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Returning for Ryder: The Returning Series, #1
Returning for Ryder: The Returning Series, #1
Returning for Ryder: The Returning Series, #1
Ebook160 pages2 hours

Returning for Ryder: The Returning Series, #1

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Ryder and his brother, Chance, grew up next door to Flynn. Ryder being the youngest of the three boys, followed Flynn and Chance wherever they would go. Things change for Ryder when Chance and Flynn graduate from high school and Flynn takes off. Though Chance and Flynn are still friends, Ryder finds himself the third man out when his brother doesn't share anything on what Flynn has been up to. The once close friendship the three shared is placed to the side as Ryder pushes on with his life. Well, until his graduation from college celebration when his childhood friend returns as a tall, muscular, tattooed man who has Ryder shuttering in all that is Flynn. Flynn may have had a good reason to leave his hometown in the first place, but didn't make his time away any easier. After being away for years, Flynn flies home for several reasons: one, to take care of his dad and help run the family business and two, the most important reason of all. He's… Returning for Ryder.

Release dateApr 8, 2017
Returning for Ryder: The Returning Series, #1

Noelle Rahn-Johnson

Noelle currently lives in Northern Minnesota with her husband, their four children, two dogs, two rats, a handful of goldfish, and a very spoiled cat. She spends most of her days puttering away on the keyboard with a breathtaking view of a lake in her backyard as a source of tranquil inspiration. Her and her husband were high school sweethearts, and will be celebrating their 25th year of wedded bliss in August of 2017. She enjoys fishing, reading, shopping, writing, and spending time with her family. Noelle's writing career debuted with her first m/m romance, Returning for Ryder, in September 2016 with a publisher. Originally intended as a standalone novel, it seems Noelle's fans have other ideas and she will be penning a second, and a third in what is now to become The Returning Series. She is no longer signed with this publisher and has now independently publishing this book and the rest of this series. Noelle has also indie published her In Pieces, Book One, in the "Pieces Trilogy", a heterosexual contemporary romance. She also has released book 2, Shattered Pieces and book 3 Broken Pieces. Naughty Night Press LLC recently signed Noelle for her MF Shifter Paranormal Romance, Remote in the Shadows, to be released in April of 2017. Noelle not only thrives on her love of writing, weaving worlds full of passion and romance for her readers to crawl into, but also the excitement of her readers when they know she's getting close to another release date. She plans to release many more books in the coming years for their enjoyment. Be warned, no matter the genre of her work, Noelle's books will all contain explicit language and smexy romance scenes! 18+ audiences only!

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    Book preview

    Returning for Ryder - Noelle Rahn-Johnson

    Chapter One


    I’m lying here in my bed and I can feel him. His hands roaming over my body as he’s leaning over me. His lips brushing down my stomach, grazing over my hip bones and lower still. He skims his lips over my treasure trail and I shiver. I love when he does this. My fists tighten in the sheets as he goes lower.


    I can feel his wet tongue lick the over-heated skin on the head of my cock. I look down and his mouth is wrapped around me. I see his eyes. Always his eyes. Never anything but the piercing green. Familiar eyes, from years past, but nothing I can grab onto. Deep green, with flecks of brown, and outlined in a darker green. His pupils are full and black, lustful and wanting what only I can give him.

    This lust. This need. This want to be with me. And right now, he’s mine and I’m his. He releases my cock from his mouth with a soft pop and he crawls up to me, face to face. He says, I love you, whispering in my ear. His light scruff tickles my cheek and he probes around the shell of my ear with his tongue.

    He licks some more, then pokes his tongue into my ear and back out again. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him on top of me, closer, skin to skin. His skin is hot against me and I can feel his chest hair mingling with mine.

    I pull my legs up and wrap them around his waist. This feels right, but I haven’t been with another man before. Ever. I know I’m gay, or bi-sexual, whatever. I’ve only been with women, but I’m more attracted to a man’s body; and this man, right here, has me wanting him so badly. I’m about to explode against his stomach.

    He knows what he’s doing to me, he’s rubbing his cock against mine and I can feel them slide against each other from the pre-cum I’m leaking from the tip. I’m sure he is too. His tongue slides from my ear to my mouth and he completely devours my mouth.

    I wish I knew where I know him from. It’s dark in the room and it’s like the small amount of light in my bedroom is focused on his eyes.

    I can’t make out his hair color. I can’t see his body structure but I’m feeling it with my hands, and body. I know he’s well built, but not body builder type. Maybe a runner, and lots of upper torso muscle. His thighs are thick and strong. He’s sliding against me and he’s bigger framed than me. I’m six-one and two-hundred pounds and he must out-weigh me by at least thirty pounds, and a few inches.

    I can see a dark patch of skin on his right bicep muscle, maybe a tattoo. I see a few here and there on his body, darker patches of skin, ink, I’m sure. But I can’t make out what the images are.

    I know you haven’t done this before so we’re going to make love like this first. I want you to cum, baby. I want you to cum all over our stomachs. I need to feel you. I’ve missed you so much and I can’t wait anymore for you, he whispers in my ear, while placing gentle kisses against my cheek and ear.

    I can feel him grinding harder against me and I pull him closer to me, as if I could pull him into my body with me. I can feel my cock throbbing and I know I’m close. I can feel his cock getting thicker and he’s close too. I know I love him, I can feel it in my heart, but I don’t know who he is, I wish I knew. I feel so comfortable in his arms and he is definitely comfortable in mine. It’s like we’ve known each other forever.

    He holds me tighter and his breathing increases with mine. Our impending orgasms are building. I can feel it. It’s intensifying. It’s tingling throughout my body and I moan. I grind my hips against his stomach and gain more needed friction to cum.

    I pump my hips harder against him and he follows my lead. He pushes his hips against mine and our cocks are sliding against each other in a slippery pre-cum mess. He leans back and slows down, focusing on my eyes and I can feel his arousal shaking his body.

    I finally let go. Oh, God! YES! I grunt and groan into the heated air around us and I cum against our stomachs. He shouts out his release and I can feel him squirt his cum on me as well shortly after me with a loud groan deep from in his chest.


    I startle awake and I shake the sleepy daze from my head as I realize it’s my alarm. I need to get up. Dammit, it was another dream. I wish I could figure out who this mystery man is haunting and torturing me in my dreams at night. I realize that my right hand is still gripping my softening cock and I’ve cum all over my hand and stomach, again. For the second time this week, and it’s only mid-week.

    I use my sheet and wipe away the evidence of my dream off my stomach, chest and hand and pull it off the bed, throwing it in my clothes hamper. I walk over to my bathroom and turn on the hot water for a shower. I’ve got to get ready for school.

    College classes suck in the morning when you work at night as well. The rent and bills won’t get paid on their own if I don’t work and going to school is only going to further my education in the writing world.

    I want to be an author and write the best damn books out there. I want to make sure my name gets recognized and be successful on my own, so I’m going for my English Major. Then my English Bachelor’s Degree. Writing and computer classes will help. I only have a few classes to go before I’m finished with my degree and graduate.

    I signed up right after high school because I knew I wanted to be a writer. I have so many ideas written down in notebooks and saved on my laptop. I want to get them finished and published and have them ready for readers to enjoy them.

    After I eat, I grab my bike and ride the few short blocks to my first class of the day. After locking up my bike, I walk into the building and find an empty seat in the classroom. While waiting for the professor to begin, I think back to the erotic dream I had. I’m trying to place the gorgeous man filling my body with lust and want.

    After a few minutes, the professor walks into the room. I try to wipe away the feelings running through my body again as the professor starts his lecture. I begin to pound on my laptop taking notes for the next fifty minutes.

    When my classes finish after lunch for the day, I ride my bike back to my three-bedroom apartment I share with two other guys. I drop off my backpack on my writing desk in the corner of my room.

    I plop on my bed and think again back to the man in my dreams. I know I’ve seen him before or know who he is, but I just can’t place him. His eyes are so familiar. If I could see more of him, his hair, his face, I know I could figure it out.

    But until then, my brain will continue the sweet torture in my nightly dreams, and in my own hand. I sit down at my desk to do some homework before I have to leave for work for a few hours.

    I walk to the local grocery store just down the block from my apartment to start my shift from six p.m. to midnight. I clock in and start my shift stocking shelves and talking to late night customers and other employees.

    After my six hours of work, I return to the apartment and take a hot shower. It’s just after twelve-thirty a.m. when I get home and after one a.m. when I finally climb into bed.

    The next morning, I sleep in until ten a.m. since I don’t have classes. I need my sleep or I’m a dick. Not like I mean to, but my brain needs the extra sleep I guess. I sit and do some more homework. I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. When I’ve had enough of my homework, I grab my gym bag and ride my bike to the gym for a two-hour workout.

    I like to run on the treadmill for forty-five minutes to warm up then to the weights for strengthening and cardio. After that, I jump into the pool for a cool down for thirty minutes. An all-around workout. After my strenuous workout and I’m dripping in chlorinated pool water, I go to the men’s locker room for a shower.

    As I’m walking in the main lobby of the apartment, my cell rings it’s my brother Hey Chance, what’s up? I ask.

    Hey, just wondering how my little brother is? How’s your classes going?

    He calls me three times a week to check on me. Mom and dad call every Wednesday, but Chance calls me more. We’re super close more like best friends, even though we’re four years apart in age. I’m twenty-one and he’s twenty-five. We tell each other everything, he even knows I like men as well as women, but never been with a man.

    Chance, well. He can go either way and loves both men and women’s bodies. He prefers men but appreciates both body types. He realized he was gay way back in middle school when he was fourteen.

    He liked both girls and boys but didn’t act on it until he was sixteen with a girl. He was with her for a few months and broke up with her. He investigated the male body at age seventeen with our best friend, Flynn. I don’t know what they did, or how far they went, but I guess they weren’t too comfortable with it, so they stopped. Nothing romantic going on, just experimenting. Flynn lived next door from us when we were kids. Our parents still live in the same houses today.

    Flynn’s parents own the Irish pub in the city called Maguire’s Pub, Irish themed and fun to walk into. His father is full blown Irish and his accent is sometimes hard to understand. The more you hear him, the more you understand, and he’s gotten better at the English pronunciation of words. Until he gets to the Pub. Then all understanding is out the door and I just nod my head at whatever he says.

    We look a lot alike too, if it wasn’t for our age, people would think we were twins. Both of us with sandy light brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m six-one and he’s six-two. He’s bulkier than me by about fifteen pounds or so.

    I think back to the mystery man in my dreams and kind of compare his body to Chance’s bulk. I believe Chance is lighter in body, so that means the mystery man is heavier than the two-hundred and twenty pounds that is Chance. But not by much.

    Dude? Did you hear me? He chuckles.

    Shit, sorry. My mind wandered away for a minute, I explain.

    Did your eye catch something to look at there in college life? He chuckles and is always asking me about men and women here at college.

    I tell Chance about my classes for the week. I tell him, There’s this guy in one of my classes. He’s kind of hot, in a bad boy way. I don’t think he’s gay though. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s straight. He’s leaning on a new girl every few days.

    I just don’t understand how someone can do that. Doesn’t he want a relationship with someone that you can become close to? To feel connected to someone? To be loved? Relationships are more than two people connecting on a sexual level. Well, to me it is.

    Keep watching him, maybe he’s bi. Let me know later in the week. I want to hear all about this hottie. Hey, I’m expecting a call from a client soon, so I’ll talk to you later kid. 

    We say our good-byes and I let Chance go for the day. I sit at my tiny desk and carry on with my homework for the week. I’m in my last year before I graduate this late spring. I can’t wait. College life sucks and I just want to get out into the world and show people who I am. To get noticed for my stories.

    I’m thankful for my parents for helping me thus far with my books that I have out there ready for people to purchase. I haven’t become big yet, though. My books are romance-fiction between women and men, and men and men. It’s what I feel inside that comes out on the laptop and its good.

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