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Camelot Games
Camelot Games
Camelot Games
Ebook415 pages3 hours

Camelot Games

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About this ebook

When a secret political machine maneuvers California war hero, Scott McHale and his beautiful activist wife, Angie into running for political office, an entirely new and frightening evil is unleashed upon the American public. As the wildly popular Latino couple's success and independence grow, hidden kingmakers quietly put into play a plan designed to plunge the nation into chaos.

Nothing and no one is out of bounds. Treachery and treason, murder and manufactured mayhem propel an unsuspecting Scott and Angie closer and closer to the Oval Office. But when Scott goes off script, he suddenly vanishes in a smokescreen of sexual innuendo and scandal.

A bereft and bitter Angie is left behind to continue their golden legacy alone. Will she discover the truth in time to prevent civil war?
Release dateApr 14, 2017
Camelot Games

Oliver F. Chase

Oliver grew up along America's coastline on military bases and like the rest of the kids played good guys and bad. Later, coaxing him into an afternoon of sailing Lake Erie, hiking the Southern California’s hills, or paddling a canoe in the North Carolina's backwater didn’t take much unless a book found him first.An old manual typewriter accompanied him overseas where the electricity proved spotty and the locals objected to his presence. He tried not to take the rejection personally and survived to do a bit of earning and finding stories in the most interesting of places.When the weather or friendly bookstores beckon, Oliver hits the road tucking laptop under an arm and looking for a story or a shade tree. As he likes to say, some characters just need writing.~Pearl River Publishing

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