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Hot Times in the North Country
Hot Times in the North Country
Hot Times in the North Country
Ebook51 pages51 minutes

Hot Times in the North Country

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This is a rewrite of a previously published book, "Hot Times in a Cool Climate." That book has been unpublished and discarded. In this book, the author has gone to great pains to make it clear that no character in the book is younger than 19 years of age. She has also eliminated all portions of the text in which language or actions of the characters suggested that they might be underage. Finally she made sure to insert references to the actual ages of the characters in several places in the text as well as language and actions that would be assumed by readers to be the actions and language of adults 19 or over.

"Hot Times in the North Country" maintains the youthful exuberance and sexuality of the previous work without any hint that the characters might be underage. It is a sweet, happy, sexy tale with a positive attitude toward sex, not pornography. It stands in healthy contrast to much of the grim smut sold in the Erotica sections of Ebook retailers.

Release dateMar 26, 2017
Hot Times in the North Country

Joyce Berryhill

I'm just a young woman with a dirty dirty mind. I hope you like my dirty little stories.

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    Book preview

    Hot Times in the North Country - Joyce Berryhill

    Hot Times in the North Country

    Ellen’s Journal, Part 1

    By Joyce Ellenberry

    Smashwords 1st Edition

    License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this eBook. The following material remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy this book, please encourage your friends to purchase their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author.

    ~ Thank you for your support ~

    Copyright April, 2017

    By Joyce Berryhill

    It is the author’s intent that all these fictional characters be understood to be of legal age and not minors.

    This story is fictional. The characters portrayed in this book, while partially based on real people, and the events described in this book, while loosely based on actual events, are fictional and not intended to resemble any real people, living or dead or events that actually happened.

    Ms. Ellyne wishes to give special thanks to Ms. Giulia Napoli for her wonderful help and encouragement with this first effort at writing a story intended to provide enjoyment to those interested in pure erotica, as opposed to Ms. Ellyne’s previous works, erotic epic fantasies in full-length novels. Ms. Napoli is one of the very best authors of erotica and it’s because of her wonderful questions, edits and comments that this story is so hot!


    Summer came late in Manistique, a small town at the top of Lake Michigan in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. School was out and I had just arrived and was picked up by my Uncle Heit at the Escanaba airport. I visited him and my Aunt Ellen (my namesake) every summer from the time my parents left Manistique when I was two. I had graduated from high school a year ago but took a year off and worked as a waitress in Austin while living at home before starting college.

    I had turned 19 last May but had not yet lost my virginity. Not that I didn’t want to. I was looking for the right guy. I wanted it to be a special happening. It was June now and still chilly in Upper Michigan.

    Chapter 1: Claude

    I would be going off to college at The University of Texas in Austin in the fall and, at the ripe old age of 19, wanted this to be the summer I would lose my virginity. I didn’t tell my uncle that of course. Most of my high school friends had already lost theirs.

    I wanted my first time going all the way to be with a boy whom I wouldn’t be able to see during the rest of year after I returned to Austin. I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. I wanted to have fun in college and didn’t want to have a boyfriend back home. I had a particular boy in mind too, a guy here in Manistique. His name was Tommy Thompson, a red haired hunk of a guy who had been a tight end on Manistique’s high school football team. He had a tight end too.

    I should tell you, dear reader of my diary, a little about me. I’m tall for a girl, almost six feet. I wish I could tell you I have big tits but I barely fill a B cup. I’m very slender with small hips. I have long brown hair which I don’t curl; I let it hang straight down to my ass. Boys tell me I have nice long legs and a nice ass.

    My dates always try to get into my panties but I haven’t let any of them yet, except to finger me. I keep my panties on, my rule number one until I go all the way. I let them take everything else off though and they are free to play with my breasts and suck my hard nipples. I get very wet when they do this and my panties are soaked by the time I get home but I won’t let them fuck me.

    If a date asks nice and I like him a lot, on the second or third date I will give him some relief with a

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