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Just for the Movie
Just for the Movie
Just for the Movie
Ebook65 pages1 hour

Just for the Movie

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Will their romance survive when the cameras stop rolling?

Action film star Adam Feltworth’s last movie flopped big time, yet he’s offered one last chance to star in a romantic drama alongside the up-and-coming actress, Sara Leigh. Adam has never filmed sexy scenes with a full-figured woman, but he’s been warned—it’s this or retirement.

Throughout her career, Sarah has portrayed the fat, supportive best friend. With her breakout movie, Chemistry, she hopes to finally bring the pleasingly plump heroine into the mainstream spotlight. Knowing Adam’s history of preferring svelte beauties, she doesn’t want him for the part.

When Adam first holds Sarah during the screen test, a spark ignites that neither one expects. Now Adam’s problem is bigger than simply filming a hit movie to save his floundering career. He needs to prove to Sarah that she’s the only woman he desires...both on and off the screen.

This is a previously published work. It has been revised and edited for Evernight Publishing.

Release dateFeb 6, 2017
Just for the Movie

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    Book preview

    Just for the Movie - Sam Crescent

    Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

    ISBN: 978-1-77339-166-3

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: Karyn White


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Romance on the Go ®

    Sam Crescent

    Copyright © 2017

    Chapter One

    What the hell is this? Adam Feltworth pushed the script away from him. It wasn’t a bad script, but seriously? The story was so not him, and it was so not happening. He didn’t care.

    You asked for something different. This is what I got for you, Niles, his trusty agent, said.

    I’m the star of action flicks, Niles, not this crap. He was being unnaturally pissy today, but how did they expect him to take that role seriously?

    This is a romantic flick.

    With a fat girl! Adam shook his head.

    Look, you asked for something different, and believe it or not, this is all that came in for you. No one wants to work with you. You’ve got a bad reputation, and the truth is there’s a shitload of competition out there. You haven’t got what it takes.

    Each word was like a blow to his ego, and Adam took it. He’d been in the movie industry for over ten years, and he’d made some great movies. All of his movies were action, a lot of guns and explosions, but they were the kind that sold tickets, at least for him. He was thirty-five years old and getting too old to be throwing himself around. Adam wanted a challenge, something that took him completely out of his comfort zone.

    This is it? This is all that came?

    When you decided to stick with one form of acting, I told you it would be hard for the studios to take you seriously. This is the consequence for staying with what you know. Niles held his hands out. I can’t do everything for you.

    Reaching over, he grabbed the script once again. It was a chick flick with a difference. Instead of having a super-hot female lead, he was going to be working with a bigger woman. He didn’t have a problem with working with bigger women, but he was just used to slender, petite women.

    Who is playing the lead? he asked.

    Niles took hold of his cell phone, and looked through some details. Sarah Leigh has been cast. There’s a lot of demand for her at the moment. She’s twenty-five and worked her way from television up to screen.

    I know who she is. She’s the girl who always plays the best friend, the second-best shot.

    Sarah’s a sweet woman. I saw her last year at an awards ceremony, and she’s nothing like some of your costars. Studios love her as she doesn’t make demands, shows up to work on time, has a great work ethic, and is generally a good girl.

    Adam rolled his eyes. She was the complete opposite of him. Ever since he’d been able to accept a paycheck in the millions, he’d become a hard-ass. What was the point in having a shitload of money, a lot of demand for you, and not being able to use it? He’d become known as difficult and hard to work with. Now, all the studios that he’d once worked for were having the final laugh. No one would hire him.

    Fine, set everything up how I like it.

    You’ve got to audition, Niles said.

    Excuse me? He hadn’t needed to audition for a part in years.

    It was the condition they put in accepting the script. Every single actor must first audition with Sarah before they’re given any part. It’s just a reading. I can set it up for this afternoon. Niles started typing once again on his cell phone, the noise grating on Adam’s nerves.

    How many actors have they gone through? Adam asked.

    Over fifty.

    What the fuck? How come there’s so many?

    "This is clearly a romance with a fuller woman. The studio wants this to work, and any guy who doesn’t embrace the role,

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