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Quentin Davies, a boyish lawyer, is considered by some of his fellow citizens in Tombstone to be a lovable pain in the neck. Others find him simply a pain in the neck. He defends Mexicans and Indians, and his detractors fear he will put foolish ideas about rights in the heads of these nuisances. One day he intervenes in a sexual assault on the Mexican woman who runs the bath house behind the barbershop and the randy customer, a gunslinger from Yuma, vows to kill him. The Deputy Marshal on duty that day, Wyatt Earp, will not arrest the gunslinger but shows the lawyer how, if he has a mind to, to defend himself.

Release dateApr 16, 2017

Angus Brownfield

Write what you know. I know me and I'm talking to you, reader, in the first person, not the anonymous third person, because when I write I write about me and the world that thrives around me. I wrote decent poetry in college, I couldn’t get the hang of short stories. I finished my first novel so many years ago writers were still sending their works to publishers instead of agents. My first novel was rejected by everyone I sent it to. The most useful rejection, by a Miss Kelly at Little, Brown, said something like this: “You write beautifully, but you don’t know how to tell a story.” Since then I've concentrated on learning to tell a good story. The writing isn’t quite so beautiful but it will do. Life intervened. Like the typical Berkeley graduate, I went through five careers and three marriages. Since the last I've been writing like there’s no tomorrow. I have turned out twelve novels, a smattering of short stories and a little poetry. My latest novel is the third in a series about a man who is not my alter ego, he’s pure fiction, but everyone he interacts with, including the women, are me. My title for this trilogy is The Libertine. Writers who have influenced me include Thomas Mann, Elmore Leonard, Albert Camus, Graham Greene, Kurt Vonnegut and Willa Cather. I don’t write like any of them, but I wish I did. I'm currently gearing up to pay attention to marketing. Archery isn’t complete if there’s no target. I've neglected readers because I've been compulsive about putting words down on paper. Today the balance shifts.

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    Sand - Angus Brownfield


    a short story

    by Angus Brownfield



    Published By

    Angus Brownfield on Smashwords

    Copyright © 2016 by Angus Brownfield

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this Ebook.


    Most everyone liked him, with the exception of those who wished the bothersome Indians and Mexicans would just disappear from Tombstone, it rightfully belonging to the white man. Quentin Davies was not furthering that wish by accepting Indians and Mexicans as clients in his law practice. They were nothing but thieves and drunkards, that bunch said, let ‘em rot in jail.

    Quentin Davies was twenty-five when he arrived in Tombstone, but he

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