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Walking Between Two Worlds: From the Known to the Unknown
Walking Between Two Worlds: From the Known to the Unknown
Walking Between Two Worlds: From the Known to the Unknown
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Walking Between Two Worlds: From the Known to the Unknown

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The aim of this book is to get the reader to look beyond the physical aspects of life and to understand that there are in fact other dimensions that are not visible to most eyes. It introduces questions about Who we are, other than just human beings and explains that we all have an energy field surrounding the physical body and that this is intricate in our overall state of health and wellbeing.

For the novice this work provides concepts to open the mind to other possibilities and for the seasoned spiritual traveller it may expand their knowledge and vision of the depth of consciousness that dwells within us all.

There are visualisations included that are easy to follow with attainable results to help people with issues that may be troubling them and to generally open the mind to greater truths. It proposes that thoughts are things and that we can change our reality by changing the way we think and that far from being impotent we all have the capacity to create better and more enriched lives.

Self-empowerment through healing the self is the paramount theme of this book and its objective is to inspire and engage the interest and willingness to grow and heal the self, which will be the result of reading this book.

The style is easy to read and straight forward as there are no difficult concepts or ideas. It is likely that all who read it will find exactly what they need in order to move forward in a positive and energised way.

Release dateFeb 15, 2017
Walking Between Two Worlds: From the Known to the Unknown

Connie Howell

Connie Howell lives in the Blue Mountains, Sydney, Australia with her husband, Walter. She is an author and mentor. Her great love is to disseminate spiritual truth to those willing and able to hear it.Connie spent many years studying and experiencing techniques in body work and energy healing which she then offered in private practice. She also gained experience as a counsellor and welfare worker before venturing into alternative methods of helping clients such as hypnotherapy, colour therapy and shamanic healing.At the age of 28 she experienced a spiritual awakening and found that she had clairvoyant and mediumistic abilities. For a time she gave clairvoyant readings but found that she wanted to empower people to find their own answers and insights, which she now does through her books and private coaching consultations.

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    Walking Between Two Worlds - Connie Howell

    Walking Between Two Worlds

    From the known to the unknown



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    Copyright 2017 © Connie Howell

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    The author does not dispense advice or prescribe the use of any particular technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems without the advice of a medical practitioner, either directly or indirectly. This book is intended to offer information of a general nature only for you to consider in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being and the author and publisher assume no responsibility for the outcome of any action taken or not taken based on the content of this book.

    Dedicated to

    all who want to expand their awareness

    Other books by the author

    Perfectly Imperfect: How to be imperfect and remain lovable

    Portable Snippets of Wisdom


    Over the years I have observed that people’s concept of psychics and mediums varies according to their mindset and their place in the community. For many it conjures up the ‘fortune teller’ image of some turbaned gypsy at a carnival staring intently into a crystal ball. Others dismiss it as anything from a con game to communicating with the devil. For those who are more open minded and prepared to have a reading to help them with their everyday issues, the information they receive may be invaluable. Provided of course they consult a genuine, talented and experienced reader who has their client’s best interests at heart and are not just out to make money.

    Sceptics abound whether working for mainstream scientific oriented organisations or the media, particularly the media. They argue, how could anyone possibly prophesise the future, or come up with answers to a wide range of problems purely by using intuition? The only possible answer is a combination of clever guesswork and spurious information combined with cold reading of a client.

    No matter how much evidence is available, how many people obtain tangible, positive results from a reading, it is far easier to dismiss this as hocus pocus and new age rubbish.

    When it comes to understanding and embracing such subjects as the afterlife, reincarnation, chakras, karma, life purpose and our spiritual direction … well it’s easier for people to snigger and dismiss all that out of hand. After all, the sun is shining, the surf is up and the sausages are on the barbecue. All that other woo woo stuff … who needs it?

    Fortunately more and more people are looking for meaningful answers that mainstream belief systems and the sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll lifestyle cannot provide in the new millennium.

    But having a reading, maybe attending a workshop and mixing with like-minded others is just the beginning for anyone wanting to find more meaning in their life. This level of spiritual curiosity is akin to dipping our toe into the water before diving in headfirst and going for a nice, long swim.

    Whether we know it or not, everyone is on a spiritual journey, we are a soul energy embracing a human body as a vehicle for its earthly experience. This is just one of many, many lifetimes and we are all at different stages of our overall development. Some souls are able to take big steps forward in this incarnation, while others need many more experiences before they reach that stage. However, if and when we are ready to progress we can start by making a conscious decision to embrace our unique spiritual path. This will give our soul the freedom it needs to develop in the circumstances we agreed to before we were even born.

    Everything begins with intention and once we do find our path in this lifetime we can open our hearts and our minds to all the appropriate experiences for our development. Although more and more people feel a deep intuitive need to find a new direction, it is not always an easy task. In fact, how many times do we hear people complaining that life doesn’t come with a book of instructions?

    Well now it does.

    Walking Between Two Worlds provides many of the answers to what are often regarded as the mysteries of life. Connie Howell draws on her wide experience and accumulated wisdom from many years of spiritual research, counselling and healing work, together with her earlier experience as a clairvoyant. How she opened up to her spiritual path clearly shows that Connie is not merely skimming the surface or drawing on other writer’s material. It is evident to me that this book comes from the heart, with a lot of help from her advisors in the world of spirit.

    Connie does not set herself up as some kind of spiritual guru, but importantly the subjects she covers provide the basic knowledge necessary for those starting their in depth spiritual quest. It also fills in a lot of the blank spaces for those already travelling the road of self development.

    Several years ago I set out to write a book like Walking Between Two Worlds, but was led in another direction by Spirit. So I am delighted to play a very small role in helping Connie to spread the word to those who will benefit from this valuable compendium of information.

    Barry Eaton

    Author and broadcaster


    Thank you to my sister Pauline for your unconditional love and support that never wavers. To my best friend Jenny Richards, thank you for your help and the laughs when I needed them.

    Special thanks also to my friends Erin Furner, Jane Bevan, Amanda Pole and Alison Babbage for your friendship and enthusiasm. To Jenny Howarth and mum Moyna for your incredible support in providing goods for my market stall so that I could raise the funds to publish my book.

    Gratitude to Julie and Dennis Clancy for teaching me how to be a marketeer – you have shown me nothing but kindness and friendship. Thanks to Wendy Craib for your generous sharing of ideas and materials sparking more of my creative side.

    My immense gratitude goes to Barry Eaton for the amazing and wonderful foreword, and for instantly agreeing to write it when asked. Barry has given freely of his time, expertise, wisdom and support.

    To my editor and publisher Jenny Mosher for your approachability and good humour and brilliance at what you do. To Ally (Mosher) Taylor, thank you for the awesome cover design. Both Jenny and Ally have given me full support in getting this book published. The professionalism of these two women is outstanding and I look forward to our next venture together.

    To my son Jason who lovingly spreads the word about his mum’s books and to my darling Walter for always being loving and supportive.

    Finally I offer the deepest gratitude to my Spirit helpers: thank you for your input and guidance.

    Connie Howell

    Blue Mountains


    I am not a mystic or a guru. I have always thought of myself as an ordinary woman who has had extraordinary experiences, and yet the truth is that none of us are ordinary. However, it’s what we tend to believe unless we have a high profile or have been lucky enough to have had enlightened parents or others that know we are all extraordinary beyond our comprehension.

    I climbed the ladder of spiritual development through hard work, sincere inquiry and by going on pilgrimages around the world to wherever spirit directed me to go.

    I always heeded the call, though sometimes reluctantly, but in the end I experienced growth that I could not have had any other way than to go where the journey led me.

    I have come to trust spirit even when it throws me curve balls and I wobble with frustration or anxiety about what to do next.

    Like me, the Universe has a great sense of humour and I love that about it. Rather than being pious and severe I find it to be awesome, loving and sometimes firm in its resolve to get me to be the best I can be and to carry out the mission that I agreed upon before coming into this finite world.

    I am grounded but open. Sharing experiences of bringing the unknown into the known for anyone willing to listen gives me great joy. I can talk about it all day for it is my passion. Passing on my knowledge and wisdom is what I love to do most and it gives me the greatest satisfaction.

    I don’t care for superficial conversations. I feel that my time is better spent opening the doors of awareness for those who seek the truth. Therefore, I feel that I am an illusion buster. I awakened from the dream and now it is my turn to wake you if you are ready and willing. If not, then you will slumber on a little longer until it is time to come out of the deep sleep of believing that we are simply human beings having only a human experience. That is not my truth for I know that we are spiritual beings learning through human experiences and that we are mightier and more beautiful than we can imagine.

    Chapter 1:

    What’s it like to be psychic?

    Some people remember being able to see the invisible worlds at a young age. I don’t have any specific memory of being psychic as a child but I did have a good imagination and I’m led to believe that I talked to myself quite a bit. Perhaps I wasn’t alone after all.

    I mainly kept busy doing what children do best which is playing and exploring the environment each day. And by weaving my way through the daily minefield of volatile family dynamics the best way I could.

    I regularly had nightmares of vampire-like monsters trying to capture me and suck out my blood which, for a little child, was frightening in the extreme but I would wake up in the morning to see that everything in my world was still there and that I had just had a bad dream. Even though my heart had been pounding with fright it was soon forgotten as the new day adventuring began. Children are resilient and for me that resilience has been a blessing.

    As I grew into my teenage years the dreams were no longer of those kinds of monsters but of the devil trying to lure me and catch me by the hand. I sometimes woke up with my hand clenched so tightly that it went numb.

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