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The Country Doctor's Bride
The Country Doctor's Bride
The Country Doctor's Bride
Ebook166 pages2 hours

The Country Doctor's Bride

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A hot, historical western stand-alone story with a satisfying HEA.

Determine to escape personal tragedy and leave Texas, Dixy Hawthorne secures a ride to the next town on her way out of the state. The driver, Tobias Poe, offers to let her rest in the wagon’s bed. While she’s in the back, he is shot.

Rushing to save him, she arrives in Naked Bluff, Texas.

The town’s doctor, Nathaniel Murphy, can’t save him, but can he save her?

Penniless, alone, and now a murder suspect, Dixy has no alternative but to accept his help. Can this couple build a future together?
Or will a killer silence her forever?

This is part of the Naked Bluff, Texas series,
In Too Deep
In Deep Water
More than Ready
The Deputy's Bride
A Cowboy's Pleasure
The Country Doctor's Bride

PublisherAnita Philmar
Release dateMay 12, 2016
The Country Doctor's Bride

Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.Influenced by sci-fi programs, she enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genres, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.Naughty or Nice?Read her book and decide.

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    Book preview

    The Country Doctor's Bride - Anita Philmar

    The Country Doctor’s Bride

    A hot, historical western stand-alone story with a satisfying HEA.

    Determine to escape personal tragedy and leave Texas, Dixy Hawthorne secures a ride to the next town on her way out of the state. The driver, Tobias Poe, offers to let her rest in the wagon’s bed. While she’s in the back, he is shot.

    Rushing to save him, she arrives in Naked Bluff, Texas.

    The town’s doctor, Nathaniel Murphy, can’t save him, but can he save her?

    Penniless, alone, and now a murder suspect, Dixy has no alternative but to accept his help. Can this couple build a future together?

    Or will a killer silence her forever?

    Book Rating: Know the heat level of my book by the peppers surrounding the 2nd Edition.

    Red Peppers—HOT




    Special note: Anita is rewriting all her books.

    A new release every month.


    Anita Philmar Other Books

    Banished—Shapeshifter’s series

    Banished Hero

    Banished Scoundrel

    Banished Witch

    Banished—Box Set

    Black Dragon’s Series- Fantasy/Syfy

    Black Dragon’s Blood

    Black Dragon’s Moon

    Black Dragon’s Heart

    Black Dragon’s Box Set

    Other Stories

    Fairy Fun - Fantasy

    Naked Rebel - Fantasy

    Hot-Wired—Futuristic full-length novel

    Warrior in Me—Contemporary full-length novel

    Naked Bluff, Texas series—Western Historical

    Texas Passion

    In Deep Water

    In Too Deep

    More Than Ready

    Deputy’s Bride

    Country Doctor’s Bride

    A Cowboy’s Pleasure

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Other Westerns:

    McKee’s Ghost—Historical

    Hot Prairie Nights—Historical

    New Releases:

    To be determined…

    The Country Doctor’s Bride

    By Anita Philmar


    To Texas home of my heart

    Text copyright © May 12, 2016 Anita Philmar

    All Rights Reserved

    * * * * * *



    Anita Philmar

    Copyright May 12, 2016

    by Anita Philmar

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Miss Dixy Hawthorne, I can’t believe we’ve been talking like two chickens in a henhouse since we left Centerville. Tobias Poe clicked the reins against the horses’ rumps, causing the wagon to surge forward.

    Well, we’re stuck in the same cage for a spell. With a forced smile, she tugged on her shawl, drawing it close to buffer the drain on her heart. The perpetual chill of the last six months rode through her thoughts, sparking memories of the horrors of injustice.

    Escape, Texas. Prompted by her current mantra, she recalled how she needed his help in securing her next ride out of Texas. The man’s southern charm had distracted her from the moment she’d met him more than an hour ago. With his grandfather style, snowy white beard, and teasing blue eyes, he had easily brushed aside any awkwardness between them with a warm handshake before jumping into a conversation about the places he’d been and the people he knew.

    You know, after all this time, you could call me Dixy instead of Miss Hawthorne. A repetitive suggestion, but he continued to ignore her request, probably so as not to offend.

    Hitting a divot in the path, the wagon shifted and caused her to brush against his arm. Straightening, she spotted the naked trees and the barren fields hugging the rugged trail. With the crops having been harvested weeks ago. Only old corn stalks and rotting plants dotted the landscape. Brown leaves danced across the open space, fluttering in the breeze for a moment, then hit a twig or sticky mud puddle and drew to a dead stop.

    Winter had hit with a vengeance, bringing an icy wind and heavy rain. Upon leaving Centerville, the early light of dawn had peeked over the horizon. She expected a chilly, overcast day. Luckily, the clouds had cleared. The sun had graced them with its presence. The shawl around her shoulders, plus her coat, had kept most of the nippy breeze at bay.

    Oh, no, Mrs. Cowden wouldn’t approve if I became too friendly with you in such a short time. Lifting the reins, he steered the horse around a large puddle in the middle of their path. I believe, though, I should introduce you to my friend John Bristol Smith. He’s near your age and could use a good woman. Or perhaps Nathaniel Murphy you might also be interested in him.

    Not thrill with the notion of getting involved with any man, Dixy bit back her aversion to him playing matchmaker and held her tongue about her plans. After all, Mrs. Cowden had arranged for this ride. Dixy had no intentions of offending Tobias or the lady who had secured his help. How long will it take for us to reach Naked Bluff?

    With a slight tilt of his head, a lock of white hair swept across his face. The steady scrutiny of his gaze must have assessed her exhaustion, because he tossed a hand over his shoulder. We still have a ways to go. Seeing as you appear to be tired, why don’t you lie down in the wagon’s bed and rest? I’ll wake you when we get closer.

    Uncertain if she should accept his offer, Dixy noticed the space and considered the number of days she’d already been traveling. Having just come up from down around Corpus Christi in the last week and emotionally exhausted, she figured she should catch a few winks whenever she got a chance. Especially as she wanted to reach Georgia by the end of January. After giving the space another once over, she shifted on the bench. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get some shut-eye before we get to town.

    Head on back and take a nap. I’ve got things handled here. He slid to the edge of the bench and allowed her room to swing her legs around to the flat bed.

    Standing for a mere second, she fell to her knees and crawled along a row of large wooden boxes. One set had a tarp thrown over them. Sliding under a corner of the thick fabric, she stretched out. Thanks, Tobias. This is great.

    We’ll be in town in no time, hon. His reassuring words drifted through her mind before old memories singed her with renewed vigor.

    Snuggling down out of the wind, she slipped under the heavy cotton tarp and willed her muscles to relax. However, with her thoughts bent on torturing her, the uncertainty ahead chimed with unanswerable questions. Who can I find to help me? Where will I sleep? Do they even have a church in this one-horse town?

    With no money, she’d only agreed to travel to Naked Bluff with Tobias because Madeline Cowden had vouched for him. Still, what choice did she have? Because if she planned to get to Georgia, she’d need the help of strangers.

    Fighting not to worry, she forced herself to breathe deeply and cleared her mind of all thoughts. Slowly, the clickety-clack of the wheels and the steady rocking lured her to sleep. In what seemed like only moments later, voices rang around her and she noticed they weren’t moving. Had they arrived in town?

    Disoriented, she listened to the rough cadence of a male voice. His loud, accusing tone shoved back the lure of continuing to snooze. Shifting, she squinted up to where Tobias sat on the wagon’s bench.

    Now, now, there’s no cause for you to get upset. I have everything under control, he assured the other man.

    So do I, the stranger yelled.

    Pop, pop, pop.

    Stunned by the sound of gunfire, Dixy froze. Unprepared to deal with any type of lethal confrontation, she held her breath and silently wondered. What the hell was going on?

    Long seconds ticked by, then the distinct sound of horse’s hooves striking the wet ground sang through the silence. Plop, plop, plop. The noise suggested the man was gone.

    Tobias, what was that—

    His body crumbled down on top of her. Shocked by the sudden attack, Dixy scrambled to one side and sat up to stare into Tobias’ pale, pain-filled face. Misery sat on the tight line of his lips while blood oozed from the hole in his shirt.

    My God, Tobias! Dixy scurried to give him room to lie down on the hard wooden planks. You’ve been shot!


    My, being an eligible bachelor, must be a real pain.

    To ignore the off-handed remark from another customer of the Naked Bluff’s General Store, Nathaniel Murphy searches for a distraction while half listening to the conversation swirling around him. For the first time today, he didn’t have to deal with the constant complaining of a patient’s aches and pains. Still, as the town’s doctor, he enjoyed getting out and talking with his neighbors and meeting people. Even if he spent his off hours handing out free advice.

    Today, however, the conversation revolved around his love life. Which, when he pondered, the topic was nonexistent, but preferable to being married to the wrong girl.

    I’m telling you. Mrs. Manning is convinced you’ll be asking her daughter to marry you any day now, Marcus Goodman stated, as if it was a forgone conclusion that he’d be walking down the center aisle of the church by the end of the week.

    Unfortunately, he’d ran into this problem before. As a physician and property owner, he offered every mother in the territory the perfect target for a suitable man for their daughters to wed. It never seemed to matter one way or the other that he wasn’t interested.

    No, the girl is all wrong for him, Callum Murphy argued. Sierra is nice enough, but she wants nothing more than to escape this town. He needs a more stable woman.

    Marcus countered, Like who?

    That’s why, gentlemen, I— Nathaniel paused when the store’s door squeaked open, followed by a woman’s scream.

    Help, help, someone please help me.

    What the— Mr. Randal, the store’s owner, sputtered and whipped around to stare out the front window.

    Not waiting for anyone else to move, Nathaniel rushed to the exit. The steady footsteps of the other men followed in his wake, didn’t make him pause before he darted outside. Catching sight of a buckboard wagon rolling to a stop by the wooden sidewalk, he noticed the woman as she tied the reins to the brake handle and spun around. Tobias has been shot and needs a doctor.

    Unfamiliar with the lady, he rushed forward and peered into the back. His consideration instantly fell to Tobias Poe, a Naked Bluff resident. Damn, how long ago was he shot?

    Hurriedly twisting her legs into the open cargo area, she stood for a moment. Her tall, stately form drew his attention. But before he could fully appreciate her elegant curves, she kneeled by the injured man’s side. Without answering the question, she applied pressure to the wad of cotton resting against his chest. It’s okay, Tobias. We’ve made it to town. Now, stay with me until I can get a doctor to examine you.

    Using the advantage of the sidewalk to boost himself into the wagon, he landed in the limited available space and nudged the woman aside. Here, let me take a look.

    As if knowing what he needed to see, she shifted her red-stained bloomers off the wound. He’s lost a lot of blood, but the bleeding has slowed.

    Instantly spotting the blood covering the man’s chest, he figured the man would be lucky if he survived the night. Turning to the crowd that had gathered on the sidewalk, Nathaniel barked orders. Marcus. Callum. I need your help to get Tobias over to my place. Where I can care for him.

    Following his orders without question, the two men jumped into the front and drove the wagon down the muddy road. With his house off main street, he lived close enough to help people, but far enough away to have a bigger piece of land. The main reason he’d moved to a small town was the ability to live and work in the same place.

    During the trip to his house, Nathaniel turned his focus to the woman applying pressure to Tobias’ wound. Light brown wisps of

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