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Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats?
Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats?
Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats?
Ebook50 pages38 minutes

Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats?

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We all know that rats will eat pretty much anything, and you can't always rely of your furry friends to make good choices about food. Do you worry in case you are feeding an unhealthy diet, or even worse, foods that might cause them harm? I'm sure you've seen forbidden food lists on the internet and wonder how accurate they are? Did you know that how you prepare healthy foods can also affect the absorption of nutrients?
It's easy to get confused and feel overwhelmed. Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats? will help you navigate through subjects like why pelleted feeds aren't the best for rats; why overfeeding should always be avoided; how the expression of natural behaviours is strongly linked to foraging; which foods are sometimes best processed; the truth behind the forbidden food lists and which food you should NEVER give your rats.
This is a comprehensive guide to help you avoid the mistakes that can easily ambush you, while you're trying to do the very best for your little ones. It will equip you to make great choices in how, why and what you don't want to feed your rats.

Release dateApr 5, 2017
Rat Diet: Caution! How NOT to feed your rats?

Alison Campbell

I have three true passions in this life: I am an information sponge. I love to learn and - just as eagerly - love to grow. I am enchanted by words and have always written - even as a young child I was a poet. I want to help other people to expand themselves - nurturing is a big part of who I am. It's an inevitable then, that I should find myself after years of nursing, home educating and running a dog care business, considering ever-increasingly, that what I am, is an author. Inevitable also, that by far the majority of what I write is non-fiction expansion material. Currently this centres very much around rats, dogs and running a small business. I also - in my best moments - am still a poet. My life is currently very fluid. I do own a house in the UK, which is currently rented, and at the moment I live in my motorhome, usually somewhere in the North of England. I did this to escape the treadmill we all so easily slip onto in this busy life, and to apply the principles of minimalism and essentialism to my life. Although I still run the dog care business from wherever I am, and still do some hands-on work in that regard, most of my work time is now taken up with writing. If not writing, you might find me cooking, walking, enjoying the people I love, in an atmospheric pub drinking whisky or real ale, watching Liverpool play, listening to Audible or helping out on my sister's smallholding.

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    Book preview

    Rat Diet - Alison Campbell

    The Scuttling Gourmet Series 6

    Rat Diet: Caution! What NOT to feed your rat?

    Alison Campbell

    Copyright 2017 Alison Campbell

    All rights reserved

    Published by Shunamite Publishing

    Smashwords edition license notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This e-book represents a new era for The Scuttling Gourmet, which was first published in 2003 and is now in its fourth edition. The book still offers a comprehensive guide to wholesome nutrition for rats, and at the moment (2017), is only available in hard copy.

    As part of my current regeneration of the old Shunamite Rats breeding site, into the new online home of The Scuttling Gourmet and all things pertinent to rat nutrition, enrichment and well-being, I have decided to create a series of e-books. My intention is to digitalize the print version of the book, to make it more accessible abroad, and for those who simply prefer this format. The plan is for a series of 7 e-books which will together encompass most of the material contained in The Scuttling Gourmet, plus added extras, such as links to extra information and suppliers. This is book six and the final book in the series should be published mid-2017.

    If you enjoy this book, please bookmark the website and sign up to our free e-newsletter to be the first to find out as new e-books become available.

    Table of Contents


    The question

    The diet

    The presentation (amount/scatter/enrichment)


    Fillers and other unhelpful ingredients

    Food to treat with caution

    Forbidden foods list and foods to exclude


    Upcoming e-book

    About the author

    Other books from Alison Campbell

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    Rat nutrition is a wide-ranging subject, with many opinions and ideas as to what is best to feed your rats. While the book – The Scuttling Gourmet – aims to offer an all-embracing look at rat nutrition, here, we are focusing down on only one area: how to avoid feeing your rats in ways that may do them harm.

    With this in mind, there will be many natural gaps in the information given here, for instance, I don’t discuss how to make up a mix, or indeed what to feed your rats in any given situation. If you are keen to put the information in the book into a wider context, or come across a concept that you wish to expand, then I would encourage you to check out the growing archive of information on The Scuttling Gourmet website, and look out for the other e-books in this series.

    If you need help or clarification while reading this book, please email me at and I will try to assist you.

    The question


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