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Up In Flames
Up In Flames
Up In Flames
Ebook136 pages

Up In Flames

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Avery Syracuse is a New York transplant with the Skeenville Fire Department. He's a little rough around the edges, but loveable. Down on his luck in the romance department, he could use some help with the bills and is looking for a roommate when new transfer, Luke Turner arrives.

Luke is one of the best firemen Avery has ever seen, and it doesn't make sense for Luke to be wasting his time in Skeenville. The two men have an instant connection, although Luke has never been into guys before. While Avery is very attracted to Luke, he knows there is something the guy is hiding, and he's worried that if they get involved, this secret may come around and bite him in the ass one day.

PublisherS.C. Wynne
Release dateMar 1, 2017
Up In Flames

S.C. Wynne

S.C. Wynne has been writing MM romance and mystery since 2013. She’s a Lambda winner, and lives in California with her wonderful husband, two quirky kids, and a loony rescue pup named Ditto.

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    Book preview

    Up In Flames - S.C. Wynne


    By S.C. Wynne


    Avery Syracuse is a New York transplant with the Skeenville Fire Department. He's a little rough around the edges, but loveable. Down on his luck in the romance department, he could use some help with the bills and is looking for a roommate when new transfer, Luke Turner arrives.

    Luke is one of the best firemen Avery has ever seen, and it doesn't make sense for Luke to be wasting his time in Skeenville. The two men have an instant connection, although Luke has never been into guys before. While Avery is very attracted to Luke, he knows there is something the guy is hiding, and he's worried that if they get involved, this secret may come around and bite him in the ass one day.


    Chapter One

    Ah geeze, really? Trent had to be here?

    I scrambled sideways in the doorway of the bar, hoping I could back out before he saw me, but no such luck. So plan B entailed running my clammy hands through my hair while pretending to be surprised to see him. His dark gaze settled on me as he cocked one eyebrow, and smirked. I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t convincing enough.

    Hey, Trent I thought you worked tonight, I said, leaning against their booth and examining my ragged cuticles, all the while lecturing myself to ignore the fact that Brian was nestled next to him like an extra rib. Stupid prick. Push any closer and you’ll be up his ass.

    I finally got a Friday night off, Trent answered, his lips barely moving.

    If I was a little rattled seeing him it was only natural. We’d just pulled the cover over the corpse of our relationship a week ago.

    Thank God one of my crew waved to me from the back of the bar and I made my escape, instead of having to endure mindless chit chat with my ex. Hi, how are you? So are you and Brian screwing? What’s it been, five minutes since we were together?

    Terry, my firehouse captain, threw an arm around my neck. Fuck him, Avery. He can just go to hell, he slurred. Eighty-proof warmth wafted against my cheek.

    Well, Captain, a man has needs.

    Captain scowled and let go of me. Told you not to get involved with a cop.

    I nodded. I put up a good front but it hurt like hell seeing Trent wrapping his big arm around Brian. The obvious intimacy between the two of them made me sick. But I sucked it up because most of the guys were watching me to see what I’d do. What could I do? Big fat nothing, that’s what.

    One of the guys shoved a pint of something dark in front of me. I grabbed it and chugged. You might say I had a tiny bit of a reputation for having a bad temper. I think it’d been exaggerated if you asked me. I’d had exactly three altercations in the last year. Two of them were just guys blowing off steam, and I hadn’t started either one. The most recent occurred with a probie two weeks ago, on account of he almost got me killed during a call to an inferno of a house.

    We were both on truck engine and the firehouse he’d transferred in from didn’t search vacants. But ours does and we had a little misunderstanding when he didn’t want to follow me in to search the place. After a little cajoling we went in and found two people under a pile of ceiling. Needless to say at six five and two hundred and thirty pounds I can get things done. But even I can’t carry two people at once, and that’s where I got a little pissed off. When I realized the dumb-shit new guy was frozen with fear, I didn’t have time to kick his ass until I’d pulled both people out. I called him a few choice words and bit my tongue and dropped it. I even held it together really well until we were drinking with the crew a couple of days later. Then low and behold it all came bubbling to the surface, and I punched the kid when he mouthed off. He quit the department after that, and big fucking deal if you ask me. The job wasn’t for the weak of heart and he didn’t have what it took.

    Anyway, I now had an undeserved reputation of sorts is what I’m saying. But I sat on the bar stool offered to me and did an excellent job of not watching Trent and his date.

    Hey, name’s Luke Turner. A slender, tanned hand appeared under my nose. Captain told me to come over and introduce myself.

    I looked up into the bright, mossy eyes of the hand’s owner. He was gorgeous. Probably in his late twenties, he had smooth angular cheekbones, full lips and blond cropped hair.

    Why? I asked.

    Why, what? Turner pulled his dark brows together

    Why did he want you to meet me? I turned toward the Captain but he was busy hitting on Luxie, the waitress.

    I guess because I’m transferring in and going to be on truck with you? Turner ran a hand across his crisp hair when I didn’t shake it.

    I squinted. We got a new guy coming in and nobody mentioned it?

    New York, right? He smiled at me. It was nice, white and warm.

    Confused for a minute I then realized he must mean my accent. Yeah. I’m a transplant, like the rest of the guys.

    My mom was from Buffalo, he volunteered.

    What’s her name, maybe I knew her. I deadpanned.

    He shook his head. I’m gonna assume you’re picking on me and not implying my mom was a whore.

    I grimaced. Fuck, no I’m not calling your mom a…tramp.

    That’s a relief. He scanned my frame. I’d hate to have to try to kick your ass.

    Since he was six foot tops and leaner than me, it was hard not to smile. Yeah, I’m shaking in my boots.

    I don’t know, maybe if I had a ladder and a crowbar I could do some damage. He grinned.

    Are you a probie?

    What? his voice raised an octave. I’m a six-year veteran, buddy. I ain’t no newbie.

    You’re just transferring in out of the blue to our little town? I asked, taking a gulp off my ale.

    He dropped his gaze to the bar, hiding his expression. I am. I heard there might be a vacancy so I put in for it, and lucky for you guys, I got it. He sipped his drink, which appeared to be some kind of green martini. He was cocky and good looking enough to almost take my mind off Trent sitting behind me. Almost.

    I couldn’t help sneaking a peek at my ex just in time to see Trent walking out the door in a clench with Brian. My face scrunched in distaste as I turned back to Turner. He watched me without speaking.

    You know them? he asked.

    Heat filled my cheeks. The other guys knew I was gay but it wasn’t something I paraded around in front of everyone. Even though my department was fairly enlightened in these matters, Trent and I had tried to keep our relationship sort of quiet. Partly because he was a cop—neither of us had wanted to put up with the ribbing that comes with a boy in blue dating a hose jockey. He’s my ex.

    Ouch. Luke frowned. Which one?

    The tall good-looking one, naturally, I said.

    He nodded. Of course.

    He took the stool beside me, his leg brushing mine, and I caught a whiff of his woodsy cologne. It shocked me when a little tingle traveled up my thigh to my groin. My being tired and a little keyed up from seeing Trent might explain my body’s reaction.

    Where you from? I asked, hoping conversation would put my body at ease.

    Northern California. He rubbed his square jaw. I needed a change of scenery.

    Why our little town? Skeenville was a medium sized city in Southern California. Not as busy as Los Angeles, but busier than Mayberry. I’d moved here ten years ago looking for something more peaceful and idyllic than where I’d grown up in New York. And I was trying to get away from my old man and his drinking. But Skeenville wasn’t the sort of town hot-shot firemen were clamoring to get into.

    He shrugged. I checked it out on the internet. It looked like the kind of place where people are happy all the time.

    Ain’t nobody happy all the time, Turner, I said, looking at him as if he still believed in Santa.

    Well it looked like somewhere I’d like to live, he said. And you can call me Luke.

    I scowled toward Captain and bellowed, I can’t fucking believe we got a new guy and you can’t be bothered to mention it.

    Captain waved his arm at me like he was warding off evil spirits and leaned into the waitress again.

    Look, I’m a nice guy and I know my stuff. He leaned his chin on his knuckles. Don’t count me out just yet.

    I nodded and gave a thumbs up as one of the guys shoved another pint under my nose. Thanks, man.

    We had a kid come in who almost got Avery killed. He ain’t fond of newbie’s at the moment, Luigi said, patting my back and making me almost dribble beer down my chin.

    I’m not a fucking probie. Luke’s cheeks turned red as he frowned at Luigi’s retreating back. What is it with you guys? No one with experience ever drop into your department before?

    I wiped the beer foam from my lips. No one worth mentioning.

    You’ll soon be dazzled by my skills, don’t you worry. He lifted his chin and straightened his shoulders. But then is thick black lashes covered his gaze as he stared at the counter top again.

    Found a place to live yet? I asked.

    He nodded. Sort of. I have a room at the motel near the firehouse for now.

    What? That’s going to kill your bank account. Even that little dive will add up after a while. He kept his eyes down as I spoke and I couldn’t figure out if he was shy or hiding something.

    Yeah, well I didn’t want to sign a lease until I know I like it here.

    I shrugged. Makes sense. Not that I’d know.

    He smiled. It was as pretty as the first one, but it disappeared as fast as a box of donuts

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