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The Submission of Lady Pennington
The Submission of Lady Pennington
The Submission of Lady Pennington
Ebook108 pages1 hour

The Submission of Lady Pennington

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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An erotic historical romance to heat up your reading...

Lady Pennington is no demure Regency miss, and she has her eyes set on Mr. Cedman Ashley, once an alpha Master at the Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum, where members engage in taboo forms of debauchery.

But Master Ashley hung up his flogger years ago, vowing never again to take up his wicked ways...until his hand is forced by the beautiful and clever Lady Pennington.

All her ladyship wants is one night of wicked decadence with Master Ashley, and she’s willing to resort to blackmail to get it.

Master Ashley reluctantly agrees to provide her what she wants. But he’ll do it as a set-down. By commanding her submission, he’ll make sure that she never again dares to trifle with him.

READER ADVISORY: This erotic Regency romance contains explicit scenes, BDSM elements, acts of submission and dominance and other forms of wicked wantonness.

PublisherEm Brown
Release dateDec 24, 2016

Em Brown

After accidentally flashing an audience with her knickers, Em Brown decided that writing was a safer activity. She enjoys writing romance, particularly erotic historicals. For more about her works, visit

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    The Submission of Lady Pennington - Em Brown


    This work contains BDSM elements, themes of submission and dominance, and many other forms of wicked wantonness.


    M s. Brown has written a tantalizing tale full of hot sex...a very sexy and sometimes funny read that will definitely put a smile on your face.

    – Coffee Time Romance review of AN AMOROUS ACT

    DARCY'S FIERCE, INDEPENDENT spirit and unconditional loyalty to her family will win readers over, and Broadmoor is a romantic hero to swoon for.

    - RT Book Reviews on FORCE MY HAND

    SOMETIMES YOU JUST pick up the right book that just hits you and makes you really love it. This was one of those books for me. I just got so into the story and never wanted it to end.

    - Romancing the Book review of SUBMITTING TO THE RAKE

    THIS ONE MADE ME GO WOW! I read it in a few hours which technically I probably should have gotten more sleep, but for me it was that good that I deprived myself of sleep to finish this most awesome story!

    - Goodreads reader review of MASTERING THE MARCHIONESS

    HOT AND FUN TO READ!!!!!!!!

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    I LOVED THIS BOOK. Clever dialogue that kept me laughing, delightful characters and a wonderful story. I am not generally one who likes historical fiction but this book carried me along from page one.

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    Because, at the end of the day, you need a little pick-me-up

    A little me time

    A chance to unwind, curl up with a good book, and be swept away

    Or, if you dare...get your knickers in a twist


    The Submission of Lady Pennington

    By Em Brown

    Chapter One

    H E IS ARRIVED. BUT HE LOOKS CROSS. Handsome as ever. But cross. Are you certain you wish to entrap the man? inquired Joan Devereux, the proprietress of the Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum, where men and women met for illicit and wicked trysts.

    Georgeanna, whose pulse had quickened the instant Madame Devereux had entered the salon to announce the arrival of Mr. Cedman Ashley, replied, Would you not do all in your power to entice him into your bed?

    In her mind, Georgeanna saw him, his tall form, sculpted figure, dark hair and eyes that swam with unnerving depth. Ashley had recently returned from the West Indies, where he had spent the last two years looking after his late father's estates, and, though darker in complexion upon his return to England, had appeared as dapper as ever. But Georgeanna had always wanted him, desired him the instant she had witnessed his skills with the flogger some years ago.

    Madame Devereux smiled. He is a mighty fine cut of steak, to be sure. But do you not play a dangerous game, my dear?

    Georgeanna drew in a deep breath. She did not know if her plans would work, but she could think of no other means of persuading the man into her bed. They had friends in common, and though she had had several occasions to place herself in his path, he had been polite but uninterested. She had heard that he courted an heiress for he was in want of funds, his father having lost the family fortune on grand and speculative investments, including the purchase of several sugar plantations just before sugar duties were doubled to fund the war against Napoleon. A few years later, West Indian sugar sold in England at less than the cost of production.

    If I recall, Madame Devereux continued, he can be quite forceful, almost merciless, in his dominance.

    A warmth spread through Georgeanna as she recalled the tears that trailed down one beauty’s cheeks as she submitted her body to Master Ashley, but by the end of their engagement, the woman all but worshipped the man and had crawled on hands and knees to beg his attention.

    My forbearance has grown considerably since my return here, Georgeanna noted. My patience and restraint have improved under Master Gallant’s tutelage.

    "Yes, I wonder that you have not attempted to seduce him?"

    His heart belongs to another, and I am not as partial to men of fair hair.

    Master Gallant’s hair was nearly as flaxen as her own, and save for her late husband, Sir Thomas, she more often preferred dark tresses. She imagined herself writhing beneath the body of Master Ashley, entwining her fingers in his locks, though he kept them shorter than he used to.

    You are his senior.

    You mean to imply that he will not find me attractive? Georgeanna asked with raised brows, though she took no offense. She was no young debutante and had recently celebrated her thirtieth birthday, but she had kept herself in good health. Despite having given birth to two sons, her figure was still slender in the limbs. Her belly was only slightly more plump and her breasts less pert; still, she was considered a lovely woman. And Mr. Ashley was merely two years her junior.

    Some men are threatened by older women.

    I do not think Master Ashley easily threatened by anything.

    Madame eyed her. "And what of you?"

    Georgeanna took in another deep breath, though it did not calm her as much as she would have hoped, and she spoke with more confidence than she truly felt. I do not fear Master Ashley.

    "Then bonne chance, my lady."

    Georgeanna smiled, but before she entered the drawing room where he awaited her, she had to pause to gather her courage, take several breaths and contain the trembling inside. She had taken great pains to present herself well, but now she doubted her efforts. Did the headband she wore over her golden curls betray her attempts to appear young? Was the burgundy hue of her gown not youthful enough? Should she have worn stays that pressed her breasts higher and further apart?

    She wanted to appear confident, and all this worrying was needless. In truth, what was there to fear? He could refuse her outlandish proposition. Her situation would be no different than it was at present. But what if he accepted?

    Perhaps that was what she feared.

    Chapter Two

    ANTICIPATING A SHORT DURATION to his visit, Cedman had kept his hat, gloves and walking stick with him. He had not been to the Red Chrysanthemum in years. To no surprise, as Madame Devereux was known to be frugal, the place

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