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SERNA Feng Shui Living: Making Way for the New
SERNA Feng Shui Living: Making Way for the New
SERNA Feng Shui Living: Making Way for the New
Ebook126 pages1 hour

SERNA Feng Shui Living: Making Way for the New

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About this ebook

Are you ready to start living your life boldly and confidently in the
direction of your dreams? If so, this book can assist you, as you begin to
make a new life, a new beginning. Learn how to bring wellness, surround
yourself with the right people for your growth, focus on what you truly desire,
and discover ways to manifest it almost effortlessly. Feel balanced, and at peace at
home and within. By following these easy steps you can begin to live a greater life
inwardly and outwardly with Feng Shui principles.

PublisherNora Serna
Release dateMar 23, 2017
SERNA Feng Shui Living: Making Way for the New

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    Book preview

    SERNA Feng Shui Living - Nora Serna

    To all the mentors I’ve had until now who have had a powerful impact in my life—Steve Jobs, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Master Raymond Lo, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Esther Hicks, and Mary Morrissey—thank you for being that beacon of light to follow.

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    To all of you that have contributed to bringing this book to life, thanks for sharing this journey with me.

    Julia Willard, Jennifer Manson, Kim Luret, and Sharon Lund, thank you for your contribution and support.

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    A new time is here. We feel it and see it everywhere. We are awakening—awakening to our genius and to our true divine self.

    There’s a global shift of transformation going on, and it’s affecting everybody. Have you seen and felt it lately? People are looking for answers: answers for change, for the better, and for more meaningful relationships, careers, and lives. People are waking up to their true expansive selves and realization to what they came to this life for.

    Millions of people have been experiencing a lot of great change, growth, and transformation in the past few years. People are healing and becoming more alive, creative, social, loving, and more confident. Thanks a lot to the repercussions Rhonda Byrne brought to the world with her movie The Secret, which came out in 2006. She brought together some of the greatest minds alive today to share their teachings and has consequently reached the masses, billions by now, I am sure.

    Her vision is to have an impact on billions, and she is still on her way to achieving that dream. The Secret, both the movie and the book, has brought about a wave of change in the world for the better. It’s caused massive curiosity and awakening in people.

    More than ever before, people are starting their own businesses and taking bold action toward their dreams. People are reconnecting with their creativity. This is bringing people back to the things that really matter: living a life that they love and truly want by pursuing careers and life paths that they have always dreamt of; by breaking away from the status quo, society, and family expectations; and by starting to live purposefully.

    Although the law of attraction worked great for some people, it didn’t for so many others. This book will help you understand what you have missed and are missing.

    People seem to miss one of the most important steps that have to be made before asking the universe for what you desire. You must have space in your life for the things you ask for. You must make way for the new. Otherwise, how can it show up? Having space means that you don’t hang onto the past or to old beliefs, things and relationships that haven’t been serving you up to this point. You want to be in charge of your emotions and, therefore, your actions and consequently your results. All of this will be explained in this first book of the series. This book (Series 1) lays out the foundation for the books to come. This addresses the most important steps to master before applying how-to material that will be presented in the coming series of SERNA Feng Shui books that expand on different topics, such as relationships, health, finances, home and office Feng Shui, and self-confidence, among others, and the how-tos. In addition, at the end of this book you will find resources and book recommendations to assist you in this new way of thinking and living.

    What you hold here is an accumulation of over a decade’s worth of intense study of some of the teachers in the movie and some others mentioned in the dedication page. Along with the author Nora Serna’s personal wisdom and insights. This material can and will cause changes in you for the better.

    Allow these ideas to sink in. They’re healthy, powerful concepts whose purpose is to awaken more of your inner knowing that brings about confidence in all areas of your life. The stories and ideas presented in here will provoke thought, and they will increase your awareness and help you attain power over your life. By applying the exercises in this book, you will gain clarity, and when you have clarity, you become a deliberate creator in your life. Therefore, you become in charge of your outcomes and results. If you follow through and apply what you learn, you will see great results. You need to trust the process. Practice the key principles in this volume. They will guide you to your own answers. Like anything new, the more you practice, the better you get at it. So revisiting these pages will help you understand at a deeper level each time you read it.

    Exactly what will you learn?

    You will learn how to feel, look, and function at your best and how to get in harmony with your highest self—the best version of you that walks with confidence, feels empowered, and has control over your life. You will bury

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