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Bloody Eyes: 02
Bloody Eyes: 02
Bloody Eyes: 02
Ebook166 pages1 hour

Bloody Eyes: 02

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“We are forces of nature.”

Renato and Eduardo are business partners in a nightclub. But the challenges they encounter go far beyond stocking drinks and serving customers. Scars from a forgotten time hide in every dark alley in city. And in the midst of all this nocturnal chaos of a violent metropolis, some memories of their past come to the surface.

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PublisherJohnny Ivory
Release dateFeb 24, 2017
Bloody Eyes: 02

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    Bloody Eyes - Johnny Ivory

    Mission 2:


    Sometimes life presents us with really special and irreplaceable people. People who truly believe in our potential and are willing to help us in our lonely journey. These people are the family that fate has given us. And often, this family can come in the form of people who do not share the same blood as ours. The funny thing is that often our proud egos prevent us to recognize these people when they come into our lives, but they’re sadistic enough to let us see what we lose when they go away. And the most painful of this experience is to understand that generally is ourselves who cast out these gifts that fate has given us. So, always give the deserved value to people who really care about you, before you do expel them for yourself... Because time teaches us that the most important thing is not the ‘what’ we have in life, but ‘who’ we have in life...

    Stage 1:



    A loud noise engine is heard, followed by a shadow that breaks the veil of night fog. An old red car moves through the streets of Cantuaria, with its round fog lights announcing its solemn presence.

    On the side of this car is engraved Saber in stylized black letters.

    The public lighting system of the city works relatively well, except, of course, for some routine failures, such as the two lamps burned on top of one of the poles near the corner that the coupe is coming.

    The traffic light glows red.

    With a sudden stop, the car stops in front of the crosswalk.

    Coming from the left, some drunken people stumbling walk through crosswalk toward the sidewalk across the street. The small group is composed mainly of women – all wearing short skirts, tight dresses and the like – and a reduced amount of guys – probably college students, a hypothesis deduced because of their half-open dress shirts and their hipster hair greased with gel.

    As they walked, the men exchanged kisses and caresses with some of the women, while the other women were did the same – but with each other women. The signal opens at the very moment that the lively group of friends reaches the edge on the opposite side from where they were.

    The powerful ancient red vehicle shoots like an arrow on the asphalt, following for another five blocks before turning the corner and follow a narrow one-way street.

    The night was cold and even then, the sidewalks were occupied by visibly changed young people who, if they were stained in red, quietly pass by zombies.

    In a dark alley, a couple of strangers gasped and moved in a rhythmic way.

    And amidst all the debauchery of the night, a car goes towards its destination – as a silent observer of the human decay.

    After a few more minutes, moments where some streets and alleys were skillfully traveled, the car finally reaches its destination.

    The scarlet vehicle is parked in front of a huge merchant townhouse, in whose sign reads:

    Surreal World – Digital Productions

    We organize, photograph, and film weddings, honeymoons, bachelor parties, paying taxes, admissions to the lunatic asylum, birthdays, funerals, etc.

    The headlights are off. In the nightly penumbra, the two black twin stripes that run through the middle of the top of the car almost blend into the bright red of the rest of the bodywork.

    The two side doors of the vehicle open at the same time. And, from inside it, emerge Dorian and Renato. After disembarking, they close the vehicle doors. Some other cars are parked nearby.

    Renato look at the building.

    Are you sure it’s here?

    Who knows? Dorian responded with a sarcastic grin plastered on his face.


    Far away from there, in a refined restaurant in the city, a couple is approached by a polite waiter:

    Here is the menu of desserts, Mr. and Mrs. Jekyll.

    Thank you, Pablo, said Eduardo.

    The man respectfully bows himself, and lets the couple enjoy their intimacy.

    I loved this place, honey. Here’s all perfect! Thanks.

    Eduardo touches Monica’s hand affectionately.

    You deserve the best, my love. Moreover, today is a special day for us, eh? He smiles warmly.

    True. It’s not every day that someone completes two years of marriage.

    That setting is magnificent, with its enormous crystal chandeliers, its gilded ornaments on the walls, its imported statues distributed throughout the room, the paintings of great artists fixed in the lobby... All very delicate, and very cozy. A small group of musicians play some melodies of classical music.

    The two young people are dressed in really elegant way: Eduardo in his black tuxedo, and Monica with her lilac evening dress – a great contrast to the usual worn dark clothes that both are so fond of using.

    The couple exchanges a passionate kiss.

    I love you baby.

    I love you too, my sweetie.


    Medications! Buy your medications here! screamed a little oriental man, leaning against the wall, with a tray of items in front of him. His accent is characteristic. We have hemostatic plasters, bandages, painkillers, guarana powder, adhesive plasters...

    Dorian and Renato passed by the seller without giving him much thought. A small crowd had gathered inside the place. The pair goes clearing the way through these people. A bustling electronic music animates the place. After crossing the sea of people in an uproar, they come to the opposite corner of this large room where was situated a makeshift booth on an information desk.

    Good evening, said the man sitting behind the counter, with his beard to be done. Who will fight?

    Both of us, said Dorian.

    Right. Here are your authorizations to enter the arena, and the terms of responsibility. Completely fill each sheet: full name, age, number of identity, and race to which it belongs. Sign here, here, and here, confirming that you take full responsibility if you die during the fight.

    Okay, agreed Renato.

    They getting their respective record sheet and they filled, returning them soon after. The man at the counter looked at the form of Renato Hyde, scribbled an OK with a red ink pen, and save the document. After that, he took the Dorian form. He watched it for a moment, and looked up to find the man’s eyes.

    Are you sure you want to fight, Mr. Dorian Drake? Overall, here compete only mutants, shapeshifters, and other people of superhuman power. And you said do not belong to any power breed, being just a normal person... I must say that this is almost a suicide...

    Don’t worry, buddy. Killing me is not so easy to do. Dorian responded with a confident smile.

    It’s up to you. I hope that your skills are as big as your ego, responded with a friendly feature, as noted an OK in the corresponding data sheet.

    The man of the makeshift booth gave a coin to each of the two: a small silver disc with a skull on one side and a hawk on the other side. They keep the items, and follow again through the crowd.

    They walk to the back of the establishment, following a narrow corridor until they reach the large hall of an amphitheater. The place is crammed with people. In the midst of the forest made of people there is a circular clearing, from which originate sounds of combat. Dorian and Renato approach, and in the middle of this arena two men fight in a fierce way. One of them had black straight long hair, whose his face is endowed with an indigenous appearance; he is shirtless and shoeless, with his muscular surface of his arms and his chest covered with a type of armor made of thick protruding scales, designed from some places beneath his skin. His opponent is a small thin oriental man with short black hair and neatly combed; also he is shirtless and shoeless; and from each forearm it’s protrudes a large sharp bone sword, about forty centimeters in length, from the fist to the end of the blade.

    The man who has a natural armor is too slow compared to his small and nimble opponent, but his powerful defense balances the combat. In a fast attack, the man with long black hair throws his enemy on the ground, holding one of his laminated arms with both hands and immobilizes him with a knee bar.

    In a dignified action of a contortionist, the small oriental man moves his free arm, twisting it, and plants his bone sword in the wrist of his attacker, taking advantage of a gap between the large scales of his arm.

    He loses his concentration for a moment, giving space for a quick escape from his opponent. Before any chance to attack, the powerful bone blades pierced the existing cracks in the joints of the shoulders, pulling a cry of pain from the huge scaled man.

    Looking at the referee, the man with long hair stands the palm of his right hand, signaling his defeat. Seeing the gesture, the referee exclaims aloud:

    End of the fight between Anthony the armored, and Jin, the butcher! Victory goes to Jin!

    A teenager rushes to the middle of the arena in order to help the injured man. By striking similarity between the two, no doubt they are brothers. Stanching the bleeding, the young man raises the warrior covered with scales and supports in his footsteps as congratulates him for the big fight.

    Meanwhile, Jin received the referee’s payment for the victory

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