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Willow Lake: A Mystery Suspense Novel
Willow Lake: A Mystery Suspense Novel
Willow Lake: A Mystery Suspense Novel
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Willow Lake: A Mystery Suspense Novel

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At the innocent age of six, Sage's life changed forever. Her sister suddenly vanishes, her mother disappears, and her father abandons her on a street corner in Harlem.
Rookie Liam McGregor, working his first beat, finds six-year-old Sage shivering and alone. Instead of turning her over to CPS, he takes her home, confident someone would step forward to claim her. No one did. Months turned into years, and the mystery surrounding her parents and her sister Sophie's disappearance slowly faded.
Later, Sage moves to Manhattan to pursue her dreams and start a new life. She meets and marries the love of her life, Ayden De Carlo. But it seems the past has a way of returning to haunt us. Detective Liam McGregor must break the unfortunate news that someone murdered Ayden execution-style in the parking garage of his father's law firm.
Months later, Sage leaves New York and buys a stone cottage in a small town in Vermont. Slowly, she rebuilds her life and career, but something is brewing beneath the peaceful backdrop of the sleepy little town. A mysterious stranger emerges, and behind him, a twisted trail of events unravels, baffling lead detective Liam McGregor. Who is this quiet stranger, and what does he want?

PublisherM.J. Umland
Release dateMar 3, 2017
Willow Lake: A Mystery Suspense Novel

M.J. Umland

M.J. Umland grew up in a small town in Missouri. As a child, reading was her favorite pastime, which sparked her passion for writing. Willow Lake- is mystery suspense cleverly blending murder, suspense, mystery, family relationships, and a dash of romance. She says crossing genres adds layers to round out her stories, supplying the reader with a unique reading experience. She loves using a female protagonist in her storyline with an array of stand-alone characters you love and ones you love to hate.Her second love is long walks and still photography.She lives in Arkansas with her fiancé, and two dogs.

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    Willow Lake - M.J. Umland

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright page

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or modified in any form, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    ©M. J. Umland

    ISBN: 1719938598


    To my fiancé, my children, Danielle, Brandon, and Joel, and my amazing friends, for believing in me and supporting me with endless love and patience. To my mom and dad, who are looking through heaven's window. To God above, who continues to smile down on me. Thank you, and much love!



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    About the author

    Chapter 1

    Sage peers through a crack in the drapes. Feathery snow is falling from sinister gray clouds covering Manhattan. The Taillights of morning traffic burn against a fresh white world. The dull glow cutting across her face unveils anguish and months of drinking.

    Brusquely, she closes the drapes, grabbing a half-full bottle of bourbon from the marble kitchen island. She tips it up, takes a long drink, and staggers into the living room. Her eyes focus slightly on a newspaper lying on the end table. Ayden’s face is pasted across the front page. Underneath is a bold, inky headline—New York Defense Attorney Brutally Murdered in Parking Garage. She sits down on the sofa, still focused on the inky headline. Her beloved Ayden was a brilliant defense attorney known for his cunning and persuasive tactics in the courtroom. Sage knew in her gut that his reputation for winning high-profile and pro bono cases would ultimately lead to his demise. Over and over, she pleaded with him to take less risky cases, but he refused. She takes another drink, wishing she would have been more persistent with her demands. Defenseless flashbacks ravage Sage.

    It’s her and Ayden’s weekly lunch date. Sage picks up a magazine and waits patiently in the reception area of Ayden’s office. An eruption of loud voices rises behind Ayden’s office door. Sharply, the door opens. Three men, as Italian as their suits, exit, passing directly in front of her. Their cold, piercing scowls send a shiver down her spine. Ayden straightens his suit jacket and joins her.

    Are you ready? Ayden asked, forcing a smile.

    Yes…I made reservations at your favorite Italian restaurant. We have thirty minutes, or we lose our table. Is everything okay? Ayden checks his watch.

    Yes—of course. I think we can make it if the traffic isn’t backed up. After you, my love. Ayden opens the door for Sage.

    Thank you. She takes his arm, pulling him close. They hail a cab, arriving with no time to spare. The waiter escorts them to a window table. He pops the top on a bottle of Champagne, filling two chilled flutes. Ayden glances around the room, catching a glimpse of his eccentric clients sitting at a corner table nursing a beer. Their eyes briefly meet. It was short and to the point. Ayden turns, trying to focus on Sage.

    Champagne and lasagna. It reminds me of our first date. What’s the occasion? I didn’t miss our anniversary, did I? Ayden asked, taking a drink of Champagne.

    No, but I’m impressed you remembered. I just felt like celebrating! Seth said Surrender to Sunrise is expected to reach ten thousand copies by the end of the month.

    That’s amazing! But I’m not surprised. You’re an incredible writer, Sage. Ayden raises his glass to toast her recent good news.

    To my beautiful wife and her budding career. I’m so proud of you, baby. Sage raises her glass to Ayden’s.

    Thank you, darling. To new beginnings, to us and long successful careers. They take a drink. Sage’s thoughts shift.

    Who were the gentlemen leaving your office today? They’re not your typical clientele.

    You mean the suits with a bad attitude? Those are just unpleasant perks of being a defense attorney. You get all kinds in this business.

    Ayden, I think you should pass on this case. This one seems different.

    Why? I like the challenge, and the pay is good. Ayden’s answer wasn’t what she hoped to hear.

    I get it--but I’m worried about you. Those guys are…

    Just clients, Sage. There’s no need to worry. Nothing is going to happen-- you’ll see, Ayden insists, taking her hands, lifting them to his lips, and kissing them. Sage smiles, trying to shake the uneasy feeling.

    The months passed, and her concerns diminished as she and Ayden settled into a comfortable rhythm. Seth, her best friend slash agent, spends his days building her writing career. It doesn’t take long until Surrender to Sunrise lands on the best-seller’s list. Immediately, Seth begins scheduling interviews and a short book tour throughout Manhattan. Ayden, of course, takes on what would be the most infamous case of his career.

    It’s the first day of Sage’s book signing tour. A soaking glow washes through the enormous lobby windows on an excited crowd waiting to get their signed copy of Surrender to Sunrise. Sage is both thrilled and uneasy. She looked forward to sharing her big moment with Ayden, but the message he left on her cellphone early that morning turned excitement into concern. He said he had some last-minute details to discuss with his clients and would meet her there. The previous chill returns, sending a shiver through her.

    Later, she was to meet Seth at their favorite restaurant on Fifth Avenue for an appointment with what Seth referred to as the old codgers. She'd met this group of unconventional middle-aged men before and wasn't the least bit delighted to eat lunch with them. It was the scent of old money and connections that kept her focused. She recalls the expensive aged scotch oozing from their breath and the cloud of smoke from their imported cigars stuck between their grimy fingers. Worst of all, it was the way their bloodshot eyes undressed her, making her skin crawl. Sage assumes that today's meeting will be the same. She'll make the best of it by smiling and drinking expensive Champagne while Seth implements his proposal.

    Sage switches her thoughts, glancing at her watch. An hour has passed, and Ayden has yet to arrive. Looking out across the excited crowd, Sage has no choice but to move forward with her book signing. An older woman waits patiently at the beginning of the line. Sage smiles, thinking how ageless love is.

    To whom should I make this dedication? Sage asked.

    To Nanci with an I, she replies.

    Thank you, Nanci. I hope you enjoyed the book. The woman’s cheeks blush.

    I did…my husband loved it too. We’re looking forward to reading your next book, she answers, winking at Sage and stepping aside to read the dedication. The next in line is a young man wearing glasses. His thin frame is hidden beneath a red hoodie and baggy jeans. He approaches nervously, his eyes fixed on Sage.

    To whom do I make this dedication? Sage asked.

    My name is Gabriel, he replies, pushing at his glasses.

    Gabriel is a strong name--you’re in good company, Sage compliments, signing his copy.

    Thank you, but I look more like Harold or Harvey. It was my grandfather’s name, he informs. Sage leans in, whispering...

    When I was a kid, I was tall, clumsy, and skinny as a rail. Kind of like a camel on roller skates, Sage admits, smiling and giving him an encouraging wink. Her cell phone vibrates in the inside pocket of her blazer. It’s a message from Liam.

    Everything Okay? Gabriel asked.

    I’m not sure. I’ll be back. Sage motions to Seth.

    What’s up? Seth steps closer, trying to read the text.

    I’m not sure. Liam sent a strange text. I better call him. Sage scrolls through her phone for Liam’s number.

    Go—find out what’s wrong. I got this.

    Thanks…I’ll be right back. Sage slips into a stairwell and calls Liam.

    Hello, Liam. I just got your message. What’s wrong? Liam sits in his unmarked police cruiser overlooking the parking lot filled with fire and rescue and police officers taking statements. Being a detective, you never get used to seeing crime scene tape, but this time it was personal.

    Hi, sweetheart. I wish there were an easier way to say this. Liam pauses, unsure how to tell Sage that her husband has been murdered and that life as she knows it will never be the same.

    What, Liam? What is it? Sage asked—a wave of dread creeps through her.

    At approximately 11:30 a.m., I got a report of hearing gunshots at the De Carlo & De Carlo Law firm. I got there as quickly as I could. It’s Ayden--he was shot in the parking garage by an unknown assailant.

    What hospital did they take him to? Liam grits his teeth. It was the next yet final blow.

    I’m sorry, Sage. He didn’t make it.

    "When?" Sage asked, slumping against the wall.

    An hour ago.

    "An hour ago…you should have called me sooner, Liam."

    Sage, you know how this works—procedure first, even if it’s personal.

    I want to see him—I need to see him," Sage demands.

    Sage, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Liam advises.

    "Liam, please--I have to see him," Sage sobs, trying to catch her breath.

    Okay, sweetheart. I’m a few blocks away. Stay where you are—I’m on my way. A click fills his ear. Liam slams his fist on the steering wheel. He flips on his lights, cutting into traffic.

    Sage numbly stares through the large glass window. Tears slip down her cheeks, staining her silk blouse. A commotion arises behind her. Liam pulls her close.

    Let’s get you outta here. He leads her through the lobby. Once outside, Sage collapses against Liam.

    "Back up… let us through," Liam commands, flashing his badge. He holds up his hand, attempting to shield her from gathering news reporters who have just gotten word of Ayden De Carlo’s untimely demise. Liam helps her into the cruiser.

    Crazy bloodsuckers… Liam speeds away, glancing in the rear-view mirror. The crowd of hungry reporters watch in disappointment.

    Are you all right, sweetheart? Liam glances over at Sage. She nods soullessly, staring through the cruiser windshield.

    We’re gonna get whoever did this if it’s the last thing I do. I promise you that much, Liam announces, weaving in and out of traffic. Sage struggles to collect her thoughts. It was her day. The day she and Ayden dreamed of, and now, swiftly and painfully, it was over---gone. Ayden, shot- why? Round and round, it tumbles in her puzzled mind. Sage’s phone starts ringing.

    You want me to get that? Liam asked.

    No, it’s Seth… Hello?

    Sage, what’s going on? Is everything Okay?

    Seth… Ayden’s been shot.

    "What? I’m sorry, Sage. I’ll wrap this up and head to the hospital. Which one did they take him to?" Seth waits for Sage’s response.

    That won’t be necessary--he didn’t make it. I’m sorry, Seth… I gotta go. I’ll call you later, Sage sobs, dropping her phone into her bag. Liam pulls in front of the County Morgue.

    Are you sure about this? Liam asked.

    Yes…, Sage whispers, trying to catch a breath. They follow the coroner to the basement. The cold room reeks of death and cleaning solution. The coroner opens a door, pulling out a metal slab. Slowly, he unzips the body bag, exposing Ayden’s disfigured face.

    "That’s not Ayden…It can’t be. It doesn’t look like him, Liam. You’ve made a mistake---It’s not him." Sage’s knees buckle. Liam reaches out to catch herLiam motions for the coroner to zip the bag.

    I know—I’m sorry, sweetheart. But it is Ayden. Whoever did this didn’t bother to take his wallet. Come on—let’s get you home. She clings to Liam, struggling to

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