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Memories After Midnight
Memories After Midnight
Memories After Midnight
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Memories After Midnight

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Beautiful corporate attorney Alexandra Spencer was used to being in control – of her work and her life. Nothing deterred her until she was attacked in what was thought a random mugging. Except the violent street crime resulted in partial memory loss, Alex was suddenly helpless, and naturally turned to the one person she trusted to help her.

Too bad their shared past caused a speed bump in their lives.

Detective Dylan Parker couldn’t believe Alex’s head injury caused partial amnesia with the loss of the last two years of her life, including all memory of their bitter divorce. In her eyes, they were still married. Yet once he realized that a stalker was after her, he knew he couldn’t – wouldn’t – leave her side until the danger was gone. Living in close quarters gave them a second chance along with Alex’s realization that many of those memories might be gone forever. As small pieces of Alex’s past came back, she and Dylan knew they were ready to give each other a second chance.... If they could survive long enough.

PublisherLinda Wisdom
Release dateMar 8, 2017
Memories After Midnight

Linda Wisdom

Linda Wisdom has published more than 70 novels with 13 million copies sold worldwide including traditional, paranormal, humor, action/adventure romance, and romantic suspense. Her bestselling books have been nominated for Romantic Times awards and the Romance Writers of America Rita Award. She lives with her husband in Murrieta, California.

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    Memories After Midnight - Linda Wisdom

    Memories After Midnight


    Linda Wisdom


    * * * * *


    Linda Wisdom on Joyride Books

    Memories After Midnight

    Copyright © 20I7 by Linda Wisdom

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    How could she have been so stupid?

    Alexandra Spencer took great pride in having a strong instinct for trouble. As a corporate attorney, she was known for her ability to ferret out a client's deepest secrets and never failed to uncover the truth if she felt a client was lying to her.

    So how did she miss something this important?

    Dylan would have a field day if he knew about this. Her insides tightened at the idea of her ex-husband finding out his ex-wife, who always made sure every i was dotted and every t crossed, had a dirty client that could land her in trouble with the Bar Association. Just because she could state she wasn't aware of her client's illegal doings didn't mean it couldn't come back to bite her in her integrity.

    And all because she found an unlabeled flash drive in her briefcase and took a quick look at it on her notebook computer only to discover she'd somehow picked up something that didn't belong to her but displayed clear-cut evidence of her client's nefarious activities. Now she wished she had thrown the flash drive away. If it ever came to light, her reputation would be in shreds and disbarment would have been only the beginning of her career's downward spiral.

    Once upon a time Detective Dylan Parker would have teased her mercilessly that she should know better than to read the contents of flash drives that didn't belong to her. Too bad she hadn't thought about that before opening the files. She wished she could make the damn thing suddenly disappear and erase all memory of its contents. What a mess!

    Thoughts of her ex-husband had been stealing into her mind lately; just as they had last year on the anniversary of their divorce. Alex knew why. She'd never failed at anything - until her marriage. But then she hadn't tried as hard as she could have, had she? Instead, she worried more about pleasing her clients than holding her marriage together. That particular thought bounced her mind back to the dirty client who now sent her temper soaring.

    Her week-long business trip to San Francisco had gone smoothly, until the last day. For a woman who believed in keeping her life tidy, she sure managed to stir up a mess in a short amount of time.

    With swift steps, she headed across the airport parking lot to her car, vowing that first thing in the morning she would waste no time in tossing said client to the curb. Time to take out the trash.

    This might well be one of those British thrillers, Alex muttered as she searched for her car in the dusk-and the misty gray fog rolling in didn't help matters any. The mercury-vapor lamps that had just flickered on did nothing more than lend an ominous glow to her surroundings. It seemed as if her plane had barely landed when the fog descended on the land. She could hear the faint hum of the security guard's cart patrolling the other end of her aisle, and a muffled conversation between two men who were having trouble finding their cars in the next. With the chilly fog swirling around her, she knew how they felt, though she also knew she had nothing to worry about as she finally spotted her car. Still, she felt unusually tense--even uneasy-and realized she'd feel a lot better once she rid herself of her slimy client.

    She shifted her briefcase strap over one shoulder while pulling her small suitcase behind her, using her thumb to hit a speed-dial number on her cell phone. As soon as she heard the recorded greeting she tapped out the two numbers that would connect her to her assistant's voice mailbox. Hi, Janet, it's me back from the trip from hell. I know I say it every time, but this time I mean it. From now on it's the train. I can't handle flying in those small commuter airplanes. Alex finally reached her car and stopped at the driver's door, disarming the alarm with the keyless remote that also unlocked the door. I need you to pull some files for me. I have to make some-

    Rapid footsteps sounded behind her. She started to turn but a sharp pain to the side of her head blocked all thought. It happened so swiftly she didn't have time to cry out. Alex's head connected with the unforgiving metal door of her car; then her world turned black.

    Chapter 1

    A fiery spike bored its way into the side of Alex's head. Her eyelids fluttered as she fought her way past the blistering pain.

    Hey, sweetheart, think you can open your eyes for me? The gruff voice only added to the agony.

    She carefully opened one eye a mere slit, then quickly closed it as the bright overhead light sent more pain slicing through her head.

    I'm now blocking the light. Why don't you try opening your eyes again, the voice suggested.

    When Alex opened her eyes she found the lack of direct light more tolerable. The man bending over her wore rumpled green surgical scrubs.

    Where...? She managed to push the word past her lips.

    You're in the emergency room at the Sierra Vista Medical Center, he said, straightening up. And you look good, except for some trauma from the blow to your head, but that's expected.

    She frowned and quickly discovered even that small motion sent that fiery spike driving down even harder. She started to lift her hand to her head, but the doctor clasped it and kept it down.

    Not a good idea. We've still got to clean you up and put in a few stitches.

    She licked her dry, cracked lips. What happened to me?

    You were mugged in the airport parking lot. A passenger on your flight saw the attack and called Security. Unfortunately, the thief got away. I'm afraid you ended up with a nasty gash. Seems that you were hit on the head, then you fell against your car.

    That doesn't make sense, she murmured, fighting to understand his words. Why was she at the airport? She hated to fly.

    Muggings never do, he said crisply. Think you can answer a few questions for me?

    She hoped they were easy ones. I'll try.

    First off, how many fingers am I holding up? He held up his forefinger and middle finger.

    Two and please don't tell me you're holding up one and I'm seeing double.

    He smiled. Nope, we're doing okay there. How about any nausea or dizziness?

    At his question Alex suddenly turned green. The doctor took immediate stock of the situation and handed her a small basin just in time.

    Thank you, she whispered, feeling horribly embarrassed.

    One of the side effects from head injuries, I'm afraid, he replied. Better now?

    Nothing that an aspirin couldn't take care of. Maybe two-- she paused or two hundred. She cautiously lifted her hand to push a stray strand of coppery-red hair out of her face. She feared she looked as bad as she felt, and she felt as if she had been in the middle of a cattle stampede.

    The doctor smiled. That's something we can take care of after we make sure you're in one piece. Do you know what your name is?

    She was relieved the questions were still easy. Alexandra Elaine Spencer Parker.

    Do you know what day it is? Tuesday, she said without hesitation. What about the date'?

    Alex opened her mouth, then shut it again. I--ah-I... Tears sprang to her eyes as she struggled to remember the date. She felt confused and frustrated. I'm not sure,

    The doctor didn't say anything as he jotted some notes on her chart. I wouldn't worry about it. You had a pretty bad blow to the head. Head injuries like this can affect the memory. It's a protective process since you instinctively want to forget what brought about the pain. Running some tests will also help us see how much trauma you've suffered and how to treat it. Once they're done, I'll stitch you up, he said.

    Alex may have had the headache from hell, but she was still a lawyer. She could smell a lie a mile off and this man was lying to her.

    There's more to it than a bad headache, isn't there? she asked.

    The laceration on your scalp was pretty deep. As a precaution we just want to make sure there isn't any further damage, he said. Head wounds can be tricky, so I like to be doubly sure.

    My husband! She started to sit up, but he gently pushed her back down. Did anyone contact him?

    Don't worry, we'll take care of that. He used a soothing voice.

    Alex frowned. I do remember that I was in here about a year ago for a sprained ankle.

    Then you're in our records. He nodded at the nurse, who moved off. You just lie here and rest.

    Easy for you to say, she grumbled.

    The doctor smiled sympathetically. There's an officer out front who's waiting to talk to you about the attack.

    I don't know what I can tell him. I really don't remember anything about what happened, she said, then laughed. Since I can't remember the date, I guess I couldn't be expected to remember being robbed, could I?

    I can tell him you're not ready to speak to anyone just yet, the doctor said. You need to get down to Radiology for those X-rays.

    No, let me talk to him now and get it over with. She lay back against the pillow.

    He nodded reluctantly. I'll have him come on back, then. Alex was convinced the baby-faced officer was no more than twelve years old. She assumed he must have recently joined the Sierra Vista police force since he didn't look familiar to her. She hadn't been married to Dylan for very long, but she had come to know many of the officers and detectives in the town's police force.

    As the officer questioned her about the attack, she realized she really did remember nothing. She looked at the doctor with questions in her eyes.

    Loss of memory from a head injury like that isn't unusual, the doctor explained. Trauma to the head has been known to block out memories of recent events.

    But why do I remember the day of the week but not the date? she asked him.

    He shook his head. We don't know why some things are retained and others aren't.

    Alex closed her eyes. Everything would be fine now.

    They'd call Dylan and he'd take care of everything.

    Hey, Parker, I thought it was your turn to host the poker game, Ron Davis, a detective in Narcotics, said as he tossed a chip onto the table.

    Franklin and I switched since he goes on vacation next week. Dylan Parker hadn't looked at his cards yet. He liked to wait until it was his turn to ante up.

    The Domestic Crimes detective felt lucky tonight. He might even go home with money for once instead of leaving most of it with Davis or Greer, who was Davis's partner.

    The fast-paced tune from the I970s television show Batman sounded loudly in the room. The other four detectives stared at the origin of the tune coming from the cell phone clipped to Dylan's belt.

    Hey, Batman, your bat phone is ringing. Commissioner Gordon must need a hero.

    Dylan Parker shot his friend the middle finger as he looked down at the cell phone. He checked the Caller ID. I am off duty tonight;' he muttered, then reluctantly answered the phone. Parker." His body froze as he listened to the caller's words.

    The other four men watched him intently.

    Okay, who set this up? he demanded. Because whoever did will pay big-time. Trust me, this is not funny! He impatiently listened to the caller. His expression suddenly changed. She was what? All right, I'll be there in about twenty minutes. He disconnected the call and stared at each of the men seated around the table. So help me, if I find out this call is a joke, I will make sure the person behind it comes to a world of pain.

    What the hell are you talking about? one of the other detectives demanded.

    Dylan sighed. That was the medical center. They said my wife was mugged at the airport parking lot and she's in the ER. He studied the cards he held. It would have to be his first winning hand of the evening. With a muttered curse, he threw down the cards and unfolded his six-foot two length. The backdrop of male laughter followed him as he left the apartment.

    As a police detective with the Domestic Crimes Unit, it wasn't Dylan's first visit to the emergency room. Over time he'd interviewed his share of victims in the ER and been treated himself. But this was the first time he was there because the victim was someone he knew. Intimately.

    By the time he arrived at the med center parking lot, his stomach was churning.

    His and Alex's divorce hadn't been a pretty one. The woman knew how to extract her pound of flesh. His being forced to pay one hundred dollars per month in alimony was as good as rubbing salt in a wound. Not that the alimony was all due to Alex. The judge they'd been up against didn't like Dylan and ordered him to pay one dollar a month; an order they all knew was like a sick joke and would have been reversed on appeal. Dylan only made matters worse by saying a few things that didn't sit well with the judge, which caused the order to change to one hundred dollars per month. Dylan's attorney wanted to appeal the order, but Dylan didn't want to. He was positive a psychologist would have a field day with that scenario. A professional would have said the order left a thread, even a hostile one, between Dylan and Alex. Dylan preferred saying it gave him a chance to annoy Alex once a month.

    Dylan decided if Alex wanted alimony, fine, she'd get it, but not in the form of a monthly check. He took his revenge in more creative ways, whether it was a donation to the San Francisco Aquarium made in her name, or sending her a cactus with one hundred dollars in pennies embedded in the pot. He learned the hard way not to send her one hundred lottery tickets. Her winning fifteen thousand dollars from one of those tickets still rankled.

    Except for barely two minutes last winter when he and his partner had interviewed a rape victim at Alex's law offices, he hadn't spoken to his ex-wife. For safety's sake, dialogue between the divorced couple had been kept to the bare minimum. That worked best for them.

    Alex was so beautiful he'd never understood why she'd accepted his marriage proposal. At first, he'd thought it was love. He had fallen for her hard the first moment he' d seen her. She was quick with words, understood his jokes and there had always been something about her that convinced him they were meant to be together forever. It wasn't until later he discovered the fiery redhead's exterior didn't seem to match the interior. It was as if she had no desire in maintaining their marriage, and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. He felt that all that mattered to her was staying on the fast track to partnership. After their divorce, he vowed relationships weren't in the cards for him and went on to pick up the pieces of his damaged life.

    The security guard stationed near the ER entrance doors nodded at Dylan as he walked up. The moment he stepped through the automatic sliding glass doors, a uniformed officer walked past him with a nod of greeting. The waiting room was empty except for a man sprawled asleep in a chair. A television playing a black-and-white movie was bolted onto a shelf set high up against the wall. A bowl of colorful silk flowers had been placed at the admitting clerk's desk in an attempt to cheer the place up, but in Dylan's opinion it didn't do a bit of good.

    He walked up to the reception desk and identified himself to the clerk, asking for Dr. Kelly. Luckily for him, it was a slow night, so he didn't have to wait long.

    The bearded man in wrinkled surgical scrubs approaching him looked tired. He carried an insulated coffee container in one hand.

    Hey, Detective Parker, he said, greeting the detective with a broad grin. I can guess why you're here. You were listed as next of kin in Alexandra Spencer's records, not to mention she asked specifically for you.

    Yeah, I heard. He grimaced, wondering if there was anyone in this town who didn't know the gory details of his divorce.

    Dr. Kelly nodded. That's right. Come on back. He used the flat of his hand to press the button to open the double doors leading back to the treatment area. Dylan stayed on his heels.

    How bad was she hurt? Dylan asked.

    The thief struck her on the side of the head with a sharp instrument that left a two-inch laceration. She also has a nasty cut on her cheek, a black eye and a cut lip. The blow to the head created trauma to the part of the brain that controls the memory, which is probably why she thinks the two of you are still married. She knew her name and other things, but while she knew what day it was, she couldn't remember the year and drew a blank on other things I asked her. I want to make sure there's no permanent damage, so I sent her down for some tests.

    Dylan felt as if he'd been hit with a two-by-four. While he and Alex had had a less-than-pleasant relationship after the divorce, he wouldn't have wished violence on her. He struggled to think more like a cop than the man who had once shared her bed.

    We've been divorced for two years. Why would she still think we're married? he muttered. Just saying the words sent a flood of acid to his stomach. He noticed the expression on the other man's face. For a moment, fear overtook the other emotions rolling through him. The doctor used the words permanent damage. Was there a chance something was seriously wrong with Alex? He thought of her delicate features, framed by a thick mane of coppery red hair. Memories of tangling his fingers in the silky mass intruded. He ruthlessly pushed them back. What else aren't you telling me?

    Dr. Kelly lifted his cup and drank. He grimaced as he turned to set the cup on a nearby table. Seems most times when I finally get to my coffee it's gone cold, You'd think I'd be used to it by now. The broad term for what Alex has is psychogenic amnesia. A more understandable term for laymen would be selective amnesia.

    I came in here with a concussion eight months ago and my memory wasn't affected. All I ended up with was a bad headache, Dylan pointed out.

    Dr. Kelly ran his hands through his hair. He looked exhausted. As he spoke, he used his hands to illustrate his points. "All head traumas are tricky. Sometimes a patient loses all memory. They might need to relearn everything about themselves and how to exist. Others retain what we call selective memories. We call it an instinctive way of protecting oneself from reliving that trauma. Some people have been known to repress pieces of their past as far

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