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Sometimes, Forever: Sometimes Moments, #2
Sometimes, Forever: Sometimes Moments, #2
Sometimes, Forever: Sometimes Moments, #2
Ebook241 pages2 hours

Sometimes, Forever: Sometimes Moments, #2

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About this ebook

The sequel to the bestselling novel, Sometimes Moments. 

One job ad,
One lavender delivery,
One out of the blue laugh…
Would change his life forever.

Cooper Hepburn is tired of the suburbs. Tired of his mother’s constant nagging for him to settle down, tired of his sisters and tired of his boring career. The last thing Cooper wants is to get married and have children. He needs an escape from suburbs living, and coming across a job ad at a lavender farm in the middle of country Victoria is his answer. Deciding to let fate take control, Cooper applies, hoping the small tourist town of Daylesford is the change he seeks.

Little does Cooper know that one delivery to The Spencer-Reid will change his life in a single moment.

The very moment he meets the beautiful hotel owner.

Peyton Spencer.

The woman that would become so much more than just his sometimes.

PublisherLen Webster
Release dateMar 22, 2016
Sometimes, Forever: Sometimes Moments, #2

Len Webster

Associate Professor Len Webster has expertise in educational policy, educational development, quality development and flexible learning. Currently he is the Educational Adviser in the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) at Monash University, Australia. He previously was the director of an educational development unit in the Faculty of Law, Monash University, where he was the Faculty Quality Development Coordinator. He has also been a reviewer of the Australian University Quality Agency conference proceedings.

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    Book preview

    Sometimes, Forever - Len Webster

    The Sometimes Moments Collection

    Sometimes Moments (Sometimes Moments #1)

    Sometimes, Forever (Sometimes Moments #2)

    Sometimes. Honestly? Always. (Sometimes Moments #3) Coming Soon

    Thirty-Eight Series

    Forever Starts Today (Thirty-Eight #.5) Coming Soon

    Thirty-Eight Days (Thirty-Eight #1)

    Thirty-Eight Reasons (Thirty-Eight #2)

    What We’ll Leave Behind (Thirty-Eight #2.5)

    What You Left Behind (Thirty-Eight #3)

    All We Have (Thirty-Eight #4)

    With The First Goodbye (Thirty-Eight #5) Coming Soon

    With The Last Goodbye (Thirty-Eight #6) Coming Soon

    The Ribbon Duology

    The Ribbon Chasers: a short story (Ribbon #0.5)

    The Ribbon Catchers: (Ribbon #1) Coming Soon

    The Ribbon Release: (Ribbon #2) Coming Soon

    One job ad,

    One lavender delivery,

    One out of the blue laugh…

    Would change his life forever.

    Cooper Hepburn is tired of the suburbs. Tired of his mother’s constant nagging for him to settle down, tired of his sisters and tired of his boring career. The last thing Cooper wants is to get married and have children. He needs an escape from suburbs living, and coming across a job ad at a lavender farm in the middle of country Victoria is his answer. Deciding to let fate take control, Cooper applies, hoping the small tourist town of Daylesford is the change he seeks.

    Little does Cooper know that one delivery to The Spencer-Reid will change his life in a single moment.

    The very moment he meets the beautiful hotel owner.

    Peyton Spencer.

    The woman that would become so much more than just his sometimes.

    * This is not a standalone. Sometimes, Forever is the sequel to the bestselling novel, Sometimes Moments.

    For those who believed in the beauty and concept of a Sometimes Moment.

    Thank you.

    You choose who deserves to be near your light. And you choose who loves or who hurts you in this world. Remember that forgiveness is always earned and never a right.

    Sometimes Moments.

    No one ever tells you just how you fall in love.

    Where you fall in love.

    And with whom you fall in love.

    It just happens.

    And for Cooper Hepburn, it did.

    Madly and completely, he fell in love with her. It wasn’t supposed to happen so quickly. Truth be told, it wasn’t supposed to happen at all. He had spent a long time running from it.

    But then he met her.

    Peyton Spencer.

    The woman who would become his forever and more.

    The woman who would become his fiancée, his wife, and the mother of his child.

    The woman whose heart had already bled more than once.

    And the woman who would allow him the moments to help heal her, to find space in her grieving heart for him.

    It wasn’t easy.

    If anything, love was never easy.

    He found that out the hard way. He had realised that when he saw the heartbreak in her eyes. He saw it up until the very moment she’d said ‘I love you’ to him for the very first time.

    As Cooper Hepburn watched his wife underneath the cherry blossom tree in their backyard, playing with their son, he knew he would do it all again to be with her. To have these moments. To have the son they kissed good night, every night. He would do it all again to have her love.

    To have so much more than sometimes.

    To be her forever.

    And he knew that he had to thank someone for leading him to her.

    It could be God.

    It could be Fate.

    But he knew deep down that one person played an even bigger role long before he’d arrived in Daylesford, Victoria.

    Pulling the notepad from underneath the hotel accounting and maintenance reports he’d been catching up on, Cooper picked up a pen and then smoothed the paper. He had decided to work on the outdoor table with the bright sun above him. But that was a lie. Cooper wanted to watch these moments between his wife and their son. The giggles and the smiles. But most of all, he wanted to see the way Peyton looked at their baby. The love in her eyes. It was beautiful. And though he felt like he didn’t deserve her most of the time, he knew how right they were for each other.

    How right their love was.

    Cooper watched as a small leaf floated from the branch above and settled in Peyton’s light brown hair. She hadn’t noticed it, but he had. The same tree that had provided her bouquet on their wedding day. The same cherry blossom tree that treasured all her memories. And the same cherry blossom tree that Peyton had sat him under the day after she had told him the truth.

    With a deep breath, Cooper brushed at the notepad with his left hand and then set the tip of the pen on it. It was long overdue. And he had meant to write it years ago.

    It was time he said thank you.

    With that thought, he began to write.

    Dear Callum Reid,

    You don’t know who I am, but I like to think you had an idea of me. My name’s Cooper Hepburn …

    The husband to Peyton Hepburn, and father to our child, Callum Stuart Hepburn.

    Congratulations, Rhys and Megan! his sister, Margot, screamed into the microphone. Then the entire function room exploded in applause.

    Cooper Hepburn stood idly by as one of his sister’s cheeks blushed at the attention. Megan loved it. She killed for attention like this. Margot, the baby Hepburn sister, would find a moment to embarrass the newly engaged pair soon enough. Though Margot had been in a relationship with her boyfriend, Phillip Hall, for much longer than Rhys and Megan, she hated attention. She was quite the opposite of Megan, and that was probably why Cooper loved her so much more. Sure, he loved them both. But he was honest when it came to who was his favourite.

    And it was Margot.

    Always Margot.

    She even topped their mother as Cooper’s favourite Hepburn family member. His mother, as sweet as she was, was annoying when it came to his personal life. It was always ‘when are you going to be serious about your life, Cooper? When are you going to settle down?’

    The truth was there was no one within a fifty-kilometre radius for him. Warren Meadows was slim pickings. It was smack bang in the middle of the bubble. The South Eastern suburbs bubble. By now, according to popular bubble belief, Cooper should be married and have a couple of kids running about. But he didn’t. Nothing quite turned him off the idea of marriage and kids than watching all his friends, and now, his sister, enter the bubble. For Cooper, he was much better off alone with his mother shooting disappointing glares his way. Quite frankly, he believed there was a lot more than what Warren Meadows offered. And he believed he deserved more than marrying someone he had met in high school who settled for him.

    Stop lookin’ so miserable, Coop, Margot hissed from next to him. He wasn’t sure when she had made it to him, but he was just happy to have her company.

    I’m not, he muttered, searching for a waiter and a beer to distract him and his sister.

    You definitely do. Trust me, Megs is the last person who needs to be getting married. We all know she’s going to be a bridezilla. God, our lives are about to become hell.

    He chuckled. Probably worse than that.

    You still avoiding Mum?

    Cooper’s focus was on his mother by the cake as she spoke to several people he did not recognise. He assumed they were people his sister worked with at the office. But he wasn’t sure. The engagement party was held at The Oaks Garden, highly sought after and ridiculously expensive to have a hundred or so people in a garden with some tables and chairs. But his sister always got what she wanted.

    I’m not avoiding Mum, he said, slightly annoyed at himself for even trying to lie to Margot. He craned his neck to see her brushing back her curled hair and squinting her light brown eyes at him. In her attempt to distance herself from their sister, Megan, she had continuously dyed her hair an auburn colour.

    You are so avoiding Mum. You should just stop and get it over and done with. Her only son unwedded and without an upcoming engagement. What will the rest of the family think?

    He rolled his eyes at her. You’re annoying. How does Phil stand you?

    She smiled. One mention of her boyfriend, Phillip Hall, and her tough exterior melted. He just does. Do you know what’s strange?


    Megs invited Meredith.

    "Your best friend Meredith? That Meredith?"

    Margot nodded. "Yeah, my best friend Meredith. Odd, right? Meredith hasn’t been in Warren Meadows for like four or five years. Didn’t even think Megs remembered her. Then, suddenly, she asked if she was coming when we walked in here."

    Cooper set his hand on his baby sister’s shoulder. There was a story with Meredith Driessen. From what he remembered of her, she was a nice girl. There were also secrets about her that Margot had kept. Not even her boyfriend knew them. And Cooper knew for a fact that she missed her best friend. As close as he was with Margot, he never asked. He always assumed when she was ready, she’d talk to him about it.

    You know, you can always go to the Netherlands to see her, Cooper reminded.

    Margot tensed as her eyes quickly scanned the room. Shh! she hissed. You’re not supposed to know, remember? You just so happened to see that one letter.

    "Margie. He used her nickname to calm her. A nickname only he ever used. She’s going to come back; you know that."

    She sighed. I know. Like I know that you’re not gonna be sticking around much longer at this pretentious soiree our lovely older sister has thrown.

    "You’re pretentious for even saying ‘soiree,’" he teased.

    Shut up, she muttered as she swatted his hand away.

    Could you two ever stop fighting long enough for us to enjoy a special occasion? their mother asked from behind Cooper.

    Cooper and Margot exchanged looks. He was sure she was thinking of how they could both escape her grasp. Their mother was pushy and resilient in her quest to match them off. He was sure Margot thought their mother didn’t like Phil. They’d been together since high school. If anyone could deal with Margot, it was Phillip Hall. And that man was a saint.

    Mother, Margot said in the extremely fake voice she’d mastered for the woman who gave birth to them. Doesn’t Megs need you attached to her hip today?

    You’re so very funny, Margot, their mother deadpanned. Then her determined glare found Cooper. And you, Cooper, there are plenty of women here you can meet.

    Too bad I went to high school and university with almost every single one of them.

    I’ll pass, thanks, Mother.

    "You’re twenty-five, Cooper. You can’t keep passing off women as if they’re legs of lambs at a butcher. You have to try them."

    Margot burst into a fit of laughter. "You’re suggesting Coop tries these women like legs of lambs? Christ, you are sick. He isn’t going to shower them in olive oil and rosemary. They’re women, not meat. Come along, Cooper, we’ll give Mother what she wants. Let’s go see what cut of lamb you’d like." She looped her arm through his.

    Honestly, Margot. Common sense, their mother hissed.

    You said women were legs of lambs. How was that common sense? Margot challenged.

    Come on, Margie, Cooper said, trying to calm her though the humour in his voice was loud and clear.

    Eleanor, leave the boy, their father, Roger, said. He’s got his head screwed on right. Career driven. We should be lucky that he didn’t give us grandbabies at eighteen.

    He felt Margot tense next to him.

    Yeah, still a teenager, Margot reminded.

    The humour in his father’s light brown eyes had Cooper shaking his head. Little did their parents know that it was Margot’s pregnancy test. She hadn’t seen the results when she had panicked and threw it in the bin. Cooper had covered for her, telling his folks that it belonged to the girl he was seeing. At family dinner, he had expressed that the test was negative. That he—Margot—was not having a child anytime soon. Nothing like a pregnancy scare to bring the family together.

    Cooper cleared his throat. His family drama tolerance had hit his quota for the day. He was going to say goodbye and congratulate Megan and then go home. Instead of dating during university, Cooper had gotten a job at a local hardware store. From there, he had saved enough money until he got a loan to buy his own home. After his degree, he became a manager for the store once a major hardware store chain had bought it out.

    Women are not meat. Dad taught me better. I have an early start tomorrow, he said, excusing himself.

    The disappointment sizzled in his mother’s eyes. He kissed Margot’s cheek and then stepped towards his ever-so-determined mother. Cooper set his hands on her shoulders and gave her a smile.

    Mother, I don’t need you to find me a wife. I’m sure when I meet the one, I’ll know. But right now, I don’t want to be tied down and have children. I like not having to be exactly what folks around me are. Married with kids. I don’t want to be changing nappies. When I want responsibility, I’ll get myself a dog. Okay?

    But, Coop—

    Mother, Margot interrupted as she stood next to him. Have you ever wondered why you didn’t just call me ‘Audrey’? You had the perfect setup for me. Audrey Hepburn. It was right there for the taking.

    Because she knew from the moment you were born that you weren’t worthy, Megan teased once she approached them. Coop, that’s your bailing face. You’re leaving?

    He nodded. As much as I love you, Megs, parties aren’t my thing. Congratulations to you and Rhys.

    Megan handed her champagne glass to Margot and wrapped her arms around him. Then she whispered, Don’t listen to Mum.

    I never do, he said softly once their embraced ended.

    Cooper took a long pull of his cold beer and then set it on the desk he sat at. He began to scroll down the employee performance reports on his screen. He missed the days where he had manual work. Sure, the management role paid well and it was in the field of his degree, but report after report bored him.

    He wanted something new.

    He needed something new.

    Opening up a new Safari browser, Cooper decided

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