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She will sacrifice everything to save his people. He will sacrifice his life to save her...

A curse has been laid on Blakely and before the next full moon Gerrick must discover a way to end it, or he and all the people of his land will die. Their only hope is for Gerrick to find the fabled honey elixir. He travels to the Isle of the Singer and discovers not only the magic elixir, but the one woman whose song touches his soul.

The Beesinger, Ambrosia de la Courte, a mortal, serves Oriana, who is not only the Mistress of the Elixir, but an immortal goddess. Ambrosia’s family owes a long-standing debt in payment of past sins to the goddess, and Ambrosia, as the eldest daughter, is committed to a lifetime of service as Beesinger. To allow herself to love the handsome stranger who needs her help and calls to her heart, would mean the destruction of not only her whole family, but Gerrick as well. When the fates intervene, choices must be made. Will their love survive? Or will the fickleness of the gods destroy them forever?

Release dateFeb 22, 2017

Adrianna Dane

Adrianna Dane has been putting pen to paper since the age of ten. She currently resides in the state of Washington. She has a great fondness for using a fountain pen when writing her first drafts. Hobby interests are varied, including photography and traveling. The first defining love story Adrianna read back in junior high school was "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte, and that set her on the road to her long-standing love affair with books of all genres. Her inspiration in writing often can be found by listening to song lyrics, from hard rock to classical, and reading poetry by such poets as Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edgar Allen Poe, and Ranier Maria Rilke. But finding inspiration for her stories truly has no boundaries for Adrianna. In 2006, her dark fantasy GLBT story, Body Parts, won its category in the Dream Realm Awards. Adrianna has written more than 100 stories, short, novella, and novel length, delving into many facets of the human condition - contemporary, futuristic, and fantasy, and all the flavors therein and in between. In other words, wherever the story and the characters, as well as their intricate stories, take her imagination, then her pen and/or computer keyboard, are sure to follow.

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    Book preview

    Ambrosia - Adrianna Dane

    A curse has been laid on Blakely and before the next full moon Gerrick must discover a way to end it, or he and all the people of his land will die. Their only hope is for Gerrick to find the fabled honey elixir. He travels to the Isle of the Singer and discovers not only the magic elixir, but the one woman whose song touches his soul.

    The Beesinger, Ambrosia de la Courte, a mortal, serves Oriana, who is not only the Mistress of the Elixir, but an immortal goddess. Ambrosia’s family owes a long-standing debt in payment of past sins to the goddess, and Ambrosia, as the eldest daughter, is committed to a lifetime of service as Beesinger. To allow herself to love the handsome stranger who needs her help and calls to her heart, would mean the destruction of not only her whole family, but Gerrick as well. When the fates intervene, choices must be made. Will their love survive? Or will the fickleness of the gods destroy them forever?

    This story is a work of original fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.

    This book remains the copyrighted property of the author.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be

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    Copyright ©2016 by Adrianna Dane

    Cover Art by T.A. Gallup

    This story was originally released in September, 2005, under the title, Legend of the Beesinger, by Amber Quill Press/Amber Heat

    CAUTION: This story contains explicit sexual situations and strong language. You must be over the age of 18 years of age to read this story.


    By Adrianna Dane

    Dream Romantic Unlimited, LLC

    Table of Contents
















    They’re dying, my lord. Nothing seems to be working. The fever is growing worse; ten more fell ill today. The whole village will be decimated and there will be no one left if we can’t find a cure.

    Gerrick stared into the flames in the stone fireplace. The warlock had voiced a curse upon Blakely and all who resided within its borders, even as the flames consumed him when he was put to death. A week passed before Gerrick’s father suddenly fell ill from the fever. From that point it spread rapidly.

    As the fierce flames had leapt into the air engulfing the warlock, his voice boomed out through the smoke and acrid smell. Cursed you will be, Blakely Lord, and all this land holds dear. My death will not save you from my wrath. Upon the rising of the next full moon, all shall succumb to the fever that even now rises within the land as you set fire to my pyre. First thelLord and last his only heir, until finally I shall be avenged.

    Every word uttered by Tovak was branded into Gerrick’s memory. He’d watched his father set the torch to the brush, the expression on his face unforgiving and filled with hatred, as though carved from the granite face of the mountain settled to the far north. He’d never known what lay between Tovak and his father, only that his father had denounced him as warlock and sentenced him to death. Mutual loathing had exuded from every pore.

    Embracing the mantle of leadership weighed heavily on Gerrick. He hadn’t been prepared to step into his father’s place so quickly and under such conditions. Gerrick paced the length of the great hall. There had to be a way to circumvent Tovak’s curse. Coming to a decision, he turned back to the healer.

    Send for Samara. She may have the answers we seek.

    The old healer stared at him, surprise and fear evident in his eyes. Are you certain, my lord? It has been many years since the old hag has set foot inside the castle. Your father banished her when your mother died.

    I know how long it’s been. Gerrick pinned the man with an unrelenting look. Can you provide any other answers then? A way to save our people you have overlooked?

    The old man sighed. We have tried everything we know. Nothing touches the fever.

    Some other wisdom, then, you have failed to share with me?

    No, my lord.

    Then fetch Samara. She is our last hope. He spun away from the healer, ending any further discussion.

    He heard the echo of retreating footsteps behind him. Samara was a last, desperate attempt to save the people of Blakely. When he’d been a child, Gerrick recalled her as a servant in the castle, a sage who had advised his mother on a regular basis and even his father on occasion.

    She had the sight, the ability to see beyond the veils of time, was able to interpret the signs of the gods, as well as possessing the gift of healing.

    Seventeen years ago, when Gerrick was five, something had occurred while his mother was carrying Valonia, his sister. At the moment of her birth, his mother had died. Her heart simply stopped. Samara was banished from the castle, and Gerrick’s infant sister was sent to be raised by the nuns. Gerrick had not laid eyes on his sister since the moment she’d been bundled up and taken away. His father forbid mention of his mother or his sister and refused to give his reasons. The mystery surrounding his mother’s death permeated the lives of everyone in the castle and the surrounding villages.

    When Tovak had first arrived at the castle, it was as though a gangrenous wound had been sliced opened and poured forth a dark, venomous hatred touching everyone, seeping into the very walls of the castle. The atmosphere hadn’t dissipated with Tovak’s recent death, but had escalated until it now cloaked the entire land, holding it prisoner in the grip of this fever.

    Gerrick always thought one day he would know the answers surrounding Valonia’s banishment, but now his father lay delirious and near death, and Gerrick felt the truth would never be revealed. He was also determined to bring Valonia home. His father must see reason in this. She should be with her family, not locked away in some nunnery. But not just yet.

    Now was not the time to ponder the reasonings of the past. First Gerrick must heal Blakely, find a way to destroy the curse.

    He found himself wondering what Valonia would be like now? Would she look like his mother? Delicate and fragile. Or would she have strong features like their father? Like Gerrick.

    Since his mother’s death the castle had become a dark and dismal place—silent to laughter and light. Maybe if he brought Valonia home that would change. Once again there could be happiness within the walls.

    But that couldn’t happen until they found a way to circumvent this curse. What had brought the warlock to Blakely in the first place? He had disguised himself as a passing minstrel, but eventually Gerrick’s father had pierced the ruse and finally denounced Tovak for what he was. He’d brought witnesses forth, testifying to spells cast, animals sacrificed. And finally judgment had been meted out. Lord Blakely had immediately declared Tovak a warlock and had him arrested. Without preamble Tovak had been executed.

    Gerrick had thought Blakely was shadowed by sad memories before, but since the curse had been uttered, the despair of the land clung close and dank. His only hope was that Samara would have an answer.

    Gerrick whirled about and strode from the empty great hall, out the door, and towards the stables. He couldn’t wait around doing nothing. Calling for his horse, he then rode to the village. Not that he would be able to offer much succor to the ill and dying. He had no answers for them.

    There was an old barn near the edge of the village that was now contained makeshift beds for the sick. Every inch of the barn was filled with people—young and old alike. The common denominator was the fever. An illness that held no tangible source, hitting first one person, then another, with no way to discover a cure.

    Gerrick walked along the rows of beds, moans and pleas filling his ears.

    Sir? a small, hot hand reached out to clasp his and he turned toward the tiny, weak voice.

    He knelt next to the bed. I’m here.

    Large brown eyes stared up at Gerrick from a face flushed with fever. Will you help us, my lord?

    Gerrick felt totally inadequate to assuage the pain he saw in the young face. He patted the small hand and released his grip. "I promise you I will do my

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