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Love Comes Twice
Love Comes Twice
Love Comes Twice
Ebook292 pages4 hours

Love Comes Twice

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I used to think finding your one, true love was the ultimate goal.
The one thing we all strive for and want, to find the one who completes you and makes you feel whole. I had found mine. Tom was my best friend, and honestly, that's such a cliché, but he really was. We met in high school. I fell for him right away, this tall, dark and incredibly handsome guy. He stood there one day, looking at me from across the hall, and I knew it was going to be us against the world.
Then, when tragedy struck, I was left feeling lost and utterly alone.
Parker was the sexy rock star we all secretly dream about.
He was the lead singer of Dangerous, a band who had hoards of screaming girls waiting for them, wherever they went.
Parker was everything I looked for in a man. I wanted him badly!
Even from a distance, the way he held himself made my body ache with lust.
We definitely had chemistry, but would I ever allow myself to love again or would my newfound independence get in the way?

Are you a daydreamer?
Are you one of those people who goes to concerts or movie premieres just so you can see your favorite artist/band or actor/actress up close?
Do you wait for hours outside a venue because it’s General Admission, and you want to make sure you can stand front row for the show?
Do you sacrifice sleep, food and money to see that person, your super-hot lead singer of a band, or the drummer and his massive biceps?
Or even, the beautiful actress, looking flawless at her premiere?
It’s about being one in a crowd of thousands of fans.
It’s about meeting friends who share your passion for a band or artist or any other famous person, for that matter.
It’s all about that daydream.
Let’s face it; We’ve all been there, right?
What if this gorgeous actress looks at me?
What if the superstar picks me out of the crowd?
What if the drummer throws me that drumstick and then wants to meet?
What if, just what if, we fall in love?
Okay, so it is just a daydream.
Maybe it’s mine, maybe it’s yours, maybe it’s all imaginary.
But wouldn’t it be awesome?

PublisherGry Sorensen
Release dateApr 30, 2017
Love Comes Twice

Gry Sorensen

Gry Sorensen is an indie author from Oslo, Norway.She recently finished her debut novel "Love Comes Twice."It was released on Smashwords 04.30.2017.

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    Book preview

    Love Comes Twice - Gry Sorensen


    a Debut Novel

    by Gry Sorensen

    Copyright © 2017 Gry Sorensen

    All rights reserved.

    Distributed by Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    This is a work of fiction.

    Names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book are either a product of the authors imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.


    For my family.

    For Sandra and Elvira.

    I needed your opinions. Your ever present faith in me. Your love and happy faces as each chapter came to life.

    For Heather.

    Your heart, my dear, is kind.

    A simple thank you will never be enough.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter one

    Chapter two

    Chapter three

    Chapter four

    Chapter five

    Chapter six

    Chapter seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter eleven

    Chapter twelve

    Chapter thirteen

    Chapter fourteen

    Chapter fifteen

    Chapter sixteen

    Chapter seventeen

    Chapter eighteen

    Chapter nineteen

    Chapter twenty

    Chapter twenty-one

    Chapter one


    I'm so hungry, Sophia said.

    Let's go get something to eat.

    Yeah, I'm in, I said, and we started down the street.

    This waiting game was driving me crazy, but it was also the best thing ever. Exhilarating, yet boring. All fun, yet full of drama.

    Are you sure they're not here yet? I asked her.

    Nope. I have no idea. So, if we miss them, we miss them.

    I moaned and cursed but continued walking.

    The them we were talking about was a band named Dangerous. I was an avid fan, and I had followed them for years. I had travelled to countless countries to see them, spent more money than I cared to think about, and sacrificed sleep, meals and friends for them.

    Was I the typical fangirl? Well, hell yes! But I was not embarrassed about it. Some people thought I should be, but you know what? I didn't live my life for other people's opinions.

    They played music that made my heart beat fast, my feet stomp the ground and it left me breathless. I loved this band so much and I would not miss a concert in my area for anything. Not anywhere else within reach either. So, here we were, Sophia and I, at it again. We had gotten up at 3 am this morning to catch our flight to Amsterdam. Got to the airport and did the usual travel tweet:

    - Early birds! On our way to see @Dangerous #Tour #DangerGirls.

    A fan in Spain had come up with the name DangerGirl. We used it for all the female fans of Dangerous. You can guess what we called all the male ones.

    Sophia and I travelled to Heathrow by cab while it was still dark. We were going to a show in Amsterdam tonight and then heading to Antwerp tomorrow morning for another show. After that, we'd fly back home to London.

    The band was in Europe again, and one show just wouldn't be enough. It never was.

    As usual, we were early. We wanted to be front row to see them. We usually succeeded, too, and by now we'd gotten greedy. The show wouldn't be the same standing in the back. Sophia and I always got to the venue early, to wait in line so we could secure that perfect spot before the show. We needed food, but going for coffee or something to eat was always scary. What if someone else snuck up and stole our place? What if our friends in the line didn't pay attention and didn’t hold our place, like they promised? It was always nerve racking, but also one of my favorite ways to spend a day. I'd made so many friends this way.

    By the time we got to the venue this morning, the band tour bus had already arrived. The roadies were loading all the gear inside the building. We were familiar with most of them, of course, having been to so many shows. We would make sure to chat with them as they walked past us. Some of them were in shorts, even in this cold weather, and some were wearing hats and scarves, freezing their asses off.

    We thought it was funny that they put on so many layers. We were used to the cold as well, just another day for us, but for now, coffee came first.

    The café was quiet. Only a couple other people were in there. Sophia went up to order while I walked to the bathroom in the back. One minute to myself. One minute to call home to Tom, and one minute to daydream about Parker. Parker Hill, lead singer of Dangerous. Dangerously hot and sexy! I got my phone and checked Twitter…18 notifications, all regarding the band. I answered a couple of them before I called Tom.

    Hey baby, how are you? I asked Tom as he picked up.

    Miss you, he said.

    Same as always. I wouldn't say I was sick of hearing it, but it was getting old.

    Yeah, I miss you too. But I'll be home tomorrow. And then we can go check out that car you talked about, right?

    Sure, if we can afford it now after your trip.

    Tom was being an ass again. As much as I loved him I didn't particularly love his darker moments. He could be a real jerk sometimes, but I kept excusing him because I loved him.

    Tom, don't be like that. We planned this, saved up money for it, and you promised it would be okay!

    I know, he said. I just can't seem to get used to you running after these guys.

    I'm not running after them babe, there's only you, you know that.

    Yeah, I guess…

    Tom yawned. I literally heard him through the phone.

    Have you been up all night again? Honey, you have got to quit with the gaming!

    I was getting frustrated with him and he could tell. I guess being so right for each other isn't always a walk in the park. We both lingered on the phone for a bit before we hung up. The love was there, but we were both still annoyed. We would get through it, though. We always did.

    I snapped a quick selfie and posted it to Instagram, typed in a few words to go with:

    - Can't wait to see @Dangerous tonight. Lining up early for the best seats in the house with my bff @DangerGirlSophia.

    Then I added a bunch of hashtags about the band.

    I looked in the mirror. Makeup was spot on! Thank God. It was too early still to have smudged, but constant checking was a necessity. I didn't want to run into Parker and look tired or off my game. He wouldn't look twice if I did. Parker, the hottest guy I had ever seen!

    He was tall, masterly built, with a wide chest and long legs. His hair was as dark as the night and his eyes as blue as the ocean. They had an ice grey ring around them making him look almost dangerous when he looked at you. He oozed of sex and I wanted him! That was a fact. I was also sure I would never act on it. I was dedicated to Tom. And second, Parker didn't want me. Not like that, anyway. We weren't anything more than acquaintances. There was chemistry between us though, undoubtedly. I felt it and I was pretty sure he did, too, but none of us ever acknowledged it. We were friendly towards each other, for sure, but not friends. He would be sweet to me when we meet, charming, even flirtatious sometimes, and I often felt an almost electric current between us. It makes me nervous around him and I constantly make a fool of myself by stuttering stupid things.

    Parker knows me by name and I always, always get a hug. A big bear hug. Even Tom doesn't hug me like Parker does. It's like pleasantly and willingly drowning in someone. And every time it happens, I have butterflies in my stomach for hours and a heavy, lustful tingle inside. He's my favorite daydream.

    Parker is a lady's man, completely at ease with women everywhere gushing over him, even to his face. He'd flirt with anyone and probably bring a lot of girls home, but I've yet to see him with a girlfriend and I'm pretty pleased about it. I know I'd be jealous if he settled.

    Two knocks on the door tell me Sophia is ready. I exit only to find her standing there with two cups of coffee and a bagel. She is amazing. Knowing her she'd already eaten her bagel, so I grab it and take a bite.

    I smile, feeling a little guilty about taking so long, but she just laughs and says,

    You have to quit your daydreaming, girl!

    I flush and of course she knows she's right. We both just take one look at each other and start laughing. I love her!

    She hands me my coffee and we head for the door, going back to the venue as fast as possible to see if anything has happened; probably not, as it’s usually quiet at this hour, but there's always that little voice telling you that the band could be outside to meet fans. It has happened before, and I'd die if I missed it.

    As we round the last corner, I'm too busy eating my bagel to see where I'm going, and I find myself bumping into someone.

    Sorry, I say, mouth full of food, and look up. Oh my God, it's Parker! His gaze is a hotline to my privates and my knees are suddenly shaking. He smiles as he steadies me, and I know the exact moment he recognizes me. The smile grows wider as he pulls me closer. He tucks me into him and wrap his arms around me.

    Hey Emma, he mumbles in my ear.

    I wasn't sure you'd be here today. I didn't see you back there.

    He sidesteps to move us back around the corner, not letting go as he does. We're out of sight from the venue and I realize we have this man to ourselves for a short moment. My head is spinning as I feel his arm around me and his hard body close to mine. I chew and swallow my food crazy fast. Then gulp in a breath of air and reluctantly pull back to look at him. I'm not quite ready to let him go, but I feel like it would be weird not to.

    No, I… we wouldn't want to miss it, though. I, I mean we, flew here this morning.

    I'm happy you did, ladies.

    His smile is so bright it makes me smile.

    He turns his attention to Sophia and nods his head.

    Hey babe, how are you?

    Sophia, being her flirty self, throws her hair back and laughs.

    Doing great, she says.

    When did you guys get here?

    Oh, just a few minutes ago. The guys headed inside right away, but I wanted to get some fresh air and a coffee.

    Right about now is when I notice Parker is still holding on to me. Not tight, like before, but his hand is still on my lower back and we're standing close together. Some girl across the street is whistling at Parker, clearly trying to get his attention. Her eyes are almost popping out of her head as she realizes he's actually touching me. He looks at her, nods and then turns us around.

    I giggle inside. Ha ha, Parker likes me more. My inner fangirl is doing loops around him, skipping and dancing, making faces at the girl. I try my best to contain her. Sophia looks around and says,

    Is Jack here too?

    Jack is the band's drummer and she has got the hots for him. I swear, if I didn't know her, I would take her for one of those girls who'd lift their skirts to get to any of the band members; but Sophia, she was too good for that. She'd go to great lengths for Jack, but being slutty wasn't one of them. Parker smiled knowingly at her.

    I'll tell him you asked for him, but I need to go get that coffee.

    He finally, and sadly, lets me go and moves away. He touches his hand to his head and bows.

    Till tonight, ladies!

    And then he walks away.

    My eyes follow him down the street. I know better than to follow. Private time is private time. Even for a rock star. So, I just watch him as he walks away and then turn to Sophia. She grabs me by the shoulders and squeals!

    Oh my God, did you get The Hug or what!!

    I slowly exhale before I start laughing. I can feel the blood rushing through my veins and my heart pounding hard and fast. I take another glance down the street to see if Parker is still there, but he turned a corner already and is gone. It's safe to flip out! I jump up and down with Sophia as we laugh and talk too fast. That was amazing!

    Still grinning like mad, I posted a short tweet:

    - Just got the biggest hug from @ParkerHill. I'm dead! See you tonight. #DangerGirl #PracticallyFainted.

    I couldn't help myself. I wanted everyone to know about this.


    It's Emma! I look down at the girl in my arms and realize it's her. A rush of happiness surges through me and I can't help it. I pull her closer and hold her tight; happy she's here, but not quite ready to admit to myself what she actually means to me. I know I like her, but trying to find out how much is too scary. The girl is practically married and I should really not allow myself to fall for someone I can't have. Wouldn't that be the story of my life?

    Her friend Sophia is there too and I try to contain myself. I can't lose my cool in front of these two. They have been fans for years and mean a great deal to the band. Jack would happily have his way with one of them given the opportunity, but these girls were well behaved and quite a force to be reckoned with. They know fans of ours from all around the world, and although I’d never thought they'd say anything bad about us, we still needed to be careful. We made sure to treat them kindly and with respect, and some of us even tried to make them feel special.

    For me, it wasn't just about making them feel welcome as fans. I really liked Emma. I had from the day I laid eyes on her, at her first show. It was a decade ago now, but I still remembered her. Front row, shiny eyes, happy smile. That smile. It would make my spine shiver and my limbs go numb. So, I had to be careful.

    I can smell her now, the girl in my arms, and it's this heavenly scent of citrus and summer. She's making me feel poetic, but I restrain myself. I simply lean in and whisper a hey in her ear. She's warm and real and I'm trying my best to be the famous rock star I'm supposed to be.

    We chat for a while before I make my way down the street for some much needed coffee. I want to turn for a second look as I leave them, but appearances are everything in this business and I force myself to keep walking. I turn the first corner I reach just to get out of sight. Keeping my head down, I try to find a place that sells a decent cup of black poison. It's not hard in this place, there's a café practically on every corner, so I opt for the first one I find.

    It doesn't take more than two seconds for the girl behind the counter to recognize me. She's polite enough not to say anything, but her eyes are wide and she's staring. I smile at her, get my cup and start walking. Time to get back to the bus for some shuteye. Sleep is the one thing I never can seem to get enough of, so any chance I get I'm out. It's still pretty early when I get back and the venue is quiet. Give it a few hours and there will be a line as far as the eye can see. We sold out this venue again, believe it or not. With Amsterdam being one of our favorite places to play, we always make sure to include this city in our tour schedule. I can't wait for tonight!

    There are a few people already at the doors.

    Emma and Sophia have returned and they are first in line. My heart skips a beat as I look at her. She looks up just as I'm about to pass her and her whole face lights up. Shit, I'm in so much trouble with this one. Not knowing what to say and not wanting to make a fuss, I wink at her and keep walking. Given the opportunity I would do so much more than just that, but I still have good enough sense to leave her be. It was years ago that I learned about her relationship with Tom. It was still pretty fresh back then, and she was happy and in love. It sucks for me that they are still together. I would do almost anything to have my chance with her, but the way it is right now, I just head into the bus and find my bunk. If only she knew that my bunk provides me with a perfectly shaded window that allows me to watch her without her knowing it.


    Concert days never seem that long waiting in line for our favorite band ever. I mean, we're there from early morning and stay the entire day even though doors don't open until 7pm. It never feels that long, being as we are there with people who feel the way we do. I spent my day making new friends among the fans. I kept posting updates on SoMe and I noticed Parker had been on Instagram and liked my selfie. It was sweet, and I held the phone tight to my chest. Sophia winked when I showed her and she hugged me. My hug tweet blew up too and all my fellow DangerGirls from different countries wanted to hear all about it. A couple of people in line had seen it too and made the connection. They came up to talk and I was, once again, in debt to Parker for my making new friends. Okay, so the logic behind that idea might not be the best, but the way I see it, I met these people because of Dangerous. I wouldn't have gotten to know any of them if it weren't for the band. So, I owed them.

    We all chatted about the band and we had a really great day. Time flies when you’re having fun, that is true. So, when I checked the time again it was already 4pm. I was a little surprised we hadn't seen the rest of the band, but it'll just be a couple more hours now. Sophia is hungry again. I don't want to admit it, but so am I.

    Do you want to go get some burgers? Sophia asks.

    I do, but I also don't want to leave, I answer while checking out the bus. There's no action there, yet I know Parker is still in there. I wonder, as I do every time, if he's watching us. My pragmatic self yells, ‘Probably not’, but the dreamer in me says, ‘That would be so cool!’ Sophia elbows me in the ribs and laughs. I look at her as she checks out the bus, and we both burst out laughing. Yes, she's curious, too.

    Okay, okay - let's get some food.

    I turn to Ben, who I got to know just this morning.

    We're going to get some food. Would you mind holding our spots? We'll bring you some if you want?

    Ben is hardly out of his teens, spots everywhere, but you can clearly see that he is fast becoming one of those guys that girls will drool and swoon over; blue eyes, blonde hair, skinny jeans and leather. Total hottie.

    Sure, I'd love a burger and a Coke.

    You got it, we'll hurry back! I say.

    Yeah, great!

    McDonald's it is, as it is the only place close to serve up food in a fast manner. Fast is all we care about right now. Hurry there, hurry back. Nerves are getting antsy and pulses are on the rise. We order and wait. I watch as they pack up burgers, fries and drinks, and my nuggets. I take my first bite of the traditional chicken nuggets I always order and realize how hungry I am. I giggle inside

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