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Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica
Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica
Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica

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About this ebook

A sizzling hot story of a woman's journey into the world of menage and bondage.

When Helen completes the mysterious application to Sex Camp, she had no idea how it would change her life. She goes from being a lonely divorcee, to the center of many deviant - and pleasurable - sexual acts, each more extreme than the last. She comes to know the ecstasy that can come from having the right partner, or partners in some cases. After writing "bi-curious" on her application, she will find out exactly what that means.
She grows especially fond of Hayden, a movie-star gorgeous member of Camp, who accepts her application and shows her finer sides of life.

Contains the complete Sex Camp Series:
Sex Camp Parts I, II & III
And Bonus Stories:
A Midnight Visitor &
A Visit from Dr. T (Exclusively available in this set!)

Contains BDSM themes and explicit sexual acts with multiple partners. Appropriate only for mature readers.

Release dateApr 9, 2017
Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica


Derendrea is a an author of sensual & entertaining erotica. All of her stories are based on dreams.Recent publications:SEX BLITZ - Hayden gives consent to give up all control. Sequel to the Sex Camp Series.SEX CAMP - Helen explores the world of menage and bondage after being invited to a strange camp.SHACKLES OF THE GENIE - M/M story of an enslaved djinn whose only hope of freedom is a husky hunter.CRASHED IN THE OUTLANDS - An alien woman must rely on four sweaty humans in order to survive a jungle planet.SACRIFICE TO TANGAROA - A young island woman is given to the tempest in attempt to appease the god of the sea.SAVAGED - A woman is pursued by bandits into the wood, but then saved by a husky barbarian.SKIN WALKER - A Native American woman is rescued from would-be kidnappers by a shape shifter.FORGOTTEN - A young woman enters a cybernetic suit during an attack on her home. She must join with the being embedded in the suit in order to survive.PLAIN SKIN - The eldest heir of the king is abducted and sold to barbarians, who tattoo her skin with symbols of their tribe.THE SULTAN'S HAREM - The sultan's favorite, and least receptive slave has an unexpected guest.FOR THE KING - Three men enter the queen's bedchamber. She has the chance to refuse, but she doesn't.SENSITIVE - A woman with a 'sensitive personality' meets a man that sets her nerves on fire.VALKYRIE - A young New York man rescues a creature on his way home. He hides her in his apartment, but can he hide her from her past?A FOREST ENCOUNTER - Two traveling merchants make the mistake of staying overnight in a strange wood.COURTSHIP - A maid lives out her fantasy with her lord. (FREE as part of Derendrea's Erotic Sampler)MY BEST CUSTOMER - A drug addict tells the story of a client that treated her differently than the rest.Stories to look out for in 2019:ANGEL APOCALYPSE - An angel falls in love with a soldier during WWIII.THE SWEETEST FRUIT - A non-biblical retelling of the story of Eve and the forbidden fruit.THE DARKNESS OF SPACE - A woman is lured into detective work on a mining colony.

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    Book preview

    Sex Camp ~ Menage & Bondage Erotica - Derendrea



    Includes Sex Camp Parts I, II, & III

    And Bonus Chapters:

    Midnight Visitor


    A Visit From Dr. T

    By Derendrea

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental (but would be totally awesome!). This is copyrighted work. Do not replicate or distribute without written permission from the author. Brief quotes may be used for a review or critique.

    © 2017 Derendrea Books



    The thin white paper seems restless in my hands. The words are a blurry mess. What kind of application is this? No instructions, no explanation, just a list of questions. Or at least I assume so, from what I can understand of it.

    Mary Grace, my closest work-friend, gave me the application after a discussion about my recent love life failures. Just fill it out, she had said. Then leave it underneath the black door beside SBB on East Ann Street. See what happens.

    Those instructions are not on the application. What is it going to hurt to fill it out? Dutifully I sit at my marble counter and complete the standard questions.

    Name, Address, Gender, Age

    I stare at the blue ink inscribed 39 for a few breaths, thinking I am too old for these silly shenanigans. I give a sigh of defeat and read the next question.

    Sexual Orientation

    Well now, this is sounding more like a dating match event. I suppose that makes sense, though I wouldn’t have guessed Mary Grace to be the type to attend one of those name-tag, stand and change partners meet and greets. If I even got an invitation to go, I would probably come up with some excuse to cancel.

    I write:


    And thinking of the buzz word I’ve heard around, I add...

    & Bi-Curious

    What the hell, it’s not like I am actually going to submit this to anyone. I stare across my tidy, silent living room, the weight of the afternoon pressing on me like too many blankets. Thinking of the leftover TV dinner in the fridge, I read the next questions.

    Any known allergies, Any medical conditions

    I answer None to both, but why do they need to know that? I look on...

    Preferred Sexual Position.

    Heat rushes to my face and I glance around my apartment, checking if anyone sees me reading the application. My word, what is this an application for? Biting my lip, and emitting a very school-girl giggle, I read the question again.

    Wow, that spurns a kaleidoscope of memories, of my first boyfriend Jim, and his musty basement bedroom. And my ex, who at times was a little adventurous, but nothing beyond a quick fuck in the kitchen when I was doing dishes, and a couple times in the shower. Thinking of Leo awakens the familiar bitterness and regret, but it is distracted by tumbling questions and my vivid imagination.

    If I could have it any way, what way would I want? My eyes mist and my mouth waters, thinking of all those possibilities. I answer with a ?.

    Do you prefer to dominate or submit?

    I almost choke though I haven’t eaten. I don’t know much about that culture, I know nothing about sex clubs aside from the stray mention in an R-Rated movie, I don’t read dirty books... but I do know enough to understand the question.

    What should I answer? I have never really thought about it. I re-read the question, imagining a leather-bound dominatrix, whip in hand. That’s not me. But I don’t think I’d really enjoy being whipped, either. I answer with another ?.

    Do you enjoy oral sex? Do you enjoy anal sex? Do you enjoy artificial penetration?

    My head swims, and I would fall if I wasn’t leaning so heavily on the counter. Mary Grace handed this to me, in the middle of our office, and she wasn’t even blushing! Was it some office prank? She wasn’t the type... Not even the gruff guys from maintenance would stoop this low.

    Unless it wasn’t a prank...

    Unless it is real...

    So personal, so private of questions, asked so plainly as if they were asking my favorite food. Some of this I wouldn’t admit to myself, even if I did. Let alone some stranger, with unknown intentions. They might as well have asked me if I masturbate.

    Heat rises across my entire body. I’m almost shaking as I write my response:




    I feel like I will die. This little piece of paper has made me more aroused than I have been in a long time. I re-read the questions and my answers until the page blurs in my vision.

    # # # #

    The application folded into an envelop in my lap, I sit in my car staring at the black door, the only feature of a brick building beside the old-time SBB storefront. No one comes in or out. No one else places suspicious looking letters beneath the door.

    Am I really about to do this? This paper has my name on it, my address. And some other very personal information. It will take a lot of trust for me to place this note under the door. Trust in something I know nothing about. I check myself in the mirror, my straightened brown hair all askew, my makeup a little smeared. Taking out my concealer, I reapply it under my eyes. There’s a lot of vial, evil people in the world. I don’t want to invite them into my life.

    But I guess I’m just lost, desperate, alone enough to try. To hope... for something more. Something exciting.

    I feel like I’m wading through molasses as I cross the sidewalk. No one seems to notice me as I climb the five-step stairway. A freshly painted black metal door waits before me, out of place within the crumbling gray brick building. There’s no number, no windows, no sign. Just a door.


    I place my hand against the warm black metal and lean down to slip my envelope beneath the frame. There’s no sound from within, no one comes out to greet me. After a few minutes of standing there trembling, I walk down the steps and back to my car.

    What a foolish, foolish venture. I write off the whole thing before I return to my apartment.



    The day drudges by slower than usual. I avoid Mary Grace, but once I catch her in the employee kitchen, her smile sparkling a little more than usual, adjusting her wavy red hair loose about her shoulders. I just give her a nod hello and slink back to my office.

    I leave 15 minutes early. Usually so punctual, I’m sure no one will notice, and if they do they will probably think I’m sick.

    I am grateful no one has invented a thought-spying device. All day, not one figure or task crossed my mind. All I thought about was a black door, and questions on a paper, and me flushed and burning stooped over my counter, and some stranger, ravishing me to my heart’s content. I’ve never been so raunchy, so needy, so put off balance. I wish I were a guy with a book of names and numbers, so I could call on someone for a quick fix. At this point I would almost take Leo.


    I drive home alone. I climb the stairs to my apartment alone. I enter the door alone. But here at my feet is an envelope.

    A thousand moths flutter across my skin. The envelope was pushed under my door while I was at work. I glance back at the hallway, but it is empty. I turn back. The envelope is still there. I’m too curious not to pick it up.

    The beige envelope is made of quality parchment, like you would receive for a birthday card or fancy party invitation. I break the seal and pull out equally rich paper. Unfolding it I find a neatly handwritten note, in block letters, obviously from a man:

    Ms. Griffin,

    We have accepted your application.

    We will be contacting you soon to initiate your evaluation.

    I grab the door to keep from falling. Someone read my application. Someone was there, on the other side of that black door. We it says, who is we? What have I started?

    I desperately need to call Mary Grace and get the truth from her, but I can’t bring myself to dial her number. Her voice on the line, saying it out loud, would make this all real, and I’m not sure if I want it to be.

    I talk myself into calming down and shutting my front door, then to put the letter on the counter and sit on the couch.

    My world is turned upside down, but for some reason, I want more. I want to be swept away in this fantasy.

    If this is an office prank, they’ve got me good. I lay back, biting my thumb as my hand drifts between my legs. I imagine some hunk coming through my door and close my eyes, feeling more alone than ever.

    # # # #

    I’ve fallen asleep, but a loud noise tries to lure me from a restless slumber. It’s knocking. There’s a voice at the door. Knocking again.

    Ms. Griffin?

    Coming! I call back. Stiffly I stand, vaguely aware that I fell asleep fully clothed, uncomfortable in my bra and button-up fitted dress. And I haven’t eaten, so says the ache in my stomach. But I have something more pressing to attend to: some stranger knocking at my door past dark, judging by the windows. I make a quick fix of my disheveled hair and open the door.

    Dear god I’m still dreaming. Or at least I hope I am, because if what I think I see is real, I may be going completely nutty.

    Before me stands one of the most handsome, sexiest men I’ve ever seen. And I’ve never seen one such in person, just in movies and magazines. He is model quality gorgeous, and just as well dressed, his body fitting a seamless gray suit. His thick blond-brown hair is just long enough to hold a little style, purposefully wavy and out of place. Well-defined cheeks frame his dark, watchful eyes, and he smiles, offering more proof that he is a figment of my imagination. Real people aren’t that perfect.

    And he’s not alone. To his side and his back is another similarly dressed equally gorgeous man, only different in his dark brown hair, shimmering tan skin, and slightly different build, less muscular but still well-defined.

    My throat emits a nervous laugh and I fall backward. The man closest to me moves swiftly, skillfully, and catches me before I hit the floor. He holds me halfway back, but between his strong arms, I’m not going anywhere.

    In a very deep, rich baritone he asks me, Are you alright?

    I give another breathy laugh as he rights me. Yes... I just... tripped.

    Still holding my arms, the blonde stranger stares at me, memorizing my face. He looks like he’s about to kiss me, and I almost would let him. Hell yes I would let him. I would love to see how those pink-brown lips feel pressed over mine. I catch a trail of what must be very expensive cologne, because it is strong and soft in the same moment. I want to sink my face into his chest and bury myself in his scent.

    But he doesn’t kiss me. Slowly he releases me as I stand on my own, then he backs up to wait at my threshold.

    I can’t believe what’s standing before me is actually real. Sexy, attentive, and polite. What more could a girl ask for in a guy? And times two... I feel like I will pass out.

    Can I... uh... help you? I stutter and laugh like a giddy stoker, pressing my hand on my cheek.

    We received your application.

    My face must be beet red by how it burns. My stomach flutters. I don’t even know what that application was for. Now two gorgeous men are at my doorstep. Is it a call-in service?

    My name is Colin. He offers his hand, and I return the

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