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A Heart of Steel: Part Three - When love really is enough...
A Heart of Steel: Part Three - When love really is enough...
A Heart of Steel: Part Three - When love really is enough...
Ebook425 pages6 hours

A Heart of Steel: Part Three - When love really is enough...

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“So, he’s the one,” Casey said with a grin, staring at her mother. What an emotional day with the admission of Shelby’s tormented life, followed by the heartwarming story of a stranger’s outpouring of love, and then ending with a confession of a young love affair that dazzled the heart of her sweet daughter, Casey.

Through all Shelby Porter had been through with her abusive husband, Richard, and her heart pining for her long-lost love, Jack Emerson, Shelby accidently discovers an undisclosed secret about her tormented life. All the years of asking why came to light with the answer she now held in her hand. Or so she thought...

A heated attempted murder trial, a family ripped apart, a woman existing every breath with fear and heartache. When Shelby’s husband reveals his deception—one of profound circumstances—it opens up a whole new world to her and gives her heart the hope she’s so long looked for. The love she’s deserved.

But tragedy strikes for Shelby and Jack, putting them on exactly the course they were destined to be on where more family twists, turns, and secrets are disclosed and their world erupts.

When Jack is confronted with the monster who destroyed his and Shelby’s life, will he be able to refrain from the revenge he so desires? Or, will he take the higher road? The one Shelby would have him travel? Hope and faith is all they have, but will it be enough?

This is the epic conclusion of A Heart of Steel, the journey of one woman’s life, love, and destiny... and the power of passion, heartache, tragedy, fame, and fortune held together by a family secret so powerful and clandestine, yet it will strengthen the greatest love story of modern day, a love destined to be forever...

Because... love really is enough.

Release dateMar 15, 2017
A Heart of Steel: Part Three - When love really is enough...

Katherine Kobey

Recently retired, traveling, and enjoying life, Katherine Kobey hung up her career after over thirty years in the healthcare industry as a corporate executive to pursue her lifelong love of the literary arts. She is an avid reader and writer of short stories and poems. Now, as a first-time novelist, she contributes her achievement to the many women who have shared their personal experiences from the heart. The emotional transformation of their stories to words has been the inspiration for her literary work. Katherine believes as music is to the ears, so is writing to the heart. When she is not traveling, she spends her time in Birmingham, Alabama, with her family. To learn more about Katherine Kobey, visit her online at: Facebook: Website: Email:

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    Book preview

    A Heart of Steel - Katherine Kobey

    A Heart of Steel

    part three

    …when love

    really is enough…


    Katherine Kobey

    Copyright © 2016 Katherine Kobey

    All rights reserved

    Published by Cardinal Rules Press

    Smashwords Edition

    Book cover design by Patrick Burns

    Cover photo of the Harris Neck Pier by Maryllis Wolfgang at

    Author photograph by Michael Jones of SCS Photography

    Edited and formatted by Marley Gibson

    This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity. All other characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author.


    In loving memory of Kenny Keith,

    my love and hero!

    July 25, 1957 ~ January 16, 2017


    My sincere appreciation for everyone’s support throughout my writing journey that I have mentioned in the first two parts of A Heart of Steel…

    For this final installment, I would like to add thanks to Katie McNair Icimsoy, my writers’ group buddy who was a great inspiration for finishing this series.

    And, to Rose Jacoby-Maza, my sweet cousin, who I hope won’t be mad at me forever because… I love you.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    About the Author

    Other Books by Katherine Kobey

    Chapter One

    Shelby Porter let out a long sigh after her daughter, Casey, revealed the long-lost secret Shelby had tried to bury deep within her heart. As she admired her daughter’s sweet smile, she shifted her eyes across the street to where his house sat. The man who’d always held her heart. The one who had captivated her so long ago.

    And now, Casey knew.

    She knew it all and knew his name.

    Jack Emerson.

    Thank you, Lord, Shelby whispered as she laid her hand over her heart.

    It had been over twenty-five years since she had spoken to anyone about Jack. Goosebumps sprang up on her arms from sharing her memories of him with someone, especially with Casey. It renewed her soul. An opportunity like this was nothing more than a fantasy a few short weeks earlier. Now, she was convinced Casey and Jack’s serendipitous meeting at the Kissing Bridge was a sign of divine intervention and not merely an accident. She knew in her heart God had worked it out, as it was supposed to be.

    Casey reached over and took Shelby by the hand. Thank you, Mom. I can’t believe it. I actually met your childhood love and I didn’t even know it.

    God works in mysterious ways, doesn’t He?

    Yes, He does. I guess fate brought us together that afternoon. I can’t explain it any other way. Casey admitted.

    So, what do you think? Shelby asked as she glanced over at her daughter grinning and she knew from the smile on her face, and the sparkle in her eyes, she was beaming with happiness; a scene that warmed Shelby’s heart. Sharing her memories of Jack with Casey was the right thing to do.

    You know what is so amazing? Casey asked.

    No, what?

    The story he told me about you was the greatest love story. He loves you now more than anything and with all his heart, Mom, Casey explained. He told me so.

    Shelby closed her eyes and felt a warm feeling run through her veins. Did he really still love her? Could it be true?

    It had been an emotionally long day as she looked back over the last twelve hours. Shelby had met with her best friend, JoJo’s, sister, Sandra, a counselor, like she had promised. The meeting forced Shelby to finally admit she was a victim of domestic abuse. Then, she’d had her unexpected visit to the Kissing Bridge where Casey revealed her accidental meeting with a stranger who had poured out his heart to her. Shelby had shared some special moments with Casey of her memories of long ago and now here they were parked in front of that stranger’s home.

    However, he was no stranger to her.

    He was her long-lost love.

    Her heart. Her soul.

    Her Jack.

    With the motor still running, Shelby reached up and swiped away a tear that ran down her cheek as she watched Casey continue to stare across the street.

    Come on, let me show you something else, Shelby said teasingly.

    What? More? Casey asked eagerly.

    Yep. Let’s run by Gramps’ house.


    BJ, come here, boy, Jack yelled out at his dog as they rounded the corner on 26th Avenue. He noticed a car parked across the street from his house. Mighty fancy one for these parts of the world, he thought as he stopped to observe.

    His snoopy manners sensed something was up. He grabbed a pen from the back pocket of his jeans and quickly jotted the tag number on his hand.

    Georgia… hmm… He thought for a few moments and then it came back to him that Casey’s car was from Georgia, but it wasn’t the same one. Who would be sitting across from his house with a Georgia tag? From where he stood, he couldn’t make out whether the individuals in the car were males or females, but he could tell there were two of them.

    Then, the car pulled away from the curb and drove away.

    Hmm… Jack was curious. He made his way to the front porch of the house and pulled out his cell phone.

    Hey, this is Jack Emerson, he said.

    Howdy, Sheriff. What can I do for you? the man on the other end asked.

    "I need you to run this tag number for me. Georgia 62 A as in apple, S as in Sam 481.

    That’s 62AS481? Georgia right?

    Yeah, that’s it, Jack said as he knelt down to pet BJ.

    Sheriff looks like it’s registered to Richard and Shelby Porter of Atlanta, Georgia and has a Buckhead zip code. Is everything okay?

    All’s good, Jack assured the deputy as he hung up and scratched his neck. He shivered from the chills rushing over his body. He could feel his heart welling up with excitement. Could it be her? He wondered as he brushed his mouth with his hand and her face reappeared in his mind of the last time he saw her. She was so young and beautiful he recalled of their first and last night together. His heart skipped a beat when suddenly he thought, What if it’s that son of a bitch, Richard?


    Fifteen minutes later, Shelby and Casey pulled into the drive of Shelby’s parents’ home.

    Doesn’t look like Gramps is here, Casey said hesitantly. Hmm… I wonder where he is.

    Probably doing something for church, Shelby pointed out as she unlocked the door to the kitchen. Shelby called to her dad as they entered. With no response, they went up the staircase to her former bedroom.

    Once in the room, Shelby tugged on a big cardboard box as she slid it across the hardwood floor to the window seat. She yanked the tape from the top of it, releasing the flaps.

    I don’t know what all is in here. It’s been a long time since I boxed these up, Shelby said flipping the carton open.

    The container was filled with mementos, memories, and bits and pieces of the life she had shared with Jack. Within were photographs of them, art projects they had worked on, his report cards he had given her right after graduation, souvenirs she and Jack had bought together, and the like.

    Shelby reached in and took out a framed photo of them. She blinked at the image and swallowed hard. She and Jack were so young—on the brink of adulthood—a pair of goofy and playful best friends. Jack’s bountiful head full of dark brown curls had blown around in the wind that day, she recalled, and his smile radiated like the flame of a rocket; breathtakingly innocent.

    This was the last picture we had taken together. The night of graduation, Shelby said as she handed it to Casey.

    Wow, Mom you haven’t changed a bit. Well, maybe skinnier, Casey said jokingly. No, I’m teasing.

    Thanks, Shelby replied sarcastically and shot her a grin. This is our senior yearbook. She pulled the heavy annual from the bottom of the box and began to flip through the pages. Suddenly, she stopped at the page Jack had signed the night of graduation. She held it up for Casey to read:

    Roses are red, my love,

    violets are blue, sugar is sweet,

    my love, but not as sweet as you.

    I love you, Tootie.


    Whoa, he called you Tootie? Casey asked, screwing up her nose. That is so weird.

    They spent another hour laughing and talking about all the memorabilia from Shelby’s past when they were startled by a deep voice.

    What’s all this giggling about? Joel asked with a grin as he came through the bedroom door scaring them both.

    Shelby’s body tensed quickly and her head jerked downward as if to back away, an automatic fearful response to the tone of a man’s voice. She was always prepared for the worse with her husband, Richard, so she shivered slightly when she realized it was only her father that had spoken.


    Gramps, Casey said as she scrambled to her feet. Seconds later, she helped Shelby up and together they wrapped their arms around the older man.

    My two favorite ladies. Boy, there’s nothing that warms my heart more than coming home and finding you both here, he admitted holding tightly to them.

    Gramps, Mom told me all about Jack Emerson. She showed me where he lives, and guess what?

    What, Kit Cat? Joel asked.

    I actually met him a few weeks ago at the Kissing Bridge and I didn’t even know it.

    Is that so? he asked and glanced in Shelby’s direction with a puzzled look. Shelby?

    It’s all good, Dad. I’ll tell you all about it soon, she said brushing it off. How about some coffee?

    I’d love it, Joel replied.

    Casey shook her head. No, I’m good, Mom. I want to sit here and go through your stuff… if that’s okay.

    Sure, sweetie. Gramps and I will be downstairs.

    Shelby was sure Joel would be waiting for some answers from her. She could tell by the look on his face and she wasn’t the least afraid to explain.

    A short time later, Joel and Shelby sat around the kitchen table catching up.

    You okay, Shelby? I noticed you were a bit skittish up there a few minutes ago when I startled you. Has Richard been beating on you again? he asked pensively as he sipped his coffee.

    Living with Richard and his abusive outrage over the years had taken a toll on her emotionally. It seemed each time she was shaken by the least little noise or bang out of the ordinary, it made her cringe at the thought of another physical altercation. Oftentimes, her body would stiffen up in anticipation of what was about to happen.

    Not as much these days, Shelby said hesitantly.

    Sweetheart, come on. You’ve got to get out of there. You know you can come stay here with me. I worry myself sick about you. Joel gripped his coffee mug in his wrinkled hand. If I weren’t so old and feeble myself, oh, what I’d do to that son of a—


    It’s all true, Shelby.

    I know. I just need some time. I’m going to work it all out, you’ll see.

    I sure hope so. What’s all this about Jack? he asked curiously. Have you seen or talked to him?

    No, I haven’t. Casey was here a few weeks ago and she found out some things about me from an old teacher of mine. Then, as crazy as it seems, she ran into Jack. She was telling me about him and I knew immediately who she was talking about. I couldn’t hold it back and finally told her all about him. Lord, have mercy she is infatuated with him. He’s all she talks about.

    Do you think that was a good idea to go by Jack’s house? You know with the private investigator following you and all?

    Shelby’s breath caught in her throat… Oh, my gosh. She hadn’t thought about that. Damn it, Shelby, she said to herself. What had she done? She tried to gather her thoughts quickly.

    Yeah, it’s good, Shelby said only seconds away from a panic attack. Keep your cool, Shelby, she mumbled lowly.

    The private investigator who’d been tailing her was the last thing on her mind. She had been entangled in the emotions of sharing her story with Casey that the possibility of someone following them had not crossed in her thoughts. What if Richard found out where she had been today? He would be furious with her she was certain. Then again, what the hell, she had Casey protecting her now.

    Her life was about to change.


    Within the hour Jack left the porch and headed to his truck.

    Come on boy, let’s go check something out, Jack whistled to his dog as he waited for BJ to climb into the cab. He had to find out if it were Shelby and maybe she would be at her parents.

    A few minutes later Jack turned down 23rd Drive in Shawmut and slowly drove down the street. No one was parked in front of the house, but then Shelby and her parents had always parked in the drive. He noticed the light on in Shelby’s window, the one she always sat in. He flipped off the headlights to the truck and pulled over to the curb. There in the drive was the same car he had spotted earlier that afternoon at his house.

    It’s Shelby.

    He smiled. He knew she was up to something. A brief second later, he saw her through the window as well as another woman… wait, that’s Casey. His heart leaped for joy as he saw them both.

    Oh, my God, he kept saying. He saw that the two women were sitting on the bench in the window and he wondered what they were talking about. Shelby and her sweet daughter, Casey.


    Shelby sat in the dark as she watched Casey sleeping across the room. She turned and stared through the window and up into the sky enjoying the far away stars twinkling in the darkness. What a day it had been. First, she had confessed who that boy was and then she had shown Casey where he’d grown up. Then, they had spent the evening going through all the memorabilia. There were a million questions Casey had fired away and Shelby was ecstatic to reveal the details. It was a whirlwind of an evening. There had been so many things she had forgotten over the years, but sitting with Casey tonight going through the box brought them all racing back, filling her heart with joy.

    Shelby thought about what Casey had said.

    With Sandra’s help and me living with you until the wedding, things are going to change. I promise, Mom.

    Casey’s encouraging words gave Shelby hope for the first time in many years.

    Were things going to be better?

    They had to be.


    The summer of 2003 was winding down. It was a few days before the wedding. Shelby sat on the veranda looking over her beautiful Buckhead estate Richard had bought for them many years earlier. She knew she would be leaving it soon and it saddened her. Richard had promised Shelby as soon as the wedding was over, he would find a place close to his mother in Columbus. Shelby could tell he was looking forward to getting back to work. Law was his passion and he seemed lost since his termination from the firm in Atlanta for his anger problems toward the other attorneys and staff. He had literally begged the senior partners to let him work in the firm’s Columbus office if he agreed to seek professional counseling.

    Shelby had met with her counselor, Sandra, several times at the coffee shop. She had learned so much about living with an aggressor. Each time they spoke, she knew it was going to be a challenge to deal with Richard moving forward. Understanding his behavior was the beginning steps for her recovery. Sandra had told her about a place on Tybee Island, close to Savannah, Georgia, that helped women in abusive relationships. She believed it was the perfect location for Shelby to overcome her life of abuse and learn to become a stronger person.

    Shelby had to admit Richard had been much better toward her since Casey had been home and confronted him face-to-face regarding the years of his abuse. He had been quick to heed Casey’s warning and promised he would get help.

    Sandra had warned Shelby that he could slip back into his bad behavior within a split second if something were to set him off.

    She grappled with the emotions. The thought of actually leaving him was frightening and it ripped deep into her soul. However, she had spent over half her life in a world of oppression.

    She wanted desperately for Richard to get help and she knew she would have to face the possibility of taking on his aggressive behavior again once Casey left home.

    It was all too mind-boggling. She knew she would have to make some difficult decisions soon. Everything had come down to the wire and it was up to her.

    The breeze blew gently across the lawn as she reminisced about the early years…

    She had loved Richard so much and recalled his sweet nature, his beautiful green eyes, and his smile that sparked an attraction to him the first day she’d met him at Johnson’s grocery.

    She took in a breath and let out a sigh, as she recalled their college days that were full of adventures, beach trips, and football games, traveling back and forth to Athens. All of those memories came streaming back to her. She was his princess, and he was her knight in shining armor. The day she took his hand at the altar was one of the happiest days of her life. It was sure to be a true Cinderella story and then… the years of abuse followed. Her unwavering battle to protect Casey from her father and the burdened of the threats on her own life was unbearable at times, and she felt like giving up. However, she had hope now and knew she would have to step out on faith in this new journey.

    Am I ready?

    Then, to confuse matters more, she couldn’t help but think about Jack and all the sweet words Casey had shared with her from her conversation with him. It was the single most encouraging message for her to hold onto as she took the first steps of recovery.

    It was midafternoon and Shelby wiped away the sweat from her neck as she went into the kitchen, poured a glass of iced tea, and sat down at the kitchen table thinking about everything coming up on the calendar and her to-do list. The joy of Casey’s wedding to her forever love, Patrick, followed by the bittersweet preparation of leaving her own husband kept her on constant pins and needles. She worried about her appetite. The bathroom scales that morning had revealed a loss of another five pounds. She knew she needed to try and eat, but her nerves kept her stomach in turmoil most of the time.

    The one thing she struggled with was her commitment to the vows she had uttered happily one day so far in her past… for better or for worse… in sickness and health. She wondered if maybe Richard had a mental illness and that made her feel sorry for him. It tore her apart knowing she was going to be leaving him. It would devastate him for sure. She was all he had left and knew once she was gone he would be left with nothing.

    The wedding planner had been at the house for most of the day working with the florist and decorators. The place was swarming with people… Shelby recalled how happy she was when Casey told her at their engagement party several months earlier that she and Patrick wanted the wedding to be on the veranda of their home.

    Shelby laughed at Richard several times when he hid away at the other end of the house. This is too much for me, he said. Tell me where to be on Saturday.

    Shelby snickered and then sipped her tea. She could tell Casey was getting the jitters. The wedding party would be arriving at their home tomorrow and it would be total chaos.

    Shelby leaned back against the chair at the breakfast table as she slipped back in time and recalled the early days of her marriage. She had hoped she and Richard would have had a house full of children, but for whatever reason, it never happened. She had dreamed of lots of little feet running through the halls and up and down the stairs. She always delighted in having Casey’s friends over anytime and had to confess when the house was full of kids, Richard would hide out in his man cave.

    Mrs. Porter, the maid said as she interrupted Shelby’s reminiscing. A guy from FedEx delivered this package for you.

    Hmm… now who would be sending a package to me? Shelby took the large envelope and scanned the return address:

    An Old Friend

    Valley, Alabama

    That’s odd, she thought.

    Something inside her ramped up the curiosity. It was like finding a lost treasure. As she jiggled it, she wondered what it could be.

    Valley, huh, she noted as she picked up her glass, stood and walked out on the veranda, still puzzled by the sender. An Old Friend, she repeated a second time.

    Shelby noticed all the people buzzing around in the yard like bees working their hive. She scooted off across the lawn and into her garden where she sat down on the bench next to the small table alone and stared at the package.

    She grinned, thinking how much she loved getting surprises in the mail. She began to pull and tug at the heavy plastic packaging tearing it away to reveal a small cardboard box. A note was attached with a rubber band. Shelby slid it out and unfolded the paper. Almost dropping everything, her hand flew to her throat as she gasped in hard, nearly losing her breath.


    I know everything is probably crazy right about now with Casey getting married and all. I came across the wedding announcement in the paper. It was her picture that caught my eye.

    Shelby, I can’t tell you how much she reminds me of you. She is absolutely stunning and a spitting image of her beautiful mother. Her smile… her hair… and her eyes. It was like going back in time twenty-five years and seeing your face staring out at me from the newspaper.

    I don’t know if you’ve ever told Casey about me or not. Either way, I know you would have used your better judgment. God, I would be lying if I didn’t hope and pray you had. Given everything we’ve been through, I would certainly understand if you hadn’t.

    I can’t explain it and for whatever reason, I’ve had some really unusual coincidences that have sparked my curiosity lately.

    I’m not sure Casey told you about the day she met a stranger pouring his broken heart out to her at the Kissing Bridge. Lord, had I only known at the time it was your sweet daughter. It wasn’t until later that evening when I discovered who she was. If she mentioned it, please know it was me.

    I knew there was something about her I couldn’t pinpoint as we sat there carrying on a conversation about people’s broken hearts in Valley. She probably thought I was crazy, but then again I’ve always been that way about you, Tootie. Thank the Lord I wasn’t my usual self and blurted out your name to her that afternoon. I hope you know it filled my heart with joy sitting next to her and chatting about life.

    Shelby released an exaggerated breath and she nipped her lower lip with her teeth as tears began to fill her eyes.

    Oh, Jack, she said as she continued.

    That same day, the old shelter at the boat dock burned to the ground and the only thing left of the ashes was this. It was unbelievable and I had often wondered what had happened to it.

    I couldn’t help but think you might like Casey to have this on her wedding day. It’s just a thought and, of course, I wouldn’t want you to give it to her unless you want her to have it or if it were to create any problems. Please don’t feel obligated in any way.

    Since I never had a daughter and you did, it might have some sentimental value to give it to her from you. I sure hope so.

    It might seem silly, but in my eyes, it’s a small token of my forever love for you, Shelby. Maybe it will bring good luck and a long lasting love for Casey and her new husband. Actually, I would have given anything to present it to my own daughter, had I ever been blessed with one.

    I know this is an exciting time for you and I hope this will make it better in some small way.

    If Casey knows about me, would you please tell her I wish her the best and that I give all my love and prayers for a life of happiness?

    Shelby… I wished God had given us a daughter.

    All my love,


    With tears streaming down her face, Shelby quickly wiped them away as she sat the note in her lap. She picked up the box and slowly opened it to find a black leather case.

    As she flipped the lid open, she saw the heart necklace Jack had given her years ago. It was a bit tarnished and had some black soot on it, apparently from the fire. A flash of the last time she saw it came rushing through her mind. It had been the night she yanked it off her neck and threw it at him.

    She brushed away the painful memory as new ones of Jack came rushing back. The loneliness of her own broken heart was now filled with Jack’s love all over again. She found it a bit overwhelming, given all of her recent revelations. The greatest joy in the world for someone like her was the feeling of being loved… especially by Jack.


    It was late afternoon when all the workers had left for the day. She had sat with the necklace clutched tightly in her hand, soaking up the serenity of her floral surroundings. The quietness, the gentle breeze, the beautiful array of flowers, listening to the birds chirping, and watching the butterflies fluttering around the bushes brought sheer bliss to Shelby.

    She tilted her head to the sky and said, Thank you, Lord, for this blessed gift. I’m so ashamed to have thrown it away just like I did with Jack. Now, years later, it has found its way back to me with love from him.

    As fate would have it and for whatever reason, she knew in the deepest chamber of her heart what she had to do next.

    Mom, Casey called in a sweet voice as she popped her head around the rose bushes.

    Shelby turned and motioned for her to come sit next to her on the cushioned bench.

    You okay? Casey asked as she scooted in next to Shelby. I’ve been looking for you.

    I’m wonderful, Casey, Shelby replied. She wiped her face and lifted her hand with the necklace in her closed fist to her lips.

    I hope those are tears of joy and not sorrow, Casey said.

    Actually, a bit of both, you could say, Shelby remarked as she cleared her throat.

    Aww, really? You want to share them with me? Casey asked as she nudged Shelby’s side. What’s in the box?

    Shelby reached down and picked up the empty black box along with the note from Jack. She paused and sipped in a deep breath. Casey, it’s not for me. It was sent to you, sweetheart. She handed the letter to her daughter. Here, read this first.

    There was no doubt in Shelby’s mind that the trinket belonged to Casey.

    Jack had now given his heart to another woman. Casey. A daughter he never had.

    Casey cast a puzzled glance Shelby’s way and then she looked down at the note.

    Oh, my gosh, she said as she covered her mouth with her hand and read the letter.

    Suddenly, she burst into tears as she laid the paper down in her lap and looked at Shelby. She reached over and hugged Shelby around the neck.

    God, Mom, no wonder you loved him so much. He is amazing and I bet he was a great dad to Trevor. It makes me wish my dad was like Jack.

    Shelby’s heart sank thinking about the day Jack lost his son in the accident.

    Yes, sweetheart, from what I understand, he was a wonderful father, she said thinking how much she’d wanted to have a child with him.

    I don’t know what to say. What is it? Casey asked eagerly.

    Shelby slowly opened her hand to reveal the locket. She remembered thinking on the day Jack gave it to her the two of them would one day present it to their daughter. At least she got part of the fantasy right.

    You have to know, Casey, it takes a special man to give his heart to another man’s daughter. That’s the way Jack is. So, having said that, he and I give you our love, Shelby said as she handed the darkened necklace to her. I wish you’d known him like I did.

    Casey smiled as she gently took it from her mother’s hand.

    It’s thirty-five years old and a bit dirty. We’ll have to clean it up, Shelby said as she watched Casey stare at the necklace. Turn it over, sweetie.

    Casey flipped it over and read out loud. J.E. loves S.H.

    Her smile was larger than life. It had been a long time since Shelby had seen such delight in her daughter’s face and it made her own heart dance. She scooped Casey’s hand in hers and said, I hope you know how much love is locked away in that little gem.

    I think I do, Mom. I will always cherish it until the day I die, Casey said stroking the front of the heart with her fingers. By the way she admired the small trinket, Shelby could tell she was in awe.

    What do you think? Can I wear at the wedding? Did Dad ever see it?

    I’m sure he has. I use to wear it all the time when Jack and I were together. I’m not sure if he will remember its origins, Shelby remarked. It’s up to you, though, but do try to keep your dad’s feelings in mind. I know he’s been a challenge over the years. I wouldn’t want him to feel bad. She thought for a moment, sort of changing the subject, and suggested, It could be the ‘something old’ of your wedding.

    It was Casey’s now and she could do whatever she wanted to with it. It was her decision.

    Either way was good with Shelby.


    Shelby was thrilled with her custom made Vera Wang pale yellow evening gown of satin and silk with a keyhole shaped neck embellished with Swarovski crystals. It fit her petite body perfectly. Richard had insisted she order it. One thing was for sure… Richard had great taste.

    Shelby peeked one last time in the mirror before she headed out to take an overview of her stately residence. She was blessed to have such an exquisite home. Richard’s love affair with fine antique furnishings was a tribute to his late father, something he had inherited from the General.

    Today, though, it was even more charming than she could have ever imagined.

    Casey’s favorites—soft pink roses, delicate lace draped tables, pretty antique china—adorned the dining area and complimented the rich, lush tone of the many antiques which filled the grand estate. It was just the right tone for a romantic vintage wedding.

    Shelby had to admit this was what she had always imaged her wedding to Jack would be. Not on this scale, but similar in style. She smiled as she strolled the grounds outside.

    It was time.

    Shelby graced the arm of a handsome young man from the wedding party as he escorted her down the aisle and to her seat on the front row of the white-covered chairs lining the lush green grass of the courtyard.

    The Wedding March began to play and the crowd immediately stood. Shelby turned to see her beautiful daughter on her father’s arm, smiling from the veranda as they began their march down the pink

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