy departed, it might at some future point return to the earth. At which point it would find a newborn body to inhabit. Niall took a deep breath before continuing. I once had a wife, a long time ago. It is my belief that you carry her energy, or at least part of it. You definitely feel different than her.

    Maeve could only stare at him. He looked no older than she was. Yet his eyes spoke of a different truth, a deep knowing. And then she realized something else--she shouldn’t even be able to see him and yet she could. There was a sort of radiance to him that she hadn’t noticed before, a vague glow that revealed his form to her. Why are you glowing like that, Niall?

    For the same reason you glow to my eyes. Our energies are linked.

    Maeve knew that she should be scared or at least a little uncomfortable, but when she looked into Niall’s eyes she was overwhelmed by emotion. She had never felt anything so strong before, or so suddenly. Niall held his hand out to her and she took it without thought.

    Chapter 2

    They walked the rest of the way in silence. Maeve had never felt so peaceful before. And then the night was pierced by a single scream. Followed by deafening silence.

    Don’t. Niall had a hand on Maeve’s shoulder before she could take a single step. Let me go.

    Maeve tried to protest, but he melted into the trees. She waited a moment, a thousand thoughts flying through her head. Thoughts of what was happening to her mother to cause such pain, about how Niall had put it all together so quickly and how he’d left her here. She looked down at the bag of medicine in her hands and wondered how much good it would do now. She wept, fearing the worst. For a long moment she cried the hot tears of agony.

    Pull yourself together.

    The thought cut through her tears. It was Niall. She looked around, already knowing that she would not see him. She ought to be surprised, and yet she wasn’t. Maeve took a deep breath and pulled herself together. Wiping away her tears, she began walking towards her farm again.

    Maeve’s path was dark, almost invisible. But it was her path and she didn’t need light to walk it.

    Her house came into view just as a man crashed through the front door. The door went with him, snapping right off the hinges. Niall strode out after him. He drew his sword, that strange hum accompanying it. The man on the ground jumped up and rushed him. It was his final mistake.

    Niall didn’t slow down, bringing his blade up and taking off his attacker’s hand. Faster than the man could even scream, Niall rammed his elbow into the man’s throat, cutting him off. Stepping around him, Niall spun and decapitated his foe. The sword drank the blood again and Maeve shuddered in the dark.

    You didn’t stay where you were, Niall stated, kneeling down to search the body.

    Maeve marched over to him. I am not yours to command. Now where is my mother?

    Looking at her for a long moment, Niall finally spoke. Not yet. As for your mother, she’s inside. I laid a blanket over her. You should remember her as she was.

    She couldn’t believe it. He must be mistaken somehow. Maeve turned and headed for the door. I’m sorry. Niall’s voice was soft behind her.

    Maeve could feel his sympathy and it convinced her of the reality. Her mother was gone. She ran through the darkened house, and fell apart at her mother’s bedside. Maeve’s hands shook as she reached to pull the blanket away.

    You don’t want to do that, Maeve, Niall said from the doorway.

    She withdrew her hand and looked up at Niall, her emerald green eyes shimmering as her tears spilled forth. What am I to do then?

    I will help you bury her. Then you will get on with your life. Niall moved forward and knelt at her side. Putting his arms around her, he continued on. It will hurt for a long time. All you can really do is carry her memory with you and never forget the things she did for you. Niall’s fingers began stroking Maeve’s hair, and he pulled her head onto his shoulder. She wept for a long time.

    Maeve looked up to Niall after the last of her tears were shed. Thank you, Niall. Now, why did that man kill my mother?

    Men. There were five of them. Niall took a deep breath. I apologize. I believe that they killed her because they were ordered to. The men who were following you must have reported back, which means they are dead, as well. Failure is not acceptable. Standing up, Niall began pacing. I think better when I move.

    Maeve watched him wear a path in the wood flooring for a moment. Then who gave the order?

    A demon.

    Maeve could only stare.

    Niall reached into a pouch on his belt. He pulled out several small pieces of midnight black fabric. He handed them over and began speaking again. I tore those from the dead men. Well, they weren’t exactly men, but never mind that for now. That is the insignia of the demon that I’ve been hunting. Don’t touch the insignia itself. He carried on pacing.

    She studied the fabric. There was a wolf in the middle, a snake wrapped around every limb and another twining around its neck. The one on the neck had its teeth sunk into the wolf. Around the wolf’s feet were rodents of every kind, miniscule in comparison. It was all done in blood-red thread that looked more like blood than thread. The insignia was terrifying to her. She looked up at Niall. Why am I not supposed to touch it? She shuddered at the thought of feeling it against her skin.

    You don’t need a reason, he said, noting her shiver. I’ll give you another one, though. The wolf bites--not intentionally, mind you. It just lashes out from the pain it is feeling, Niall said distractedly.

    Maeve looked at the picture again and it did seem like the wolf was in pain. She shuddered again before handing the fabric scraps back to Niall. She wiped her hands on her dress. So this demon had my mother killed? Why?

    Again I apologize. It’s because I helped you on that road back in town. What I can’t figure out is why they were following you in the first place. I don’t think that that bastard of a demonic shit pile knew that we were connected. And those men didn’t seem to know who I was, nor did they bear the insignia. Niall took a calming breath and continued on. All of which means that they were specifically following you. They weren’t even worthy of wearing the demon’s insignia, which means that they were human. And weak ones at that.

    She couldn’t answer his question. Maeve caught up to what he was saying. So those men went back, reported that you protected me, and then shortly thereafter my mother died? They killed her simply because I survived? Her tears spilled out again, hot and fierce. This is my fault.

    No! Niall roared at her, his eyes blazing. "Never think it, Maeve. This was the demon’s way of sending me a message. He knows that you are important to me, but more than that, he knows that you are important. I just don’t understand why yet. For some reason you are important in

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