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Honey Drops For The Soul
Honey Drops For The Soul
Honey Drops For The Soul
Ebook52 pages1 hour

Honey Drops For The Soul

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The final days of Alexander the Great offer all humanity a moral lesson about life while here on earth.
The Great conqueror, on his way home from successful military campaigns fell mortally ill in Babylon. On his death bed, perhaps, he realized that after creating a big empire, he could not even defeat fever that was fast ravaging his body. So the young and full of life King, realized that he too was going to join the dead as those who had preceded him and those who had been dispatched by his sharp sword. Lying on his deathbed in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, he was able to visualize the unworthiness his reserve of vast treasures which included vast amounts of gold, silver, and jewels, which he had accumulated through his conquests. Even his mighty army could not stop death from taking him away.
His desired to reach home just to look at the face of his mother just one last time was unfathomable. But he knew inside his inner heart that he was not going to make it as he felt the sickness ravaging his body each day mercilessly. In ten days, Alexander the Great was a fallen King.
Just before his death, he called his generals and instructed them on his three wishes which he wanted that they be carried out to the word. For respect, his generals promised to carry out his wishes the way he stipulated them.
His first wish was that his physicians alone had to carry his body bearing casket
His second wish was that his precious treasures were to be strewn along the path his casket will be carried to the graveyard.
His third and last wish was that both his hands were to be let hanging out of the casket for all the mourners to see.
So the King had spoken and no General dared ask him the reasons save one General who was the King’s favorite who dared to ask the dying King the meaning of his wishes with the assurance that the Kings wishes would be carried out.
After pleasantries and assurance of allegiance by the General, the King spoke to the general thus;
“I would like the world to know of these three fundamentals: I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. My second wish to strew gold, silver and other precious stones on the way to the graveyard is to let the people know that though I spent all my life accumulating riches, not even a grain of gold will come with me when I leave this world. I want people to understand that it is a sheer waste of time, energy, and peace of mind when one yearns to be rich. With my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I want people to know that I came empty handed into this world and likewise will go empty handed from this world.”

Release dateFeb 26, 2017
Honey Drops For The Soul

Will Anthony, Jr

Will Anthony Jr. is currently the Chairman of the Uasin Gishu County Land Control Board which caters for over one million people. Before this stint, he worked in other capacities with the National government. He has also been lecturer in three religious institutions, a service to the youth to gather knowledge from the aging population. In his life time, Will Anthony Jr. says he has met a lot of people and can unflinchingly say that he loved most of them. Why most of them? Well, it is a tall order to love everyone you meet! Will Anthony Jr. has written several e-books touching on diverse subjects that relate to society. The books extensively cover human social and economic practices and this is so because expertise in one field in Africa can become a drudgery according to his practical view. His perception is that if you were born in Africa and the continent is your aboriginal home, you are likely to have English as your second language (ESL). Sometimes it could even be a third language. For him, he had to learn his mother tongue then learn both English and Swahili simultaneously. He went to his pre-primary bare foot, later he joined the local primary school 5 Km away and had to trek barefoot again not because his parents could not buy him shoes but because cobblers were a rare find. That journey was a daily toil of 10 Km, 5 days in a week or ~270 days yearly for 7 years. With a smirk he says that when you achieve a PhD in Africa, then You have done Plenty of hard Digging (PhD) or you have a Permanent head Damage (PhD) and you might end up in a ditch because your IQ cannot contain the booze like the local fellas! "Why did the English colonize Africa?" To keep the African languages in Czech (check), and he says that one must forgive this pun. But besides the pun, English has broken both social and economic barriers of the once "dark continent" whose forefathers slaved the white farms and firms to lace the pockets of their Lords. A PhD holder in Africa will still practice other 'trades' though they maybe 'very' learned because poverty is shameless, one has to draw bounds through plenty of smart work or else, it will be a shame to steal so as to maintain class. He published a book in 1992, but the publisher coned him , he took her to court and the case aged in judicial corridors for 12 years. He then made a decision to abandon the matter and to forget about writing books. However, Self publishing made him to change that decision. More than anything, He salutes Smashwords Inc. for the platform. In retrospect, He recalls a Dr. Alfred Sam, a friend of his from North America who was also a dean of studies in a local university, exposing his white ass in the university's auditorium to catch attention. The noise ceased as students and lecturers turned to look at the grown-up man on the podium doing the abominable. Well, the good Dr. in anthropology then simply pulled up his trousers buckled the belt and said, "Thank You, now I have your attention..." For the sake of simplicity, without much display of academia, Will Anthony Jr. is a writer in the global village market . For this, he Salutes all his readers and all lovers of written work. In a word of caution, he says that men and women alike must bear. In reference, there is an Ibo saying that every market place has it's mad people who will attempt to mar the business of the seemingly sane people. On the other hand, the English say everyone is mad, it's only the degree madness that is at variance. Salutes most profoundly!

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    Honey Drops For The Soul - Will Anthony, Jr




    Will Anthony Jr.

    Copyright 2017 Will Anthony Jr.

    Smashwords Edition


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the copy right owner. Nor can it be circulated in any form of binding or cover other that which it is published and without similar condition being imposed on subsequent purchaser.


    Title: Honey Drops For The Soul

    PUBLISHER: Smashwords, Inc

    Table Of Contents














    The article has plain stories based on human life. The objective is to help the reader have a relook at life. The realization is that we are not the only ones who are troubled and it is not true that our problems, as much as they may seem unique, can be solved because others have gone through the same. Just make the best of life because even the rich cry!

    "All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us." Eccl. 1: 8-10 (KJV)


    The final days of Alexander the Great offer all humanity a moral lesson about life while here on earth.

    The Great conqueror, on his way home from successful military campaigns fell mortally ill in Babylon. On his death bed, perhaps, he realized that after creating a big empire, he could not even defeat fever that was fast ravaging his body. So the young and full of life King, realized that he too was going to join the dead as those who had preceded him and those who had been dispatched by his sharp sword. Lying on his deathbed in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, he was able to visualize the unworthiness his reserve of vast treasures which included vast amounts of gold, silver, and jewels, which he had accumulated through his conquests. Even his mighty army could not stop death from taking him away.

    His desired to reach home just to look at the face of his mother just one last time was unfathomable. But he knew inside his inner heart that he was not going to make it as he felt the sickness ravaging his body each day mercilessly. In ten days, Alexander the Great was a fallen King.

    Just before his death, he called his generals and instructed them on his three wishes which he wanted that they be carried out to the word. For respect, his generals promised to carry out his wishes the way he stipulated them.

    His first wish was that his physicians alone had to carry his body bearing casket

    His second wish was that his precious treasures were to be strewn along the path his casket will be carried to the graveyard.

    His third and last wish was that both his hands were to be let hanging out of the casket for all the mourners to see.

    So the King had spoken and no General dared ask him the reasons save one General who was the King’s favorite who dared to ask the dying King the meaning of his wishes with the assurance that the Kings wishes would be carried out.

    After pleasantries and assurance of allegiance by the General, the King spoke to the general thus;

    "I would like the world to

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