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Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras
Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras
Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras

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About this ebook

Chakras are subtle energy centers that affect all levels of your being: physical, psychological, and spiritual. In this pocket-size hardcover guide, discover why these spinning wheels of energy are the key to living at your highest potential, with tips for using chakras to:

  • Heal from physical and psychological wounds
  • Express feelings easily and productively
  • Transform work into a joyful vocation
  • Solve financial and career difficulties
  • Free repressed emotions
  • Deal with life's puzzles and predicaments
  • Soothe the heart and create more loving relationships
Release dateApr 8, 2017
Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras

Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. Her books to-date includes the bestseller, The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, published by Sounds True. The Subtle Body has garnered over 100 five-star reviews on and continually sells in the top place, leading millions of books. It has also won four internationally recognized Publisher's Awards.

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    Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras - Cyndi Dale

    Katie Cannon Photography

    Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. She is president of Life Systems Services, through which she has conducted over 35,000 client sessions and presented training classes throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Visit her online at

    Llewellyn Publications

    Woodbury, Minnesota

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    Llewellyn’s Little Book of Chakras © 2017 by Cyndi Dale.

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    E-book ISBN: 9780738751559

    Book design by Rebecca Zins

    Cover cartouche by Freepik

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    Interior illustrations © Mary Ann Zapalac

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    ISBN 978-0-7387-5155-9

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    List of Exercises

    List of Tips

    List of Illustrations


    Part One: Understanding Chakras

    Chapter One: What Is a Chakra?

    Chapter Two: Chakra Constellations

    Chapter Three: The Seven Classical Hindu Chakras

    Part Two: Practical Practices for Chakra Magic

    Chapter Four: Working with Your Chakras

    Chapter Five: Assessing Your Chakras

    Chapter Six: Clearing and Healing

    Chapter Seven: Stress Relief

    Chapter Eight: Getting Sleep

    Chapter Nine: Protection

    Chapter Ten: Manifesting

    Chapter Eleven: Receiving Spiritual Guidance




    Exercise 1: Locating a Chakra with a Pendulum

    Exercise 2: Transferring a Chakra to the Palm

    Exercise 3: Locating a Chakra with Your Hands

    Exercise 4: Discerning Between Your Receiving and Sending Hands

    Exercise 5: Locating a Chakra Intuitively

    Exercise 6: Using a Pendulum to Determine Receiving and Sending Spins

    Exercise 7: Using a Pendulum to Assess a Chakra’s Spins

    Exercise 8: Using Your Hands to Assess a Chakra

    Exercise 9: Using the Intuitive Gifts to Assess a Chakra

    Exercise 10: Using Your Hands to Clear a Chakra

    Exercise 11: Using Your Hands to Perform Chakra Healing

    Exercise 12: Using Your Intuition to Heal a Causal Issue

    Exercise 13: Special Healing Focus: Pain Relief Through Your Hands

    Exercise 14: Releasing Pain Through the Koshas

    Exercise 15: Chakra Breathing for Stress Relief

    Exercise 16: Coloring Your Chakras

    Exercise 17: Sounding Through the Chakras

    Exercise 18: Psychological Stress Relief Through Archetypes

    Exercise 19: Chakra Gemstone Therapy for Physical Tension

    Exercise 20: Heart-Based Chakra Sleep

    Exercise 21: Golden Beam Protection

    Exercise 22: Manifesting Through Chakra Specialties

    Exercise 23: Physical Intuitives—Opening to Omens

    Exercise 24: Spiritual Intuitives—Attuning to Love

    Exercise 25: Verbal Intuitives—Writing Revelations

    Exercise 26: Visual Intuitives—Seeing a Sight

    Exercise 27: Mystical Intuitives—Calling On All Angels


    Tip 1: Double-Checking with a Pendulum

    Tip 2: Clearing a Chakra on Your Palm

    Tip 3: Hands-On with Chakra Subdivisions

    Tip 4: Pendulum-Checking a Causal Issue

    Tip 5: Chakras and Child Development

    Tip 6: Sounding with the Elemental Color

    Tip 7: Adding Essential Oils to Any Chakra Process

    Tip 8: Aromatic Soothing

    Tip 9: Magnifying Your Manifesting with Gemstones

    Tip 10: Obtaining a Mystical Message for Another


    Figure 1: The seven in-body chakras

    Figure 2: The chakra vortices

    Figure 3: The vibrational bands of the chakras

    Figure 4: A chakra’s two wheels

    Figure 5: The three main nadis and the kundalini

    Figure 6: The seven auric fields


    Chakras as

    Prisms of Light

    When I was a child, I saw colors. Of course, every child sees colors—noteworthy are the redness of an apple and the green of leaves. The moon is white, the sun is yellow, and everyone’s favorite jeans are denim blue. I saw colors, however, that others didn’t notice.

    I knew my mother was in a good mood when a pink haze surrounded her. My dad was happy when yellow flowed from his stomach area. When my parents were getting along, their hearts emanated green. When they were mad at each other, I hid in my room. The jagged red lightning bolts flashing between them spoke of trouble ahead.

    As I grew older, I was surprised to discover that others didn’t perceive the world with the same Crayola distinctions. I learned to ignore my oddball perceptions, although they never disappeared. Still, I always wondered about the source of these whirling and twirling movements of tints and hues, as well as the sounds, senses, and information that frequently accompanied them. These, too, were not obvious to others.

    How come certain parts of my body seemed to hum in specific tones? Why did my hands heat up when another person was sick? Why did I usually dream about my grandfather the day before he called? These anomalies weren’t addressed in school; neither were they discussed in church. My family was Norwegian Lutheran. There wasn’t a lot of thinking—or coloring—outside the lines.

    I didn’t learn about the origin of these extrasensory prisms of light, sound, and information until I was in my twenties and took my first class in energy healing. My world changed when the teacher explained chakras.

    The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk. In this most ancient of languages, the term is spelled cakra. My teacher explained how chakras have been a mainstream phenomenon in a variety of cultures. Her list included the Mayan, Aztec, Hopi, Cherokee, Celtic, Egyptian, Zulu, Sufi, Tibetan, Chinese, and—as we’ll concentrate on in this book—the Hindu culture.

    Every one of these cultures postulated the existence of subtle energy organs, also called centers or bodies. Subtle signifies the ability to operate beyond, but also through, physicality, and that was the chakras’ job: to manage all things physical, psychological, and spiritual.

    My first teacher taught the Hindu classical chakra system, which is composed of seven in-body centers, each spatially anchored in the spine and related to an endocrine gland. A unique energy called kundalini activates these centers, flushing hidden issues, emotions, and problems, but also awakening spiritual powers, thereby setting off a cascade of profoundly transformational events.

    Although body based, my teacher pointed out that every one of these chakras is also interdimensional. The vortex shape of a chakra enables it to link to various planes of reality. What enables the uniqueness of a chakra is the fact that each functions on a different vibrating band of frequency.

    And here is where my eureka moment occurred: the teacher said that each band of frequencies—or chakra—can be related to a tone, element, shape, or other quality, including a color.

    A color! Now I knew why my parents’ hearts glowed green when they bonded. Green is the color of the fourth chakra, which is based in the heart and relates to love. It made sense that their angry exchanges would spike as red. The first chakra is on the vibrational spectrum equated with red and represents passion, security, and emotions, including rage. The extrasensory colors I’d always seen, as well as the accompanying sensations or insights, hadn’t been gratuitous; they were related to the chakras.

    By the time I had completed my first class, I had fallen in love with chakras. Chakras described me to myself, but they also illuminated reality. Not only do chakras illustrate a human being (and every other living soul, for that matter), but they also showcase the innate divinity we collectively long to realize.

    Since my first introduction to these amazing subtle bodies, I’ve excitedly continued my study of and experimentation with chakras and related concepts while traveling in Asia, Northern Africa, Europe, and in the North, South, and Central Americas. I’ve nose-dived into ancient teachings, cross-cultural scriptures, and even science manuals and studies, constantly seeking to further explain these prisms of life to myself and to others. I’ve used the knowledge and concepts I’ve gathered over the decades to help nearly 60,000 clients better their lives.

    Maybe you can imagine how thrilled I am to author this book about chakras, which is part of Llewellyn’s series of little books exploring the marvels and mysteries of our world. I’ve experienced firsthand the incredible power of these energy bodies, and I want you to experience the same.

    Personally, I consciously interact with my chakras every day. As a busy mom, dog owner, businessperson, teacher, and author, they supercharge me to get everything done and enjoy my life at the same time. I completely rely on the inspiration I receive through these subtle organs and employ the techniques in the latter part of this book to keep myself healthy and happy, as well as cope with stress.

    Through my work as an intuitive and an energy healer, I employ chakra knowledge to help people accomplish the following:

    •  excavate the potential causes of life’s puzzles and predicaments

    •  bolster healing and recovery from illness, psychological wounds, problematic patterns, and other physical and mental challenges

    •  free repressed emotions

    •  express current feelings effortlessly and productively

    •  transform work into a joyful vocation

    •  solve financial and career difficulties

    •  soothe the heart and create more loving relationships

    •  attain a more constant state of peace and well-being

    •  attune to spiritual guidance

    And guess what? All the benefits on the above list—and more—are available to you, too. In short, chakra wisdom can help you live the dream, not only dream a dream.

    Toward this end, I invite you on a magical mystery tour of all things chakra, beginning with Part One. These chapters are fashioned to help you answer the basic question of what a chakra

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