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Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness
Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness
Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness
Ebook227 pages4 hours

Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness

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About this ebook

The first in a series of channeled works from a group of Light Beings who oversee humanity's evolution, Seeds of Light offers an unprecedented interpretation of one of the most important and divisive religious figures of all time: Jesus Christ.

Their fundamental message is that the Christ should not be viewed as an idol of worship, but as a state of consciousness. The Christ Consciousness leads you from separation and fear to a state of love and unity with everyone and everything. To access it, you must shed your common misconceptions about time, space, and the human mind. Only then can you fully embrace the truth that you are a living spark of the Creator—a Seed of Light—with the power to transform the world in ways that humanity has only begun to imagine.

Weaving together profound, life-altering insights on the nature of time, language, love, compassion, and forgiveness, Seeds of Light will elevate your consciousness and revolutionize your beliefs about what it means to be human.
Release dateMar 24, 2017
Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Started off well then as I was about half way through became a difficult read, as in hard to understand properly and extremely repetitive

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Seeds of Light - Patrick Paul Garlinger



This book was written in just over two months, between March and May 2016. A month into an intense kundalini rising, where energy would rise from the base of my spine up my back to the top of my head and send me into ecstatic spasms, I heard a voice in my head state clearly: We are going to write, and we are going to write quickly. I did not fully appreciate what was to come.

I had been writing for some time, but my own writing can be a bit labored, and I tend to move slowly, methodically, trying to lead my reader to a logical conclusion. I also like to be clear and achieve a certain amount of elegance. But this new writing was nothing like my own. It came quickly, sometimes furiously, and it spoke with a we. The voice was familiar, but it was not the voice in my head, the one we associate with our sense of self, our own ego. This voice was more authoritative, direct, and with a confidence that my own internal writing voice does not typically display. The voice also came with an intense energy that would fill my body—an energy that my own ego certainly doesn’t supply. The voice identified itself as a collective of Light Beings calling themselves the Council of Light.

From a very early point, the Light Beings made clear my writing was not to be simply a transfer of information. They expressly said that it would not be channeling, as I understood that word, which, for me, conveys the sense of being a mouthpiece. They wanted to use the words transfer and transmit to indicate that it was a form of energy that was being sent that I was translating into words. This process became a form of transmission and translation, as the energy came through me, using my vocabulary, albeit in ways I never would have chosen myself. They also called it a dialogue, and there were points at which I would respond to the transmissions with questions, which appear in italics throughout the book. Indeed, the words and topics were not ones I would choose. Some of the material was familiar to me, or fit well within my own training and understanding, but I would never have opted for the way the material was presented, or the way it focused on certain words (like blasphemy or power) or certain topics (like antiquity and the historical figure of the Christ). I would not have referred to people as Seeds of Light, or described our participation in collective consciousness as absorption, or even considered focusing on time and space.

When it was time to write, I would feel a prompt in my crown chakra. It would feel like little droplets of electric energy were cascading onto the top of my head, lighting me up, and I would also feel waves of energy throughout my body. These were similar to, but different from, the energy I experience with my teacher, Mirabai Devi, and different from the energy that passes through me when I perform healing energy work for other people. At times, the energy was so strong that I would slip into a blissful state in which words became very difficult to hear or articulate, and I would sit at the computer, just basking in that energy until I could resume thought and begin typing again.

To get another perspective on the writing process, I consulted with Tony LeRoy, a gifted intuitive. In his view, during these transmissions, I am connecting with my Higher Self, which happens to be a part of a collective group of souls. This makes sense, given that the voice I heard was so familiar; it never felt like I had come into contact with an entity or being that I had previously never met. When the Light Beings would speak to me directly, they would refer to me with terms that I would never use to refer to myself: Star Child, Christ Child. Although I would never have chosen those phrases to refer to myself, which would have seemed quite grandiose, I can say that, as used by the Light Beings, the phrases lack any pretense and feel only loving and pure. In fact, throughout the book, the same feeling of pure love pervades: The words from the Council can be pointed and direct in tone, but the energetic feeling as the Light Beings spoke through me was very loving.

Each chapter was transmitted on a single day (although on some days I would download more than one installment), usually in a very short burst of time. When the entire manuscript was complete, I spent a month going back and fixing the numerous typographical errors that had accumulated throughout the transmittal process. The manuscript was then edited to eliminate repetition and to adjust for errors in syntax that resulted from the very rapid process of transcription. The chapter titles are mine, and some portions of the transmissions were edited out, as they were intended just for me.

The book does not progress in a directly linear fashion. The Light Beings stressed to me that this was a deliberate effort to prevent me from anticipating their commentary, and because the illuminating power of their words does not derive from any logical progression. As they put it, each installment is itself a Seed of Light, and together they form an interconnected web to illuminate the reader’s mind.

As they make clear, this is the first of several volumes. It is my hope that the future volumes will expand on what is covered here and deepen our understanding of the evolution of human consciousness. For now, I share this gift with you, with the hope that its energy will help you to awaken your own Christ Consciousness.

Patrick Paul Garlinger

June 6, 2016

New York, New York


This book is an exchange of energy between beings who do not occupy bodies or forms, and the energy of one human being who has taken this form in this lifetime to speak and share the truth of the nature of human existence, in all its glory and wonder. As we speak, the trumpets of Heaven blast resoundingly in full appreciation of the triumphs of the human race. But none of the wondrous achievements in technology can lead us from the inexorable conclusion that humanity is bent on its own destruction. Humanity seeks and craves; it clashes and churns, always seeking more. In so doing, it has stripped Mother Earth, a glorious being in her own right, of much of her energy, and soon the planet will make a choice between her own survival and the survival of her precious children. While humans laud mothers and ask them to commit to self-sacrifice for their children, often without full acknowledgment of what they are asking of women, humans are doing the same with their proverbial planetary Mother.

She is not, however, a human mother. She is a creation of consciousness separate and apart from the form that you perceive her to take, and she too is on her own evolutionary path. Mother Gaia will not sacrifice herself for the sake of humans; she will ascend and evolve, even if that means their destruction. This is not cruel, nor is it selfish. It is simply the evolutionary impulse of all creation, of all consciousness, to rise and lift from depths and to reach higher, and higher, and higher. Metaphorically, of course. It is not that Mother Gaia abandons her children, the humans. It is that her evolution will move into a realm where humans can only survive if they too ascend and evolve and shed their childish behavior. For in evolving, they can join her, they can move with her as she ascends and evolves. They too can be part of this evolutionary impulse.

But so few understand who they are and why they are here, trapped as they are in their petty impulses and righteous indignation. None of it matters. The vast majority of most of the energy expended by humans is designed to temper their fears of survival and stroke their egos, without them once comprehending how truly glorious and magnificent and luminous each one of them is, like a Seed of Light. Instead of blossoming into a full-blown star, they dim and blink out, asking, always asking: Who will love me?

Don’t think for a moment that you are different, for you too are the same: a Seed of Light. Some of you are blossoming, glowing brighter, and asking to transcend your earthly limitations. But you are small light bulbs, not stars. No, not yet. But being a light bulb, you are shining brighter, asking to be more than a seedling.

You ask who we are, and we will tell you: We are the Council of Light. We govern over human affairs, watching, guiding, patiently nurturing and assisting with your growth and evolution. We have done so for eons, as you have incarnated and reincarnated in lifetime after lifetime to learn one simple lesson about love: Its simplicity is not an intellectual formula, it is not something that can be grasped by being understood. No, it must be lived, lived, lived. It must be embodied, and through the body and in and through your interactions and relationships with others. Love is a field in which you move, yet you do not relate to it as a field. You relate to love as an emotion. You relate to it like it is a thing to be bought and sold, bartered, withheld, given and received. Yes, love can be given and received, in one sense, but you mistake that for the whole. And so you do not understand what it means truly to love or to live an embodied life of love. That is the purpose of this book: to teach you to love.

The Nature of Reality and Consciousness

There is so much confusion about the nature of reality and the nature of God, specifically. Too many people speak in the name of God who have never once tasted the nectar of the Divine. They know nothing of what it means to embody compassion or unconditional love, and they can’t even begin to understand the immensity of the Creator in all of its forms. Yet this does not stop humanity from speaking in the name of God or in the name of the Creator, which is what you use that word to mean. You engage in petty, silly fights over the meaning of a word that you do not understand. You cede your authority to those who claim to know God, who speak in the name of God, and yet whose actions and thoughts and words betray an absolute disconnection from God. Do not be deceived. The Catholic Church is not the arbiter of the Divine. Nor are any of the other organized religions, which have all been co-opted by the needs of men whose hunger for God was only surpassed by their hunger for power, and which they in fact viewed as synonymous. That is why you have images of God as a punisher. For these men, God is power, the Almighty, and you subjugate yourself to those men because of their titles and words. The Pope is a sincere and honest man, but he knows not God in its infinite glory. He knows the teachings of those before him, and his heart, while sincere, is not fully open to the Divine, no—he is not fully open to the Divine. How can we say this sort of thing? Is this not blasphemy? We say it because it is true. The Light has not yet been seen and felt fully by mankind. No, only rivulets of Light have been pouring into your planet for those who have begun to taste the Divine nectar.

The Light is all of creation, all of it: infinite worlds, infinite realities beyond the experience of nearly every living creature that has inhabited this planet, this realm, so much vaster, so much more than you could imagine. For despite your creative faculties, all of your imagination inevitably leads to the replication of the same dramas and stories that have marked mankind since the beginning of time: betrayal, lust, hatred, power, greed, murder. Even your fictional worlds are but a pale simulacrum of what can be and is in other places and realms. Yet you regard the Earth as the center of the universe, and you as its single most important aspect. Yes, you are important, a glorious creation as part of the infinite realms, and God does indeed love you, as it loves all its creations. But no, you are not the center, you are not the top. You have so much to learn about the true nature of reality. And so we begin …

The Light is everywhere and in everything. It is life itself. The Light is everything. It is the energy of life itself, and yet scientists have only begun to understand this. You’ve found the Higgs boson. This is the closest you’ve come to understanding the field of energy as consciousness itself. Yes, that energy is consciousness; it is conscious. You think of yourselves as consciousness, as having consciousness, and you search for forms of artificial intelligence, wondering if it might have a consciousness. But that consciousness is not your own. You seek to create a computer that has the consciousness of man when you don’t understand that the energy all around you has a consciousness. Yes, but it’s different from your own. It’s different, and others have written of this. You are blind to those forms of consciousness because they do not resemble yours. You only see yourselves, and where you do not see yourselves, you do not see at all. The energy that has a consciousness is consciousness itself. This might be confusing, and it will be for a time. We will clarify—we promise. The energy of consciousness is itself consciousness because there is no difference between consciousness and energy. It is all energy, it is all Light, it is all Love.

You believe that your consciousness has energy, and that is true. Your consciousness can be measured by brain scans and devices, and you know that there are electrons firing and synapses and whatnot. This is the mechanical means by which energy moves through form in your realm. That’s important, but it’s not all. There’s more to the picture. You see, consciousness itself is energy, and energy is conscious. It has a consciousness. What does this mean? It means that anything with energy has a consciousness and is consciousness and is connected to the whole. And everything, as you know, has energy. Even the seemingly inert objects like the chair you’re sitting in, whose wood was taken from a live tree and then stripped and molded for your purposes, still has energy moving in it. Yes, far less than it once had, far less than the majestic consciousness of the tree from which it came, but it’s there. It’s there in everything that surrounds you that you can see—and everything that you cannot see. You are all connected to everything through this energy. And you call it God, but we call it Light.

That the Light is everywhere does not mean that everything is Light. On one level, this is true, and another level this is false. In this realm, on this planet, you can surely understand that not everything is Light. How could it be? You see death and destruction, mayhem and murder and madness all around you. And you ask, how could God create this? How could God allow this? If God existed, this surely would not exist! As if you knew what God’s intentions were. No, not everything is Light in this realm. But everything is connected to Light in this realm, even when it appears not to be. That connection can be ignored or even denied, altogether made nonexistent through repression and ignorance, but it is there by virtue of your status as living creatures.


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