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Salvation: Grey Wolves Rising
Salvation: Grey Wolves Rising
Salvation: Grey Wolves Rising
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Salvation: Grey Wolves Rising

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Eight months ago, a pack of feral werewolves known as Duke’s Demons dragged twenty-three-year-old Angela Kennedy from a highway rest stop in Alaska. When her capture led to pregnancy and a brutal bite that turned her into one of them, she lost all hope of ever finding her way home. She’s on the verge of becoming one of the savage demons who created her when a large grey wolf stalks out of the night with a promise of shelter…but has he come in time to save her? 

PublisherEmma Storm
Release dateMar 21, 2017
Salvation: Grey Wolves Rising

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    Book preview

    Salvation - Emma Storm

    Eight months ago, a pack of feral werewolves known as Duke’s Demons dragged twenty-three-year-old Angela Kennedy from a highway rest stop in Alaska. When her capture led to pregnancy and a brutal bite that turned her into one of them, she lost all hope of ever finding her way home. She’s on the verge of becoming one of the savage demons who created her when a large grey wolf stalks out of the night with a promise of shelter...but has he come in time to save her?


    Available Now

    Temptation – Grey Wolves Rising #1

    Obsession – Grey Wolves Rising #2

    Includes Temptation, Obsession and Salvation in one convenient collection

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    Full-figured nurse January Cabot's life is turned upside down during a run-in with a sexy pack of werewolves. The uncontrollable frenzy of Heat quickly becomes something more as January forges an erotic, emotional connection with the alpha...and the rest of his pack.


    Werewolves weren’t at the mercy of the moon’s phases as far as Angela Kennedy could tell, but as moonlight transformed the snow covering the ground and trees into something beautiful, she wished the beast inside her would finally rise up and take her away.

    But the wolf wasn’t a leprechaun and Angela doubted she’d ever see gold again, let alone get her hands on an entire pot of it. With a sigh, she curled around her belly, which felt as big and round as the full moon overhead. Usually by this time of night, the baby was using her liver as a kick ball.

    Tonight wasn’t a typical night.

    Duke’s Demons, the pack of werewolves that had plucked her right out of a highway rest stop nearly eight months earlier, had found a new woman to torment.

    Lowering her gaze from the night sky, Angela took stock of her new companion in hell. When the wolves had first found her, the woman was hip-deep in a snow drift. She’d tried to run at the first sight of the pack, but the red head was neither tall nor athletic, and Duke was on top of her, his big body pushing her down into the snow, before she even managed to get out a scream.

    Now, shivering in her wool coat, she caught Angela’s eye. Aren’t you cold?

    The question caught Angela off guard. She’d developed an easy truce with the cold. Something about the werewolf’s bite kept her temperature running hot. Sometimes she even forgot she wasn’t wearing clothes.

    The other woman cleared her throat and spoke again. I’m Rowan. What’s your name?

    Nearby, the wolf that’d been left as a guard lifted his large body from the ground and stalked over to shove his nose between Rowan’s legs.

    Angela surprised herself by growling. Leave her alone, Rick.

    Rick, one of the six werewolves who made up Duke’s Demons, swung his head around. He bared his teeth and started toward her.

    The hair on her arms lifted. None of the males had come to her since her pregnancy had started showing, so she didn’t fear the red wolf that way, but she hugged her belly harder as a more visceral terror gathered behind her breast bone.

    Rick came close enough to snap at her unprotected side just as her baby thumped its feet against her ribs. With a growl in her throat, Angela shifted as close as she could to the tree at her back.

    His green eyes gleamed with the most unholy light. As he lifted one paw and set his claws against her ribs, something inside her snapped.

    For a brief, red-hazed instant, excruciating pain erupted along her gums. She tasted her own blood and heard a shrill scream just before blackness took her vision and she became a creature of scent and sound and instinct.

    The scream cut off abruptly—or Angela just didn’t hear it anymore. Her blood roared in her ears as she rolled the male wolf into the snow and tore at its throat with her teeth and fingernails.

    Other wolves howled somewhere in the near distance but nobody stopped her. Lucky them, because her wolf had taken on the threat to her young and now death was the only way to protect that fragile life.

    Rick didn’t fight long, maybe only seconds by the human clock, and as the metallic flavor of his blood ran sour across her tongue, her wolf retreated, leaving Angela kneeling astride his ravaged body.

    Her breath steamed in the cold air. For a moment, she stared down at her red-smeared belly and dripping hands and felt like she was looking into someone else’s life.

    Rowan’s hiccupping sob yanked her from her daze. She looked up from her hands to find the other woman staring with wide, terrified eyes.

    I had to, she said, more out of a desire to soothe Rowan than excuse her actions.

    In her belly, her baby kicked. Angela instinctively touched the bump and squeezed the dying wolf’s ribs between her thighs. His heart wasn’t much more than a flutter now.

    Rowan shook her head and pointed past Angela. W-w-wolf, she got out past chattering teeth.

    Angela jerked her head around. Immediately, her gaze locked with the animal’s glowing blue eyes.

    That wasn’t a wolf. It was a monster, like the rest of them. She bared her teeth. Unlike the rest of them, this one ignored her challenge and stood back with his head cocked, his body language curious.

    He lifted one paw and started to take a step toward her. A growl rose in her throat and the werewolf stopped.

    Breath steaming in the cold air, he looked past her at Rowan and sniffed before he crouched down in the snow and started to change. Angela looked away. She’d never been able to watch, not since that first time. The lengthening bones, fur giving away to skin...bile burned in her throat.

    Suddenly, it

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